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1、Lesson 16A polite requestPre-tasklWhat will traffic police usually do if you park your car in wrong place?lWhat did the writer find on his car during a holiday in Sweden?lWhat does the writer think of the polices request?l parkl trafficl ticketl notel areal signl reminderl faill obey停放停放交通交通交通罚单交通罚单

2、便条便条地段地段指示牌指示牌提示提示无视无视服从服从p:ktrfik tikit nutrisainrimaindfeilubeiParkl 名词名词 n.C1.公园公园;游乐场游乐场This city has many beautiful parks.这城市有许多美丽的公园。这城市有许多美丽的公园。l 2.停车场停车场Theres a car park over there.l及物动词及物动词 vt.1.停放停放(车辆等车辆等)Dont park the car on this street.别把汽车停放在这条街上。别把汽车停放在这条街上。no parking areaTrafficl名词名

3、词 n.U1.交通交通There is too much traffic on the road.这条路上行人车辆太多了。这条路上行人车辆太多了。l2.交通行列交通行列;交通量交通量Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour.高峰时间交通十分繁忙。高峰时间交通十分繁忙。l3.运输运输;运载量运载量;运输业运输业Passenger traffic has gone up by 20 per cent.客流量已增长百分之二十。客流量已增长百分之二十。policemantraffic policetraffic jamtraffic lighttraffic

4、 accidentTicket l名词名词 n.l1.票,券;车票;入场券Admission by ticket only.凭票入场。l2.(货物上的)标签The ticket tells you the price of this dress.标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。l3.证明书,许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照get a ticket罚单;罚单;票票(singleretune)speeding ticket Ex:Harris got a ticket for speeding.lNote c笔记,摘要 常用复数lMake/take notes l便条短信 a note of than

5、ks l leave sb a note l纸币(英国)bill(Am)lDo you want the money in notes or in coins?NoteMoney1 cent 1分 penny 便士 2 pence 2便士5 cents 5分 nickel五分镍币 5 pence 5便士 10 cents 10分dime 10分铸币 10 pence 10便士 25 cents 25分quarter 25分的硬币 25 pence 25便士 50 cents 50分half dollar 50 pence 50便士 1 dollar 1 美元 通常用纸币 1 pound 1英镑

6、 larea n.地段地段larea:场地场地,地段地段(一块对方一块对方),大大地点地点,小地点都可以小地点都可以lA desert area 沙漠地区沙漠地区lA residential rezdenl area 居住区居住区lArea code=zip code =post code 邮政编码邮政编码ldistrict:地区(国家对城市划分)地区(国家对城市划分)lXuan wu district,Beijing,China lAn election district 选区选区lWashington.D.C (District of Columbia)lsign n.指示牌指示牌 tra

7、ffic signs l 手势手势 sign language lV.sign your name ltraffic signs 交通指示牌lstreet signs 街道指示牌la shop-sign 商店招牌la pub-sign 酒馆招牌disposable (用完即可丢弃的用完即可丢弃的)goods please take good care of your belongings.Signl征兆征兆;前兆前兆World trade is showing signs of revival.世界贸易正显示出重新活跃的征兆。世界贸易正显示出重新活跃的征兆。lsign up 签约雇用,签约参加

8、签约雇用,签约参加 lThey manage to sign up all the best performers.l他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同。他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同。fail v.无视,忘记,不及格反义词:succeed.fail in sth(be unsuccessful in sth)Eg.I passed in the Math but failed in Chinese.fail to do sth.不能,没能做到Eg.She failed to reach the final.她未能进入决赛。If you receive a reminder like this,y

9、ou cant fail to obey it.假如你收到这样的提示,你不会不服从的。Fail to do sth.lfail to do(=do not do,cannot do)表表示示“不,不能,没有不,不能,没有”1)他始终每星期给母亲写信。他始终每星期给母亲写信。2)他没有还清债。他没有还清债。I fail to see why you find it so amusing.我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑 He never fails to write(=always writes)to his mother every week.He

10、failed to pay his debts.remind:表示使想起,或“记起,提醒”remind sb.to do.Remind sb.of sth.l我提醒他寄信。l这张照片使我想起了他的父亲。I reminded him to post the letter.This photo reminds me of his father.1.我没有忘记寄你的信。2.替我向你的母亲问好。I remembered to post your letter.Remember me to your mother.Compare:lObey obey rules /orders/law ldisobey

11、 不服从lSoldier are trained to obey without question.(绝对服从命令)l反义词:lBreak/violate valet/go against The United States Military Academy at West Point 美国西点军事学院军人必须服从命令。军人必须服从命令。A soldier must obey orders park 停放 traffic 交通 ticket 交通罚单 note 便条 area 地段 sign 指示牌 reminder 提示 fail 无视 obey 服从课文讲解l If you park yo

12、ur car in the wrong place,a traffic policeman will soon find it.You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.However,this does not always happen.Traffic police are sometimes very polite.During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on my car:sir,we welcome you to out city.This is a“No Pa

13、rking”area.You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.This note is only a reminder.If you receive a request like this,you cannot fail to obey it!1.If you park your car in the wrong place,a traffic policeman will soon find it.lin the wrong place 不合适的地方不合适的地方lwrong adj.不合适的

14、不合适的,lright adj.合适的合适的lHe is the right person who you are looking for.lYou met the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.2、You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.llet(sb.)go 放开,释放,使自由,放开,释放,使自由,He is very angry now.He wont let you go easily.without prep.介词介词l You cant

15、go without paying the bill.l你没有付账不能走。你没有付账不能走。If 引导的叫条件句引导的叫条件句,without后面的名词也叫条件后面的名词也叫条件lWithout+n.如果没有如果没有lWithout water,fish cannot live.lThere is no smoke without fire.3.However,this does not always happen.lhowever:转折副词,作插入语,用逗号与转折副词,作插入语,用逗号与其它成分隔开其它成分隔开lbut 并列连词并列连词leg.Tom was not there,but hi

16、s brother was.leg.However,this does not always happen.l但是情况并不总是这样但是情况并不总是这样。4.Traffic police are sometimes very polite.lSometimes 有时候(常与一般现在时搭配有时候(常与一般现在时搭配)lsome times 几次,几倍几次,几倍lsometime 表示过去或将来的某个时间表示过去或将来的某个时间lsome time 一段时间一段时间5.During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on my car:lSweden swi

17、:dn n.瑞典lSwedish swi:d adj.瑞典的lSwede swi:d n.瑞典人lSwitzerland swtslnd n.瑞士lSwiss sws adj.(人)来自瑞士的;瑞士的;瑞士文化的 n.瑞士人Sweden 瑞典瑞典6.You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.l/Youll enjoy yourself here.l/Youll have a good time here.lpay attention to 注意leg.Please pay attention t

18、o the blackboard.7.This note is only a reminder.If you receive a request like this,you cannot fail to obey it!leg.I reminded him to post my letter.l我提醒他去寄我的信。leg.I remembered to post your letter.l我记得去寄你的信。leg.Remember me to your mother.l代我问候你母亲。leg.I remember posting your letter.l我记得寄过你的信。Language p

19、oints:语言点语言点l1.wrong adj.不合适的不合适的 l right 合适的、正确的合适的、正确的l2.let sb.go 放开、释放、使自由放开、释放、使自由l3.No parking 禁止停车禁止停车l4.cannot fail to obey 不会不服从不会不服从l not fail to do 一定能够做到一定能够做到lI can not fail to pass it.我一定能够通过我一定能够通过。Special difficlties:难点难点lA.police 警察、警方 traffic police 交通警lB.pay attention to(思想上);care

20、(关心、在意);take care of;look after(照顾、照料)lC.remind 提醒 remind sb.to do/ofl remember 记起、记得 remember to do sth.记得要做 remember doing 记得做过了 remember sb.to sb.代某人向某人问候lPolice and Traffic Policeltraffic police 交通警交通警lpolice n.警察警察l n.警察部门,警方(与警察部门,警方(与the连用)连用)lRing the police if there is a burglary.l如果发生入户盗窃就

21、给警方打电话。如果发生入户盗窃就给警方打电话。l 警察(复数)警察(复数)lThe police are questioning a foreign tourist.l警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。l 如果要单指一名警察,可以用如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman或或policewomanlThere is a traffic policeman over there.You can ask him the way to the station.l Remind and Rememberl remind v.提醒提醒l remind sb.of sth.,re

22、mind sb.to do sth.l I reminded him to post my letter.l remember v.记起记起,记得记得l Do you remember?你想起来了吗你想起来了吗?remember sth.l Remember?记得吗记得吗?(可以单独用可以单独用)l remember to do sth.记得要去做记得要去做l Remember to send the letter.l remember doing sth.记得已经做了记得已经做了l I remembered sending the letter.l remember sb.to sb.前者向

23、后者表示问候前者向后者表示问候l Remember me to your mother.代我向你母亲问好代我向你母亲问好 二二.条件状语从句的引导词条件状语从句的引导词1.If conj.如果,假如如果,假如If you ask him,he will help you如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。If you fail in the exam,you will let him down如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。2.unless conj.除非除非,若不若不,除非在除非在的时候的时候 (if.not.)You will fail to arrive there in time unles

24、s you start earlier.如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。Unless it rains,the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。3.so/as long as conj.只要只要 You may borrow my book as long as you keep it clean.只要你保持书的清洁,你就可以把我的书借去。l 2.如果要用从句表达将来的意思如果要用从句表达将来的意思,也只能用一般现也只能用一般现在时态的形式来表达在时态的形式来表达,而绝不能用将来时的形式而绝不能用将来时的形式:l If it rains tomorro

25、w,I will stay at home.l Well go out for a picnic if it is fine next Sunday.l If he has enough money next year,hell go to Europe.l 3.主句的变化形式主句的变化形式:l a).IF-从句中的动词是现在时从句中的动词是现在时,主句中的主句中的shall/will可以用其它情态动词代替可以用其它情态动词代替:l If it rains,we can/must/may stay at home.l If it stops raining we can/may go out.

26、l If you want to lose weight,you must eat less bread.l 条件句条件句(Conditional Sentences)l 类型类型1-真实条件句(真实条件句(Sentences of Real Condition)l 条件句是表示在某种条件或要求下,预期会产生条件句是表示在某种条件或要求下,预期会产生 某种结果的表达方法。在某种结果的表达方法。在“真实条件句真实条件句”中中,IF-从句中假设的情况是有可能实现或发生的从句中假设的情况是有可能实现或发生的.l 1.IF-从句中的动词用一般现在时态从句中的动词用一般现在时态,主句中的动词主句中的动词

27、用一般将来时态用一般将来时态.主句和从句的位置可以互换主句和从句的位置可以互换:l If he is out,Ill call tomorrow.l If he has time,he will come.l Youll miss the train if you dont hurry.l Hell get there in time if he runs.lb).IF-从句中的动词用现在时从句中的动词用现在时,主句还可以是主句还可以是“命令命令,恳求或劝告恳求或劝告”lIf you want to lose weight,you had betterleat less bread.lIf y

28、ou want to lose weight,eat less bread.lIf you see Tom tomorrow,could you ask him to ring me?l4.IF-从句的变化从句的变化:la)从句中可以用现在进行时从句中可以用现在进行时,表示现在的行为表示现在的行为l或将来的安排或将来的安排:lIf you are leaving tomorrow,Ill send you a carlIf you are looking for Peter,youll find him in the library.lb).IF-从句中还可用情态动词从句中还可用情态动词:lH

29、e will come tomorrow if he can.lIf they can help you,they will.l条件状语从句和时间状语从句与主句时态条件状语从句和时间状语从句与主句时态一致的情况一致的情况 l主从复合句中时态一致主从复合句中时态一致l(“主过从过,主将从现,主现从任主过从过,主将从现,主现从任”原原则)则)l条件状语从句的主句是一般将来时,那么条件状语从句的主句是一般将来时,那么从句常常用一般现在时。从句常常用一般现在时。lWhen I grow up,Ill be a nurse and look after patients.l我长大后要当一名护士,照顾病人

30、。我长大后要当一名护士,照顾病人。l1.If I _ you,I _ very happy.lA.were,would be B.am,shall be lC.were,shall be D.am,would bel l2.If he had not lost his money,he _ the piano last week.l A.would buy B.had boughtl C.could have bought D.boughtl l3._I known it,I should have told him.l A.Have B.Had l C.Having D.Ifl l 4._

31、the clouds,you would find the airplane in the sky easily.l A.Were it not for l B.If it had not been forl C.If it were not l D.Had it not been forl l 5.If I had known that,I _ so.l A.wouldnt do B.wont dol C.didnt do D.wouldnt have donel l 6.If it _ so hard,wed go to town.l A.isnt raining B.werent rainingl C.doesnt rain D.isnt going to rain


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