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1、Lesson 3 Please send me a postcard【New words and expressions】nsend v.寄,送寄,送npostcard n.明信片明信片nspoil v.使索然无味,损坏使索然无味,损坏nmuseum n.博物馆博物馆npublic adj.公共的公共的nfriendly adj.友好的友好的nwaiter n.服务员,招待员服务员,招待员nlend v.借给借给ndecision n.决定决定nwhole adj.整个的整个的nsingle adj.唯一的,单一的唯一的,单一的visit:去游览;参观;访问nvisit friends 拜访朋

2、友n visit a museum 参观博物馆n visited London 游览伦敦n visit the sick 慰问病人n经典用法:pay a visit 访问(某人);参观(某地)/She paid us a visit.她拜访了我们。n visit with 访问;看望;美找.聊天闲谈/Stay and visit with me for a while.留下来和我聊一会儿。spend:花钱;付款(2)花时间;度过nHow much money do you spend each week?你每星期花多少钱?nI spent an hour reading.我花了一小时读书。n

3、Come and spend the weekend with us.来和我们一起度周末吧。nHow do you spend your spare time?你业余时间怎么打发?nsend v.寄,送nsend a letter 寄信寄信nsend sth.to sb./send sb.sth.给某人送(寄)给某人送(寄)什么东西什么东西nsend/take children to school:ntake强调某人强调某人亲自送亲自送;nsend则是通过则是通过第三人第三人去送去送,如美国的校车如美国的校车 ntake moon cakes to his wife 自己送自己送nsend m

4、oon cakes to his wife 叫店里的人送叫店里的人送pass1)经过我们经过该镇而未停留We passed the town without stopping.2)经过,过去Two years have passed since he left for France.3)(用手)递;传递 Will you pass me the pepper?.cardnpostcard n.明信片明信片nname card/calling card名片名片 nbank card银行卡银行卡nidentity card/ID card身份证身份证ncredit card信用卡信用卡Post-表

5、示邮政,邮递。在 email.之前,post 是最重要的通信方式。n比如你要给朋友寄本书,你会说:I will send you the book by post.n你要去一个地方叫邮局:nYou have to go to the post office.n你还得付邮费:叫 postage n.邮费,邮资,当然一般你不是直接付,You pay the postage through buying stamps.nStamp 邮票 n post office 邮局;npostman邮递员;n postbag 一批信函;nenvelope信封;npostbox邮筒;npostcode邮政编码;n

6、postmark邮戳Post 做为一个单词的前缀,还有一个重要意思,表示在.之后。n比如:post-war 战后,通常指的是二战之后,比如 post-war America 战后的美国 n有人说他是一个 postgraduate 就是读硕士的研究生 n税后收入就叫 Post-tax income税前:pre-tax income pre-就表示在.之前 npost-80s generation,post-90s generation.spoil(spoiled,spoilt)n vt.弄坏,损坏,糟蹋弄坏,损坏,糟蹋nThe sad news spoiled our weekend.这不幸的消

7、息使我们没能过好周末。这不幸的消息使我们没能过好周末。nThe rain spoiled the school sports.这这场雨把学校运动会弄得一团糟。场雨把学校运动会弄得一团糟。nThis spoiled my day.nWhat you said spoiled me.nHis arrival spoiled my holiday.spoilnvt.宠坏,惯坏,溺爱宠坏,惯坏,溺爱nDont spoil your children.不能太惯孩子。不能太惯孩子。一个被宠坏的孩子叫做:a spoilt kid有位教育家说:nIf you spoil your kids,you will

8、spoil their future.如果你宠孩子,就是毁了他们的未来。词义辨析nspoil:把东西的质量变得不好把东西的质量变得不好;生活中不顺心生活中不顺心的事的事;宠坏宠坏,溺爱溺爱nbreak:打破打破;break the windows 打破玻璃打破玻璃ndamage:破坏破坏,程度不一定很重程度不一定很重ndestroy:破坏破坏,彻底摧毁彻底摧毁n后后三个是指物理上的破坏三个是指物理上的破坏,而而spoil主要指主要指精神精神上的上的public adj.公共的公共的n adj.公共的,公众的,社会的公共的,公众的,社会的nThere is a public library in

9、 this town.nI always sit in public gardens on Sundays.n adj.公开的,众人皆知的公开的,众人皆知的nTheir secret meeting was made public 20 years later.n他们的秘密会晤他们的秘密会晤20年以后才被公开。年以后才被公开。nin public 公开的;in private 私下里的npublic house(酒吧)简称(酒吧)简称pub publicn n.公众,群众,大众公众,群众,大众nThe public is/are pleased with his explanation.公众对

10、他的解释很满意。公众对他的解释很满意。n博物馆在星期天对大众开放。博物馆在星期天对大众开放。nThe museum is open to the public on Sundays.Museum n.博物馆 这个词来自希腊神话中的缪斯女神 Muse,在希腊神话中有 9 位缪斯女神,主管文学,艺术,科学。在英文中带有 muse 这个词根的单词都和文化艺术,娱乐有点关系 比如:音乐 music,音乐家:musician,amuse v.娱乐,使人开心 如果你觉得一个故事很有趣搞笑,就会说:The story is amusing.游乐场:amusement park.博物馆有很多类型:比如:art

11、 museum 艺术博物馆,History museum 历史博物馆 Science museum 科学博物馆 Childrens museum 儿童博物馆 The British Museum,英国伦敦的大英博物馆也是世界上规模最大、最著名的 博物馆之一,成立于 1753 年。It is the largest and most comprehensive(综合性)museum in the world 博物馆拥有藏品 800 多万件 There are about 8 million objects in the museum.The Metropolitan Museum of Art

12、美国纽约的大都会艺术博物馆,建于 1870 年,美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界第二艺术博物馆,仅次于卢浮宫,目前共收藏有 300 万件展品 The Louvre luv in Paris,属于art museum,始建于 1204 年,原是法国的王宫,居住过 50 位法国国王和王后.From the twelfth to the eighteenth century,the Louvre was the home of the ruling families of France.是法国文艺复兴时期 最珍贵的建筑物之一.现在卢浮宫前的玻璃金字塔形入口,是著名华人建筑大师贝聿铭设计的。It was d

13、esigned by a Chinese American architech(建筑师)I.M.Pei.卢浮宫术收藏达 40 万 件以上三大镇馆之宝:分别是爱神维纳斯雕像断臂维纳斯、无头的胜利女 神像和达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎 反义词nin public 公开的公开的nin private 私下里的私下里的nLets have a conversation in private.让我们私下谈谈让我们私下谈谈?nWhy not have a conversation in public?为什么不公开谈呢为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢当面说呢?)friendly adj.友好的单独使用时一般做定语;单独使用

14、时一般做定语;作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好,用用短语短语in a friendly waynHe is not very friendly to John.nShe gave me a friendly greeting.lend v.借给 nlend to(借出借出):):lend sth.to sb/lend sb.Sth.Can you lend me$20 please?Ill pay/give it back tomorrow.borrow from(借进)(借进):borrow sth.from sb./borrow sth.(borrow不

15、能用不能用 borrow sb sth.)He borrowed my pen yesterday.He hasnt given me it yet.借钱人叫 borrower,出借人 lenderThe lender lends money to the borrower.n莎士比亚戏剧 Hamlet 有句名言:nNeither a borrower nor a lender be.注意用了倒装句:意思是,既不要借钱给别人,也不要向别人借钱,n因为 If you lend money to your friend,you will lose both your money and frien

16、d.n如果万一要借,亲兄弟明算账,写一个借条 IOU,I owe you money 的意思,写上归还日期和利息。decidende-向下+cide 切,“切断后路,勇往直前”,做了决定就是义无反顾,坚决向前。n做出决定:decide to do sth,或者 make a decision to do.词汇拓展词汇拓展ndecisive adj.决定性的决定性的ndecided adj.决定了的决定了的nindecision n.优柔寡断优柔寡断nindecisive adj.无决断力的无决断力的nundecided adj.不稳定的不稳定的decision n.决定nmake/take a

17、 decision作出决定作出决定nmake/take a decision to do sthnDecide to do sth nMake up ones mind to do sthnDetermine to do sthnIt was not easy for me to make/take this decision.nHave you made/taken a decision?nmake a big/great decision(big:重大;:重大;great:伟大伟大,更重大更重大)dilemma,dlm,da-左右为难的窘境。冯小刚导演的电影唐山大地震中 有一位母亲,她的儿

18、子和女儿都被压在废墟下,救援人员告诉她,只能救一个 人。The mother faced a dilemma of choosing between her son or daughter.A dilemma is a very difficult decision to make.表示做决定nWould you like coffee or tea?nIt is all the same to me./either is fine./It makes no difference.Do you have to work the night shift?well,it is a must./I

19、have no choice.nDo you think we should make it two or three for the meeting tomorrow?nYou decide./it is up to you.nWhy dont we go to a movie?nIt is decided./it is settled./whatever you say.Waiter n.男服务员 Waitress 女服务员 Tips 小费;TIPS=To Insure Prompt Service The customers will tip the waiters if they do

20、 a good job.理论上可以不给,但一般最低给 10%,自助餐除外。我们中国没有给小费的习惯,但是有句话Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗。即便到美国的中餐馆也要给小费。Single adj.唯一的,单一的 n单一的=only one 这个词主要用来强调只有一个 n单人间:single room.单人床 single bed.n双人间:a double room 双人床 a double bed whole adj.整个的一整瓶牛奶a whole bottle of milktwo whole weeksnthe whole world 全世界直接宾语与间接

21、宾语n双宾语:直接宾语双宾语:直接宾语(表示动作结果,动作所涉表示动作结果,动作所涉及的事物及的事物)和间接宾语和间接宾语(动作目标,动作是谁做动作目标,动作是谁做的或为谁做的,通常是人的或为谁做的,通常是人)。n间接宾语大多数情况下置于直接宾语之前,如间接宾语大多数情况下置于直接宾语之前,如果间接宾语在后,间接宾主前必须加果间接宾语在后,间接宾主前必须加“to”(表示动作对什么人做)或(表示动作对什么人做)或“for”(表示动(表示动作为什么人而做)。作为什么人而做)。nHe taught me Italian.nMe 和 Italian 都是宾语,教授的直接对象是 Italian 所以叫做

22、直接宾语,me 语 法上叫间接宾语。当然,这个语法名词大家只需要了解就好关键你要知道。nHe taught me Italianor:He taugh Italian to me.【把 me 放最后,前面记得加个介词 to】nHe lent me a book.or:He lent a book to me.介词 to 表示动作的方向 nI sent my mom a bunch of flowers.or:I sent a bunch of flowers to my mom.n但是:我为妈妈买了束花:I bought a bunch of flowers for my mom.【为啥用 f

23、or 不用 to,因为 for 表示动作的目的,而不是方向】nI bought my mom a bunch of flowers.n我为妈妈制作了一个生日蛋糕;nI made a cake for my mom.or:I made my mom a cake.toforn间接宾语在后面时,其前必须加to(对而言)或for(为而做)。可以翻译为“给”、“替”、“为”的,就用for;如果只能翻译为“给”的,就用ton与与to相连的相连的give,take,pass,read,sell,buy,hand,bring,show,promise n与与for相连的相连的 buy,order,make,

24、findEvery day I thought about postcards.nEvery dayEvery day,Mike is learning English.n每一天我都在想着期末考试:Every day,I am thinking about my finals.think ofn(1)表示认为 nWhat do you think of my suggestion?nIt sounds good,but I still need to think about it.听上去不错,但我还需要再想想。n(2)表示想起 Whenever a festival comes around,

25、I will think of my family.转折nI read a few lines,but I did not understand a word.n我读了几句,但我我一个字也没理解 I spent the whole day in my room,but I did not write a single card!n我花了一整天待在我的房间,但我连一张卡片也没写。前后语义反差,语义重心在后 na few lines 好几行字 和 not a word 构成了语义上的反差,前多后少,而作者 强调是少;the whole day 和 not a single card 一整天,一张都

26、没有,时间很长,但是成果 少,作者强调是成果少。n虽然我很丑,但是我很温柔。丑:not good-looking,not handsome I am not handsome,but I am gentle and kind.让步表达:nalthough,though,even though 虽然,尽管【特别注意,有 although,就没 but】n虽然我很丑,但是很温柔。Although I am not handsome,I am gentle and kind.n尽管我失败了,但是我不会放弃。Though I have failed,I will not give up.如何表示转折:

27、转折表达:nA,but B nA.However,B.(如果 however 放句首通需要另起一句,前面句号)一般过去时n表示过去一段时间内发生的动作。常与表示过去的时间状表示过去一段时间内发生的动作。常与表示过去的时间状语语yesterday,last week,an hour ago,just now连用。连用。(也和(也和today,this morning,this week,this month,this year等)等)Susan was ill last week.I studied literature in Canada before 2003.n表示过去一段时间内经常或者反

28、复发生的动作。此时,经表示过去一段时间内经常或者反复发生的动作。此时,经常和常和usually,always,often等连用,但是在翻译时,经等连用,但是在翻译时,经常加上常加上“过去过去”I never came to school late when I was a child.Betty often helped me when we were middle school student.国家以及语言nChina ChinesenEngland English nJapan JapanesenItaly Italian nKorea Korean nFrance FrenchnGerm

29、any German Russia Russian nmail 主要用于美式英语,邮寄,跟邮政有关系nIs there any mail this morning?今天上午有邮件吗?I have mailed the letter.我已将该信付邮。n send 除了有“寄”的意思,还有“派遣、打发”的意思,可以send somebody to do something.,而mail 则不能。He sent his son to return the books to the library.他派他儿子把书还给图书馆。Youd better send the letter by air.这封信你最好寄航空。n post 主要用于英式英语,和 mail 的意思和用法差不多,只是 post 作名词使用时,可解作“柱、杆、岗位、海报”等Do you mind posting a letter for me?你能帮我寄封信吗?nThe notice was nailed to a post.布告钉在一根柱子上。npost和deliver都有投递、邮递的意思。n但后者更常见的意思是“交付”和“提供”,譬如某某企业能够为客户交付什么什么服务。前者还有张贴、公布的意思。


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