
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3228585 上传时间:2022-08-08 格式:PPTX 页数:339 大小:9.29MB
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1、啟用畫筆啟用畫筆產品解答產品解答PPTPPT使用說明使用說明回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁Ready to Go回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁I.Imagine the animals in the pictures below are telling their life stories.Check what they might say to express their feelings.活動式活動式PPTPPT回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁Ready to Go回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁Ready to Go回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁Ready to GoII.Which animal

2、 do you think would be most unhappy if it were kept in a zoo?參考解答參考解答回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁1.I think lions would be the unhappiest animals.Their instinct to hunt for prey is suppressed,against their nature.Think how you would feelif you were not allowed to decide what to eat fordinner.Their family life is als

3、o distorted since in many cases they are deprived of the right to livewith their families.Many lions are not allowedto live together with their cubs.They have no freedom,no support of love,and no socialinteraction.How could lions ever be happy in azoo?Ready to Go 參考解答參考解答返回返回回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁2.Give

4、n their high IQ,chimpanzees must be theunhappiest creatures in the zoo.Confined in anarrow space,they can no longer roam freelyin woods and forests.Their creativity cannotdevelop and as a result the expression of theirinborn energy is blocked.Life comes to an endspiritually if it cannot be expressed

5、 freely.Asa species similar to human beings in so manyways,chimpanzees are particularly vulnerable toconfinement in zoos.Ready to Go 參考解答參考解答回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁3.Elephants are more at the mercy of zoo lifethan any other species.Due to their bulky size,elephants usually have a hard time adaptingthemse

6、lves to relatively confined spaces likezoos.Chronic lack of exercise will depressthese animals in the long run.Their emotionalsymptoms are invisible,however,to humanbeings.Generally speaking,it is hard to perceivethe minute changes in emotions associated withelephants.Ready to Go 參考解答參考解答回目錄回目錄上一頁上一

7、頁Ready to Go 參考解答參考解答4.Who would ever imagine that animals that bounceand leap like kangaroos would suffer moreemotionally than other species?But obviously,since kangaroos are timid animals,being placedin zoos means they are more susceptible to humandisturbance.Under chronic pressure,naturallytimid

8、animals such as kangaroos can be veryunhappy.返回返回回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁Reading Gus was imprisoned for nearly twenty-five years.The long years of captivity made him indifferent to the world.As he became more depressed,he began to swim like crazy.教教冊冊教教冊冊中譯中譯百百分分百百整課朗讀整課朗讀返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-2Som

9、etimes,not knowing what to do,he would just stare into empty space or pace up and down.His appetite gradually diminished.Eventually he developed a tumor.Gus was a polar bear in Central Park Zoo,New York.He died in 2013.教教冊冊百百分分百百中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-3In zoos and marine parks around

10、 the world,countless animals like Gus develop behaviors that they rarely exhibit in the wild.Their strange behaviors mainly result from the lack of space.教教冊冊教教冊冊中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-4Many large mammals roam large distances in their natural environment.If Gus had been a free polar

11、bear in the Arctic,he would have had a million times more space to move around in than his zoo enclosure provided.百百分分百百中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-5The unnatural restrictions of zoos can have severe effects on animals.Many of them show serious emotional problems caused by solitude or bei

12、ng in tiny enclosures without privacy ormental stimuli.教教冊冊教教冊冊中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-6They even actually start harming themselves.Big cats,bears,and wolves tend to walk around their enclosures continuously,some even pulling out their own fur or hitting their heads repeatedly against

13、 a wall.百百分分百百中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-7Giraffes and apes are no better offthey often lick or bite bars and gates.Many zoo visitors mistake these signs of stress in animals for cute behavior.中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-8It is anything but cute,especially when a captive anima

14、l goes completely crazy and kills or seriously injures people,as sometimes happens.百百分分百百Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-9Captivity is also bad for the physical health of animals.A large number of animals held in zoos areoverweight,for example elephants.教教冊冊中

15、譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-10These massive animals need a lot of space so that they can play,bathe in rivers,and exercise freely.百百分分百百中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-11Sad to say,though well fed,elephants in zoos cannot walk around as much as those in the wild do.Obviously,zoos ca

16、nnot accurately reproduce the conditions of the wild.教教冊冊教教冊冊中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-12As a result,elephants raised in zoos usually have a shorter lifespan than those living in the wild areas of Asia and Africa.教教冊冊中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-13Many animals care about more

17、than their basic existence.They delight in roaming through landscapes of great beauty,as well as in the companionship of their families.教教冊冊中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-14At one time our human ancestors understood these things better,and they identified with animals even while hunting them

18、 for food.Perhaps we should let nature run its course.教教冊冊中譯中譯返回返回上一頁上一頁回目錄回目錄Reading part-15After all,wild animals are meant to live in the wild.If we open their cages,we can open our minds.by Eugene Oxford中譯中譯回目錄回目錄Critical Thinking參考解答參考解答返回返回What do you think zoo owners should do if they find an

19、y of their animals showing serious emotional problems?回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁Critical Thinking 參考答案參考答案回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁返回返回(1)I think they should send for someone who is expert in animal psychology to check that animal as soon as possible.Animals live for their own purposes.If they find life miserable and worthles

20、s,they will be as frustrated as humans may be under such conditions.Since the zoo uses animals for the sake of education,they should set a good example for the public by giving priority to the psychological well-being of all the animals they keep.回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁Critical Thinking 參考答案參考答案(2)I think sinc

21、e that animal is emotionally sick,the best way to restore its psychological health is to send it back home and let nature run its course.It is sick because it has lost its power to connect with nature.Therefore,the zoo should release it as soon as possible.They should start a plan to get it back hom

22、e safely.Only through the healing processes of nature can that animal become emotionally healthy again.返回返回Reading 中譯中譯 part-1返回返回Gus was imprisoned for nearly twenty-five years.The long years of captivity made him indifferent to the world.As he became more depressed,he began to swim like crazy.葛斯被囚

23、禁了將近二十五個年頭,漫長的囚禁歲月使牠對外界漠不關心。在變得更加沮喪之際,牠開始發瘋似地游泳。Reading 中譯中譯 part-2返回返回Sometimes,not knowing what to do,he would just stare into empty space or pace up and down.His appetite gradually diminished.Eventually he developed a tumor.Gus was a polar bear in Central Park Zoo,New York.He died in 2013.有時候,牠不知

24、道該做什麼,只是眼神空洞地發呆或者來回踱步。牠的食慾逐漸消失,最後長出一顆腫瘤。格斯是紐約中央公園動物園的北極熊。牠在二一三年離世。Reading 中譯中譯 part-3返回返回In zoos and marine parks around the world,countless animals like Gus develop behaviors that they rarely exhibit in the wild.Their strange behaviors mainly result from the lack of space.在世界各地的動物園和海洋公園中,有無數的動物如同葛斯

25、一般,發展出牠們在野外很少展露的行為。牠們的怪異行為主要是欠缺空間所導致的。Reading 中譯中譯 part-4返回返回Many large mammals roam large distances in their natural environment.If Gus had been a free polar bear in the Arctic,he would have had a million times more space to move around in than his zoo enclosure provided.許多大型哺乳類動物在自然的環境中,都會漫步穿梭於遼闊的

26、空間。如果葛斯是自由地生長在北極的北極熊,牠可以到處活動的空間會比動物園所提供的圍牆區域大無數倍。Reading 中譯中譯 part-5返回返回The unnatural restrictions of zoos can have severe effects on animals.Many of them show serious emotional problems caused by solitude or being in tiny enclosures without privacy or mental stimuli.動物園內種種不自然的限制會對動物造成嚴重的影響。很多動物由於孤獨

27、,或是在狹小的圈禁空間沒有隱私或心智刺激的欠缺,顯現出嚴重的情緒問題。Reading 中譯中譯 part-6返回返回They even actually start harming themselves.Big cats,bears,and wolves tend to walk around their enclosures continuously,some even pulling out their own fur or hitting their heads repeatedly against a wall.動物甚至居然開始自殘。大貓、熊、和狼往往在自己的圈禁空間內不斷走動,有些甚

28、至拔下自己身上的軟毛或一再用頭部去撞牆壁。Reading 中譯中譯 part-7返回返回Giraffes and apes are no better off they often lick or bite bars and gates.Many zoo visitors mistake these signs of stress in animals for cute behavior.長頸鹿和猩猩也好不到哪裡去牠們經常舔欄杆或咬柵門。很多動物園遊客把動物的這些壓力徵兆錯當成可愛的行為。Reading 中譯中譯 part-8返回返回It is anything but cute,especi

29、ally when a captive animal goes completely crazy and kills or seriously injures people,as sometimes happens.這絕非可愛,尤其當圈養動物徹底瘋狂而殺死或重傷人類的時候,這種事時有所聞。Reading 中譯中譯 part-9返回返回Captivity is also bad for the physical health of animals.A large number of animals held in zoos areoverweight,for example elephants.

30、圈養對動物的身體健康也有害。許多被關在動物園的動物都過胖,例如大象。Reading 中譯中譯 part-10返回返回These massive animals need a lot of space so that they can play,bathe in rivers,and exercise freely.這種巨型動物需要很大的空間讓牠們可以在其中玩耍,在河裏洗澡,並且自由地運動。Reading 中譯中譯 part-11返回返回Sad to say,though well fed,elephants in zoos cannot walk around as much as those

31、 in the wild do.Obviously,zoos cannot accurately reproduce the conditions of the wild.不幸的是,動物園的大象雖然吃得飽飽,卻無法像野生象一樣可以到處走動。顯然,動物園無法完全複製野外的生活條件。Reading 中譯中譯 part-12返回返回As a result,elephants raised in zoos usually have a shorter lifespan than those living in the wild areas of Asia and Africa.所以,動物園飼養的大象通

32、常都比那些生活在亞洲和非洲野外的大象壽命較短。Reading 中譯中譯 part-13返回返回Many animals care about more than their basic existence.They delight in roaming through landscapes of great beauty,as well as in the companionship of their families.許多動物關心的不僅是基本的生存而已。牠們喜歡徜徉在極美麗的景色當中,也喜歡有家人的陪伴。Reading 中譯中譯 part-14返回返回At one time our huma

33、n ancestors understood these things better,and they identified with animals even while hunting them for food.Perhaps we should let nature run its course.從前我們人類的祖先更加明白這些事理,在獵食動物的時候也會將心比心。也許我們應該讓大自然自行發展。Reading 中譯中譯 part-15返回返回After all,wild animals are meant to live in the wild.If we open their cages

34、,we can open our minds.畢竟,野生動物原本就應該生活在野外。如果我們打開牢籠,我們就能敞開心胸。回目錄回目錄教冊1回課文回課文Gus was imprisoned for nearly twenty-five years.u nearly 是副詞,意指將近;差不多。例:These archeologists have been studying fossils for nearly twenty-five years.The two pictures hanging next to each other on the wall look nearly the same.字

35、字詞詞大補帖大補帖not nearly一點也不;遠不及(=not at all)例:This winter is not nearly cold.Temperatures are above average for the time of year.回目錄回目錄教冊2The long years of captivity made him indifferent to the world.u make+O+adj.使 顯得 ,形容詞當受詞補語。例:Helping other people always makes me happy.文法文法/句型句型句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄

36、下一頁下一頁教冊3As he became more depressed,he began to swimlike crazy.u as是連接詞,指當 之際,強調兩組動作的同時性,也可以在前面加上 just 強化語氣。例:As they were leaving the living room,the phone rang.Just as he raised his head,the dog ran out of sight.回課文回課文回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁教冊3u like crazy瘋狂地;拼命地,也可以表達為like mad。例:Steve worked like crazy/mad

37、 the whole week to get his term paper done on time.回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊4Sometimes,not knowing what to do,he would just stare into empty space or pace up and down.u not knowing.在此為現在分詞結構,用來修飾主要子句的主詞,表示其主動的狀態。例:Hearing they won first prize in the singing contest,the children all jumped with joy.u 有時候間接問句(wh

38、-word+S+V)可視句意簡化成 wh-word+to V。詳細說明參照本課Grammar Focus I。文法文法/句型句型句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊5Gus was a polar bear in Central Park Zoo,NewYork.知識補給站知識補給站葛斯(Gus)在1985年出生於美國俄亥俄州的Toledo 動物園,在1988年被遷往紐約市的中央公園動物園,從此成為該動物園的明星動物,終其一生吸引了超過兩千萬人前來看牠。從1994年開始,媒體開始注意到牠的異常行為。紐約市的中央公園動物園占地約2.6公頃,創設於1860年代。在1980年代中期進行翻

39、修,以自然的環境取代舊式的籠子,並且於1988年重新對外開放。回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊6In zoos and marine parks around the world,countless animals like Gus develop behaviors that they rarely exhibit in the wild.u countless adj.無數的;數不盡的例:I feel the wonder of nature every time I gaze at the countless stars in the night sky.u 介系詞 like 用於舉例,可替

40、換為 such as。例:I enjoyed reading many of her books,like The Nature of the Psyche.u that 在此為關係代名詞,在子句中當 exhibit 的受詞,先行詞是behaviors。文法文法/句型句型回課文回課文回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁教冊7Their strange behaviors mainly result from the lack of space.u result from 由 引起例:Her rough skin resulted from spending too much time in the sun

41、.字字詞詞大補帖大補帖result in 歸於;造成例:A fall in demand for the product resulted in a price reduction.回課文回課文回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁教冊7u lack of+N 缺乏;不足例:Many of his problems were caused by a lack of confidence.回課文回課文回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁教冊8If Gus had been a free polar bear in the Arctic,he would have had a million times more spac

42、e to move around in than his zoo enclosure provided.u 若假設語氣談論的事與過去事實相反時,if子句的動詞為 had+p.p.,主要子句的動詞為would/could/should/might+have+p.p.。例:If his parents had allowed him to,he might have become a famous e-sports player.文法文法/句型句型句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁教冊8u 表達倍數時,先顯示倍數,再加上比較級或原級。例:This library has fi

43、ve times more books than any other library in the city.This library has five times as many books as any other library in the city.文法文法/句型句型句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊9The unnatural restrictions of zoos can have severe effects on animals.u have an effect on 意指對 造成影響,可以替換成 affect。例:Bad weather often has

44、an effect on my mood.Bad weather often affects my mood.回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊10Many of them show serious emotional problemscaused by solitude or being in tiny enclosureswithout privacy or mental stimuli.u 過去分詞片語 caused by.修飾 problems,是由關係子句 which are caused by.簡化而來的。這是過去分詞在名詞後面加以修飾的用法。p.p.代表被動語態。例:Many fish

45、 die in rivers polluted by toxic waste.Many fish die in rivers which are polluted by toxic waste.文法文法/句型句型回課文回課文回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁教冊11Big cats,bears,and wolves tend to walk aroundtheir enclosures continuously,some even pullingout their own fur or hitting their heads repeatedly against a wall.u tend易於;有 傾向

46、,經常與不定詞搭配。例:Typhoons tend to strike Taiwan and southeastern China during summer and autumn.句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄上一頁上一頁教冊11u some even pulling out.在此為分詞結構,若有連接詞時,必須將分詞改為動詞。要特別注意的是 some 和主要子句的主詞 big cats,bears,and wolves 並非完全指稱相同,因此不能省略,即 Big cats,bears,and wolves tend to walk around their enclosures

47、 continuously,and some even pull out their own fur or hit their heads repeatedly against a wall.。回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊12It is anything but cute,especially when a captiveanimal goes completely crazy and kills or seriously injures people,as sometimes happens.u as 在此為準關係代名詞,是 happens 的主詞。此種情況下的 as 前方可以沒有先行詞。例

48、:Christina stopped crying when she got a gift,as is the case with many children.As is known to us all,money is not able tosolve all problems.句型句型百分百百分百句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊13A large number of animals held in zoos areoverweight,for example elephants.u a large/great number of 或 a great many 意指許多,後面

49、接可數名詞。例:A large number of students at this university come from foreign countries.uheld in zoos 為過去分詞片語,修飾 animals,也可使用關係子句的形式表達成 which are held in zoos。詳見句型解析第10點。文法文法/句型句型回課文回課文回目錄回目錄教冊14These massive animals need a lot of space so thatthey can play,bathe in rivers,and exercise freely.u so that 指以

50、便 ,表示希望產生的目的或結果。詳細說明參照本課 Grammar Focus II。句型句型百分百百分百回課文回課文回目錄回目錄下一頁下一頁教冊15Sad to say,though well fed,elephants in zooscannot walk around as much as those in the wilddo.u 獨立不定詞 to say 前方可以加上形容詞,用來表達某種感覺或態度,如 sad to say(說來遺憾)、strange to say(說也奇怪)、needless to say(不用說)等。例:I have never been to that place


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