Unit 5 Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas同步课件 -(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第三册《英语》.pptx

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1、Unit 5 Learning from nature素养导航 Dame Zaha Hadid,the Iraqi-born British architect whose tall structures left a mark on skylines and imaginations around the world and in the process reshaped architecture for the modern age.She was not an average designer.She liberated architectural geometry(几何),giving

2、 it a whole new expressive identity.Geometry became,in her hands,a vehicle for unprecedented(无先例的)and eye-popping new spaces.Her buildings elevated uncertainty to an art,conveyed in the odd ways.Her work implying mobility,speed,freedom and uncertainty spoke to a worldview widely shared by a younger

3、generation.“I am not a European.I dont do conventional work and I am a woman.”Strikingly Ms Hadid never allowed herself on her work to be categorized by her background or her gender.In 2004,she became the first woman to win the Pritzker Prize,architectures Nobel.Zaha Hadid was born in Baghdad on Oct

4、ober 31,1950.Then in 1972,she arrived at the architectural association in London,a centre for experimental design.Her teachers included Elia Zenghelis and Rem Koolhaas.“They aroused my ambition,”she would recall,“and taught me to trust even my strangest instincts.”By the 1980s she had established he

5、r own practice in London.And she began to draw attention with an unrealised plan in 1982-1983 for the Peak Club.Her partner,Patrick Schumacher,played an instrumental and collaborative role in her career.Mr Schumacher coined the term parametric(参数的)design to include the computer-based approach that h

6、elped the firms most weird concepts become reality.Her sources were nature,history or whatever she sought useful.When her Rosenthal Centre,a relatively modest project,opened in 2003,Herbert Muschamp,the architecture critic declared it“the most important American building to be completed since the en

7、d of the cold war”.“She was bigger than life,a force of nature,”as Amale Andraos,the dean of Columbia Universitys architecture school,put it,“she was a pioneer.”She was for women,for what cities can desire to build and for the art of architecture.词海拾贝liberate v.解放identity n.身份odd adj.古怪的imply v.暗示co

8、nventional adj.传统的,常规的arouse v.鼓励,唤醒典句欣赏She liberated architectural geometry,giving it a whole new expressive identity.译文:她解放了建筑几何学,赋予它一种全新的表现身份。分析:该句子主干为She liberated architectural geometry;giving it a whole new expressive identity是结果状语。探究思辨1.What does her work imply?2.What inspired her to make mor

9、e new creations?答案:1.Her work implies mobility,speed,freedom and uncertainty.2.Nature,history or whatever she sought useful.Section AStarting out&Understanding ideas.知识体系图解 重点词汇1.lotus n.2.termite n.3.mound n.4.pine cone n.5.waterfront n.6.plumbing n.7.biomimicry n.8.dioxide n.9.v.模仿 10.adj.极好的,出色的

10、11.v.使转变;使转换 莲花,荷花 白蚁土堆,土丘松果,松球滨水地区管道系统仿生学二氧化物mimicsuperbconvert重点短语1.take.for granted 2.be fed with 3.convert.into 4.in harmony with 5.stick with 6.reduce to 认为理所当然受够了转换与和谐与在一起减少到7.习惯 8.从学到 9.把当作 10.建立在基础上 11.与有联系 12.对做出反应 13.的例子 be used tolearn fromregard asbase onassociate withrespond toan exampl

11、e of重点句式It is natural to think in this way,but of course it wasnt the umbrella that inspired the flower or the roof that inspired the pine cone.阅读导学A.划分部分,匹配大意。The passage can be divided into 3 parts.Part 1:Paragraph 1Part 2:Paragraphs 2-5Part 3:Paragraph 6 Part 1A.Live in harmony with nature.Part 2

12、B.Some examples for the topic.Part 3C.Nature gives us much inspiration.答案:Part 1CPart 2BPart 3AB.根据课文内容,选择正确答案。1.Which of the following famous architectural designs is an exception of humans getting inspiration from nature?A.Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.B.ArtScience Museum in Singapore.C.The Great W

13、all in China.D.The Algae House in Germany.2.Which of the following was designed to show the connection between nature and the modern city environment?A.Beijings Water Cube.B.ArtScience Museum,Singapore.C.The Eastgate Centre,Harare.D.The Algae House.答案:B 答案:C 3.Which of the following is Not true acco

14、rding to the passage?A.In ArtScience Museum visitors are often amazed to find themselves in a rural building that so truly captures the beauty of natural forms.B.The Eastgate Centre reduces the need for traditional air conditioning and heating systems,so the building uses less energy and costs less

15、to run.C.The Algae House uses ways to make natural organisms part of a building.D.ArtScience Museum is an example of exploring ways to capture the beauty of natural forms.答案:A 4.After reading the passage,we can safely conclude that.A.an open flower resembles an umbrellaB.a pine cone looks much like

16、the tiles on a roofC.we build all kinds of buildings to meet needs of peopleD.architects continue to explore ways to mimic the way nature works答案:D 重点词汇1.Nature has inspired many of the most fascinating designs around us,including those in architecture.大自然激发了我们周围许多令人着迷的设计,包含许多建筑。(p.50)【词汇精讲】inspire为

17、及物动词,表示“使产生某种感情或者反应;给人灵感”,同时它还有“鼓励,激励”之意。名词为inspiration;形容词inspired表示“卓越的”,inspiring表示“鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的”。The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.这个故事的创作灵感来自与一位俄国老公爵的不期而遇。Inspired by the sunny weather,I decided to explore the woods.阳光明媚的天气让我决定去森林里寻幽探胜。King was a great orator an

18、d an inspiring leader.金是伟大的演说家和鼓舞人心的领袖。【词汇拓展】inspire sb to do sth激发某人做某事draw inspiration from从中吸取灵感under the inspiration of sb在某人的鼓舞下He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes.他从日常生活中获得灵感。2.Shaped to resemble a lotus flower,it appears to float.被塑造成莲花的形状,它似乎漂浮(p.51)【词汇精讲1】shape在该句子中为动词,表示“塑造,使成形”,作名词时

19、,表示“形状,外形”。Peoples political beliefs are shaped by what they see in the papers.人们的政治观点受他们所读的报纸的影响。We can recognise a tree by the shape of its leaves.我们可以根据树叶的形状判断是什么树。【词汇拓展】shape up改进行为或者工作get/knock sb/sth into shape把某人训练好,使某物达到标准take shape成形in the shape of以的形状shapeless不成形的,无定形的in shape健康状况良好out of

20、shape健康状况不好keep/stay in shape保持健康An idea was beginning to take shape in his mind.一个想法开始在他的脑子里形成。Help came in the shape of money.帮助以钱的形式到来。【词汇精讲2】appear在该句子中表示“似乎”的含义,常用于appear to do sth这一结构,表示“似乎要做某事”。appear还有“出现;显露”的意思。Police say there appear to be signs of a break-in.警方称似乎有破门而入的迹象。Two faces appear

21、ed at our window.两张面孔出现在我们的窗口。【词汇拓展】It appears that.显得appear from nowhere/out of nowhere突然冒出来appearance n.出现,露面physical appearance外表judge by appearance以貌取人disappear v.消失,不见disappearance n.消失,不见It appeared that she had committed suicide.她像自杀。The car seemed to appear from nowhere.这辆车好像是突然间从哪里冒出来的。3.To

22、 use biomimicry is to create structures based on natural forms and processes.利用仿生学就是创造建立在自然形式和进程上的结构。(p.51)【词汇精讲】base 在该句子中为动词,表示“以为基础”,常用于be based on这一结构中。base还有“以为据点,把(总部等)设在”之意。The newspaper had intended to base itself in London.这家报纸本打算把基地设在伦敦。【词汇拓展】base.on.在的基础上建立base n.底部,根基;大本营There is a hole

23、in the base of the tree.树的底部有个洞。They were laying the base for a new economic recovery.他们正在为经济的再次复苏打基础。They base their relationship on mutual respect.他们以相互尊重为基础。4.At night,the heat absorbed by the wall during the day warms the cool air,creating a comfortable temperature inside.晚上,墙在白天吸收的热量让屋子暖和,创造了内部

24、的一种舒适的温度。(p.51)【词汇精讲1】absorb为动词,表示“吸收”,同时它还有“理解;吸引”之意。Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.植物从土壤中吸收养分。Her capacity to absorb information is amazing.她接收信息的能力令人称奇。【词汇拓展】absorption吸收;专心致志;全神贯注absorb sth into sth 把吸收入/并入be absorbed in专心致志于I dont understand James absorption with military history.我不理解詹姆斯

25、为何对军事历史那么着迷。The surrounding villages have been absorbed into the growing city.周围的村庄已经并入了那个不断扩展的城市。Judy lay on the sofa,absorbed in a book.朱迪躺在沙发上,专心致志地看书。【词汇精讲2】create v.创造,创建;发明Some people believe that the universe was created by a big explosion.有些人认为宇宙是通过一次大爆炸创造出来的。The dish was created by a French

26、man.这道菜是由一个法国人创造出来的。【词汇拓展】creator n.创造者creative adj.创造性的;创造的creativity n.创造性,创造力The writer described the creative process.这位作家叙述了创作的过程。【微写作】The creator is full of creativity.He creates many useful things for people.5.The panels also capture heat from the sun and convert it into energy that powers th

27、e building.金属板也吸收太阳的热量并且把它转化成能源,供建筑使用。(p.51)【词汇精讲】convert 为动词,表示“转换,转变”。They converted the spare room into an office.他们把空闲的房间转变成了办公室。【词汇拓展】convert sb to sth使某人皈依/归附convert sth to/into sth把转变成convertor/converter n.转换器convertible adj.可转换的,可改变的Some people have converted themselves to vegetarianism.一些人变

28、成了素食主义。I think the convertible sofa is very convenient.我认为两用沙发很方便。6.The building therefore not only responds to its environment and uses less energy,but also reduces damage to the environment by generating its own renewable energy.因此,建筑物不只对周围的环境做出反应,用较少的能源;并且通过产生它可以循环利用的能源来减少对环境的破坏。(p.51)【词汇精讲】respo

29、nd为动词,表示“做出反应,回应”,常用于短语respond to;其名词为response。Dave didnt respond to any of her emails.戴夫没有回过她一封邮件。【词汇拓展】respond+that-clause做出回应in response to sth对做出回应The law was passed in response to the public pressure.迫于公众压力,法律得以通过。7.Creating buildings such as these enables us to live in closer harmony with our

30、environment.创造这样的建筑让我们与环境相处得更为和谐紧密。(p.51)【词汇精讲】harmony为名词,在此句中表示“融洽相处,相协调”,同时它还有“和声”之意。They were singing in perfect harmony.他们用完美的和声演唱。56 different ethnic groups live together in harmony with each other in China.56个不同的民族和谐地在中国相处。【词汇拓展】in harmony with sth与和谐/协调harmonize v.和谐,使一致harmonious adj.关系融洽的,和

31、谐的Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.你的建议与该项目的目标不符。They are in a harmonious relationship.他们关系融洽。重点句式It is natural to think in this way,but of course it wasnt the umbrella that inspired the flower or the roof that inspired the pine cone.这样想是很自然的,但是并不是雨伞激发花朵或屋顶激发松果长成这种形状

32、。(p.50)【句式剖析】从整体结构看,这是一个并列句。It is natural to do sth中,it是形式主语,to do sth是真正的主语。在It is/was.that.的结构中,如that.为定语从句,则句首的it是指示代词,担任主句的主语,that担任从句的主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略;如为强调句型,则it和that都是引导词,本身无意义,that不充当句子成分,不能省略。It is the novel that she enjoys reading.(that可以省略,在句子中作宾语)这是她喜欢读的那本小说。It is a question that needs care

33、ful consideration.这是一个需要慎重考虑的问题。It was in this museum that we saw the famous painting.我们就是在这家博物馆里见到这幅名画的。【甄别方法】在It is/was.that.结构中区分强调句型和定语从句的方法如下:一是定语从句中的that充当句子成分,而强调句型中的that不充当句子成分。二是去掉It is/was和that并做适当调整后,强调句型的结构和意思仍然完整;而定语从句中的that充当主语时,如果省略that的话,句子结构不再完整。It was in the lab that was set up by

34、Mr Smith that they finished the experiment.他们是在史密斯先生建立的实验室里完成这个实验的。【分析】前一个that在从句中作主语,不能省略,可用which替换,因此可判定为定语从句,限定其前的名词the lab。而后一个that不担任句子成分,但不可省略,由此可见是强调句型,强调实验是在这个实验室完成的。.单词拼写1.The Spanish National Football Team is such a(卓越)one that they can beat us.答案:superb2.Zhang Hui first learned he could p

35、erfectly(模仿)the sounds of animals when he was a child.答案:mimic3.As an adult,she tried hard to become Americans first woman(建筑师).答案:architect4.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,of which Tokyo is an(样例).答案:example5.Dont take it for(想当然)that our parents should do every

36、thing for us.答案:granted6.This suggested that matter could be(转化)into energy and vice versa.答案:converted7.Do you know the(来源)of the saying I just quoted?答案:source8.I dont believe what you said,but if you can prove it,you may be able to(激励)us.答案:inspire9.All happy families(相像)one another,but each unha

37、ppy family is unhappy in its own way.答案:resemble.课文语法填空We are used to things that we may even take them 1.granted without realising how much inspiration they have given us.Nature 2.(inspire)many of the most 3.(fascinate)designs around us,4.(include)those in architecture and is presented in various a

38、rchitectural 5.(design).Today,architects continue to explore ways 6.(capture)the beauty of natural forms,to mimic the way nature works or even to make natural organisms part of a building.7.(create)buildings such as these enables us to live in 8.(close)harmony with our environment.To meet the needs of today while protecting the world of tomorrow may be 9.challenge,but even the simplest organisms can help teach us 10.to achieve this.for has inspiredfascinatingincludingdesignsto captureCreatingcloserahow


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