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1、中考英语相关场景表达词句汇总一、拍照重点单词和词组4angle 角度angel 天使take a photo 拍照take a picture 拍照put on makeup 化妆 beauty mode 美颜模式 blurry 模糊 touch up a photo 修图 filter 加滤镜life photos 生活照family photo 家庭照 group photo 集体照 wash photos 洗照片 print photos 打印照片get photos printed 让别人打印post photos 发照片 实用例句Excuse me, could you help m

2、e to take a photo?请问能帮我拍一张照吗?Excuse me, could you take a photo of me?可以帮我拍照吗?Could you please take a photo of me and my friends? 请问能帮我和我朋友拍张照吗?Just press here.按这里就可以了。Look at the camera.看镜头。3 2 1 cheese! 茄子Could you take another one?能再拍一张吗?Could you take a few more?能不能再拍几张?Could you take it from thi

3、s angle?可以从这个角度拍吗?You put your finger over the lens.手指挡了镜头。Could I take a photo with you?我能不能跟你合拍?Can I take a selfie with you?我能不能跟你一起自拍?What camera did you use to take that photo?你用了什么相机拍的?I used my smartphone.我用了智能手机。I used a D-SLR camera. 我用了单反。I always like to put on makeup before I take photos

4、.我总是喜欢拍照之前化妆。Do you like to turn on beauty mode when you take photos?你拍照时喜欢开美颜模式吗?Sorry, I think its a bit blurry. 不好意思 有点模糊。Could you take another one?能不能再拍一张?I touched up the photo to make my skin look smoother. 我修了照片 让我皮肤看起来更光滑。I whitened my skin and teeth.我让皮肤和牙齿更白了。I made my chin pointier. 我让下巴

5、更尖了。I made my legs longer.我拉长了腿。Did you use a filter on this photo?你这张照片加滤镜了吗?It doesnt look very natural.看起来不太自然。Do you have any everyday life photos?有没有生活照?Could you send me the photos you took of me via/on WeChat.你拍的照片能不能微信发给我?Lets set up a group.我们开一个群吧.Could you send the photos into the group?能

6、不能把照片发到群里? Lets take a family photo.我们一起拍一个家庭照。Shall we take a group photo?我们要不要拍一张集体照? Could everybody come closer together?大家能不能再紧凑一点?The taller people should stand at the back.高的人应该站后面。Shorter people can come to the front.个子矮的可以到前面来。Those photos look really good. Do you want to get some printed?那

7、些照片真好看. 你要不要洗一些?Im going to post the photos to my Moments.我准备把照片发到我朋友圈。Could you send me the original photo?能不能给我发原图?二、约朋友重点单词和词组menu 菜单invite 邀请 (动词)invitation 邀请(名词)colleagues 同事Not at all. 一点都不Unfortunately /nftntli/ 很遗憾实用例句Whenever youre free, do come round and visit me.有空来我家坐坐Come round for tea

8、.有空过来喝茶。Lets hang out sometime.有空一起出去玩吧。Lets get together. 聚会Are you free on Monday?你周一有空吗?What are you up to on Monday? 你周一干什么?What are your plans for Monday evening?你周一晚上有什么打算?Would you be free to have dinner with me?你有时间和我吃晚饭吗?Would you like to join me for a drink? 你愿意和我一起喝杯东西吗?Would you like to

9、come to my party?你愿意来参加我的party吗?Id like to invite you to my party.我想邀请你参加我的party。Id love it if you could come.你能来我就很开心。Were having a get-together with some colleagues.我们跟同事办一个聚会。Would you like to join us?要不要加入我们?Would you mind if my friend joined us too?我朋友跟着一起,你介意吗 Not at all. The more the merrier!

10、 一点不介意!人越多越高兴!Thank you very much for the invitation.Thank you for inviting me.非常感谢邀请。Its very kind of you to invite me.你能邀请我真是太好了。Id love to come.我很乐意去Id love to.Sounds great!听起来很棒Thank you for asking me, but Im not sure if I can come yet.感谢你的邀请 但是我还不太确定 能不能去。Im not sure if Im going to be free.我不确定

11、有没有空。Ill play it by ear. 我到时看情况。Ill let you know.我会告诉你的。I have something to do.Im sorry, but I have other plans我有事,另外有安排。Unfortunately, that time is not going to work.很遗憾这个时间我去不了。Please come in. Do come in.Come on in.请进。Make yourself at home.请随意。Come into the living room.请到客厅来。Have a seat.Take a sea

12、t.请坐。Sit anywhere you want.随便坐。Ive brought you a bottle of wine. 我给你带了一瓶红酒。Heres a little something for your daughter.我给你女儿带了一个小东西。Wow, you have a great place!Its alright.哇,你家好棒!还好。Should I take my shoes off?需要脱鞋吗?Should I put on slippers?要穿拖鞋吗How long have you been living here?你住在这多长时间了?Thanks for coming.感谢你来。Its great to see you.见到你很高兴。


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