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1、Unit FiveSolve that Problem With Humor 用幽默化解难题用幽默化解难题Table of Contents1.Language Points2.Difficult Sentences3.Review of the Text4.Key to the Exercise5.Background Information(1)Locker room(2)Caricature(3)Cheshire cat(4)RAFLanguage Points1.1.Chalk up a win(3)获得胜利,得分获得胜利,得分Seattle chalked up another wi

2、n last night with Denver.In 1989,she chalked up the first of her five successive championships.19891989年,她赢得了五连冠的第一次冠军。年,她赢得了五连冠的第一次冠军。2.2.Tardiness(6)迟到迟到Language Points3.Patch up(23)修复关系,解决问题修复关系,解决问题Any ill feeling between them could be patched up with a phone call.两人之间无论有什么不愉快,只要打个电话就和好如初了。两人之间无

3、论有什么不愉快,只要打个电话就和好如初了。They sent him home to patch things up with his wife.他们让他回家赶快和老婆和好。他们让他回家赶快和老婆和好。The meeting was intended to patch up relations between two sides.会议旨在修复双边关系。会议旨在修复双边关系。4.De rigueur(42)符合礼仪要求的,符合潮流的符合礼仪要求的,符合潮流的Evening dress is de rigueur at the Casino.赌博娱乐场要穿晚礼服。赌博娱乐场要穿晚礼服。It was

4、 de rigueur for bands to grow their hair long.那个时候乐团的人都以留长头发为时髦。那个时候乐团的人都以留长头发为时髦。Each room contained the de rigueur American antiques.Each room contained the de rigueur American antiques.Language Points5.one-liner(54),gag(86),俏皮话俏皮话,6.Let somebody off the hook(57)不追究某人的责任不追究某人的责任I dont believe his

5、boss has let him off the hook again.我不相信老板这次又放过他了。我不相信老板这次又放过他了。We almost sued the magazine for libel,but in the end we let them off the hook.我们差一点就起诉那家杂志告他们诽谤罪,但最终我们还是放过了他们。我们差一点就起诉那家杂志告他们诽谤罪,但最终我们还是放过了他们。7.Turn out(70)出席,露面,出门参加出席,露面,出门参加Only 62%the electorate turned out to vote.只有只有62%62%的选民参加了投票

6、。的选民参加了投票。A vast crowd turned out to watch the match.大量的观众到场观看比赛。大量的观众到场观看比赛。The whole village turned out to welcome the pope.全村的人都出来欢迎教皇。全村的人都出来欢迎教皇。Language Points8.fend off(90)抵御,抵挡抵御,抵挡The minister had to fend off some awkward questions from reporters.部长需避开记者提出的某些尴尬的问题。部长需避开记者提出的某些尴尬的问题。He tried

7、 to kiss her but she fended him off.他试图吻她,但她把他挡开了。他试图吻她,但她把他挡开了。A bag or briefcase can be used to fend off an attacker.手袋和手提箱可以用来作为抵御攻击你的人的防身工具。手袋和手提箱可以用来作为抵御攻击你的人的防身工具。9.labor to do something(101)努力努力,奋力做某事奋力做某事Three hours after the explosion,rescue teams were still laboring to free those trapped.爆

8、炸发生爆炸发生3 3小时后,救援队员还在奋力解救被困人员。小时后,救援队员还在奋力解救被困人员。Tom had little talent but labored to acquire the skills of a writer.汤姆虽没有什么写作天分,但他努力地掌握写作技能。汤姆虽没有什么写作天分,但他努力地掌握写作技能。la locker room:a room containing lockers,as in a gymnasium,factory,or school,for changing clothes and for the storage of personal belong

9、ings(学校,体育馆等设有琐柜的)更衣室,衣帽间;寄物柜 grinning like a Cheshire catsmiling very widely.This grinning like a Cheshire catsmiling very widely.This phrase comes from Lewis Carrolls famous childrens phrase comes from Lewis Carrolls famous childrens story story Alice in WonderlandAlice in Wonderland which feature

10、s a Cheshire which features a Cheshire cat who is known for its broad,devilish-looking grin.cat who is known for its broad,devilish-looking grin.paraphrasein Cheshirean complicity:RAF celebrated its 90th birthday on 1 April 2008.Difficult sentences1.A lot of us (13)在面对生活中较为激烈的冲突时,我们中有许多人因采用直截了当在面对生活

11、中较为激烈的冲突时,我们中有许多人因采用直截了当的回击而败下阵来,而来点幽默,也许就能使我们赢得胜利。的回击而败下阵来,而来点幽默,也许就能使我们赢得胜利。We are mounting(开展,发起开展,发起)a campaign to recruit more volunteers.我们正在开展一个活动来招募更多的志愿者。我们正在开展一个活动来招募更多的志愿者。Government forces have mounted(发起发起)an attack on a rebel base.He says he hasnt got any money when(尽管尽管)in fact hes go

12、t thousands of dollars in his account.I dont understand he can say that everything is fine when its so obvious that its not.我不明白为什么他要说一切都很好,实际情况显然并非如此。我不明白为什么他要说一切都很好,实际情况显然并非如此。Difficult sentences2.The supervisor clamped off a smile and walked back to his office.(1819)上司忍着笑,走回自己的办公室去了。上司忍着笑,走回自己的办公

13、室去了。3.In a twinkling,the whole day changed from grim to lovely at both ends of the wire.(39)一眨眼功夫,电话线两端的人的整个一天由阴转一眨眼功夫,电话线两端的人的整个一天由阴转晴。晴。Difficult sentences4.He successfully elbowed (46 48)男孩很顺利地用胳膊肘推开餐厅的双开式弹簧门,男孩很顺利地用胳膊肘推开餐厅的双开式弹簧门,但是门又反弹了回来,把鸡撞到餐厅的地板上但是门又反弹了回来,把鸡撞到餐厅的地板上了。了。5.The trick is to assi

14、gn friendly motive (58).其诀窍就是权当你的对手是心怀好意,微微一其诀窍就是权当你的对手是心怀好意,微微一笑笑适可而止。适可而止。Difficult sentences6.If he crossed it,he might (64)如果他越过这条线,可能一下子就会让政如果他越过这条线,可能一下子就会让政府陷入棘手的劳工争端问题。府陷入棘手的劳工争端问题。7.Suddenly the graying moustache(68)突然,他脸上的那一点灰白胡子向两边微突然,他脸上的那一点灰白胡子向两边微微一翘,像柴郡猫一样咧嘴笑道,微一翘,像柴郡猫一样咧嘴笑道,“你你们都出来看我

15、,真是太好了!们都出来看我,真是太好了!”Difficult sentences8.Next time you find yourself(74)以后当你陷入有关种族问题的尴尬境地时,借鉴以后当你陷入有关种族问题的尴尬境地时,借鉴欧洲共同市场的外交代表们的作法。欧洲共同市场的外交代表们的作法。9.One method is the laugh based on national caricatures.(79)有一种方法就是对民族特征的调侃。有一种方法就是对民族特征的调侃。Difficult sentences10.Of course,laugh is often more than(84 8

16、8)当然,幽默通常不仅仅只是笑笑而已。当幽默以更为巧妙的形式出当然,幽默通常不仅仅只是笑笑而已。当幽默以更为巧妙的形式出现时,就具有特洛依木马的特性:没人会提防它;我们接受它,现时,就具有特洛依木马的特性:没人会提防它;我们接受它,只是因为它看上去有点像个小小的木制玩具。然而,它一旦进来只是因为它看上去有点像个小小的木制玩具。然而,它一旦进来了,就能在城市内引起改革、反叛和抵抗。了,就能在城市内引起改革、反叛和抵抗。11.When life has us in a tight corner,one of the first questions is,“Can I solve this with

17、 a laugh”(96)当生活把我们逼到绝境中时,我们首先要问的一个问题或许就是,当生活把我们逼到绝境中时,我们首先要问的一个问题或许就是,“我们可以用笑声来解决这个问题吗?我们可以用笑声来解决这个问题吗?”Drive/force/put somebody into a corner/tight corner Drive/force/put somebody into a corner/tight corner 使使某人陷入困境某人陷入困境Paint oneself into a corner Paint oneself into a corner The president is like

18、ly to be forced into a corner over The president is likely to be forced into a corner over his latest plans for welfare spending.his latest plans for welfare spending.Difficult sentences12.In increasingly tense debates with the President(107 109)在与总统越来越激烈的争论中,马歇尔据在与总统越来越激烈的争论中,马歇尔据理力争,并开始遭到更强有力的反驳。理

19、力争,并开始遭到更强有力的反驳。13.Shortly thereafter he made a more (115117)很快,他更加客观地研究了马歇尔的建议,很快,他更加客观地研究了马歇尔的建议,终于采纳了加强地面部队这一方案。终于采纳了加强地面部队这一方案。Difficult sentences14.Occasionally,humor goes beyond(118 119)有时候,幽默不仅仅能避免争论,挽回面子或者有时候,幽默不仅仅能避免争论,挽回面子或者保住工作;它还能挽救生命。保住工作;它还能挽救生命。15.As the shrinking(121 126)随着幸存的囚犯人数越来越

20、少,囚犯的生活条件随着幸存的囚犯人数越来越少,囚犯的生活条件越来越恶劣,弗兰克尔和他最亲密的难友极力越来越恶劣,弗兰克尔和他最亲密的难友极力寻找办法来求生。在这些侮辱人格的集中营中,寻找办法来求生。在这些侮辱人格的集中营中,除了营养不良、劳累和疾病以外,因绝望而自除了营养不良、劳累和疾病以外,因绝望而自杀是最大的杀手。杀是最大的杀手。Difficult sentences16.As a psychiatrist,(127 129)作为一个精神病学家,弗兰克尔知道幽默是人最好的求生武器之一,作为一个精神病学家,弗兰克尔知道幽默是人最好的求生武器之一,因为它能让人远离恐怖,即使是片刻的远离也好。因

21、为它能让人远离恐怖,即使是片刻的远离也好。17.If humor can be used successfully against such odds,what cant you and I do with it in daily life?如果在如此艰难的情况下,幽默能成功地运用的话,那么你我在日如果在如此艰难的情况下,幽默能成功地运用的话,那么你我在日常生活中还有什么不能用它来解决的呢?常生活中还有什么不能用它来解决的呢?Odds Odds 困难,不利条件困难,不利条件Left alone,they were fighting against overwhelming Left alone

22、,they were fighting against overwhelming odds.odds.Against all the odds,we won the case on appeal.Against all the odds,we won the case on appeal.尽管困难重重,我们还是上诉打赢了官司。尽管困难重重,我们还是上诉打赢了官司。Against all the odds,she achieved her dream of Against all the odds,she achieved her dream of becoming a ballerina.be

23、coming a ballerina.Review of the text1.他的上司也许正在房间里来回踱步,在演练着开除他的演说词了他的上司也许正在房间里来回踱步,在演练着开除他的演说词了。(pace up and down)His supervisor was probably pacing up and down with a dismissal speech rehearsed.(7)2.在处理我们生活中难以应付的局面时,幽默是一种非常有效的、但却又常在处理我们生活中难以应付的局面时,幽默是一种非常有效的、但却又常常被忽视了的手段。常被忽视了的手段。(effective,neglect

24、ed,handling)(effective,neglected,handling)Humor is a most effective,yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives.(21)3.幽默通常是防止小误会升级到大问题的最佳方法。幽默通常是防止小误会升级到大问题的最佳方法。(keep something(keep something from escalating into)from escalating into)Humor is often the best way

25、to keep a small misunderstanding from escalating into a big deal.(31)Review of the text4.最近,我的一位邻居在妻子开车送他去机场的路上,最近,我的一位邻居在妻子开车送他去机场的路上,与她发生了一点口角。与她发生了一点口角。(have a squabble with somebody)Recently a neighbor of mine had a squabble with his wife as she drove him to the airport.(34)5.那时英国盛行简朴,所以她派孩子们端菜送

26、饭那时英国盛行简朴,所以她派孩子们端菜送饭 。(de rigueur,draft somebody to do something)Austerity was de rigueur in England at the time,and she had drafted her children to serve the meal.(42)Review of the text6.一个眼神,一句幽默,饭桌上令人脸红的尴尬场面很快就变成了一个眼神,一句幽默,饭桌上令人脸红的尴尬场面很快就变成了心照不宣的乐趣了。心照不宣的乐趣了。(one-liner,conspiracy of fun)(one-lin

27、er,conspiracy of fun)A wink and a one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.(54)7.“我的朋友,你让我脱身,我也让你走人。我的朋友,你让我脱身,我也让你走人。”(let somebody off the hook)You let me off the hook,my friend,and Ill let you off.(57)8.“你们都出来看我,真是太好了!你们都出来看我,真是太好了!”他的声音低沉而有回响,他

28、的声音低沉而有回响,“谢谢你们。我们可以进去了吗?谢谢你们。我们可以进去了吗?”(turn out,boom,)“How very nice of you all to turn out to see me!”he boomed.“Thank you.Shall we go in”(71)Review of the text9.有一种方法就是对民族特征的调侃。有一种方法就是对民族特征的调侃。(national caricatures)One method is the laugh based on national caricatures.(79)10.当然,幽默通常不仅仅只是笑笑而已。当然,

29、幽默通常不仅仅只是笑笑而已。(is more than)Of course,humor is often more than a laughing matter.(84)11.例如,有人认为,在第二次世界大战中,英国人挡住了德军的例如,有人认为,在第二次世界大战中,英国人挡住了德军的占领,除了英勇的英国皇家空军以外,还有英国式的幽默也起了占领,除了英勇的英国皇家空军以外,还有英国式的幽默也起了很大作用。很大作用。(do the most to fend off)Some believe,for instance,that,next to the heroic British RAF,Briti

30、sh humor did the most to fend off a German takeover in World War II.(88)Review of the text12.当生活把我们逼到绝境中时,我们首先要问的一个问题或许就当生活把我们逼到绝境中时,我们首先要问的一个问题或许就是,是,“我们可以用笑声来解决这个问题吗?我们可以用笑声来解决这个问题吗?”(have somebody in a tight corner)When life has us in a tight corner,one of the first questions we might ask is,“Can

31、 I solve this with a laugh?”(96)13.最后,在一次异常激烈的会议上,一贯板着脸的马歇尔挤出一最后,在一次异常激烈的会议上,一贯板着脸的马歇尔挤出一丝笑容,笑着说道:丝笑容,笑着说道:“总统先生,您最好还是不要把海军说成总统先生,您最好还是不要把海军说成我们我们,把陆军说成,把陆军说成他们他们吧。吧。”(Marshall,particularly hot session,stone-faced,forced a grin)Finally,during a particularly hot session,the usually stone-faced Marsha

32、ll forced a grin.“At least,Mr.President,”he said,“You might stop referring to the Navy as us and the Army as them.”(109)Review of the text14.很快,他更加客观地研究了马歇尔的建议,终于采很快,他更加客观地研究了马歇尔的建议,终于采纳了加强地面部队这一方案。纳了加强地面部队这一方案。(shortly thereafter,Marshall,buy)Shortly thereafter he made a more objective study of Mar

33、shalls recommendations and eventually bought the ground force concept.(115)15.有时候,幽默不仅仅能避免争论,挽回面子或者保有时候,幽默不仅仅能避免争论,挽回面子或者保住工作;它还能挽救生命。住工作;它还能挽救生命。(go beyond,save)Occasionally,humor goes beyond saving arguments,saving face or saving jobs;it can save life itself.(118)Key to exercise(vocabulary A)1.con

34、frontation 2.frontal3.an ultimatum4.approached5.riot 6.pondering7.buttressed8.did not suffice 9.contagion10.shatteredKey to exercise(vocabulary B)1.tolerance2.studied3.escalated4.chronic5.rehearsed6.truculent7.instantly8.diminish9.defiant10.bolstered Extra1.China has big economic plans and ambitions in Africa that go beyond oil and materials.(Time,Nov,16,2009)中国在非洲有庞大的计划和企图,不仅仅限于石油和原材料。


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