Unit 1 A New Start Using language (1) ppt课件(2022)高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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1、UNIT 1A new startUsing language(1)Review:basic sentence structuresMatch the sentences that share the same structures.1I saw a white-haired man.2I replied.3He gave me a smile.4I breathed deeply.5I looked at them in panic.6I was embarrassed.7His words made me a lot more relaxed!a He was friendly.b The

2、 exam made me quite nervous.c I passed him a book.d She agreed.e He wrote a long letter.f He talked loudly.g She looked after her sister patiently.Review:basic sentence structuresLook at the pictures and tell the story with your own ending.See how many different basic sentence structures you can use

3、.句子基本结构句子基本结构1 句子成分句子成分句子是由词按照一定的语法结构组成的,组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分包括主语、谓语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语等。(1)主语:主语相当于句子的话题或主题,一般位于句首,且不能省略(特殊句式除外)。The classroom is very big.教室很大。(名词作主语)We work in a big factory.我们在一家大工厂工作。(代词作主语)Three are enough.三个就够了。(数词作主语)The young should respect the old.年轻人应该尊重老年人。(名词化的形容词作主语)T

4、o see is to believe.眼见为实。(不定式作主语)Climbing mountains is really fun.爬山真是有趣。(动名词作主语)What we need is food.我们需要的是食物。(从句作主语)(2)谓语:谓语必须是动词,谓语和主语在“人称”和“数”两方面必须一致。He is very generous.他很慷慨。She looks very smart.她看起来很聪明。We have finished the job.我们已经完成了工作。He can speak German.他会说德语。(3)表语:位于系动词(如 be,become,appear,

5、seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell 等)后面。He is a teacher.他是老师。(名词作表语)Five plus two is seven.5 加 2 等于 7。(数词作表语)I am not feeling well.我觉得不舒服。(形容词作表语)I must be off now.我现在得走了。(副词作表语)He is not at home.他不在家。(介词短语作表语)My hobby is reading.我的爱好是读书。(动名词作表语)Her dream is to make a movie.她的梦想是要拍一部电影。(不定式作表语)The quest

6、ion was whether Mr.Smith had arrived yet.问题是史密斯先生到了没有。(从句作表语)(4)宾语:通常放在谓语动词或介词后面。Show your passport,please.请出示护照。(名词作宾语)He often helps me.他经常帮助我。(代词作宾语)He likes to sleep in the open air.他喜欢在露天睡觉。(不定式作宾语)I enjoy working with you.我喜欢和你们一起工作。(动名词作宾语)I believe that they can finish the work on time.我相信她们

7、能按时完成工作。(从句作宾语)直接宾语和间接宾语宾语包括直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语表示动作的承受者或结果(通常指sth.),间接宾语表示动作是对谁做的或为谁做的(通常指sb.)。We brought them some food.主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语间接宾语可以放在直接宾语后面,但必须加to 或 for。We brought some food to them.主 谓 直接宾语 介词间接宾语(5)宾补:有些及物动词只有宾语并不能表达完整的意思,还必须在宾语后面加上宾语补足语对宾语进行补充说明。这种“宾语+宾语补足语”称为复合宾语。复合宾语所表达的意思相当于一个句子的意思。宾语补足语表示

8、宾语(一般是名词或代词)发出的动作或身份、特征等。I find learning English easy.我发现学英语很容易。(形容词作宾补)I saw the kite up and down.我看到风筝上下摆动。(副词作宾补)We elected him monitor.我们选他做班长。(名词作宾补)Make yourself at home.别拘束。(介词短语作宾补)The boy ordered the dog to lie down.男孩儿命令狗躺下。(不定式短语作宾补)He could hear his heart beating fast.他可以听见自己的心脏跳得很快。(现在分

9、词作宾补)(6)定语:定语用来修饰名词或代词。The black bike is mine.那辆黑色的自行车是我的。(形容词作定语)Whats your name?你叫什么名字?(代词作定语)They made some paper flowers.他们做了一些纸花。(名词作定语)The boys in the room are in Class Three,Grade One.房间里的男生在一年级三班。(介词短语作定语)The tall boy who is standing there is Peter.站在那儿的那个高个子男孩是彼得。(从句作定语)【误区警示误区警示】一般单个形容词作定语

10、要放在所修饰词前面,形容词短语或从句后置。但是,下列几种情况要后置:修饰复合不定代词something,anything,nothing,anyone,somebody,anybody,nobody 的定语必须后置。Do you have anything important to tell me?你有什么重要的事要告诉我吗?nearby,below,downstairs 等个别方位词作定语时要后置。Can you see the village below?你能看到下面的村庄吗?The people downstairs are listening to a talk now.楼下的人正在听

11、演讲。(7)状语:状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。它表示行 为发生的时间、地点、目的、方式、程度等。They missed me very much.他们非常想念我。(程度状语)Without his help,we couldnt work the problem out.没有他的帮助,我们无法解决这个问题。(条件状语)In order to catch up with my classmates,I must study hard.为了赶上我的同学,我必须努力学习。(目的状语)When I was young,I could swim well.当我年轻的时候,我游泳游得很好。(

12、时间状语)指出下列画线部分的类别及在句中所作的成分指出下列画线部分的类别及在句中所作的成分第一组(1)The villagers are celebrating the harvest.(2)We often speak English in class.(3)To know everything is to know nothing.(4)Saying is easier than doing.(5)Why he did such a thing is not clear.第二组(6)Henry likes walking.(7)They look after the twins.名词;主语

13、代词;主语不定式短语;主语动名词;主语从句;主语动词;谓语动词短语;谓语第三组(8)Andy and I are friends.(9)Im sixteen.(10)The book is mine.(11)Leaves have gone yellow.(12)We are here.(13)He is out of condition.(14)Our duty is to make our environment better.(15)My hobby is playing computer games.(16)Time is pressing.(17)Thats where the ri

14、ver joins the sea.名词;表语数词;表语代词;表语形容词;表语副词;表语介词短语;表语不定式短语;表语动名词短语;表语现在分词;表语从句;表语第四组(18)The workers are building a bridge.(19)We should learn from her.(20)How many do you want?I want two.(21)I cant afford to take dancing lessons.(22)Im looking forward to meeting her.(23)Did you write down what he said

15、?(24)Remember to write us a letter please.(25)I will return the book to you tomorrow.(26)My friend bought a gift for me.名词;宾语代词;宾语数词;宾语不定式短语;宾语动名词短语;宾语从句;宾语名词;直接宾语代词;间接宾语名词;直接宾语第五组(27)All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(28)The news made him happy.(29)Please keep the dog out.(30)I found him i

16、n trouble.(31)Tom made the girl cry.(32)She asked me to lend her a hand.(33)Im sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.(34)Last year,they heard their house rebuilt.名词短语;宾语补足语形容词;宾语补足语副词;宾语补足语介词短语;宾语补足语不带to 的不定式;宾语补足语不定式短语;宾语补足语现在分词短语;宾语补足语过去分词;宾语补足语第六组(35)The pink dress is Marys.(36)His name is T

17、om.(37)Two boys need two pens.(38)He works in a trade company.(39)The little boy needs Lisas help.(40)The boy in blue is Tom.(41)There is nothing to do today.(42)There is nothing interesting in this book.(43)The smiling lady is very kind.(44)The pen bought by her was made in China.(45)No one is allo

18、wed to speak aloud in the reading room.(46)Is he the man who wants to see you?形容词;定语代词;定语 数词;定语名词;定语名词所有格;定语介词短语;定语不定式;定语形容词;(后置)定语现在分词;定语过去分词短语;定语动名词;定语从句;定语第七组(47)Unfortunately,David missed the train.(48)He often goes to work by bus.(49)Ten years ago,she began to live in Dalian.(50)I come speciall

19、y to see you.(51)Seeing its mother,the baby smiled.(52)When he was 12 years old,John came to China.副词;状语副词;状语介词短语;状语不定式短语;状语 现在分词短语;状语从句;状语2 简单句的基本句型简单句的基本句型(1)主语+谓语(S+V)They laughed.他们笑了。The guests have arrived.客人们到了。(2)主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O)He has accepted our invitation.他已经接受了我们的邀请。You should not give u

20、p studying.你不该放弃学习。(3)主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P)He is a scientist.他是一位科学家。That argument sounds reasonable.那个论据听起来有道理。(4)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO)He gave me a letter.(=He gave a letter to me.)他给了我一封信。He bought me a new coat.(=He bought a new coat for me.)他给我买了一件新外套。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】常用的可接双宾语的词:和to 搭配的动词有bring,give,ha

21、nd,leave,lend,offer,owe,pass,post,promise,read,sell,send,show,take,teach,tell,throw,write 等。和for 搭配的动词有book,buy,call,choose,cook,do,fetch,find,get,keep,save 等。(5)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(S+V+O+C)We call him Jack.我们叫他杰克。We must keep our classroom clean.我们必须保持教室干净。We found everything in good order.我们发现一切都井然有序。T

22、he teacher asked us to retell the story.老师让我们复述故事。I saw them playing on the playground.我看见他们在操场上玩。I had my bike stolen.我的自行车被偷了。(6)主语+谓语+状语(S+V+A)He talked too much.他说得太多了。Jim runs in the park.吉姆在公园里跑步。(7)主语+谓语+宾语+状语(S+V+O+A)He put the coffee on the table.他把咖啡放在桌子上。I listened to her story carefully.

23、我认真听了她说的情况。(8)存现句(there be)Theres a restaurant around the corner.拐角处有一家餐馆。There are two people waiting outside.有两个人正在外面等候。【误区警示误区警示】在there be 句型中,be 动词在人称和数上要和紧靠它的主语保持一致。There is a ruler,two pens and five books in the schoolbag.书包里有一把尺子、两支钢笔和五本书。分析下列句子结构分析下列句子结构(1)I want to make a good first impress

24、ion.(2)I had my first maths class at senior high.(3)I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.(4)We had our chemistry class in the science lab.(5)I didnt feel awkward or frightened.(6)My favourite subject is physics.(7)I plan to become an engineer in the future.(8)The child is sleeping.(9)I come from South Africa.(10)David showed me the way.(11)My dream is to start my own IT company.S V O S V O A S V O CS V O A S V PS V PS V O AS VS V OS V IO DO S V PTHE END


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