Unit 6 Section C Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection同步课件 -(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第三册《英语》.pptx

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1、Section CDeveloping ideas&Presenting ideas&Reflection.知识体系图解 重点词汇1.backyard n.2.puzzled adj.3.tremble v.4.throb v.5.chorus n.6.n.鸽子 7.n.沼泽,湿地 8.n.寓言 9.v.提醒,使(某人)意识到 10.n.优美;简洁 后院 困惑的颤抖生机勃勃;热闹合唱曲dovemarshfablealertelegance重点短语1.filter into 2.malaria control 3.a dozen of 4.和 5.视为,视作 6.目标是 7.开始从事,发起 8.

2、期盼,期望渗入疟疾防控一打as well asbe regarded asaim toin the launch oflook forward to重点句式Many people spoke of them,puzzled and disturbed.介词填空1.The jump in car manufacturing should filter employment and spending as well.2.The results of such studies are useful but should not be regardeddefinite.3.We aim increas

3、e sales by 10 percent.4.The pesticide can cause harm peoples health.intoastoto.阅读导学根据课文内容,选择正确答案。1.Which work was regarded as a milestone in the launch of the green movement in the Western world?A.The Edge of the Sea.B.Under the Sea Wind.C.Silent Spring.D.First Snow.答案:C 2.Why was Silent Spring so s

4、uccessful?A.Because it caused a great increase in enviromental awareness.B.Because the writer is very famous.C.Because it reflects the realism.D.Because the bird described is very nice.3.Whats the topic of Silent Spring?A.Love,hope,human.B.Nature,love,life.C.Environment,life,human.D.Environment,love

5、,human.答案:A 答案:C 重点词汇1.Now banned in many countries,it is still used in some for malaria control.现在在许多国家已经禁止,但在一些国家仍用它控制疟疾。(p.68)【词汇精讲】ban为动词,在该句子中表示“禁止,取缔”之意。当名词讲时,意为“禁令;禁止”。Chemical weapons are banned internationally.国际上禁止使用化学武器。There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。【词汇拓展】

6、ban sth禁止,取缔ban doing sth禁止做某事ban sb from sth禁止某人得到,禁止某人去ban sb from doing sth禁止某人做某事impose/lift a ban(on sth)颁布/解除(对的)禁令He was banned from the meeting.他被取消了出席会议的资格。The local government has imposed a ban on import.当地政府颁布了进口的禁令。【易混辨析】ban/forbid/prohibit ban强调不可抗拒性,语气较强forbid指通过下命令、制定规则等禁止某事,或禁止某人做某事p

7、rohibit尤指以法令禁止做某事或使用某物,通常用被动语态My mum forbade me to play computer games.我妈妈不准我玩电脑游戏。Why has he been banned from driving for two years?为什么他被禁止驾车两年?Some citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.有些市民被禁止出国旅游。2.The few birds seen anywhere were moribund;they trembled violently and could not fly.随处能见

8、到的几只鸟都奄奄一息。它们猛烈地颤抖,却飞不起来。(p.68)【词汇精讲】tremble为动词,在该句子中表示“颤抖”,还有“焦虑”的意思。同时它还是名词,表示“颤抖”。The whole house trembled when the train went by.火车经过时,整座房子都在震颤。I tremble to think whats going to happen.我一想到即将发生的事就担心。【词汇拓展】tremble with因而发抖tremble at the thought(of sth/doing sth)一想到就发抖a tremble of excitement/fear激

9、动/恐惧得颤抖He was trembling with rage.他气得发抖。Im trembling at the thought of tomorrows examination.一想到明天的考试我就吓得发抖。3.Carson urged people to make themselves aware of the facts and do something about the situation.卡森敦促人们让自己了解事实,并对这种情况采取行动。(p.68)【词汇精讲】aware为形容词,表示“意识到的,了解的”;它还有“觉察到的”含义。In many cases,his quest

10、ions made his students aware of their own errors.在许多情况下,他的问题使他的学生们意识到他们自己的错误。【词汇拓展】awareness n.意识be/become aware of对知道、明白;意识到as far as Im aware据我所知make sb aware that.提醒某人注意make sb aware of.使某人意识到develop an awareness of.养成的意识a lack of awareness缺乏认识It is important that students develop an awareness of

11、 valuing parents love.重要的是学生们要养成懂得珍惜父母的爱的意识。There still seems to be a lack of awareness about the threat the virus poses to humans and animals.人们对病毒给人类和动物造成的威胁似乎缺乏认识。4.The book also gives dozens of other examples of eradication programmes that did nothing to reduce the problems they were originally

12、designed to solve.这本书还给出了几十个其他的根除项目的例子,这些项目并没有采取任何措施来减少他们最初设计用来解决的问题。(p.69)【词汇精讲】dozen为数词,表示“一打;许多”。In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet.在最大的房间里,大约有十二个孩子和七个大人坐在地毯上。Much to her delight,three dozen neighbours showed up and several of them even brought w

13、ith them some candies and cookies.令她非常高兴的是,有36个邻居出现了,其中几个甚至带来了一些糖果和饼干。【词汇拓展】dozens of许多;几十个We have dozens of things to do now.我们现在有很多事要做。【易错提醒】(1)dozen表示确切数目时除能与a和基数词连用外,还能与some,many,several等数目不很具体的词连用。其中dozen不加s,其后也不用of;(2)如果dozen后有these,those,them,us等词,表示“范围中的某某”时,中间加of连接;(3)dozens of表示不确定的数目,意为“许

14、多,数十”等。5.Silent Spring was therefore regarded as a milestone in the launch of the green movement in the Western world.因此,寂静的春天被认为是西方世界绿色运动发起的里程碑。(p.69)【词汇精讲】launch为名词,在该句子中表示“(航天器)的发射;(事件的)发起”,同时,它还为动词,表示“开始从事,发动”。The new model will be launched in July.新型号产品将在七月推出。【词汇拓展】launch into sth/launch onesel

15、f into sth开始做,投入launch out开始从事,投身于(新的、尤指更令人兴奋的事业)He launched into a lengthy account of his career.他开始啰啰唆唆地讲述自己的工作经历。Its time I launched out on my own.该是我自己创业的时候了。6.These were attempts to damage Carsons reputation and stop her work from influencing public policy.这些都是企图损害卡森的声誉,阻止她的作品影响公共政策。(p.69)【词汇精讲

16、】reputation 为名词,表示“名声;名望”。This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.这家商店因公平交易而获得好名声。【词汇拓展】have a good/bad reputation有好/坏名声have a reputation for.因有名earn/build/establish a reputation赢得/确立/树立声誉live up to ones reputation不负盛名;名不虚传damage/ruin sbs reputation有损/毁坏某人的名声He has a reputation for f

17、inishing work on time.他按时完成工作人尽皆知。This will ruin my reputation.这个将会毁坏我的名声。The scientist earned a high reputation for his learning.那位科学家在学识方面享有很高的声誉。重点句式Many people spoke of them,puzzled and disturbed.许多人说起他们,既困惑又不安。(p.68)【句式剖析】在该句子中puzzled and disturbed为形容词短语,在句中作状语,描述主语的特征。形容词在句中作状语,具有副词的功能。The thi

18、ef hid himself in the corner,afraid of being caught.小偷躲在角落里,担心被人抓住。Excited and overjoyed,the children rushed to the front.孩子们激动又欣喜地跑到了前面。【句式拓展】形容词(短语)作状语的用法结构:可以是单个形容词,也可以是形容词短语,一般要用逗号将其和句子的其他部分分开。位置:通常位于句子主语前或句子主语后,有时位于句末。作用:一般用于说明主语的状态,可表示原因、结果、伴随状况等。Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.克鲁索

19、两眼盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。文化意识不同国家话“地铁”最初,地铁是metro,也是在口语中常用的一个词。它是一个缩写,完整的表达是metropolitan railroad和metropolitan railway,就是城市里的铁路。“Metro”一词来源于法文“Metropolitan Railway”,在法国地铁当然被叫“metro”,日本也是“metro”,还有就是美国华盛顿的地铁也叫作“metro”,但是在纽约地铁是“subway”。在英国伦敦,地铁被叫作“underground”或者是“tube”,因为地铁是穿梭在一个地下的管道里,所以用“tube”也是很贴切的。在芝加哥,城市的地铁不

20、是一直都在地下的,也有57.1英里是在外面做的高架路线,所以地铁被称为“The L”或者是“The EL”(“L”是“elevated高架”的缩写)。在波士顿,因为当地的运营大波士顿地区公共交通的管理机构叫作马萨诸塞湾交通局MBTA(the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority)所以人们都用“The T”来代表波士顿的地铁。还有就是旧金山的地铁,因为是连接整个东湾地区的主要交通工具,所以被叫作湾区捷运(Bay Area Rapid Transit),缩写为“BART”。在中国国内各大城市,地铁的叫法也不尽相同。在北京地铁就叫“subway”,但是

21、在广州、上海、南京、杭州等地就叫作“metro”。高分写作下面是唐朝诗人李绅的名作悯农(Sympathy on the Farmers),请写一篇80词左右的短文解释一下诗的意思及诗中所蕴含的作者的思想感情。悯农锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。一、审题定调1.确定体裁:本文为诗歌改写。2.确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第三人称和第一人称。3.确定时态:由于本文是诗歌,记述的是作者看到和想到的事情,所以时态以一般现在时为主。二、谋篇布局第一部分,诗歌的作者:李绅;时代:唐朝;地位:深受欢迎。第二部分,介绍诗歌所表达的内容。第三部分,诗歌的写作意图及现实意义。三、组织语言1.核心词汇

22、(1)be popular with受到欢迎(2)frequently频繁地(3)delicious美味的(4)remind.of.提醒某人某事(5)waste food浪费食物(6)treasure珍惜2.高级句式(1)悯农是唐朝诗人李绅写的一首诗。(过去分词作后置定语;被动语态)The poem entitled“Sympathy on the Farmers”is written by Li Shen in the Tang Dynasty.(2)夏日正午时刻,外面天气炎热;农民依然在地里劳作。(although引导的让步状语从句;主谓结构;现在进行时)Although it is so

23、 hot outside at this summer noon time,the farmers are still working in the fields.(3)他们全身湿透,汗水频繁地掉在庄稼生长的土地上。(主系表结构;and连接的并列句;主谓结构;where引导的定语从句)They are wet all over and their sweat is frequently falling into the soil,where the crops grow.(4)我认为对于当代年轻人来说理解这首诗歌并珍惜每粒粮食是很重要的。(it is+adj.+for sb to do sth

24、)I think its very important for the young generation today to understand the poem and treasure every grain.(5)用as引导的倒装句改写句(2)Hot as it is outside at this summer noon time,the farmers are still working in the fields.(6)用with的复合结构改写句(3)They are wet all over with their sweat frequently falling into the

25、 soil,where the crops grow.(7)用“it is of+抽象名词+主语从句”结构改写句(4)I think its of great importance that the young generation today should understand the poem and treasure every grain.四、连句成文 参考范文:The poem entitled“Sympathy on the Farmers”is written by Li Shen in the Tang Dynasty,which enjoys great popularity

26、 among Chinese readers.It goes like this:Hot as it is outside at this summer noon time,the farmers are still working in the fields.They are wet all over with their sweat frequently falling into the soil,where the crops grow.But who on earth knows exactly all the delicious dishes on our table come fr

27、om the hard work of the farmers?Li Shen wrote this poem in order to remind people of the importance of the farmers hard work.Nowadays,many young people waste a lot of food.I think its of great importance that the young generation today should understand the poem and treasure every grain.单句语法填空1.In t

28、he(still)of night could be heard the ringing of a distant bell.答案:stillness2.Who set off the fire(alarm)?答案:alarm3.They have been(campaign)to improve the legal status of women.答案:campaigning4.He is(tremble)with cold.答案:trembling.课文语法填空There was a strange 1.(still).The birds,for examplewhere had they

29、 gone?Many people spoke of them,2.(puzzle)and disturbed.The feeding stations in the 3.(backyard)were deserted.The few birds seen anywhere were 4.(moribund);they 5.(tremble)violently and could not fly.It was 6.spring without voices.On the mornings that had once 7.(throb)with the dawn chorus of robins,catbirds,doves,jays,wrens,and scores of other bird 8.(voice)there was now no sound;only 9.(silence)lay over the fields and woods and 10.(marsh).stillness puzzledbackyardsmoribundtrembledathrobbedvoicessilencemarsh


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