UNIT 1 Section Ⅰ课件-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第一册.ppt

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1、UNIT 1LIFE CHOICESSection Topic Talk&Lesson 2.听说词汇认知翻译下列词语1stressful adj._2challenging adj._3dynamic adj._4positive n._ adj._5negative n._ adj._充满压力的,紧张的富有挑战性的精力充沛的优势,优点积极的劣势消极的6schedule n._7expectation n._8confidence n._9arise vi._10pressure n._11recover vi._12previous school life _13a beautiful ca

2、mpus _14a new senior secondary student _15suffer from _16reduce stress _日程表,计划表预料,预期,期待自信,信心,信赖(问题或困难)出现,发生压力恢复健康,康复以前的学校生活一个美丽的校园一名高一新生(身体或精神上)遭受(痛苦)减少压力.话题交际表达先背诵后翻译1背诵下列表示喜欢和不喜欢的常用表达I like/love/enjoy doing.我喜欢做I quite like.我非常喜欢I am interested in.我对感兴趣I am fond of.我喜欢I dont mind.我不介意I dont like.我

3、不喜欢I cant stand.我无法忍受I hate.我不喜欢2一句多译(1)我喜欢观看足球比赛。_(love/like/enjoy)_(fond)_(interested)(2)我不喜欢弹钢琴。_(like)_(hate)_(stand)I love/like/enjoy watching the soccer match.Im fond of watching the soccer match.Im interested in watching the soccer match.I dont like playing the piano.I hate playing the piano.

4、I cant stand playing the piano.如何预测听力内容听力考试中不可能将有关内容事先告诉大家,但在播放录音前根据问题和选项进行预测可以起到重要的作用。在听音前先根据书面的题干和选项预测文章的大概内容、可能出现的词汇、答案等,对提高听音质量,快速、准确地选择正确答案无疑是十分有益的。下面介绍三种预测的方法。一、根据交际语言的特点进行预测会话是交际语言,离不开一定的语言环境和在某种环境中必然要交流的信息。例如:医院,医生与病人之间一般谈论健康、治病问题。我们知道了对话的环境,就能期待和预知要交流的信息;反之,如果知道了交流的信息,也就可以推断对话者之间的关系或对话的环境。这

5、就是根据交际语言的特点进行预测的方法。这种方法适用于询问对话发生的地点、谈话人的职业身份、谈话者之间的关系之类的试题。【示例】(2019全国卷)What is the relationship between the speakers?AColleagues.BClassmates.CStrangers.【分析】根据选项,我们应该预测到这些人物关系可能会谈到的话题。例如,如果是同学关系,则可能谈论学习等方面的内容。二、根据选择项的异同进行预测对于句子较长、成分较多的选择项,我们可以用区分、比较选择项的共同点和不同点的方法来寻找与听力原文相联系的潜在信息。高考中选项较长时,一般是竖向排列,因此,

6、我们可以用竖向分离的方法将它们的共同点和不同点区分开来。【示例】(2019全国卷)Why is Emily mentioned in the conversation?AShe might want a ticket.BShe is looking for the man.CShe has an extra ticket.【分析】我们用两条竖线将上面例题选择项中的主语、谓语和宾语分开,从而更加清楚地看出,它们的主语部分都是相同的,宾语部分A、C选项也基本相同,不同的部分是谓语,而不同的部分正是听音中要弄清的重点问题。在听音时就将注意力集中在三个谓语部分上。三、根据前后几个问题的题干来预测听长对

7、话或者独白时,一般有24个问题,听前可以充分利用问题中的相关信息大胆猜测答案。然后再有针对性地听,及时更正。【示例】(2019全国卷)听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14Why does the man seldom do exercise?AHe lacks motivation.BHe has a heart problem.CHe works all the time.15What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do?AHes an athlete.BHes a researcher.CHes a journalist.16Why does the wo

8、man speak of a study?ATo encourage the man.BTo recommend an exercise.CTo support her findings.17How much time will the man probably spend exercising weekly?A300 minutes.B150 minutes.C75 minutes.【分析】从这4个小题来看,这段对话的话题是体育锻炼(exercise)。根据某些题目的选项可以大致猜测,至少可以做到排除干扰项,缩小选项范围。例如从16和17题来看,14题的答案有可能为A或C项,因为如果对方是心

9、脏病人,不会建议多做运动。再如15题,该人不可能是运动员,因为运动员不可能会锻炼少。总之,快速而细致地阅读试卷上的问题和选项,做好听前预测,带着问题去听,有助于集中精力,变“被动”为“主动”,达到快速、准确理解所接受信息的目的。尽管如此,提高听力水平要立足于平时的听力训练,针对听力中的薄弱环节进行强化训练。“Practice makes perfect.”只要多听、勤练、广泛实践、增强语感,同学们的听力就一定能提高。1.senior adj.较高的,高级的,级别(或地位)高的 n高年级学生;上司;年纪较长的人Im a new senior secondary school student.(教

10、材P6)我是一名高一新生。(1)be senior to 比高(级);比年长(2)junior adj.较低的,初级的;年幼的be junior to 比低(级),比年幼(3)senior/junior secondary/high school 高中/初中She is senior to me,because she entered the company earlier than me.她比我资格老,因为她加入公司比我早。Though he is ten years junior _ me,we are best friends.尽管他比我年轻十岁,但我们是最好的朋友。链接写作翻译句子作为

11、一名高中生,我将努力学好各门课程。_名师指津senior/junior无比较级,表示比某人年长/轻或地位高/低时,与介词to搭配使用,而不能用than。toAs a senior high school student,I will try my best to do well in every subject.2.differ vi.不同,不一样;有区别differs in many ways from my previous one(教材P6)在许多方面与我原来的(学校)不同(1)differ from.与不同differ in.在方面不同(2)different adj.不同的be di

12、fferent from.与不同His attitude towards science differs from mine.His attitude towards science is different from mine.他对科学的态度与我不同。The two companies differ _ the way they function.这两个公司的运作方式不同。链接写作同义句转换Modern cars are different from early ones in many ways.Modern cars _.indiffer from early ones in many

13、ways3.schedule n日程表,计划表,时间表 vt.为某事安排时间have different class schedules(教材P6)有不同的课程安排(1)ahead of schedule提前on schedule 准时behind schedule 晚于预定时间/计划(2)be scheduled to do sth 预定做某事One can always manage to do more things,no matter how full ones schedule is in life.一个人不论他生活中的日程有多么满,总是能设法做更多的事情。Having worked

14、 for two days,Steve managed to finish his report _ schedule.工作了两天,史蒂夫设法如期完成了他的报告。链接写作完成句子The speech _ on April 28 at the school hall.演讲定于4月28日在学校礼堂举行。onis scheduled to be given4.confidence n自信,信心;信赖develop confidence in speaking English(教材P6)培养说英语的信心He doesnt have confidence in himself.他对自己没有信心。The

15、actress walked onto the stage _ great confidence.女演员满怀信心地走上舞台。This time theyre confident _ a happy ending.这一次,他们确信会有一个愉快的结局。链接写作完成句子_ I will pass the examination.我很自信能够通过这次考试。withof/aboutIm quite confident that5.recover vi.恢复健康,康复vt.重新获得;恢复Although being a doctor keeps me very busy,with little time

16、for leisure,I have no regrets as I love solving problems and I get to help people recover from illnesses and injuries.(教材P100)虽然做医生非常忙碌,很少有空闲时间,但是我也不后悔,因为我喜欢解决问题,努力帮助患者从疾病和伤痛中康复。(1)recover from从恢复,痊愈;从收回(2)recovery n.恢复,还原;痊愈make a recovery(from)(从)恢复,痊愈At last he recovered the lost umbrella.最后他找回了丢

17、失的雨伞。Fortunately,he has recovered _ Corona Virus Disease.幸运的是,他的新冠肺炎康复了。Doctors expect him to make a full _(recover)医生期望他完全康复。链接写作同义句转换He recovered from his illness quickly and was soon back at work.He _his illness and was soon back at work.fromrecoverymade a quick recovery from6.challenge n挑战,具有挑战性

18、的事物 vt.向挑战Unfortunately,the job can also be stressful,especially when challenges arise.(教材P100)不幸的是,这份工作也有压力,尤其是当挑战出现的时候(1)challenge sb to.向某人挑战a challenge to sb 对某人来说是一项挑战accept/take up a challenge 应战 face the challenge 面对挑战(2)challenging adj.富有挑战性的Every time I challenge him,he gets rid of me.每次我向他

19、挑战,他总逃避我。He challenged me _ another tennis game.他向我挑战再打一场网球。She finished the most _(challenge)task without a mistake.她毫无差错地完成了这项最富有挑战性的任务。链接写作同义句转换Mary finds her new job really challenging for her.Mary finds her new job _ her.tochallenginga real challenge to7.arise(arose,arisen)vi.(问题或困难)出现,发生(教材P10

20、0)arise from由产生;起因于arise out of 由产生;起因于We can have another meeting if the need arises.如果有需要,我们可以再开一次会。Accidents arise _ carelessness.Accidents arise out _ carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。fromof链接写作一句多译课间休息的时候,我们的班主任开始处理班上出现的问题。At break,our headteacher began to deal with the matter which _.At break,our h

21、eadteacher began to deal with the matter which _.名师指津arise为不及物动词,表示“出现,发生”时,主语一般为matter,difficulty,problem,quarrel,trouble等抽象名词。arose from our classarose out of our class8.suffer vi.&vt.遭受(痛苦)kinds of people suffering from stress(教材P12)遭受压力的各类人群suffer其后的宾语表示的是所受之苦(如loss,pain,punishment,defeat,hardsh

22、ip等)suffer from其后的宾语表示的多是受苦的原因,后常加表示疾病或自然灾害的名词The company suffered a heavy loss as a result of the accident.由于那次事故,该公司遭受了重大损失。All over the world many people still suffer _ starvation.全世界有很多人仍然在忍受着饥饿。链接写作完成句子Most of the big cities of the world _世界上大部分大城市都在遭受交通堵塞。fromsuffer from traffic jams9.function

23、 vi.起作用,正常运转 n作用,功能;职能If you become so stressed that you cant function properly,you should seek professional help.(教材P101)如果你压力太大,无法正常工作,你应该寻求专业的帮助。perform a function发挥功能,起作用function as sb/sth 起作用;具有功能He complained to us that this printer didnt function at all.他向我们抱怨这台打印机根本不能用。Some English adverbs f

24、unction _ adjectives.英语中有些副词可作形容词用。as链接写作翻译句子警察在社会安全方面起着重要作用。_Police perform a very important function in social safety.10.seek(sought,sought)vt.寻求;请求(教材P101)seek after/for寻求,探索;追求;寻找seek out 找出,搜出;挑出seek to do.企图或试图做How can we seek out a really good person for the job?我们怎样才能找到一个真正适合的人来做这项工作?We seek

25、 _(find)a way to make us get along well with the people around us.我们试图找一种方法使我们和周围的人相处融洽。to find链接写作完成句子From this experience I have learnt that questioning can serve as a bridge that _通过这次经历我了解到质疑是帮助我们寻求真理的桥梁。helps us to seek the truth11.in other words换句话说In other words,you can make a list and do all

26、 the important things first.(教材P101)换句话说,你可以列一个清单,先做所有重要的事情。in a/one word总之,一句话have a word with sb 与某人说几句话 keep ones word 信守诺言break ones word 失信,食言He became,in other words,a great hero.换句话说,他成为了一名伟大的英雄。_ a word,I cant go out as I have many things to do.总而言之,我不能出去,因为我有许多事情要做。链接写作After promising to keep the book for me,he _ and sold it to someone else.Inbroke his word完成句子他答应把书留给我之后,却食言把它卖给了别人。


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