Unit 1 Lesson 3-Reading Club2 单词讲解课件 (2)-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 1 Lesson 3-Reading Club2 单词讲解课件 (2)-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 Lesson 3-Reading Club2 单词讲解课件 (2)-(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第2页
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1、空白演示单击输入您的封面副标题单词课堂 版本:新北师版本:新北师 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 1(LESSON 3 READING CLUB 2)tough 词源解读英文词源:From c.1200 as“strong,powerful”;c.1300 as“not tender or fragile”.基本义:结实的;强壮的基本义:结实的;强壮的台前幕后,吴京都可谓是一个名副其实的硬汉。“硬汉”在英文中除了可以说tough man,还可以用hardy来形容,例如:Most of the soldiers were hardy young men.(大部分战士都是吃苦耐劳的小伙子。)t

2、ough的语义网络图结实的结实的质地“结实的”,难以切割或折断体格结实的、性格彪悍不易屈服结实的;坚固的结实的;坚固的强壮的;坚强的强壮的;坚强的(食物等)嚼不(食物等)嚼不烂的;老的烂的;老的艰苦的;艰难的;艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的棘手的强硬的;严厉的强硬的;严厉的食物“结实的”态度“结实”不易改变的生活、工作等“结实”难于对付的由一般到特殊由具象到抽象由物到人基本义基本义基本义由具象到抽象1.a tough pair of shoes 2.Are you sure youre physically tough enough for this job?3.He plays the tough

3、guy in the movie.4.The meat was tough and hard to chew.5.Dont be too tough on/with him he is only a child.6.a tough life/job 7.It was a tough decision to make.根据根据tough的基本义到衍生义,写出下列句子中的基本义到衍生义,写出下列句子中tough的的汉语意思。汉语意思。结实的;坚固的强壮的(食物等)嚼不烂的;老的严厉的艰难的;棘手的强壮的艰难的;棘手的flash n C 闪光;闪现;(思想、情感的)突现:闪光;闪现;(思想、情感的)

4、突现:A flash of lightning lit up the night sky.a flash of anger/inspiration C&U 闪光灯:闪光灯:Ill need flash for this shot.U 网站动画制作程序网站动画制作程序flash card 教学卡片;识字卡教学卡片;识字卡in/like a flash 很快地;马上:很快地;马上:Just wait here.Ill be back in a flash.v vi&vt(使)闪光;(使)闪耀:(使)闪光;(使)闪耀:Police cars arrived with their blue light

5、s flashing.Why is that driver flashing his lights at/towards me?vi 闪现;突然想到:闪现;突然想到:A smile flashed across Kathys face.2008 湖北Memories flashed through his mind.2008 江苏A good idea flashed into my mind.flashlight n C 手电筒手电筒(BrE torch);闪光信号灯;闪光信号灯 处理;对付;应付处理;对付;应付(handle):Shes used to dealing with all k

6、inds of people in her job.deal with 涉及;论及:涉及;论及:This book deals with the ancient history of China.和和做生意做生意 to do business with sb:In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant to deal with.2010 四川=be concerned withdeal with的的语义网络语义网络图图 处理处理(基本义)(基本义)处理人或处理人或事情事情处理某个处理某个话题话

7、题处理生意处理生意处理;对付;处理;对付;应付应付涉及;论及涉及;论及和和做生意做生意deal with,solve,settledeal with:to do what is necessary,especially in order to solve a problem;deal with侧重“处理”问题,不强调结果。solve:If you solve a problem,you deal with it successfully.solve是“解决解决”问题,拿到了结果。settle:to end an argument or disagreement;settle强调争端或争议最终“

8、定定”了下来。contactDo you wear contacts?Contacts联系人联系人 contact U 触碰;接触:触碰;接触:physical contact Keep eye contact in conversation to build trust.2015 安徽 The bomb explodes on contact.U 联系;联络;交往:联系;联络;交往:The pilot lost contact with the control tower.The Internet helps me to get/keep/stay in contact with my fr

9、iends.I have managed to make contact with an old friend.C 常用复数常用复数 社会关系;门路;熟人:社会关系;门路;熟人:In the past,it was always easy to get a job if you had friends and contacts.ncontact的语义网络图触碰;接触触碰;接触联系;联络;交往联系;联络;交往社会关系;门路;社会关系;门路;熟人熟人接触接触基本义基本义身体部位的接触抽象意义的接触有接触的人vt(用电话、信件等用电话、信件等)联系联系/联络联络 (某人某人):Please cont

10、act me by e-mail if you are interested.contribute tribe由tri(three,三)+-be构成,来自拉丁语 tribus,部落、宗族、地区,特指古罗马城邦三个三个宗族集团 Latins(拉丁人),Sabines(萨宾人),Etruscans(伊特鲁里亚人)。tribe(部落)tribute 贡品、贡金 con-(一起)+tribute contribute(一起把贡品献给)贡献贡献contribute由con-+-tribute构成。contribute v vt&vi 贡献;捐助;捐献:贡献;捐助;捐献:It was generous o

11、f her to contribute such a large sum of money.contribute(sth)to sth:Immigrants have contributed to American culture in many ways.contribute(money)to the Red CrossHe never contributes(ideas)to the discussion.vi 造成造成 /促使促使 (某事发生某事发生)to help to make sth happen:Loneliness is a serious social problem tha

12、t can contribute to depression and even crimes.2020 天津Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.vt&vi 投投 (稿稿);撰;撰 (稿稿):She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.contribution n C 贡献:贡献:I admire Edison a lot because he made a greatcontribution to the world.捐款;捐献物:捐款;捐献物:I gave a con

13、tribution of$100 to/toward the church.2008 湖南书面表达改 稿件;作品:稿件;作品:This is a magazine with contributions from well-known travel writers.contributor n C 捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素同结构:way to sth,key to sth,solution to sth二者均可表示“捐献”,其后均可接to。表示捐钱或衣物时,二者可互换使用。It is more meaningful to donate/contribute books and sports g

14、oods to children in need.2013 江苏改donate 还有“献血”之意。Many people have donated that type of blood.2012 北京contribute 侧重指“贡献”,通常指贡献财力、物力、智力等。此外,contribute 还可表示“促成”“起作用”“投稿”的意思。I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.The s

15、cientist often contributes to an academic journal.辨 donate,contributecontribute语义网络图贡献贡献contribute(基本义)“贡献贡献”人力、人力、物力、财力等物力、财力等为某事的发生做为某事的发生做“贡献贡献”“贡献贡献”稿件等稿件等贡献;捐助;贡献;捐助;捐献捐献造成造成 /促使促使 (某事发生某事发生)投投 (稿稿);撰;撰 (稿稿)贡献贡献contribution捐款;捐献物捐款;捐献物稿件;作品稿件;作品J.K.Rowlings novel Harry Potter made a great contr

16、ibution to the world literature.She has contributed a lot of money to the charity since she became rich.To inspire other writers,she shared some rejection letters from the publishers.Those letters related to The Cuckoos Calling.J.K.Rowling c o n t r i b u t e d t h e n o v e l t o a m a g a z i n e

17、u n d e r t h e n a m e o f Galbraith without revealing her true identity.The first was rejected by several publishers,and Rowling was even advised to take a writing course.When The Cuckoos Calling eventually found a publisher in 2013,it was achieving respectable sales before the secret of its autho

18、rship broke,and it contributed to the novel reaching the top of the bestseller lists.比较下面两个句子,说说比较下面两个句子,说说look for a job和和seek a job有什么区别?有什么区别?I hope to look for a job in Beijing.I hope to seek a job in Beijing.正式用语多用在严肃的正式场合,如商业信函、报告、讲座、会议,以及与陌生人和比自己级别高的人的礼貌交谈中。非正式用语则多用在放松的非正式场合,如与熟人的日常交流,包括会话和书信

19、往来等。总的来说,书面语多用正式用语,口语多用非正式用语。seek是正式用语正式用语与非正式用语Informal Neutral(中性的)Formal找工作 /look for a joba job种类/kind/type而且 plus/furthermore/moreover起床/get up青少年 teenager/由于/because of/thanks to打算回家/plan to go home to go home因此;所以/so /thereforeseek sort besides ariseteen due to intend thus 英语中的 metaphor(隐喻)来源

20、于希腊语 metaphora,该词由 meta-(over)和 pherein(to carry)合成,合起来意思是 to carry over(拿过来)。因此,隐喻的本质是用一种事物来理解另一种事物,并且多是参照熟悉的、有形的、具体的事物来认识和表达无形的、抽象的事物。隐喻是一种思维方式,无处不在,它是多义词产生词义的主要理据。建立隐喻思维能更好地理解和掌握由基本义到衍生义这一思维。隐喻隐喻 metaphor本单元的隐喻本单元的隐喻单词单词基本义基本义比喻义比喻义chapter(文章、书等的)章节 surf(网上)冲浪goal球门pressure(下压产生的)压力contact 联系;联络

21、target目标(历史或人生的)重要篇章(历史或人生的)重要篇章冲浪冲浪(气体或液体产生的)压(气体或液体产生的)压力力/压强;(精神上的、外压强;(精神上的、外界施加的)压力界施加的)压力目标目标 触碰触碰;接触接触 靶子靶子随堂检测随堂检测feature根据句意写出画线词的汉语释义。根据句意写出画线词的汉语释义。1.An interesting feature of the city is the old market._2.He has wonderful strong features._3.We are delighted to see the Sunday Times runnin

22、g a long feature on global warming._特征特征容貌容貌专题专题graduate 在空白处填入在空白处填入1 1个个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.I was lucky:I became a pilot in 1970,almost ten years before I graduated _ medical school.(2013 全国)2.After _(graduate),she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.(2020

23、 山东)3.Like many new _(graduate),I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do.(2014 广东)fromgraduationgraduates一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Cathy has inspired us with her will and enthusiasm.(2016 天津)_2.The book inspires confidence in students w

24、ho wish to seek their own answers.(2014 天津)_ 3.His paintings were clearly inspired by Monets work._二、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。二、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1.His loving and selfless nature has inspired me _(become)more sympathetic and considerate,putting others first.(2013 天津)2.This is by far the most _(inspire)movie

25、that I have ever seen.(2013 辽宁)3._(inspire)by this,I decided to realize my dream,even though some of my family members and my doctor were against it.(2011 北京)激励;鼓舞激励;鼓舞 激发;唤起激发;唤起启发启发inspireto becomeinspiringInspired三、根据所给汉语三、根据所给汉语及提示及提示,将下列句子译成英语。,将下列句子译成英语。1.你总是特别地关照我,并激励我参加活动。(inspire)_ _2.家长应鼓励

26、孩子克服困难,并鼓舞他们自我发展。(2013 福建)(inspire,develop)_ _ 3.我们读书除了为获取知识外,还可以得到乐趣和灵感。_ _You always gave me special attention and inspired me to join in activities.Parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves.In addition to/As well as reading for know

27、ledge,we read for fun and inspiration.汉译英。1.申请图书管理员的工作 _ 2.将所学用于实践 _3.涂抹化妆品 _ 4.施压/用力 _5.Ben would do well if only he _(努力).(apply)apply for a job as a librarianapply what one has learned to practiceapply make-upapply pressure/forceapplied himselfapply6.我的申请若能得到您的批准,我将感激不尽。(2011 重庆书面表达)_7.这些规定对所有人都适

28、用,包括你。_8.我正在申请一家外企的暑期兼职工作,刚刚写完了求职信和简历。(2016 全国 书面表达改)_I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval.The rules apply to everyone,including you.Im applying for a part-time job at a foreign company during the summer vacation,and I have just completed my application letter and resume.一

29、、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.I had a strong belief in my power to get what I wanted.(2011 陕 西)_ 2.People are advised to build up physical power.(2015 天津)_3.Governments ruled with absolute(绝对的)power.(2015 江苏)_ 4.Wind power is an ancient source of energy to which we may return in the near future._ 能力体力权力风能二、根据

30、汉语和所给提示完成下列句子。1.很抱歉,我无权就这个项目做最终的决定。(beyond)I am sorry _ to make a final decision on the project.2.他们家里总备有蜡烛以防停电。(in case)They always keep candles in the house _ _.3.总理在会上作了一场有感染力的演说。(make)The Prime Minister _ at the meeting.its beyond my power in case there is made a powerful speech a power cut/fail

31、ure根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。_ 1.You have to be tough to be successful in politics._2.Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.(2012 全国阅读)_3.Meanwhile,in those countries where the shawls(披肩)are sold,police are getting tough with the dealers.tough强硬的强硬的;严厉的严厉的艰难的艰难的坚强的坚强的写出

32、下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。flash1.Naomi has been using flash cards to enrich her vocabulary.2.Upon sitting on the ship,Dad was a little awkward about his flash of fear.(2011 重庆改)3.Lightning(闪电)flashed through the darkness over Sibsons bedroom window.(2012 四川改)教学卡片教学卡片/识字卡识字卡闪光闪光/闪耀闪耀突如其来的恐惧

33、突如其来的恐惧一、一、根据句意根据句意写写出画线部分的出画线部分的汉语汉语释义。释义。1.Those who frequently deal with many things at the same time were found to perform the worst at the actual multitasking test.(2013 北京)_ 2.He lived in China for several years and many of his books have dealt with Chinese history and culture._ 3.For years I

34、dealt with my travel agent only by phone.(2016 全国)_ 4.His job is to make problems go away.He contacted me in the summer because I was one of these“problems”.He was ordered to“deal with me”._处理处理涉及涉及与与打交道打交道对付对付deal with二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Points were awarded for part-time jobs,housework,

35、effort in school,and ability to _(处理问题).(2016 天津)2.Hes good at _(应付压力).3.For a while I had no idea how to _(应对这种情况).4.Most of these issues(问题)have now _(成功解决).dealing with pressurebeen successfully dealt withdeal with problemsdeal with the situation一、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.The Internet helps me _(与保持

36、联系)my friends.2.The children _(与失去联系)their families.3.I finally _(与取得联系)her in Paris.4.Hes very shy and never makes _(眼神接触).get/keep/stay in contact withlost contact with contactmade contact with eye contact二、根据所给提示,将下列句子译成英语。你可以打电话或发邮件联络我。_You can contact me by phone or email.一、在空白处填入一、在空白处填入1 1个适当

37、的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.It will contribute to _(create)a good environment to read books in our class.(2015 广东)2.Speed is a _(contribute)factor in many automobile accidents.3.Before sending a manuscript to the Post,a _(contribute)is advised to find out the range of the articles in the post

38、.(2011 北京)4.She continues to contribute _ a sports magazine.creatingcontributingcontributortocontribute二、将下列句子翻译成英语。二、将下列句子翻译成英语。1.他给那所学校捐了一万美元。_2.他对项目的成功做出了杰出贡献。_He contributed 10,000 dollars to/toward(s)the school./He made a contribution of 10,000 dollars to/toward(s)the school.He made a great contribution to the success of the project./He contributed a lot to the success of the project.谢谢观赏


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