1、Eleventh editionSTEPHEN P.ROBBINSMARY COULTERSchool of Management,Shanghai University我们的市场行为主要的导向因素,第一个是市场需求的导向,第二个是技术进步的导向,第三大导向是竞争对手的行为导向。22.8.1322.8.13Saturday,August 13,2022820 Written in terms of outcomes,not actions Measurable and quantifiable Clear as to time frame Challenging yet attainable
2、Written down Communicated to all necessary organizational members are Documents that outline how goals are going to be met.Including resources allocation,schedules,and other necessary actions to accomplish the goals.Step1 设定目标Step2 制定行动规划Step3 定期审查Step4 绩效评估Qualitative forecasting 定性预测定性预测Using expert judgments and opinions to predict less than precise outcomes(e.g.,direction of the economy).Qualitative Jury of opinion 评审小组意见 Salesforce composition 销售构成 Customer evaluation 顾客评价Costs Variable Unit-Price UnitCosts Fixed TotalBreakeven: