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1、How to write a letter of invitationKay历年考题历年考题 2017.6邀请英国朋友一起郊游 2017.11邀请外教到家里一起过春节 2020.1邀请英国朋友参加你校举办的外国学生中文演讲比赛1.我想邀请你做我想邀请你做./去去-2.接受某人的邀请接受某人的邀请 3.向某人发出诚挚的邀向某人发出诚挚的邀请做某事请做某事4.欢迎你参加欢迎你参加 5.如便尽早,从速如便尽早,从速6.外国学生中文演讲比赛外国学生中文演讲比赛7.如能如能我将感激不尽我将感激不尽1.Id like to invite you to do-/to sp.2.accept ones inv

2、itation3.extend an earnest invitation to sb.to do sth.4.You are welcome to attend.6.A Chinese speech contest for foreign students7.Id appreciate it if you could I would be grateful if you couldUseful expressions1.举行,进行举行,进行2.得知得知3.报名报名4.拨打号码拨打号码5.联系某人联系某人6.提前提前7.如期如期8.为了提高我们为了提高我们对对的兴趣的兴趣9.拓展某人的视拓展某

3、人的视野野 10.丰富某人的学丰富某人的学校生活校生活1.be held/organized/take place 2.knowing/learning/hearing that-3.sign up for-/register for-4.call sb.at+电话号码5.contact sb.at6.in advance/ahead of time7.as scheduled 8.In order to/Aiming to improve our interest in Aimed at promoting our interest in With the purpose of streng

4、thening our interest in9.broaden ones horizons/widen ones eyes10.enrich ones campus lifeUseful expressionsA letter of invitation 邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信 包含以下几个方面:1.写信目的;2.活动事项;3.期待回复。Intention of the letterExpectation of ones replyDetails about an activityBeginning:Body:Ending:A letter of invit

5、ation 邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信 包含以下几个方面:。Intention of the letterBeginning:Body:Ending:Beginning:写信目的:自我介绍,活动简介,发起邀请1.我是李华,我们学校学生会主席。我代表学校邀请你参加我校于8月6号举行的中文演讲比赛。2.我们学校有一场外国学生中文演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。我诚邀你参加-Im Li Hua,_(同位语)of our school.There will_ A Chinese speech contest for foreign students in our school

6、is due to be organized on August 6th.Our school will _.On behalf of/Representing our school hold an Chinese speech contest for foreign students on August 6thbe an Chinese speech contest for foreign students on August 6th in our school._,Im writing to invite you to attend the Chinese Speech Contest _

7、(将要举行)chairman/presidentof the Student Union to be held on August 6th I am writing to sincerely/earnestly invite you to participate in it.Beginning:(思路拓展:思路拓展:Why do you invite him?)3 我写信邀请你参加我校举办的外国学生中文演讲比赛。我写信邀请你参加我校举办的外国学生中文演讲比赛。I am writing to invite you to participate in the Chinese speech cont

8、est for foreign students held by our school._,I feel _ to participate in the competition,whose theme focuses on the cross-cultural communication.Knowing that you have a good command of Chinese culture Since you are fluent in spoken Chinese(原因状语原因状语)it an excellent chance for youA letter of invitatio

9、n 邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信 包含以下几个方面:包含以下几个方面:1.Beginning;intention of the letter(人(人/事事/因)因)2.Body;3.Ending.Details about an activityHow to describe an activity in a concrete&vivid way?Dear Chris,I am sincerely inviting you to join us to go for an outing this weekend.Aiming to enhance our relati

10、on and build up our bodies,the trip involves climbing mountains and a picnic.As is scheduled,the activity will take place at 8:00 a.m.on Saturday at the gate of our school and we hope all the students in our class will take an active part in it.Climbing is an important part of the trip.While pushing

11、 our strength to the limit,we are also breathing fresh air and appreciating the splendid scenery on the way.Hope you wont miss the joyful activity.Your attendance is greatly expected.1.点明目的点明目的3.细化内容细化内容2.确切时间地点确切时间地点4.希望与鼓励希望与鼓励 5.拓展优势和益处拓展优势和益处6.重复深化邀请(不容错过)重复深化邀请(不容错过)How to describe an activity

12、vividly?Body:细化内容细化内容+确切时间地点确切时间地点1 我写这封信是想邀请你参加外国学生中文演讲比赛,比赛将于我写这封信是想邀请你参加外国学生中文演讲比赛,比赛将于10月月4日下午日下午1时在学校报告厅举行。时在学校报告厅举行。2比赛的主题是比赛的主题是“My impression of China”.根据安排比赛将于下根据安排比赛将于下星期五晚上在学校大礼堂举行。星期五晚上在学校大礼堂举行。I am writing to invite you to take part in the Chinese speech contest,_ As is scheduled,the co

13、ntest _“My Impression of China”is _ which will take place at the School Lecture Hall at 1p.m.on October 4th.themeddue to be held next Friday in our schools auditorium.Body:点明目的点明目的+希望与鼓励希望与鼓励4.为提高外国学生对中文学习的兴趣,我们学校将举办以中国文化为提高外国学生对中文学习的兴趣,我们学校将举办以中国文化为主题的演讲比赛。时间为下周五晚上为主题的演讲比赛。时间为下周五晚上8点到点到9点,地点在大礼堂。点,

14、地点在大礼堂。5.你流利的中文和丰富的中国文化知识一定会给观众留下深刻印象。你流利的中文和丰富的中国文化知识一定会给观众留下深刻印象。(with结构结构)To arouse the enthusiasm for-to fuel the motivation for 唤起热情唤起热情-点燃动力点燃动力-_,a Chinese speech contest on Chinese culture will be organized,_ which is scheduled from 8 to 9 next Friday evening in the auditorium.To promote the

15、 foreign students interest in Chinese cultureWith your fluent Chinese and abundant knowledge about Chinese culture,you are bound to impress and inspire the audience.Body:拓展优势益处拓展优势益处+报名联系方式报名联系方式6.这次这次比赛比赛经历定然经历定然/无疑无疑是个锻炼你中文口语的好机会。是个锻炼你中文口语的好机会。7.若我是你的话,定要保握这次若我是你的话,定要保握这次参赛参赛的机会,深化对中国文化的了的机会,深化对中国

16、文化的了解。(虚拟语气)解。(虚拟语气)8.你若感兴趣就不要犹豫,可以浏览官网报名。你若感兴趣就不要犹豫,可以浏览官网报名。()The experience would be _.Were I you,I wouldnt fail to grasp/seize the opportunity/jump at the chance of being a contestant to deepen my insight into Chinese culture.definitely/undoubtedly a rare/golden chance for you to practise oral C

17、hinese.So if youre interested,dont hesitate to go through our official website and for it before the deadline.A letter of invitation 邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信 包含以下几个方面:包含以下几个方面:1.Beginning;intention of the letter(“I”/事件事件/邀请邀请)2.Body;details about an activity(具体生动具体生动)3.Ending.Expectation of a re

18、plyHow to end the letter?Part 3 期盼回复:再次邀请,期盼回复期盼回复:再次邀请,期盼回复1 期待您的到来期待您的到来/参与。参与。2 如果您能尽早确认是否出席,我将不胜感激。如果您能尽早确认是否出席,我将不胜感激。3 那时候你有空吗?请方便时尽快拨打那时候你有空吗?请方便时尽快拨打1234567联系我。联系我。4 请提前通知我您是否回来。请提前通知我您是否回来。5 期待您的参与。期待您的参与。6 您的参与必给晚会增彩。您的参与必给晚会增彩。1.Looking forward to your arrival/involvement.2.I would apprec

19、iate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.3.Will you be available during that time?Please contact/call me at 1234567 at your earliest convenience.4.Please let me know in advance whether or not you will be coming.Ending:(期待与预祝期待与预祝)5.Your attendance/presence/partici

20、pation is highly/greatly expected/appreciated/anticipated.6.Your presence will surely add color to our party.2020.年1月浙江试题:假定你是李华,你校将举办外国学生中文演讲比赛外国学生中文演讲比赛,请给你的英国朋友英国朋友George写封邮件邀请他参加写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:1.比赛时间;2.演讲话题;3.报名方式 谋篇布局之结尾谋篇布局之结尾 常用句式:1.Your presence is highly anticipated.2.I would appreciate it

21、if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.朋友之间需要如此正式如此客套吗?这封信是否需要回复?本题属于朋友间建议性质的邀请建议性质的邀请,故无需要求对方回复。为彰显诚意诚意,可在结尾段表明期待参加期待参加,并可提前预祝预祝对方取得好成绩。Looking forward to your involvement.Wish you a great success!Tips:遣词造句应从适切性角度出发适切性角度出发,根据与写信对象的亲疏程度选择与之相适应的语言,切忌生搬硬套模板句。Ending:(期待与预祝

22、期待与预祝)necessary elements(元素元素)of an activity (who,when,where,what,why,how)organized structure(结构结构)(in the time order时间顺序时间顺序)(highlight of the most important突出重点突出重点body)smooth language (elegant expressions优美表达优美表达)(some advanced sentence patterns高级句式高级句式)(proper linking words适当连接适当连接)How to write

23、a letter of invitation(intention-activity-expectation)批改反馈 1字迹潦草,涂改较多,大小写不分;2 语法薄弱,主被动不分,句子结构残缺;3词汇量小,学校里教的内容不能及时消化吸收;4 有强烈的表达欲望和沟通意识;5 敢于用较难的句子结构去表达;6善于思考,不懂就问,积极乐观。1.每个词并没有列出全部用法及词义,只列出了初中阶段出现并常用的用法及词义。2.对于一些比较模糊、晦涩的例子,不必钻牛角尖,中考考察的都是用法及意义十分鲜明、确定的例子。3.对于课文中的一些特殊的用法要牢记例句,做到一出现就能明确辨认。3.中东地跨三洲,联系五海,沟通



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