Unit 5 Developing ideas -readingppt课件 -(2022)新外研版高中《英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、【版本:外研册别:选择性必修一】【版本:外研册别:选择性必修一】Learning ObjectivesuGet a better understanding of the ways in which plants communicate.uDevelop the ability to sort out the main idea of a para and identify the structure of expository essays.uDevelop a positive attitude of treasuring nature and living in harmony with

2、 nature.ContentsLanguage pointsPost-readingCareful readingFast readingPre-readingHomeworkIIIIIIIVVVIIPre-readingFor me,I found it definitely amazing that trees can communicate with animals and people in Avatar!Have you seen the film Avatar?What interesting facts can you recall about this film?pattac

3、kpbreathepeatpsleeppmovepspeakpstealpthinkWhat do you think plants can do?Tick the boxes.How much is it realistic that trees can communicate with people?Can plants like trees even behave in many other ways like humans do?Lets find out whether plants communicate with each other.If they do,how?Read th

4、e passage(P56-57)to explore!IIFast readingRead the passage to sort out the type of writing.An expository essay(说明文)They can communicate with each other in three ways:by using chemicals sound and“wood wide web”Introduction with a topic to catch readers attention,and a thesis statement to present the

5、main concept of your essay.Body:the first,second,third point/argument with supporting evidenceConclusion with a concise summary of your key points/a thesis statement.Expository essay structurePart 1 Introduction and thesis statementPart 2 BodyPart 3 ConclusionMany cultures have stories of talking tr

6、ees.New research has revealed something amazing:it appears that plants can communicate.Plants use chemicals to communicate with each other.Plants also use sound to communicate.Plants have an amazing system of communication called“wood wide web”.Scientists are learning more about the secret ways in w

7、hich plants talk to each other.Read for the main idea of each paragraph and the passage structurePlants can communicatePlants have various ways to communicateScientists are learning more about plants language Part 1 Introduction and thesis statementPart 2 Body Part 3 ConclusionIIICareful readingPara

8、.1Talking plants have long been a thing of myths and legends.Many cultures have stories of talking trees that give advice as well as warnings to people.Alexander the Great and Marco Polo were said to have visited such a tree in India.And in some modern stories,such as the film Avatar,trees can commu

9、nicate with animals and people.a thing of myths and legendsTalking trees give _ to people,eg.,Alexander the Great and Marco Polo were said to have visited such a tree in India.Talking plants Evidence from stories of many culturesEvidence from _some modern storiesTrees in the film Avatar can communic

10、ate with _.animals and peopleadvice and warningsRead for paragraph organisation:Para.2With us long believing that talking plants are fantasy,new research has revealed something amazing:it appears that plants can communicate after all.Read to answer the questions:1.What relation is implied(暗含)between

11、 this part and the rest of Para.2?2.Whats the role of Para.2 in developing the whole passage?Para 2 is used to clearly illustrate the thesis statement.Its also a transitional paragraph.An adversative relation(转折关系).(For long we have believed that talking plants are just fantasy,however,plants do com

12、municate as revealed by research,which is amazing.)Para.3bean plant A_ releases _as a warning or call for help:“Im being attacked!”tiny amounts of chemicalsbean plant Bdetects the chemicals releases its own,_different chemicals some of these chemicals _drive insects away others attract _the waspsRea

13、d to work out the graph:Plants use chemicals to communicate with each otherattackkillInspiration for scientific researchScientists hope to learn more about this _,so that we can use it to grow crops without _.plant warning systempesticidesPara.4More surprisingly,plants also use sound to communicate.

14、People cant hear these sounds,but plants are making them.Some plants make noises with their roots.Corn and chilli plants do this.They also“listen”to the noises from other plants.A chilli plant can tell if a neighbouring plant is helpful,or unfriendly.Some trees make clicking noises when there is not

15、 enough water,indicating drought is arriving.Read to work out the table:PlantsHow they communicate using sound Examplecorn and chilli plants _ with their rootslisten to the noises from _some treesmake noisesother plantsmake clicking noises when there is not _,indicating drought is arriving.enough wa

16、terA chilli plant can tell if a _ is helpful,or unfriendly.neighbouring plant Most surprisingly of all,plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.Scientists call this system the“wood wide web”.It is in some ways similar to the Internet we use.While th

17、e Internet is a worldwide network of computers linked by cables and satellites,the wood wide web is linked underground by fungi.This fungal network links the roots of different plants to each other.Using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food with each other.For example,some pi

18、ne trees can send food to smaller pine trees to help them grow.But just like our own Internet,the wood wide web has its own version of“cybercrime”.Plants can steal food from each other,or spread poisons to attack other plants.Perhaps one day scientists will learn how to create a“firewall”to help pre

19、vent these attacks within the wood wide web.roots of different plants are linked to each other underground by _ enables plants toperhaps one day it will be created to help prevent attacks within wood wide webshare information and even food with each otherPara.5Read to fill out the table about :plant

20、s steal food from each otherplants spread poisons to attack other plantsfungifirewallcybercrimehow it is linked_Most surprisingly of all,plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.Scientists call this system the“wood wide web”.It is in some ways simil

21、ar to the Internet we use.While the Internet is a worldwide network of computers linked by cables and satellites,the wood wide web is linked underground by fungi.This fungal network links the roots of different plants to each other.Using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food w

22、ith each other.For example,some pine trees can send food to smaller pine trees to help them grow.But just like our own Internet,the wood wide web has its own version of“cybercrime”.Plants can steal food from each other,or spread poisons to attack other plants.Perhaps one day scientists will learn ho

23、w to create a“firewall”to help prevent these attacks within the wood wide web.Para.5Read to answer the questions:1.What is the function of“Most surprisingly of all”?Its a mark:the following sentence will explore the same topic as what has been mentioned,yet developing the topic to a deeper,further d

24、egree than all that has been written before.2.Hows wood wide web similar to Internet?They are both systems of communication in essence(本质上),linked by fungi and cables and satellites respectively(分别地).Para.6Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each othe

25、r.Who knows?Maybe one day we will know enough about plant communication to be able to“talk”with them ourselves.What is the function of Para.6?Para 6 is a conclusion and a restatement(重述)of the passage topic.It also raises an expectation about future research of plant communication.Read to answer the

26、 question:P58Modern research is showing that plants can 1_.Using chemicalsl The plant releases chemicals 2_ that are being eaten.l When another plant detects the chemicals,it starts to 3_.communicate with each otherfrom the leavesrelease its own,different chemicals Using soundl Some plants make nois

27、es 4_.l A chilli plant can 5_ _.l Some trees make 6_ _.with their roots tell if a neighbouring plant is helpful,or unfriendly clicking noises when there is not enough water,indicating drought is arriving Using the“wood wide web”l This fungal network links 7_ _.l Plants can 8_ with each other.l Plant

28、s can 9_ to attack other plants.the roots of different plants to each other share information and even food steal food from each other,or spread poisonsMaybe one day we will be able to“talk”with plants.1.What figure of speech is being used when the plants are described as calling for help?What is it

29、s function?2.What does“wood wide web”mean?Personification.It can make descriptions more vivid.“Wood wide web”means an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.It is linked underground by fungi and this fungal network links the roots of different plants to each oth

30、er.Using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food with each other.Learning to learnPersonification means giving human characteristics to something that is not human.By using human characteristics to describe an object,animal or even a place,personification can make descriptions m

31、ore vivid.Wood wide webPost-readingIV Scientists are learning the secret ways in which plants“talk”to each other.It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals 1_(communicate)with each other.When 2_(attack)by insects,the plant releases chemicals from the leaves that 3_(eat).This is like 4

32、_ warning.When another plant detects the chemicals,it starts to release 5_(it)own,different chemicals.Some chemicals drive insects away.6_(surprising),plants also use sound to communicate.Some plants make noises with their roots.Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water,7_(indic

33、ate)drought is arriving.Most surprisingly of all,plants have an 8_(amaze)system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.It is called“wood wide web”,9_ is in some ways similar to the Internet we use.Using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food 10_ each othe

34、r.Surprisingly indicating amazing which with to communicateattackedare being eatenaits 1.What do you think are the benefits of studying plant communication?It will help us know more about the world of plants and then get a better understanding of the secret of nature and encourage us to explore more

35、 about the mysterious nature.Whats more,it will teach us an important lesson,that is,human should live in harmony with mother nature.And it is our responsibility to fulfill the mission.2.What discoveries are described in the two reading passages in this unit and what do their meanings have in common

36、?Passage 1 reveals the discovery of evolution.They all reflect that there are numerous secrets in nature that remain to be explored.Passage 2 reveals the discovery of communication between plants.Give a talk about communication between living things.1.Read the passage again and talk about how plants

37、 communicate.2.Think about and discuss the following ways of communication in the animal world.Bees“dance”to signal to other bees that they have found food.Ants communicate with each other through touch,chemical signals,moving their bodies and even using their legs to make sounds.What other ways can

38、 you think of?Give a talk about communication between living things.3.Organise your ideas following the steps below.Begin with what living things you have chosen to talk about.Explain how they communicate and give examples.Conclude by explaining what we have learnt from their behaviour.4.Give a talk

39、 to the class about communication between living things.Language pointsV Important wordscommunicate to 传送给communicate with 与联系,与相通municate vt&vi 传达传达,表达表达1)小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。2)他们成功地把知识传授给他人。Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.They successfully communicate their knowled

40、ge to others.2.detect/detective detect v 发觉;察觉;探测 detective n 侦探1)一位知名侦探已发现了他的秘密。2)她发现她弟弟正在阳台上抽烟。A well-known detective has detected his secret.She detected her little brother smoking in the balcony.Important wordsgive advice be said tocommunicatewithget attackedrelease from drive away 把赶走从释放遭受攻击与交流

41、据说给出建议Important phrasesmake noises after allmore surprisinglybe similar tolink to steal from 从偷把和连接起来和类似更令人吃惊的是更令人吃惊的是毕竟发出噪音发出噪音Important phrases1.Alexander the Great and Marco Polo were said to have visited such a tree in India.Important sentencesParaphrase:据说某人做了某事据说某人做了某事 sb be said to do sth=It

42、is said that sb =people say sb It is said that Alexander the Great and Marco Polo had gone to see a tree like that in India.据说据说 1)据说Darwin是物种起源一书的作者。2)据说他是一位有名的作家。3)据说那辆车是他偷来的。It is said that Darwin is the writer of the book On the Origin of Species.Important sentencesIt is said that he is a famous

43、 writer.=He is said to be a famous writer.It is said that he stole that car.=He is said to have stolen that car.2.With us long believing that talking plants are fantasy,new research has revealed something amazing:it appears that plants can communicate after all.Important sentences Paraphrase:While w

44、e have believed for a long time that talking plants are unreal,new research has found out something amazing:it seems that plants can talk to each other after all.1)由于Tim的引导,我们毫不费力地找到了目的地。2)有好多工作有待完成,他感到焦虑。3)问题解决了,他如释重负。With the problem settled,he felt relieved.With Tim guiding us,we had no difficult

45、y in finding the destination.With a lot of work to do,he felt anxious.毕竟,终究毕竟,终究with+名词/代词+非谓语动词 Paraphrase:3.This happens when a plant,say a bean plant,gets attacked by insects.When a plant like a bean plant is attacked by insects,this happens.Important sentences this 指代本段前面提到的指代本段前面提到的 plants use chemicals to communicate with each other。say 在此意为在此意为“认为;假定,比如说”You dont say!I cant say You can say that again.Who can say?一点也不奇怪!你用不着说!我绝不认为我完全同意你的意见。谁能说得准?HomeworkVIUse words and expressions youve learned to write an essay about how plants communicate with each other.


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