Unit2 Reading语言点ppt课件- -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Natural disastersWelcome to the unit&Reading(II)5.keep your head 6.exit7.to confirm8.safe and sound1.crashed2.at large 3.procedures4.reactionComplete the passage of B1Building your language Key phrases P161.1.遭受轻伤遭受轻伤 L2-3 L2-32.2.整个整个,全部全部L4L4 3.3.紧紧抓住紧紧抓住 L7 L7 4.4.以防以防(万一万一););假使假使 L8 L8 5

2、.5.保持静止不动保持静止不动 L10 L10 6.6.一一就就 L12 L12 7.7.逃生逃生 L1 L13 3 8.8.示意某人做某事示意某人做某事 L L1313 9.9.整齐列队整齐列队 L L1 13 3-14-14 10.10.下楼下楼 L L1515 11.11.匆忙赶往匆忙赶往,冲向冲向 L1 L15 512.12.点名点名 L16 L1613.13.安然无恙安然无恙 L17 L171.suffer slight injuries 2.at large3.hold on to4.in case5.remain still6.the moment7.make ones esca

3、pe8.signal(to)sb.to do sth.9.in an orderly line10.go down the stairs11.rush to12.roll call13.safe and soundPupils lives spared during Falmont earthquake.(title)adj.that is not being used 不用的不用的,闲置的闲置的adj.kept in case you need to replace the one you usually use 备用的备用的adj.available to do what you want

4、 空闲的空闲的,空余的空余的v.to make sth available to sb or for sth 抽出抽出,匀出匀出v.to escape harm,damage,or death 使幸免使幸免/逃脱逃脱v.to do everything possible to do sth不惜(时间或金钱)不惜(时间或金钱)闲置的1.The spare bedroom is on the second floor.2.Take some spare clothes in case you get wet.3.He studies music in his spare time.4.Id lov

5、e to have a break,but I cant spare the time.5.During the bombing only one house was spared.6.He spared no effort to make her happy again.备用的空闲的匀出幸免不惜 Key sentences P161.Alice Brown,head teacher at Falmont Primary School,was teaching when the floor began to shake.L5-6弗尔蒙特小学的校长艾丽斯弗尔蒙特小学的校长艾丽斯布朗正在上课布朗正

6、在上课,这时地板开始摇晃这时地板开始摇晃并列连词并列连词when“这时这时”was/were doing.when.正在做正在做这时这时was/were about to do.when.刚要做刚要做这时这时=was/were on the point of doing.when.刚要做刚要做这时这时即学即练即学即练I was about to take part in the basketball match _ my left leg was injured.He_ (decorate)his house when someone knocked at the door.汤姆正打算放弃,这

7、时他突然想到了一个好主意。_whenwas decoratingTom was about to give up when he suddenly came up with a good idea.(a good idea occurred to him)2.The moment the shaking stopped,Miss Brown sensed it was the best time for the class to make their escape.L12地震停止一停止地震停止一停止,布朗女士就布朗女士就意识到意识到这是他们逃出教室的最这是他们逃出教室的最好时机。好时机。“一一

8、就就”(引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句)the moment/the instant+句子句子 as soon as+句子句子 immediately/instantly+句子句子 on/upon+n./v-ing.No sonner had sb.done sth.than+句子句子(谓谓v.用一般过去时用一般过去时)Hardly sb.had sb.done sth.when+句子句子(谓谓v.用一般过去时用一般过去时)完成句子完成句子The audience clapped excitedly _(一出现)the performer appeared on the stage._(我一

9、到家),I found I had left my jacket on the playground.He had _ finished his work when another work arrived._when another work arrived.No sooner had we reached the seaside _ we sat in a circle and started our picnic.the moment/the instant/as soon asThe moment/Immediately/As soon as I got homethanhardlyH

10、ardly had he finished his work Key phrases P171.1.拯救某人免遭拯救某人免遭 2.2.一系列的一系列的 L1 L1 3.3.在灾难中幸存下来在灾难中幸存下来 L3 L34.4.席卷席卷 L2 L25.5.脱离险境脱离险境 L4 L46 6.某人突然想到某人突然想到L12L127.7.海啸来临的前兆海啸来临的前兆 L12 L128 8.保持冷静保持冷静9 9.提醒某人当心提醒某人当心10.10.即将到来即将到来 L15 L151 11 1.令某人令某人宽慰的是宽慰的是L16L16 1 12 2.撞上撞上 L17-18 L17-18 1.save s

11、b.from sth.2.a series of3.survive the disaster4.race across5.escape danger6.It occurred to sb.that7.signs of an approaching tsunami8.keep ones head9.warn sb.of sth.10.(sth.)be on its way11.to ones(great)relief12.crash into1.a series of huge waves(caused by an undersea earthquake)raced across the oce

12、an near Goldshore and left thousands dead.(1)race:to move very quickly or take someone or something to a place very quickly v.“快速移动快速移动”I had to race home for my homework.我我不得不得不飞奔回家拿家庭作业。不飞奔回家拿家庭作业。【语境应用语境应用】翻译句子。翻译句子。1)I dont know if Ill be fit enough to take part in the race.我我不知道我是否有足够的身体来参加比赛。不

13、知道我是否有足够的身体来参加比赛。2)At the first sight of the score,my heart began to race and my mind went blankly.第一眼第一眼看到分数,我的心就开始狂跳,脑子里一片空白。看到分数,我的心就开始狂跳,脑子里一片空白。3)I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing.我我确保自己听起来很平静,但我的思绪却在飞速运转确保自己听起来很平静,但我的思绪却在飞速运转。(2)leave+宾语宾语+宾补宾补 “使使处处于于(状态状态)”)”adj.prep.(短语短语)现在

14、分词现在分词(v-ing)过去分词过去分词(v-ed)n.adv.1).The operation has left the old man very weak.2).What has left him away for so long?3).His parents were killed and the house was damaged in the hurricane,leaving him a homeless child.4).The earthquake left the city in ruins.5).Dont leave water running after you lea

15、ve.6).Dont leave the work half finished.leave+宾语宾语+宾补宾补(例句例句)It isnt a good idea to leave your children _(get)around outdoors on so hot a day._ after you leave the classroom.不要让门开着就离开教室。Dont _(让水一直流)when you brush your teeth.-It was careless of you to _(你的汽车没锁)all night.-My God.So I did.gettingleave

16、 the water runningleave your car unlockedDont leave the door openPara.2 Recite the sentence1.那天刚开始,金海岸海滩上与往常一样。The day began like any other on Goldshore Beach.2.人们在散步、晨跑,或者就是坐在沙滩上,享受着温暖的海边空气和拂过发际的微风。People were walking,running or simply sitting on the sandy beach,enjoying the warm sea air and the so

17、ft wind that brushed their hair.3.萨布丽娜是这群快乐游客中的一位,直到她察觉到一丝异样。Sabrina was one of the happy tourists until she noticed something odd.1.“海水像啤酒表面的泡沫一样,”她后来解释说。“The water was like the bubbles on the top of a beer,”she later explained.2.“不平静,也没有潮来潮去。海水只是一个劲儿地涌过来,涌过来,再涌过来。”“It wasnt calm and it wasnt going

18、 in and then out.It was just coming in and in and in.”3.萨布丽娜刚在一节地理课上学习了有关海啸的知识。Sabrina had just learnt about tsunami in a Geography lesson.4.她立刻意识到这是海啸来临的前兆。It immediately occurred to her that these were signs of an approaching tsunami.It occurred to sb.that=It hit sb.that 某人突然想到某人突然想到=It struck sb.

19、that译:他译:他忽然想起他把钥匙忘在办公室里了。忽然想起他把钥匙忘在办公室里了。It occurred to him that he had left his keys in the office.It hit him that he had left his keys in the office.It struck him that he had left his keys in the office.萨布丽娜吓坏了,不过她很快冷静下来。Sabrina was frightened,but she soon kept her head.她提醒父母有危险,但一开始他们只当她是在开玩笑。Sh

20、e warned her parents of the danger,though at first they just thought she was joking.不过,萨布丽娜确信,一场可怕的灾难正在逼近,于是便不停地让父母去和安全员谈一谈。However,Sabrina was certain that a terrible disaster was on its way and kept asking her parents to talk to a safety officer.单句语法填空单句语法填空:1.Unfortunately,she _(injure)her arm in

21、 the accident last weekend.2.Traffic lights are there to guide traffic in an_ (order)way.3.The research_(confirm)that the risk of infecting the disease is higher for women so far.4.Almost without thinking,I bent down and_(hug)her tightly.5.A great decline in young workforce is likely_(occur)in China

22、.injuredorderlyhas confirmedhuggedto occur6.News of their safety came as a great_(relieve).7.The expert refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant_(inform).8.Hearing the news,my immediate_(react)was one of shock.9.The girl stormed out of the room and_(crash)the door shut behind her.relie

23、f informationreaction crashedTranslate the following sentences:1.他睡觉前突然想到他还没有完成作业他睡觉前突然想到他还没有完成作业.(it occur to sb.that.)It occurred to him before bedtime that he hadnt finished his work.2.使我非常宽慰的是,所有的学生都在变得更好使我非常宽慰的是,所有的学生都在变得更好.(to ones relief)To my great relief,all the students are becoming better and better.3.尽管尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖.(despite/in spite of)Despite the fact that she tried her best to control herself,her voice was still shaking.Although she tried her best to control herself,her voice was still shaking.


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