Unit 1 Words and expressions2 -ppt课件 -(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、B5 U1 Science and ScientistsWords and expressions 2rainbow n.C彩虹彩虹1)风雨过后现彩虹。The rainbow comes after a storm.pour v.倒出倒出;倾泻倾泻;斟斟(饮料饮料)pour out 倒出;倾吐/诉说(思想/感情/经历)pour down 流下;(雨)倾盆而下;pour into/in 涌进1)She poured _ all her troubles to him.2)The rain continued to pour _.3)Light was pouring _ the courtyar

2、d.4)他是那样焦急,泪水顺着他的面颊簌簌地落下。He was so anxious that tears poured down his cheeks.outdowninto/inburst into tears/burst out cryingbe in tearsweeptears roll/run down ones cheekconcrete adj.混凝土制的混凝土制的;确实的确实的;具体的具体的&n.U混凝土混凝土concretely adv.具体地具体地1)The floor is made of concrete.2)混凝土会像岩石一样坚固。The concrete will

3、 be as solid as a rock.3)确凿的证据concrete evidence plasma n.血浆血浆aerospace n.航空航天工业航空航天工业aeroplane n.飞机飞机The Father of Chinas Aerospacepatriot n.C爱国者爱国者patriotic adj.爱国的爱国的patriotically adv.爱国地爱国地/忧国地忧国地1)patriotic united front mechanical adj.机械的机械的;发动机的发动机的;机器的机器的mechanic n.机械师机械师;机械修理工机械修理工machine n.机

4、器机器;机械机械;机械般的人机械般的人1)major in Railway Mechanical Engineeringbreak out (战争/火灾/疾病)爆发/突然开始break down(机器或车辆)出故障;垮掉;失败;消除;分解break in 非法闯入;打断(谈话)/插嘴break into 强行闯入;突然开始(笑/唱/鼓掌等)break up 破碎;分手;解散;拆开break away from 脱离;挣脱1)Her health broke _under the pressure of work.2)They had escaped to America shortly bef

5、ore war broke _.3)You must break _ such a bad habit.4)We had our car broken _ last week.5)Police had to break _ the crowd to maintain order of the meeting.6)他突然露出笑容,说道:“我给你买了样东西。”(非谓语)break-broke-brokendown outaway frominto/inupBreaking into a smile,he said,“I bought you something.”WinterSolstice av

6、iation n.航空制造业航空制造业;航空航空;飞行飞行defend v.保卫保卫;防守防守;辩解辩解defend A from/against B保护A以免受B;in defence of保护;为辩护defence/defense n.防御防御;国防国防defensive adj.防御的防御的1)All mothers will try their best to defend their children _damage.2)The leaders speech _ defence of the policy didnt carry much conviction.3)我们应该向保卫祖国

7、而牺牲了的军人表示敬意。We should pay respects to soldiers who died in defence of our country.from/against“提防的”injet n.喷气式飞机喷气式飞机assistant n.助理助理;助手助手assist v.帮助帮助assist sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 =assist sb.to do sth.=assist sb.in doing sth.assistance n.帮助帮助1)The teacher assists the children _ their tasks.=The teache

8、r assists the children _(finish)their tasks.=The teacher assists the children in finishing their tasks.withto finishassistant n.助理助理;助手助手assist v.帮助帮助assist sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 =assist sb.to do sth.=assist sb.in doing sth.assistance n.帮助帮助with the assistance of 在的帮助下come/go to ones assistance 来/去帮助某

9、人2)他只能靠拐杖走路。He can walk only with the assistance of stick.3)尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。(despite)Despite his cries,no one came to his assistance.1)一位有经验的工程师负责这项工程。An experienced engineer is _the project.=An experienced engineer takes charge of the project.=The project is in the charge of an experienced engineer.

10、in charge ofcharge n.费用;费用;主管;主管;指控;电量指控;电量sb.take charge of 某人负责 sb.be in charge of 某人负责.sth.be in the charge of sb.某物由某人负责 v.收费;指控;充电收费;指控;充电(动作)(状态)charge n.费用;费用;主管;主管;指控;电量指控;电量sb.take charge of 某人负责 sb.be in charge of 某人负责.sth.be in the charge of sb.某物由某人负责free of charge 免费 v.收费;指控;充电收费;指控;充电c

11、harge sb.for sth.为某物向某人收取费用charge sb.with(doing)sth.控告某人(做)某事2)The restaurant charged us$40 _ the wine.3)Gibbons _(charge)with murder last week.(动作)(状态)forwas chargedmissile n.C导弹导弹 Dongfeng missileleadership n.领导地位;领导才能领导地位;领导才能leader n.领袖;领导者领袖;领导者lead v.带路;领导带路;领导/带领带领1)在某人的领导下under the leadershi

12、p of sb./under ones leadership2)他牵着Dickon的手把他领进屋。He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house.trace v.追溯追溯;追踪追踪;查出查出&n.C&U痕迹痕迹;遗迹遗迹;踪迹踪迹trace back to 追溯到 track n.足迹足迹;踪迹踪迹;轨道轨道;&v.追踪追踪;跟踪跟踪 1)不着痕迹地without trace 2)Through reading,I can trace back to ancient Egypt,the cradle of human civiliza

13、tion.3)我最初到那里是为了寻根,探访我妈妈的故乡。(非谓语)I first went there to trace my root,visiting my mums hometown.=date back to outstanding adj.优秀的优秀的;杰出的杰出的;明显的明显的1)出色表现outstanding performance gifted adj.有天赋的有天赋的;有天才的有天才的;天资聪颖的天资聪颖的be gifted/talented in/at sth.在方面有天赋be gifted with sth.具有(令人愉快的特质)gift n.C礼物礼物;天赋天赋have

14、 a gift/talent for sth.在方面有天赋1)He was gifted/talented _ music.=He has a gift/talent for music.2)He was gifted with a superb voice.3)他有迷人的微笑。He was gifted with a charming smile.4)对文学极有天赋,他赢得了今年的诺贝尔文学奖。(非谓语)Gifted in literature,he won the Nobel Prize in literature this year.talentedin/attalentabstract

15、 paintingsabstract n.C(文献等的文献等的)摘要摘要&adj.抽象的抽象的;理性的理性的 steady adj.稳定的稳定的;平稳的平稳的;稳步的稳步的steadily adv.稳定地稳定地;坚定地坚定地;坚固地坚固地1)Ready,steady,go!各就各位,预备,跑!2)steady state定态;恒稳态3)稳定的收入steady income concept n.C概念概念;观念观念come down with.患患(病病);染上染上(小病小病)come about 发生发生come across 邂逅;被理解邂逅;被理解come out 出现出现;盛开盛开;出版

16、出版come to 合计;达到合计;达到come up 走近;发生;被提及走近;发生;被提及come up with 提出提出/想出想出come into being 形成形成1)他染上一种疾病。He came down with a disease.2)天空放晴,太阳出来了。The sky cleared and the sun came e-came-comesuffer from.患患(病病)come down with.患患(病病);染上染上(小病小病)come about 发生发生come across 邂逅;被理解邂逅;被理解come out 出现出现;盛开盛开;出版出版come

17、to 合计;达到合计;达到come up 走近;发生;被提及走近;发生;被提及come up with 提出提出/想出想出come into being 形成形成3)那就是你能想出的最好借口吗?(定语从句)Is that the best excuse(that)you can come up with?came-comesuffer from.患患(病病)astronomer n.C天文学家天文学家astronomy n.天文学天文学astronomical adj.天文学的;极巨大的天文学的;极巨大的furthermore moreover besideswhat is more in a

18、ddition 1)除了聪明之外,他还很勇敢,敢说别人不敢说的话,做别人不敢做的梦。此外,他的意志还非常坚定。Besides being brilliant,he was brave and he dared to say what others were afraid to say and to dream of what others were afraid to dream about.Futhermore,he was quite determined.adv.介词短语介词短语此外此外/而且而且prep.除除.之外之外(还还).brilliant adj.聪颖的聪颖的;绝妙的绝妙的;明

19、亮的明亮的brilliantly adv.光彩夺目地光彩夺目地;出色地出色地;精彩地精彩地;高明地高明地同义词:同义词:bright/clever/smart/intelligentabove all 最重要的是最重要的是;尤其是尤其是after all 毕竟;终究毕竟;终究all in all 总的说来总的说来/总之总之in all 合计;总共合计;总共not.at all 一点也不一点也不/根本不根本不first of all 首先;第一首先;第一 1)All in all,you should not have scolded the boy at all,for he is a chi

20、ld after all.Above all,he made only two mistakes in all.2)A:Your boy broke my window.B:Dont scold him._,hes just a child.3)He is honest.He doesnt like making up an excuse for his failure _.After all at all(强调顺序)(强调顺序)(强调重要性)(强调重要性)=in short=in a wordabove all 最重要的是最重要的是;尤其是尤其是after all 毕竟;终究毕竟;终究all

21、 in all 总的说来总的说来/总之总之in all 合计;总共合计;总共not.at all 一点也不一点也不/根本不根本不first of all 首先;第一首先;第一 4)There are several reasons why school uniforms are a good idea._,uniforms can reduce the psychological comparisons.In addition,uniforms is beneficial to saving studentsmoney and time.5)In my opinion,you must be

22、smart,confident,and,_,honest.(强调顺序)(强调顺序)(强调重要性)(强调重要性)=in short=in a wordFirst if allabove allfault n.C&U弱点弱点;过错过错find fault with 挑的错,找的茬be at fault 有过错;应当负责faulty adj.不完美的;有缺陷的不完美的;有缺陷的同义词:同义词:error/mistake 错误错误 shortcoming/weakness 弱点弱点1)Life can be great when you are not busy_(find)fault with it

23、.2)He is such a stubborn person that he never accepts that he has been at fault.3)不要老是挑别人的错,先反思一下自己。Dont always find fault with others,reflecting on yourself first.findingWell,its all my fault.Okay?shift n.C改变改变;转换转换;轮班轮班&v.转移转移;挪动挪动;转向转向1)the work shift 轮岗,轮班;the day/night shift白/夜班2)Joe听着,不安地把重心从一

24、只脚转移到另一只脚。(非谓语作状语)Joe listened,shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.vivid adj.生动的生动的;鲜明的鲜明的;丰富的丰富的vividly adv.生动地生动地1)有丰富的想象力have a vivid imagination2)周三晚上,我做了个十分逼真的梦,让我很不安。(定语从句)On Wednesday night I had a very vivid dream which really upset me.B5 U1 Science and ScientistsSentences struct

25、ure1.他发现有两条街道的霍乱疫情非常严重,以致于10天内就有500多人死亡。He discovered that in two particular streets the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days.so.that.如此如此.以致于以致于1.It was so noisy in the hall that I couldnt hear what you said.2.He ran so quickly that I couldnt catch him.3.It is s

26、o good a film that I want to see it again.4.There were so few guests that the host felt very sad.5.There was so much snow on the road that the car couldnt move.总结:1.so+_/_+that从句2.so+adj.+_+可数名词单数可数名词单数3.so+few/many+_+that从句4.so+much/little+_+that从句adj.adv.a/an可数名词复数可数名词复数不可数名词不可数名词such.that.如此如此.以致

27、于以致于1.It is such a heavy box that I can not lift it.2.They are such clever boys that their teacher often discuss difficult problems with them.3.It is such fine weather that I want to play basketball outside.总结:1.such+_+that从句名词名词a/an+adj.+可数名词单数可数名词单数adj.+不可数名词不可数名词adj.+可数名词复数可数名词复数so/such 及其成分及其成分放

28、在放在句首句首时,主句要用时,主句要用_倒装。倒装。1.The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.半倒So strong _the wind that we could hardly move forward.2.他取得了飞快的进步以致于老师都表扬了他。He made such rapid progrress that he was praised by the teacher.半倒Such rapid progress _ he made that he was praised by the teacher.部分部分wa

29、sdid1.There was _ much work to do that everybody got tired.2.This is such _ important meeting that everyone should attend it.=This is _that everyone should attend it.3.袁隆平如此伟大以至于我们每个人都非常尊敬他。(部分倒装)So great was Yuan Longping that we all respect him greatly.soanso important a meeting2.让他成为如此杰出和富有创造力的科学

30、家的,就是他对其他事物有浓厚兴趣,比如音乐和绘画。What made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was his strong interest in other things,such as music and drawing.1.They all want to make Jim their monitor.2.What I did made my mother happy.3.Computers make it easier to learn English.4.She makes it a daily habit to

31、do exercise.5.Our English teacher often makes us retell the texts.6.We are often made to retell the texts(by our English teacher).7.I spoke loudly in order to make my voice heard.Make+宾语+宾补donedoadj.n.make+it+adj./n.(for sb.)to do sth.make sb./sth.do 变为被动语态时,原来省略的to要还原。Being exposed to the covid-19

32、will make us _(infect)quickly,so we should take some measures to protect ourselves.First,I think,staying at home is a good way to make us _(stay)safe.Besides,washing hands frequently and wearing masks when going out make _ possible for us to keep away from it.Whats more,I think we should make it a r

33、ule _(exercise)regularly,which can help us strengthen our body.Last but not least,it is a good way to keep a balanced diet to make us _(strength).stronginfectedstayitto exercisePractice makes perfect.1.That Trump had done nothing to deal with the covid-19 made Americans _(anger).2.This makes _ possi

34、ble for agriculture and industry to develop quickly.3.Children should be made _(understand)the importance of saving water.4.Can you easily make yourself _(understand)in English?5.爱可以创造奇迹,让人变得乐观和自信。Love may create the wonder,which makes people become optimistic and confident.6.正是你所说的话让我梦想实现成为了可能。It w

35、as what you said that made it possible for me to achieve my dream.angryto understand understoodit3.他受到了来自祖国英雄般的欢迎。他不仅被任命负责发展中国的火箭科学,还负责中国的太空和导弹计划。He received a heros welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing Chinas rocket science but also its space and missile programme.


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