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1、Unit 3 On the moveWords and language pointsWords1.represent v.Brown areas on the map represent deserts.He hated the school and everything it represented.He was chosen to represent the company at the conference.Her greatest ambition was to represent her country at the Olympics.This treatment represen

2、ts a significant advance in the field of cancer research.Paintings in medieval times often represent religious themes.2.All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts content with a ball made of plastic bags 在世界各地你都可以看到孩子们心满意足地踢着用塑在世界各地你都可以看到孩子们心满意足地踢着用塑料袋团成的球料袋团成的球content n.a feeling o

3、f quiet happiness and satisfactory 满意;满足满意;满足to ones hearts content to the full extent of ones desires,as much as one wants 尽情地,心满意足地尽情地,心满意足地 That is a supervised play area where children can run around to their hearts content 那是那是一处能让孩子们尽情游玩且有人看管的地方一处能让孩子们尽情游玩且有人看管的地方。We sang away to our hearts co

4、ntent.我们尽情地歌唱。我们尽情地歌唱。She is content with her job at the moment.她目前她目前对对自己的工作非常自己的工作非常满意满意。I was content to wait.我愿意等候。我愿意等候。content adj.满足的满足的 愿意的愿意的拓展拓展content手提箱里的东西手提箱里的东西书籍目录书籍目录信的内容信的内容果汁中的含糖量果汁中的含糖量 the contents of the suitcase the contents of a book the content of a letter the sugar content

5、of juicen.容纳物容纳物 目录目录 主要内容主要内容,实质实质 含量含量拓展拓展with contents defence against with*5.I can assure you it is much,much more important than that.*assure vt.to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is definitely going to happen,especially when they have doubts about it 向向保证保证,使某人使某人确信确信assure sb of sth as

6、sure sb that-clause Shes perfectly safe,I can assure you.我可以向你保证,她绝对安全。我可以向你保证,她绝对安全。We assured him of our support.我们向他保证给予支持。我们向他保证给予支持。You think I did it deliberately(故意地)故意地),but I assure you(that)I did not.你认为这是我故意干的你认为这是我故意干的,不过我向你保证不是的。不过我向你保证不是的。我可以向你保证,足球比生死更重要得多。我可以向你保证,足球比生死更重要得多。1.许多国家正在建

7、立国家公园,在那里动植物许多国家正在建立国家公园,在那里动植物 可以得到保护可以得到保护。Many countries are now setting up national parks _ animals and plants can be protected.2.我向你保证这个项目会成功。我向你保证这个项目会成功。I _the success of the project.I _the project will succeed.3.令人惊奇的是政府把税收提高这么多仍再次令人惊奇的是政府把税收提高这么多仍再次当当 选了。选了。It was surprising the government

8、was re-elected,_they had raised taxes so much.4.Lets go somewhere where we can talk _.让我们去一个我们可以畅所欲言的地方让我们去一个我们可以畅所欲言的地方。where根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。assure you of assure you that given thatto our hearts content6.available adj.可用的,可获得的;可用的,可获得的;(人人)有空的有空的观察与思考:观察与思考:Tickets are still available n

9、ow.Not enough data is available to scientists.Every available space on the wall was covered in pictures.Tents are available to assist teens who want to go camping in the wild.7.skip v.跳绳跳绳 n.skipping观察与思考:观察与思考:I think we can skip the third chapter.If a student often skip school or skip class,his or

10、 her parent will be asked to see the headmaster.Many young people skip breakfast,which is not a healthy habit.keep a balance for you to keep your balance keep the balance of nature balance againstkeeping a balanced diet travelling in in responded to help powerful has died to find to work was inspire

11、d be persuaded to persuade language pointsFrom Text 11.Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon,we 想想当年想想当年尼尔尼尔阿姆斯特朗阿姆斯特朗曾想把足球带上月曾想把足球带上月 球,我们球,我们 Usually,I am sensible with money,as I have to be,given that I dont earn that much.我花钱通常是很明智的。考虑到自己挣得不多,必我花钱通常是很明智的。考虑到自己挣得不多,必 须这样

12、做。须这样做。Given that there was so little time,I think theyve done a good job.考虑到没有多少时间,我认为他们算是做得不错了。考虑到没有多少时间,我认为他们算是做得不错了。given prep.=because of a particular fact;taking sth.into account 基于基于(某一事实某一事实);鉴于;考虑到鉴于;考虑到 Given Considering 回到,返回回到,返回 追溯到追溯到 违背诺言违背诺言重新开始,重操旧业重新开始,重操旧业 dating 3.It was then kno

13、wn as cuju(kick ball),a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside.cuju(kick ball)和和a game之间是什么关系?之间是什么关系?using a ball of animal skins with hair inside 修修饰谁?作什么成分?饰谁?作什么成分?All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts content with a ball made of plastic.how they use their bodie

14、s to pass,score and defend can be amazing to see or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.4.That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.That football is such a simple game to play作什作什么成分?是什么从句?么成分?是什么从句?how they use their bodies to pas

15、s,score and defend can be amazing to see.1.That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.That we are invited to the concert this evening is good news to us.我们被邀请去参加今晚的音乐会,这我们被邀请去参加今晚的音乐会,这 对我们来说是个好消息。对我们来说是个好消息。That he hasnt phoned is odd.他没来电话是很奇怪的。他没来电话是很奇怪的。在一

16、个复合句中,由一个句子作主语时,这个在一个复合句中,由一个句子作主语时,这个句子叫主语从句。句子叫主语从句。that 引导的引导的主语从句,主语从句,位于句首时,位于句首时,that不能省略。不能省略。足球是非常简便的一项运动足球是非常简便的一项运动,这或许是它这或许是它受欢迎的最根本的原因。受欢迎的最根本的原因。5.It breaks down walls and bring people together on and off the field.Their car broke down on their way home._Talks with business leaders brok

17、e down last night._World War I had broken out months before,but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together-2)put down观察与思考:观察与思考:She put down her bag and went upstairs._If someone often put you down,he or she may not be your real friend._Put down your name and addre

18、ss here._The uprising(起义起义)was put down by the police and army._4.Football as we know it today started in Great Britain,where the game was given new rules.This is the city where I grew up.这就是我长大的城市。这就是我长大的城市。Can you tell me the office where he works?你能告诉我他工作的办公室吗?你能告诉我他工作的办公室吗?()插入语插入语定语从句定语从句先行词先行词

19、where 引导定语从句,在引导定语从句,在定语从句中充当定语从句中充当地点状语地点状语。where引导定语从句的常见五种情形:引导定语从句的常见五种情形:我们所熟知的现代足球始于英国,在那里这项我们所熟知的现代足球始于英国,在那里这项运动被赋予了新的规则。运动被赋予了新的规则。(1)先行词为先行词为具体地点具体地点名词名词,如如 place,town,city 等等 There are cases where the word“mighty”is used as an adverb.在一些情况下在一些情况下,mighty 一词可用作副词一词可用作副词。They developed their

20、 friendship to a stage where they often share sorrow and happiness.他们的友谊已经发展到了同甘共苦的地步。他们的友谊已经发展到了同甘共苦的地步。We are just in a situation where there are no good theories explaining what consciousness actually is and how you could ever build a machine to get there.我们正处于这样一种情况下:没有好的理论来解释意识我们正处于这样一种情况下:没有好的

21、理论来解释意识 到底是什么,以及如何建造一台机器来进入意识当中。到底是什么,以及如何建造一台机器来进入意识当中。(2)先行词为表示先行词为表示“情况情况,情形情形”的名词的名词,如如:case,condition,situation,stage,position 等。等。So let us summon(唤起,呼吁唤起,呼吁)a new spirit of patriotism(爱国主义爱国主义),of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only our

22、selves,but each other.(3)先行词为表示先行词为表示“情感情感”的名词的名词,如如:relationship,spirit,enthusiasm,desperation 等。等。(4)先行词为表示先行词为表示“语言语言,交流交流”类名词类名词,如如:language,interaction,speech。I had several interactions with him where he said some good things about you.在我和他的交流当中,他说了一些关于你的好的事情在我和他的交流当中,他说了一些关于你的好的事情。所以,让我们唤起一种新的

23、爱国主义精神,一种责所以,让我们唤起一种新的爱国主义精神,一种责任感,在这种精神中,我们每个人都决心投入到工任感,在这种精神中,我们每个人都决心投入到工作中来,更加努力地工作,不仅照顾我们自己,而作中来,更加努力地工作,不仅照顾我们自己,而且照顾彼此。且照顾彼此。We have reached a point where a change is needed.我们到了必须改一改的地步。我们到了必须改一改的地步。He has worked so hard in preparing for the exam to the point where he can even recite the who

24、le article.他如此努力地准备这场考试,以至于最后整篇文章他如此努力地准备这场考试,以至于最后整篇文章 都背下来了。都背下来了。The crisis has reached a point where the receiver will have to be called in.危机已达到非把破产管理人叫来的不可的地步。危机已达到非把破产管理人叫来的不可的地步。(5)the point where 到达某一点到达某一点1.A good government is not to pick technologies,but to establish conditions _ innovat

25、ion is supported and encouraged into the marketplace.2.The situation in central London,_ drivers spent 50%of their time in queues,became so bad _ the government decided to do something about it.3.Sales director is a position _ communication ability is just as important as sales skills.wherewherethatwherelanguage pointsFrom Text 2


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