Unit5 Understanding ideas ppt课件-(2022)新外研版高中《英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、选择性必修一 Unit 5 Understanding ideas 高二年级 英语Step 1:Analysis of the materialWhat:本篇课文语篇类型为记叙文。课文以时间及行程路线为线索,介绍了著名生物学家Charles Darwin的发现之旅以及他基于此次旅行写成的物种起源一书。Why:同学们通过读前、读中、读后活动深入理解课文、赏析课文,体会Darwin具有重大历史意义的发现之旅,进一步探索主题意义,感受Darwin探索科学、追求真理之路的艰辛,学习其不畏困难、大胆质疑、勇于探索的科学精神与创新精神。How:通过略读课文获取课文主旨大意;通过细读课文感知叙述类文本的结构

2、及语言特点,掌握与话题相关的词汇;通过本课学习,同学们能联系生活实际,从Darwin的故事中体会探索的艰辛,学习科学家的科学创新精神,并以此指导自己的实际学习生活。Step 2:Leading-inLook at the evolutionary tree and answer the questions.1.What species do you recognize in the picture?2.What factors can cause the process of evolution?evolve vi.进化evolution n.进化evolutionary adj.进化的1.W

3、hat species do you recognize in the picture?2.What factors can cause the process of evolution?Snail,crab,fish,tortoise,bird,horse,human,frog,paramecium(草履虫),earthworm(蚯蚓),algae(藻类),moss(苔藓),fern(蕨类).Natural environment(自然环境),genes(遗传基因),and mutation(变异).1.What species do you recognize in the picture

4、?2.What factors can cause the process of evolution?Snail,crab,fish,tortoise,bird,horse,human,frog,paramecium(草履虫),earthworm(蚯蚓),algae(藻类),moss(苔藓),fern(蕨类).Natural environment(自然环境),genes(遗传基因),and mutation(变异).1.What species do you recognize in the picture?2.What factors can cause the process of ev

5、olution?Snail,crab,fish,tortoise,bird,horse,human,frog,paramecium(草履虫),earthworm(蚯蚓),algae(藻类),moss(苔藓),fern(蕨类).1.What species do you recognize in the picture?2.What factors can cause the process of evolution?Snail,crab,fish,tortoise,bird,horse,human,frog,Step 3:Knowledge learningRead and answer1.T

6、alk about your understanding of the title.2.Choose the main idea of the passage and give your reasons.(1)Darwins interest in various living things made him a great naturalist.(2)Darwins journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.(3)Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that huma

7、ns had evolved over time.Fast-readingMost commonly,people believe that a journey means a trip from one place to another,especially over a long distance and its extended meaning may refer to the process by which something gradually changes and develops.The title may indicate that Darwin spent a long

8、time researching the origin of species and evolution with great efforts,determination and courage.Now lets talk about your understanding of the title.Choose the main idea of the passage and give your reasons.(1)Darwins interest in various living things made him a great naturalist.(2)Darwins journey

9、on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.(3)Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had evolved over time.Darwins journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.The teachers reason is that Darwins discoveries during his journey on the Beagle made him think differentl

10、y about how new species of animals and plants come to exist:they evolved from earlier ancestors,which is known as a completely new idea-Theory of Evolution.Careful readingNumber the puzzlepieces in order according to how Darwin generated the Theory of Evolution.12345Read the passage carefully and or

11、ganize information to complete the sentences on the puzzle pieces.1.On his journey Darwin studied_.He noticed that some species of animals were_.various living things in their natural environments and samples of the plants and animals he had collectedvery similar to each other2.Generate ideasDarwin

12、asked the questions:How did different species_?_come to existMaybe animals evolved as they adapted to their changing environments?3.Look for more evidence He noticed_.It seemed the beaks_.that there was a difference between the finches on each of the islands had evolved according to what food was av

13、ailable on that particular island4.Develop ideas:Darwin suspected(怀疑,猜测)that the finches_ and it had_.had evolved from a common ancestor,which had arrived on their islands a long time beforeslowly evolved into many new species5.Propose a theoryThe Theory of Evolution:living things,including humans,_

14、.had evolved from lower forms of lifeLanguage points1.The person who answered the call was not the captains first choice.first choice:the thing or person you like best 首选 e.g.Acting wasnt her first choice of vocation.表演不是他职业的首选。Language points2.Whats more,he had recently received a letter from his f

15、ather predicting that he would be“a disgrace to yourself and all your family.”predicting that he would be“a disgrace to yourself and all your family.”现在分词短语作定语,解释说明前面的名词letter。a disgrace to 意为:是的耻辱 e.g.You are a disgrace to the medical profession.你是医学界的耻辱。3.Despite all this,his adventures on this sh

16、ip would lead to one ofthe most important scientific discoveries of all time.of all time 有史以来e.g.This is my favorite song of all time.这是我有史以来最喜爱的一首歌。Language pointsLanguage points4.The young man in question,Charles Darwin,was a geologist and naturalist,fascinated by rocks,plants and animals.in quest

17、ion:being discussed or considered 正被讨论的e.g.The photograph in question had been taken before I met you.正在讨论的这张照片是我认识你之前拍的。5.Maybe animals evolved as they adapted to their changing environment?adapt to 适应 e.g.The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.孩子们觉得很难适应新学校。Language pointsLangu

18、age points6.When the Beagle reached the Galpagos Islands in 1835,Darwin saw a variety of new species,but it was the birds that interested him the most.a variety of各种各样的(同义词various)e.g.Our school provides a variety of/various after-class activities for the students.我们学校为学生提供了各种各样的课后活动。Language points

19、It was the birds that interested him the most.是一个强调句式It is/was+要强调的部分(主语、宾语、状语)+that(强调的是人可以用who)+句子其余部分这个结构是强调句的基本结构。e.g.It was on the ship,the Beagle,that Darwin studied a variety of species.达尔文是在名为the Beagle的船上对多种物种进行了研究。7.It was not published until 1895 and immediately caused a storm.cause a sto

20、rm 原意为引起风暴,此处取其引申义“引起轰动”。e.g.The newspaper is in its declining years.They dont care;they quite like to cause a storm.这家报纸正在走下坡路,它们豁出去了,一心只想制造轰动。Language pointsLanguage points8.But Darwins scientific studies were so convincing that more and more people started to believe his theory.convincing adj.mak

21、ing you believe that something is true or right 令人信服的 e.g.There is convincing evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.有令人信服的证据表明吸烟导致肺癌。Language pointsconvince的用法convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事 e.g.Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事

22、。e.g.Ive been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。Step 4:Language practiceTry to retell Darwins journey of discovery according to the time order with the words,expressions and sentence patterns weve just learned.On his journeyGenerate ideasLook for more evidenceDevelop ideasPropose a the

23、oryThe teachers version:In 1831,Darwin left England on the ship,the Beagle,to study various living things in their natural environments.During the adventure on the ship,he found that some species of animals were very similar to each other,which made him wonder how different species came to exist to

24、adapt to their changing environments.When the Beagle reached the Galpagos Islands in 1835,Darwin saw a variety of new species,but it was the birds that interested him the most.The teachers version:He noticed that there was a difference between the finches whose beaks seemed to have evolved according

25、 to what food was available on that particular island.Darwins suspicion(n.猜测)that the finches had evolved from a common ancestor was the answer to how new species of plants and animals came to exist:they evolved from earlier ancestors.After more than 20 years,in 1859,his book On the origin of Specie

26、s was published and caused a storm,in which he explained the Theory of Evolution that living things,including humans had evolved from lower forms of life.Step 5:Practical ApplicationThink and shareThink about the questions and share your answers with us.1.Why were many people“shocked”by Darwins theo

27、ry?2.What kind of person was Darwin according to the passage?3.What have you learnt about the spirit of scientific exploration?How can this spirit help you in your life and studies?1.Why were many people“shocked”by Darwins theory?At that time,people believed that all species had appeared on earth at

28、 the same time and had not changed since,but Darwins theory proposed that living things,including humans,had evolved from lower forms of life,which,as a result,shocked many people.2.What kind of person was Darwin according to the passage?Darwin was a determined man.He had strong curiosity and intere

29、st in science and was good at thinking and making discoveries.3.What have you learnt about the spirit of scientific exploration?How can this spirit help you in your life and studies?The spirit of scientific exploration should be a spirit of overcoming difficulties,daring to question and being brave

30、in exploration.It makes us push aside all the difficulties to pursue the truth in our life and studies bravely.Keep trying and never give up!Step 6:Homework1.Write a short passage to introduce how Darwin proposed the Theory of Evolution according to the time order with the words,expressions and sentence patterns weve just learned.2.Find the sentences with the past perfect tense from the passage and preview the Using Language section.Thank you for your watching!See you next time.


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