Unit 4Language Points -ppt课件--(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、1.The audience is curious about how Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut.1.curious adj.好奇的 be curious _sth.对感到好奇;想要知道 be curious _sth.很想做某事about to doThe boy was curious _(know)what the bag contained,so out of curiosity,he opened it and saw the things inside,which satisfied his _.curiosity

2、n._ 好奇心to know 学以致致用用curiosity2.You must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree.你必须足够聪明才能得到一个相关的大学学位。2.intelligent adj.有才智的;聪明的E.g.:Susans a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind.苏珊是一个非常聪明伶俐而且清楚自己想法的女人。Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.1)人类比动物聪明得多。

3、_2)他的智力一般但学习刻苦。_ n._ 智力;聪明intelligenceHe has ordinary intelligence but studies hard.学以致致用用3.Some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space.一些科学家决心要帮助人类实现太空探索的梦想。3.determined adj.决心;决定 坚决的;果断的E.g.:Im determined to study hard.我决心要努力学习。be determined _决心(做)E.g.:She g

4、ave him a bright,determined smile which seemed unnatural.她给了他一个开朗、坚定的微笑,但笑得有点不自然。to do 3.Some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space.一些科学家决心要帮助人类实现太空探索的梦想。3.determined adj.决心;决定 坚决的;果断的determine vt._ to discover the facts about sth;to calculate sth.exactly 查明;

5、测定;准确算出E.g.:We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.我们着手查明那天晚上发生的事情。to decide definitely to do sth 决定,决心做E.g.:They determine to start early.他们决定早点出发。determine表示查明时,后可跟名词或者从句作宾语。3.Some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space.一些科学家决心要帮助人类实现太空探索的梦

6、想。3.determined adj.决心;决定 坚决的;果断的 vt.determinedeterminationE.g.:I admire her determination to get it right.我赞赏她非把事情弄清楚的决心。查明 决定 n._决心;果断;坚定完成句子The Queen was determined _(show)to show it was business as usual.The proposal had been dropped in the face of _ (determine)opposition.He fought the illness wi

7、th courage and_(determine).She_ to learn English.她决定好好利用每分每秒去学英语。学以致用致用to showdetermineddeterminationwas determined to make good use of every minute 4.The Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR.苏联发射了旅伴一号人造卫星。4.launch(1)vt.E.g.:launch a missile/rocket/torpedo 发射导弹/火箭/鱼雷 to start an activity,esp

8、ecially an organized one 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)E.g.:launch an appeal/an investigation/a campaign 开始进行上诉/调查/一场运动 to send sth.into space,into the sky or through water 发射;把(航天器等)发射上天;水中发射 to make a product available to the public for the first time(首次)上市,发行E.g.:The new model will be launched in July.新型号产

9、品将在七月推出。4.The Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR.苏联发射了旅伴一号人造卫星。4.launch(2)n.E.g.:1)The official launch date is in May.正式的发行日期是在五月。2)All the team members joined together to celebrate the successful launch of Shenzhou V Spacecraft.团队成员齐聚一堂,庆祝神舟五号飞船成功发射。the action of launching sth;an event at

10、 which sth is launched(航天器的)发射;(船的)下水;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起完成句子1.船下水是一件大事。_was a big occasion.2.警察已经开始对此事件进行调查。_ into the incident.3.公司的花费也随着一份新星期日杂志的推出而增加。The companys spending has also risen following _学以致用致用The launch of a shipThe police have launched an investigationthe launch of a new Sunday magazine

11、.5.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire to explore the universe never died.这些悲剧使人倍感伤心与绝望,但是探索太空的欲望未曾磨灭。5.desire(1)n.E.g.:We all desire health and happiness.我们都渴望健康和幸福。Fewer people desire to live in the north of the country.想住在这个国家北方的人就更少了。E.g.:They seem to have lost thei

12、r desire for life.他们似乎已丧失了对生活的渴望。a strong wish to have or do sth 愿望;欲望;渴望to want sth;to wish for sth 渴望;期望(2)vt.desire _ sth.渴望去做to do desire _ sth.渴望某物for单句语法填空 1)He desires(join)the army and devote himself to the country.2)Several people have expressed a desire (see)the report.3)Fashion is a compe

13、titive and hard business where peoples desire new ideas is hard to satisfy.4)At yesterdays meeting,the manager desired that the project _(finish)on time.翻译:我们一向希望邻里之间和睦相处。_ to jointo seefor(should)be finishedWe always desire to live in peace with our neighbors.6.This signalled one step further in Ch

14、inas plan to establish a space station in the future.(教材第41页)这标志着中国未来建立空间站的计划又向前迈进了一步。6.signal【观察思考】She signalled that she was about to turn left.她打信号灯表示她要向左转弯。My mother is signalling to me to remove the table.我妈妈在示意我将桌子移开。When you come across the crossing,you should pay attention to the traffic sig

15、nals.当过这个十字路口时,你应该注意交通信号灯。6.This signalled one step further in Chinas plan to establish a space station in the future.(教材第41页)这标志着中国未来建立空间站的计划又向前迈进了一步。6.signal【探究总结】(1)signal vt.&vi.标志着;标明;发信号 signal sth._ sb 向某人示意某物 signal(sb)that 示意(某人)signal(to)sb_sth 示意某人做某事(2)signal n.信号;标志 _ 交通信号灯to dotraffic

16、signalsto完成句子1.他示意要我们加入他。_2.她示意该走了。_3.过马路时要看交通信号灯。_学以致用致用He signalled(to)us to join him.She signalled(that)it was time to leave.Watch the traffic signals when crossing the road.signal(to)sb to do sth.signal that1.This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despi

17、te the huge risks.(P41)这是因为人们坚信继续探索太空的重要性,哪怕面临巨大的风险。【观察思考】【观察思考】Youll have an accident if you carry on driving like that.如果你继续那样开车的话会出事故的。In my opinion,the plan should be carried out immediately.依我看来,那项计划应该立刻实施。It was a difficult project,but we carried it off.虽然工程很艰巨,但是我们成功地完成了。1.carry 相关短语【探究总结】(1)

18、carry on(_)sth 继续(做)某事(2)carry _执行(3)carry _成功地完成;赢得,获得(奖项)(4)carry through 实现;完成;帮助渡过难关doingoutoff学以致致用用用适当的介(副)词填空。After his death,his children will certainly carry_ his career.His strong determination carried him _ his illness.The universal two-child policy has been carried _.onthroughout2.Mankin

19、d is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the universe.人类正在探索太空,希望能更多地了解宇宙。观察:Her parents sent her abroad in the hope that she could get a better education.总结:in the hope of+_ sth.in the hope that+_doing从句(同位语从句)学以致致用用完成句子1.I am writing to you _(希望)you can lend me some money because

20、 mine is running out.2.Bob and his young brother came to New York _ (希望找到)well-paid jobs to support themselves.in the hope thatin the hope of finding1.Despite the difficulties,scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began,but also help us survive wel

21、l into the future.Despite the difficulties,=Although there are many difficulties,despite=in spite of(prep.尽管尽管,即使即使)后后+n./pron./v-ing;although、though、even if/even though(连词连词)后后+句子句子翻译:尽管下大雨,他仍去上学。翻译:尽管下大雨,他仍去上学。_=_ Despite the heavy rain,he still goes to school.Although it rains heavily,he still go

22、es to school.2.Despite the difficulties,scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began,but also help us survive well into the future.not only A but also B=A and B=Future discoveries will enable us to understand how the universe began and help us survi

23、ve well into the future.not only but also 不仅而且2.Despite the difficulties,scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began,but also help us survive well into the future.Not only+be动词/情态v./助动词+主语=Not only will future discoveries enable us to understand ho

24、w the universe began but also help us survive well into the future.Not only 放句首,句子要部分倒装完成句子1)她不仅唱歌唱得好,跳舞也跳得好。_=Not only 倒装:_She not only sings well,but also dances beautifully.Not only does she sing well,but also dances beautifully.3.Afterwards,the USSR focused on sending people into space,and on 12

25、 April 1961,Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003,when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.名词由序数词、the next、the last、the only及形容词最高级修饰时,动词不定式作定语。Thes

26、e disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire_(explore)the universe never died.This signalled one step further in Chinas plan _(establish)a space station in the future.常用动词不定式作定语的名词:way,chance/opportunity,ability,attempt,desire,wish,Ambition(抱负),goal,dream,promise,decision,willingnes

27、s the ability to overcome difficulties;an attempt to fight the disease to exploreto establish 翻译:杨利伟是第一个进入太空的中国人。翻译:杨利伟是第一个进入太空的中国人。_Yang Liwei is the first Chinese to go into the space.4.Over 8 years later,on 20 July 1969,American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon,famously saying,Thats

28、 one small step for(a)man,one giant leap for mankind._(follow)this,many more goals were achieved.Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk,_(follow)by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface.=afterwards;later on=,followed by many more achieved goals.Followingfollowed=.Following this,the vehicle Jade Rabbit was sent to the moon to study its surface.完成句子 老师走进教室,后面跟着她的学生。_ 学生跟着老师走进教室。_Teacher came in the classroom,followed by her students.Following the teacher,students came in the classroom.


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