Unit 1 Topic Talk 课件-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第一册.zip

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Unit 1 Life ChoicesTopic TalkThink it overThink it over Whats your impression of the new school?Sample:My school is.It is big in size.Besides,it has a beautiful campus with trees and flowers.What impresses me most is that all the classrooms are well equipped.The teachers here are devoted and responsible.The students are diligent and hard-working.It is a place where I will spend three years.It is such a good school that I like it very much.Starting high school Starting high school schedule environment textbooks New classmates friendsdormitoryteachers.Starting high school Starting high school What is your plan for your new school life?Is it different from your previous school life?Your New School LifeWhat is it like?How do you feel about it and why?Listening Im a new senior secondary school student.My new school life is very _.I feel excited because this school _.What is also very different is that students in the same class _.In the next three years,I hope I will _.What do you know about his new school life?Share it with your partner,including:Personal Feelings Reasons Forms of Learning Expectations Begin like this:Im a new senior secondary school student.My new school life is very _.3 other life choices Listen to the dialogue and complete the notes.BobFredMs JohnsonJobWork schedulePositives about the jobNegatives about the jobWhat do you think of their life choices?1.They are busy.2.They lead stressful lives.3.Their work has positives and negatives.4.They dont complain about the negatives.名人名言:名人名言:Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.Hans Selye Homework Write about your senior secondary school life or your life choices.Use the knowledge learned in class.Language Points1.differ v.不同,不一样,有区别不同,不一样,有区别 【原原句句】I feel excited because this school differs in many ways from my previous one.(P 6)我我感感到到很很兴兴奋奋是是因因为这个学校与我以前就读的那所学校在许多方面都不一样。为这个学校与我以前就读的那所学校在许多方面都不一样。【点拨点拨】differ from和和不同不同 _ 在在方面方面不同不同 differ between.and.在在和和之间之间不同不同 different adj.不同不同的的 _ 和和不同不同 difference n.不同不同 _ 产生产生影响影响 make no difference 没有没有影响影响 differ inbe different frommake a difference 【典例典例】Because a college community differs from the family,many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging.由于由于大学社区与家庭不同,许多学生将难以找到归属感。大学社区与家庭不同,许多学生将难以找到归属感。Everybody uses a keyboard and everybody types differently.每个人每个人都都用键盘用键盘,每个人敲的都不同。,每个人敲的都不同。I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different cities.我我希希望在不同的城市都有咖啡连锁店。望在不同的城市都有咖啡连锁店。【助记助记】China differs from other countries in the way fighting against the disease.We make joint efforts.Everyone makes a difference so that the results are different as well.We win the war.在抗击这一疾病的方在抗击这一疾病的方式上,中国和其他国家不同,我们齐心协力,每个人都式上,中国和其他国家不同,我们齐心协力,每个人都会有所作为,因此结果也有所不同。会有所作为,因此结果也有所不同。我们赢了战争。我们赢了战争。【原句原句】Expectations:learn many new things.(P 6)期期待:学会许多新东西。待:学会许多新东西。【拓展拓展】live up to ones expectations 不辜负某人的期不辜负某人的期望望 in(the)expectation of sth 期待着某事期待着某事 _ 超出某人的预期超出某人的预期 expect vt.期待,期望期待,期望 expect to do sth 期望期望做某事做某事 _ 期望某人做某期望某人做某事事 2.expectation n.预料,预期,预料,预期,期待期待beyond ones expectationexpect sb to do sth 【典典例例】What he said showed that our performance lived up to his expectations.他他说说的的话话表表明明我我们们的的表表现现没没有有辜负他的期望。辜负他的期望。The children waited patiently in expectation of the magician.孩子们耐心地等待着魔术师。孩子们耐心地等待着魔术师。You cant expect to learn a foreign language in a week.不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。I didnt expect him to stay so long.我我并并没没指指望望他他待待太太长时间。长时间。【原句原句】develop confidence in speaking English(P 6)培培养养说英语的说英语的信心信心 【点拨点拨】have confidence in 对对有信心有信心 _ 对对失去失去信心信心 build ones confidence 建立起某人的自信建立起某人的自信 develop confidence in 培养培养的的信心信心 confident adj.自信的自信的 _ 有有信心信心 be confident that 相信相信 3.3.confidence n.自信,信心;依赖自信,信心;依赖lose confidence in be confident of 【典典例例】By giving kids a lot of praise,parents think theyre building their childrens confidence.(2019年年浙浙江江卷卷)通通过过多多表表扬扬孩孩子子,父父母母们们认认为为他他们们正正在在建建立立孩孩子子们们的自信。的自信。I am confident to be competent for the voluntary work.我相信我有能力胜任这份志愿者工作。我相信我有能力胜任这份志愿者工作。【原句原句】I have no regrets as I love solving problems and I get to help people recover from illnesses and injuries.(P 100)我不后悔,因为我喜欢解决问题,我能帮助人们从疾病我不后悔,因为我喜欢解决问题,我能帮助人们从疾病和伤害中恢复过来。和伤害中恢复过来。【点拨点拨】recover oneself 清醒清醒过来过来 recover from 从从中恢复中恢复 recover ones costs 收回成本收回成本 _ n.重获;恢复;复得重获;恢复;复得 make a full recovery(from)(从从中中)完全康复完全康复 4.recover vi.恢复健康,康复;复原,恢复常态恢复健康,康复;复原,恢复常态recovery 【典典例例】Hes in hospital,recovering from a heart attack.他在住院他在住院,正从,正从心脏病中康复。心脏病中康复。In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery.(2019年年全全国国卷卷)在在这这些些地地方方,病病人人们可以在恢复期间走近大自然。们可以在恢复期间走近大自然。【原句原句】Unfortunately,the job can also be stressful,especially when challenges arise.(P 100)不幸的是,这份工作也不幸的是,这份工作也有压力的,尤其有压力的,尤其是当挑战出现的时候是当挑战出现的时候。【点拨点拨】_ 应战应战/接受挑战接受挑战 face the challenge 面对挑战面对挑战 challenge a decision 对一个决定表示异议对一个决定表示异议 _ adj.富有挑战性富有挑战性的的5.5.challenge challenge vt.向向挑战挑战 n.挑战,具有挑战性的事物挑战,具有挑战性的事物take up/accept a challenge challenging 【典典例例】Nervously facing challenges,I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words“Be yourself.”(2019年年北北京京卷卷)紧紧张张地地面面对对挑挑战战,我我知知道道我我会会对对自自己己低低声声说说两两个个简单的词:简单的词:“做你自己。做你自己。”This new discovery challenges traditional beliefs.这这项项新新的发现对传统观念提出了异议。的发现对传统观念提出了异议。Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.教育幼儿是一项充满挑战而且又十分有益的工作。教育幼儿是一项充满挑战而且又十分有益的工作。【原句原句】Unfortunately,the job can also be stressful,especially when challenges arise.(P 100)不幸的是,这份工不幸的是,这份工作也有压力的,尤其是当挑战出现的时候。作也有压力的,尤其是当挑战出现的时候。【点拨点拨】sth arises 出现了某事出现了某事 _由由产生产生 【典例典例】Did anything interesting arise from/out of the meeting?会上发生了什么有趣的事吗会上发生了什么有趣的事吗?Several new companies arose in our village last year.去去年我们村子里又出现了好几家新公司。年我们村子里又出现了好几家新公司。6.arise vi.发生,出现;起身,起立发生,出现;起身,起立arise from/out of
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