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1、课程主题: 非谓语+综合8授课时间:学习目标非谓语专题复习;阅读专题巩固教学内容1.practice doing sth他的笔头英语很好,但是他需要练习说。His written English is very good but he needs to practice speaking it.practice n.$I need to get some practice before I take my driving test.$ (1)社会实践?(2)理论应用于实践? (3)惯例,习惯操作? social practice 社会实践 apply theory to practice理论应

2、用于实践 common practice 习惯操作,惯例 eg: It has become common practice to use a cell phone all over the world. 现在,在全球范围内使用手机早已成为司空见惯的事情(adj) practical 实用的,合乎实际的 unpractical 不切实际的a practical plan an unpractical ideaEg: Your idea sounds good but not practical.2. hold up1. Sometimes sand or small stones are us

3、ed to help hold up the plants. 1. 托住,支撑1.to delay someone or something 2. 延误Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.3.举起All those who agree please hold up their hands. (= raise their hands).3. mixture (n)a combination of different things 混合物$a mixture of (1) The drink you are having no

4、w is a mixture of four different kinds of juices.(2) a mixture of sorrow and anger 悲愤交加空气是不同气体的混合。Air is a mixture of different gases.mix (v)mix A with B, mix A and B together Exercise:The drink you are having now is a_ of four different kinds of juices. But as far as Im concerned, I dont like_ them

5、 together, because such a_ one sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable.mixture mixing mixed4. make use of sth = take advantage of 利用We might as well make use of the hotels facilities.make full use of sth 充分利用make the best use of sth 充分利用翻译:我们必须充分利用现有的自然资源。We must make the best use of the existing / cu

6、rrent natural resources now.5. involve (vt) involvement (noun)$involve sth / doing sth 需要,牵涉到+名词:1The second accident involved two cars and a lorry. 2. The task of suicide bombing involves great self-sacrifice.3. This job involves a lot of patience and skills+动名词1. Success usually involves taking a

7、chance. 2. Running your own business usually involves working long hours.$involve sb in (doing) sth使某人参与到(做)事情当中去1. The teacher wanted to involve every student in the competition.2. Cooperative learning will involve students in cooperating with each other. $ be / get involved in ( doing) sth某人参与/被卷入

8、到中去When teens are involved in a gang, it is very common for them to also be involved in many criminal acts.当青少年参与到团伙中,他们也就相当于同时被卷进了多种犯罪活动中。翻译:1. 我喜欢那种能够让学生们能够积极地参与到学习中来的教学方法。(involve sb in doing sth)I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning. 不要让我卷入到你的家务事中去!(involve sb in s

9、th)Dont involve me in your family affairs!这份工作需要经常出差。(involve sth)The job involves a lot of business trips.掌握最新的趋势需要密切关注时事。(involve doing sth)Getting to know the latest trend involves paying close attention to the current events. 证据表明她涉嫌犯罪。Evidence suggested that she was /got involved in the crime.

10、(sb be / get involved in sth)6. profit n & v 1make a big / much / no profit She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.You dont expect to make much profit within the first couple of years of setting up a company.2. profit from 从中获利The company profits greatly from selling

11、 hamburgers. profitable adj 有利润的,盈利的 Over the years, IT industry has developed into a highly profitable business.NOTE: The opposite is unprofitable.7. aspect noun C 方面(1) 从每个方面? (2)考虑到方方面面?(1)Have you thought about the problem from every aspect?(2)take every aspect into consideration8. prove 1. prov

12、e表示“结果被证明是” 用主动形式prove ( to be ) + adj. /n.eg:The operation proved (to be) a complete success / very successful.The dispute over the song rights proved (to be) impossible to resolve.The promotion proves (to be) very profitable.这轮协商证明是很成功的。The negotiation of this round proved (to be) a complete succe

13、ss.他在会议上提出的那个建议证明是可行的。The proposal that he put forward at the meeting proved to be practical / feasible.2. prove表示“主语被宾语所证实”用被动 be proved byThe theory was proved by the famous scientist. (被所证明/证实)被动语态词形转换:proof n. 证据Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.9. benefit verb A benefit B (A使B受益)The rain w

14、ill benefit the crops. = The crops benefit from the rain.A benefit from B (A从B中受益)I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom. 七宝周边的居民都从9号线获益。The residents around Qibao all benefit from the Metro Line 9. 我相信这次旅游将使你受益。Im sure youll benefit greatly from the visit. = the visit will benefit you

15、 greatly benefit noun C or U a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help:1One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.2The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town. (bring benefits to给带来益处)3. The new credit cards will be of great benef

16、it to our customers. (be of benefit to对某事有益处)beneficial (adj)be beneficial to / for1. A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.2. This easy test will be beneficial for students appetite for study.Exercise: I think this arrangement is mutually_, because it brings great _to both sides an

17、d anyone who actively gets involved in it will _a lot. beneficial benefits benefit10. economy n.经济,节约promote social economynational economyinternational economythe economy class / the first classeconomics n.经济学 home economics 家政学 economics professor 经济学教授economic adj. 经济的 economic policyeconomic gro

18、wth economic development economic situationeconomic crisiseconomical adj. 节约的,实惠的form an economical habitlive an economical lifeeconomical heating system 节能型供暖系统Going by train is more economical than going by plane.Exercise:When the _ situation is not good, people will always live an_ life. Even if

19、an _ professor travels to anther city to attend a conference about national_ by flight, he would prefer a_ class to a first class.Economic economical economics economy economy11. nourish (vt)to provide people or living things with food in order to make them grow and keep them healthy: 滋养,使健壮孩子们需要大量的

20、新鲜食物来滋养他们。1Children need plenty of fresh food/ nutrients to nourish them.这种面霜会帮助滋养你的皮肤。2This cream is supposed to help nourish your skin.nourishing (adj) 有营养的, 滋养多的= nutritional (adj)nourishment (n) 营养12.facility (pl) facilities设施,设备There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen. Are there washing

21、facilities in the school?The sports facilities in Qibao High School are very advanced. 场地a nuclear research facilitya military facility同步翻译:1. 出国学习会使学生受益匪浅,但是他们也有可能会面临一系列前所未有的挑战。(benefit)Students (will/ may) benefit a lot from/ by studying abroad, but they are likely to face/be faced with a series o

22、f challenges that they will never meet (with) before.2.这项研究成果将极大地有利于沙漠地区的农业发展。(benefit)The findings of the research will greatly benefit the agricultural development in this desert area.3.期望过高和缺乏工作经验是很多毕业生未能找到理想工作的主要原因。(experience)Too much expectation and the lack of working experience are the main

23、reasons why many graduates fail to/cant find ideal jobs. 4.竞赛的结果对我来说并不重要,要紧的是我的参与和体验。(experience)The result of the contest is not important. because what matters is my participation and experience.5.现在很多年轻人所缺乏的,不是书本知识,而是实践经验。(What , not. but.)What many young people lack (in) now is not book knowledg

24、e, but practical experience.6.无用信息的传播会对人类社会产生不利影响的事实已经引起公众的注意。(awareness)The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society has attracted the attention/awareness of the public. 【知识梳理】 动名词非谓语 分 词 不定式非谓语考点解析:非谓语的考察主要是非谓语的判定和非谓语的用法。答题策略:1)非谓语的判定方法与步骤: 1.找出该句中已有的谓语动词个

25、数。 2.找出该句中已存在的连接词个数。 3.根据一个句子中谓语动词的个数=连接词的个数+1,来判定该动词是填谓语还是非谓语。 *注意a.以一个完整的句子为界 b.一定要是连接句子的连接词,连接其他的不算 c.注意连接词省略的两种情况:宾语从句中的that;定语从句中关系代词做宾语;另一个特 殊的the way引导的方式状语从句,the way是一个连接词。 2) 非谓语三种形式的判定技巧: 1.判定为非谓语之后,找到该非谓语的逻辑主语。 2.判定逻辑主语与该动词的主被动关系。 3.根据非谓语动词的具体用法来确定最终形态。【例题精讲】例: (26) _(be) an ambassador of

26、 the land and a hunter, my husband taught me how to hunt, fish, set nets, snare rabbits, make a fire in the rain, read the weather and drive a boat.(选自2017年青浦静安长宁宝山联考二模)解析:此题的正确答案为being。句中无连接词,后半句已有谓语taught,断定为非谓语,其逻辑主语为my husband ,根据句意应为“作为这片土地的使者和一位猎人”。例: I am so thankful and proud (28) _(give) th

27、e opportunity to lead this kind of lifestyle, which someday will be passed on to my grandchildren.(选自2017年青浦静安长宁宝山联考二模)解析:此题的正确答案为to have been given。根据句中两个谓语一个连接词确定此处为非谓语,再根据句式Sb be adj to do sth确定此处为不定式,其逻辑主语I,再者上下文确定为已经被给予。例:In addition to (29) _(add) to our provisions for the year, these excursio

28、ns are (30)_ our family stories and recollections are shared the most.(选自2017年青浦静安长宁宝山联考二模)解析:此题的正确答案为adding。In addition to是一个介词词组,后面要接宾语。当堂测试:松江二中高二非谓语动词专项练习(含答案)1. My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle _to balance it.A. having triedB. tryingC. to tryD. tried2. If you

29、want to be sure that you never forget your wifes birthday, just _ it once.A. try forgettingB. try to forgetC. try to have forgottenD. try having forgotten3. Something as simple as _ some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure.A. to drinkB. to be drinking C. drinkingD. having drunk4. Ide

30、ally _ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a favorite with many guests.A. locatingB. being located C. having been locatedD. located5.There is nothing more I can try _ you to stay, so I wish you good luck.A. being persuadedB. persuadingC. to be persuadedD. to persuade5.

31、 Russ and Earl were auto mechanics _ the same pay, but Earl had more ambition.A. to earnB. to have earnedC. earningD. earned7.The mother felt herself _ cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battlefield.A. growB. grownC. to growD. to have grown8.Now that we have discussed our pr

32、oblem, are people happy with the decision _?A. takenB. takingC. takeD. to take9.I like getting up early in summer. The morning air is so good _.A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed10._ is no bar to finding favor with the younger at least in the world of Japanese politics.A. Th

33、e old B. Having been oldC. OldD. Being old11._ the online lectures shared by great institutions home and abroad will give you the opportunity to compare the styles of teaching between western professors and Chinese professors.A. WatchingB. WatchC. To watchD. Having watched12.This year, _ a worse tha

34、n ever economy, the 27 year old is giving up store bought gifts entirely and giving friends and family everything from her photography to handmade hats.A. faceB. having facedC. to faceD. facing13._ an impending (逼近的) long term crisis, Germany passed a packaging law, which requires manufactures to ta

35、ke care of recycling or disposal of any packaging materials they sell.A. Faced withB. Facing withC. To face withD. Face14.India launched its first unmanned moon mission on October 22, _ the Asian space race by following the footsteps of China and strengthening its claim to be a global power.A. joins

36、B. joiningC. joinedD. to join15.To be qualified for the job _. A. profound knowledge in electronics is needed B. it is required that one has profound knowledge in electronics C. one needs to have profound knowledge in electronics D. profound knowledge in electronics is important16.I appreciate _ me

37、during the debate. A. of your supportingB. you to support C. your supportingD. to your supporting17. At first, she wasnt used _ and would find excuses for her mistakes. A. to be criticizedB. to criticizingC. to being criticizedD. to criticize18. Two years ago, the mayor of New York City announced hi

38、s intention that New York should be “the first environmentally sustainable 21st century city” as a result of a program _ in 25 years. A. being realizedB. realizingC. realizedD. to be realized19. When Jim had seen the film, he ceased _ in the novel. A. interestedB. interestC. interestingD. being inte

39、rested20. Short of cash, Japanese companies cut back on new factories and development, only _ ground to hungry Taiwanese and Korean competitors. A. losingB. lostC. to loseD. lose21._ in ancient times, the book still appeals to readers today. A. Though it writtenB. Though written C. It was writtenD.

40、Written it was22. After receiving his PhD, Hawking stayed at Cambridge, _ known in his twenties for his pioneering ideas and use of Einsteins formulas as well as his questioning of older, established physicists. A. to becomeB. becomingC. having becomeD. became23. After a whole days heavy work, the o

41、lder worker returned home, _. A. hungry and felt exhaustingB. hunger and exhausted C. hungry and exhaustedD. hungry and having been exhausted24. The old writer could not sleep at night, his wrongs and sorrows _ him no peace. A. gaveB. have givenC. being givenD. giving25. The decision _ what is to be

42、 done now is how to carry it out. A. been madeB. has been madeC. having been madeD. having been making26. The Red Cross _ help for refugees, over two million dollars have been raised. A. appeals forB. appealing forC. appeals toD. has been appealing for27. I was overjoyed at the news of my hometown _

43、 so much progress. A. to makeB. to have madeC. madeD. having made28. Electrical resistance is a common properly of all materials, _. A. only differs in degreeB. only in degree it differs C. differing only in degreeD. and differing in degree only29. That the brain, once _ oxygen, dies has been proved

44、. A. depriving ofB. deprivedC. being deprivedD. deprived of30. There seems to be no alternative _ the offer. A. but acceptB. but acceptingC. but to acceptD. but to acceptingKEYS:1-5 BACDD;6-10 CAABD;11-15 ADABC;16-20 CCDDC; 21-25 BBCDC; 26-30 BDCDC;阅读之出国留学【知识梳理1】出国留学之阅读A、D篇训练【例题精讲】例1. Read and choose the best answer. (文章来源:网络难度适中) A new report says more and more international students are attending colleges an


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