Unit 3 Family Matters Using language (2)ppt课件-2022-2023学年高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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1、UNIT 3Family mattersUsing language(2)Physical appearances Read the email and answer the questions.From Penny To Anna Subject A family memoryHi Anna,Great to hear from you!Yes,we had a fantastic holiday.Mum,Dad and I went camping in Beidaihe.In fact,we stayed at the same campsite as we did ten years

2、ago.Dad showed me a photo we had taken then just see how time flies!Dad has changed quite a bit!In his thirties,he was quite thin and pale,and he had red,bushy hair.Nowadays,hes well-built and tanned.Hes always had a square jaw,but now hes grown a beard.Strangely,his beard is still red even though h

3、is hair is turning grey!Mum looks almost the same,though.She still has smooth skin and straight black hair,and jogging has kept her slim and fit.I still have light skin and black hair,of course.But I usually wear my hair in a ponytail these days as it has got a lot longer.Mum says I had cute rosy ch

4、eeks,but now I have freckles.I think they are kind of cute too,right?Cant wait to see you back in school!Penny 1What did Pennys dad look like ten years ago?2What does Pennys mum look like now and why?3How does Penny look different now compared to ten years ago?He was quite thin and pale.He had red,b

5、ushy hair and a square jaw.She looks almost the same as she did ten years ago,with smooth skin and straight black hair,because jogging has kept her slim and fit.Her hair has got a lot longer and she wears it in a ponytail.She also has freckles on her cheeks now.Underline the words and expressions us

6、ed to describe appearances in Activity 4 and put them into the table.Add any more you can think of.Face Hair Skin Height and build square jaw,red beard,rosy cheeks,freckles 可补充:thick lips,round face,handsome red,bushy,grey,straight,black,ponytail,long 补充:curly,loose,blonde pale,tanned,smooth,light 可

7、补充:sallow,fair,rough,wrinkled,ruddy thin,well-built,slim,fit 可补充:stout,skinny,overweight,broad-shouldered Work in pairs and describe how your family members physical appearances have changed.My mother was/had.Now she is/has got.Saying sorry to family members Did You Know?The International Day of Fam

8、ilies,which was set by the United Nations in 1993,is held on 15 May every year.The day celebrates the importance of families.It aims to deepen peoples understanding of issues that are related to families.With a different theme each year,the day is observed with a wide range of events that are organi

9、sed at local,national and international levels.Listen to the conversation and choose the feelings that the speakers express.b,d,f听力原文听力原文 Alice:sadly Mum,its me.Mum:Alice?Whats wrong?You sound upset.Alice:sadly I knew it.Mum:Oh,no!I forgot,didnt I?Your concert was today,and I missed it!Alice:It wasn

10、t a concert.It was the school play.And yes,you missed it.Mum:Alice,Im so sorry!I was really busy with work.Someone was off sick,so I had to do his work,too.Alice:Couldnt you have asked someone else to do it?I know work is very important to you,its just.Everyone said I was really good in the play.I w

11、anted you to see it,too.Mum:Im sorry I didnt make it,dear.You worked so hard on your part,and Im so proud of you.I should have been there.I promise Ill never do it again!Can you forgive me?Alice:Its all right.I understand youre very busy.But youve worked so much recently.You need some time off to re

12、lax.I dont like seeing you so tired and pale.Mum:I know,dear.Perhaps next week I could take a day off,and we could go to the countryside.Alice:happily That sounds wonderful!We can go camping and have a picnic in the hills.Mum:And we can really talk and catch up!Alice:Id love that!Mum:OK,Ill talk to

13、my manager about it.Bye for now!Alice:Bye,Mum!Love you!Listen again and complete Alices journal entry.Saturday 22 September Today,I was in a(n)1,but Mum missed it.Later,on the phone she apologised and explained that she was busy with work because someone was 2.I wish she had come!I know shes been bu

14、sy recently,and I understand that.Im just worried about her.I dont like seeing her so 3 .I think she needs to take some time off work to 4.I told her my worries.To make up for it,next week we plan to go to the 5 together.Well go camping and have a(n)6.Most importantly,well have time to talk and 7.Im

15、 really looking forward to it!Now talk about how Alices mother makes an apology.Listen again if necessary.school playoff sicktired and palerelaxcountrysidepicniccatch upLanguage points核心词汇核心词汇 教材原句p.29 Something that happens regularly in the present.现在经常发生的事情。1 regularly adv.经常;定期地As I grow older,I

16、like to reread the classics regularly.随着年龄渐长,我喜欢经常重读经典著作。We meet regularly,once a month.我们定期见面,每月一次。【单词积累单词积累】regular adj.经常的;定期的;规则的 Do you take regular exercise?你经常锻炼吗?【词语辨析词语辨析】regular,normal 与 ordinaryregular“定期的,规则的”,指已有模式是有规律的或定期的。normal“正常的,标准的”,指不超过某种限度、符合某种标准或常规。ordinary“普通的,平常的”,强调一般性和普遍性,

17、含不突出的意味。题组练领悟方法单句语法单句语法填空填空(1)We used to write to each other_(regular),but I havent heard from him sincelast year.(2)Mary put on weight last year,but she managed to lose weight by taking exercise _(regular).选选词填空(词填空(regular/normal/ordinary)(3)The old woman shops here on a _ basis.(4)Its _ to feel t

18、ired after such a long trip.(5)I strongly believe that most _ people would agree with me.regularlyordinaryregularlyregularnormal教材原句p.29 Who s responsible?谁负责?2 responsible adj.(对事故、错误、罪行等)负有责任的,应承担责任的;(对某人、某事)负责的;引起的;有责任心的搭配搭配:be responsible for 对负有责任/负责;是的原因 I feel partly responsible for the probl

19、ems were in.我觉得我应为我们遭遇的问题负部分责任。Last months bad weather was responsible for the crop failure.庄稼歉收是因为上个月天气恶劣。She is a responsible secretary.她是一个尽职尽责的秘书。【对比记忆】Sb.is responsible for.某人对负有责任/负责。Sth.is responsible for.某事是的原因【单词积累】responsibility n.责任,职责,义务a sense of responsibility 责任感have responsibility fo

20、r(doing)sth.有(做)某事的责任take responsibility for(doing)sth.承担(做)某事的责任单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现 Mike is responsible_ the exchange study programme.(2)They have responsibility _ ensuring that the rules are enforced.(3)The minister took full _(responsible)for the disaster and resigned.完成句子完成句子(4)The city council

21、_(对负责)keeping the streets clean.(5)The poor health _(是的原因)his quitting the job.(6)她对她的学生有很强的责任感。She has _.forresponsibility is responsible for is responsible forfor a strong sense of responsibility towards her students教材原句p.30 Strangely,his beard is still red even though his hair is turning grey!奇怪的

22、是,尽管他的头发变白了,他的胡子还是红的!3 even though 虽然,尽管(=even if)I will have a try even though I should fail.哪怕失败,我也要试一下。Even though Im quite a shy person,I like staying in contact with people.我尽管性格内向,也喜欢和人保持联系。词汇复现Even if conditions are tough,they will never quit their dreams.即使条件艰苦,他们也绝不会放弃自己的梦想。【词语辨析词语辨析】even i

23、f/even though 与与 as if/as though完成完成句子句子(1)Well support you_(即使你不成功).(2)I wont give up,_(即使我失败)a hundred times.选词填空(选词填空(eventhough/asthough)(3)2019浙江卷 _ there is a common spirit among all music groups,theymake very different music.(4)It looked _ the storm had an awful lot of force.(5)Allow children

24、 the space to voice their opinions,_ they are different from your own.even though/even if you dont succeed even though/even if I fail Even though As though even though教材原句p.31 It aims to deepen people s understanding of issues that are related to families.它旨在加深人们对与家庭有关问题的理解。4 aim v.&n.(1)v.力求达到;瞄准;针

25、对The rules are aimed at preventing accidents at work.这些规定旨在防止工作事故。The book is aimed at very young children.这本书的对象是幼童。(2)n.C目标,目的;U瞄准 Im confident that they have the ability to achieve their aims.我相信他们有能力实现他们的目标。词汇复现Slowly he raised his bow and began to take aim at the bird.他慢慢地举起弓,开始瞄准那只鸟。单句语法填空单句语法

26、填空(1)We should aim _ a bigger share(份额)of the market.(2)Theyre aiming _ training everybody by the end of the year.(3)She went to London _ the aim of finding a job.完成完成句子句子(4)Advertising of food and drinks which _(针对)children shouldbe banned.(5)词汇复现 The media made a comment that Tom was an excellent

27、athlete who _(目标是赢得金牌).(6)词汇复现 She started the organization _(旨在帮助)the local people.foratwithis aimed ataimed to win the gold medalwith the aim of helping教材原句p.31With a different theme each year,the day is observed with a wide range of events.每年都有不同的主题,人们组织各种活动来庆祝这一天 5 observe v.庆祝,过(节日、生日等);观察;注意到;

28、遵守We usually observe the Spring Festival in our country.我们国家通常过春节。She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察并记录它们的日常活动。I observed my father chatting with a stranger.我注意到我父亲在和一个陌生人聊天。词汇复现We must observe the law.我们必须遵守法律。【误区警示】observe sb.do sth.变为被动语态时,不定式要加上 to。He was

29、observed to follow her closely.有人看到他紧跟着她。单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)They are shocked to find in this town the traffic rules are not strictly _(observe).(2)An airplane was observed _(appear)on the screen of radar last week.(3)The policeman observed him _(drive)at the speed of 90 miles per hour.写出下列句中写出下列句中 obser

30、ve的含义的含义(4)Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe the traditional customs._(5)词汇复现 It is a tradition for the people here to observe the Spring Festival._(6)词汇复现 The scientist devoted most of his lifetime to observing the behavior of thechimps._(7)The thief was observed to op

31、en the window and run away._drivingobservedto appear庆祝观察遵守注意到6 range n.一系列v.在某范围内变化a range of services 一系列服务The magazine covers a wide range of subjects.这本杂志涵盖了广泛的主题。The apartment is in our price range.这套公寓在我们能承受的价格范围内。词汇复现The prices of the trousers here range between 30 yuan and 1300 yuan.这里裤子的价格从

32、30 元到 1300 元不等。完成句子完成句子(1)词 汇 复 现Our senior middle school offers _(各种各样的)after-school activities.(2)It is difficult to find a house _(在我们的价格范围内).(3)The team contained ten players whose ages_(在 10 到 16 岁之间).(4)The cat stayed well _(离远远的)the children.a wide range of in our price range ranged between 1

33、0 and 16/ranged from 10 to 16 out of range of7 event n.C活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等);事件,大事搭配搭配:in the event 结果,到头来the major sporting events 重大体育赛事a historic event 历史性事件an important event 重要事件current/the latest events 当前事件/最新事件We thought there would be problems,but in the event everything went smoothly.我们想可能会出问题

34、,但结果一切都很顺利。【词语辨析词语辨析】event,accident 与与 incidentevent 尤指重大事件或比赛项目。accident 强调偶然或意外发生的不幸的事故。incident 既可指小事件,也可指政治上有影响的事件或事变。a traffic accident 交通事故 a shooting incident 枪击事件完成句子完成句子(1)The teacher told us to list _(最重要的事件)of the year.选选词填空(词填空(event/accident/incident)(2)Newspapers usually send special j

35、ournalists to the place where major _ take place.(3)Although badly hurt in the _,the driver was still able to make a phone call.(4)The most recent major _ was an explosion at a mine.(5)The discovery of X-rays was a big _ in the history of physics.the most important eventseventsaccidentincidentevent教

36、材原句p.31 Later,on the phone she apologised.后来,她在电话上道歉了8 apologise v.道歉(=apologize)搭配搭配:apologise to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而向某人道歉He was not going to hold his breath for her to apologise.他不想屏息等她来道歉。Id like to apologise for my behavior yesterday.我想为我昨天的行为道歉。词汇复现I must apologise to Sarah for my lateness

37、.我迟到了,一定得向萨拉道个歉。【单词积累】apology n.道歉,认错 accept/demand an apology 接受/要求道歉【学法点拨】“因(做)某事而向某人道歉”的其他表达:say sorry to sb.for(doing)sth.make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.offer sb.an apology for(doing)sth单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The manager apologised _ Judy for not arranging for someone to meet her at theairport.(2)T

38、hey do not have the courage to apologise _ their deeds.(3)You should apologise _ him _ what you said.(4)He made an apology to the teacher for _(come)late.完成完成句子句子(5)I think you should _(因你的无礼而向他道歉).tofortoapologise to him for your rudenessforcoming教材原句p.31 Placing stress on particular words can have

39、 a big impact on the meaning and strength of apologies.重读特定的词语会对道歉的诚意和力度产生很大的作用。9 stress n.重音,重读;压力,紧张;强调v.强调;重读In“abuse”the stress falls on the second syllable.abuse 一词的重音在第二音节。Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.人在压力之下办事情就容易出差错。I think the company places too much stress on cost

40、 and not enough on quality.我认为公司对成本强调有余,而对质量重视不足。He stressed the importance of a good education.他强调了良好教育的重要性。【单词积累单词积累】stressed adj.(人)焦虑的,紧张的 stressful adj.(事物)充满压力的,紧张的完成完成句子句子(1)One of the most effective ways to _(减 轻 压 力)is to talk aboutfeelings with someone you trust.(2)James _(强调了的需求)more hous

41、ing downtown.单句单句语法填空语法填空3)She has been _a lot of stress since her sons injury.(4)词汇复现 When we get _(stress),we tend to breathe more quickly.(5)I didnt know it was a _(stress)job when I took the position.(6)During his speech,he laid particular stress _ the freedom of the press.reduce stressstressed

42、the need forunderstressedstressfulon10 impact n.作用,影响;冲击力v.(对)产生影响The book made a great impact on its readers.这本书对读者产生了很大的影响。The impact of the stone against the windowpane broken the glass.石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。It is obvious how bad movies will impact on children.坏电影对儿童会产生什么影响是显而易见的。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】affect/influence

43、 sb./sth.影响某人/某事have an effect/influence on/upon 对有影响单句单句语法语法填空填空(1)词汇复现 A study shows drinking coffee before exercise has a negative impact _ the heart.(2)词汇复现 We are having a heated debate about the impact _ computers _ children.完成完成句子句子(3)To tell the truth,smoking _(对健康有不好的影响).on/uponofonhas a ba

44、d impact on ones health11 strength n.U强烈程度;力量,力气;C优势,长处I was surprised by the strength of her feelings.她感情之强烈让我吃惊。She didnt even have the strength to stand up.她甚至连站起来的力气都没有了。The great strength of our schedule lies in its simplicity.我们这个日程表的最大优势在于它简单易行。词汇复现【词义比较词义比较】strength 体力,力气power 权力;能力;动力 force

45、 武力,暴力energy 能量;活力,精力【单词积累单词积累】strength n.strengthen v.加强;巩固单句单句语法填空语法填空(1)To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their_(strength)and weaknesses.选词填空(选词填空(strength/power/force/energy)(2)Believe it or not,_ can never destroy right(正义).(3)People should have more

46、_ over the decisions that affect their lives.(4)Finally,the man lifted the big box with all his _.(5)You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret?strengthsforcepowerstrengthenergy重点句式重点句式教材原句p.30 Can t wait to see you back in school!等不及要回学校见你了1 can t wait to do sth.迫不及待地要做某事(=can hardly waitt

47、o do sth.)We cant wait to get started.我们迫不及待地想开始。I can hardly wait to learn the result of the exam.我迫不及待地想了解考试成绩。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事cant help(to)do sth.不能帮助做某事cant help but do sth.不得不做某事I cant help feeling sorry for the poor man.我不禁为这个可怜的男人感到难过。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Laura could hardly wait _(see)the twins again.(2)Hearing the news,she couldnt help _(laugh).完成句子完成句子(3)When Jim was told that he could go on a journey to China with his father,he _(迫不及待地收拾行李).(4)我不得不佩服她。_to seelaughingcouldnt wait to pack upI cant help but admire her.THE END


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