1、单词课堂 版本:新北师版本:新北师 单元:必修一单元:必修一 Unit 2(LESSON 3 READING CLUB 2)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.relieve:re-(again 再)+liev-(lift up,lighten 轻)+-e 再轻 减轻 词族:relieve,relief,relieved2.strengthen:strength(力量)+-en(使;使成为)词族:strong strength strengthen3.system:音译词;sy-(together 一起)+-st(stand 站立)词源义:有机整体 词块:immune system;派生词:sys
2、tematic4.weekly:week+-ly(每隔时间);同类词:daily,hourly,monthly5.awkward:awk-(方式或手法不正确)+ward(后缀)相反的 笨拙的 尴尬的 同义词:embarrassing,difficult,inconvenient6.particular:词块:in particular;be particular about/over7.benefit:bene-(well 好)+fit(do,perform 做)做好处、善举 个人 利益,即善有善报 词块:benefit from,be of great benefit 8.membershi
3、p:member+-ship 词块:membership card9.equipment:equip+ment;词块:a piece of equipment10.capable:cap-(hold 拿、取)+-able;词块:be capable of 派生词:capability11.prevent:pre-(before 前、先)+-vent-(come 来)预先来到 预防 派生词:prevention 词块:prevent sb from doing sth 12.disease:dis-(不;非;使相反)+ease(放松;舒服)不舒服、生病 疾病13.upper:up的比较级;词块:
4、upper class14.flow:一词多义:基本义:流动15.relief:构词法 relieve relief 词块:in/with relief,to ones relief16.ache:近义词 hurt17.guideline:合成词guide+line;词块:guidelines on18.click:拟声词;基本义“点击”;词块:click on,a click of19.detail:de-(entirely 完全)+tail-(cut in pieces 剪成小块)完全剪碎 细节 词块:in detail,go into details 派生词:detailed20.amo
5、unt:a-(加强意义)+-mount-(mountain 山)到达山顶 到达最顶处 总、合 词块:a large amount of;amount to21.shortcut:合成词short+cut22.overnight:over-(越过)+night(夜晚)23.achievable:achieve+-able24.muscle:词源:英语单词muscle来自拉丁语musculus,和mus(老鼠)的指小形式,其实就是“小老鼠”的意思。古罗马人觉得鼓起的肌肉很像一只跳跃的小老鼠。希腊语和德语中,“肌肉”和“老鼠”是同一个词,阿拉伯语中的“肌肉”和“老鼠”的拼写也很接近。25.satis
6、faction:词族:satisfy,satisfied,satisfying,satisfaction26.overdo:over-(超过、过度)+do(做)27.sight:词源同see。意为“景点”时常用复数;sightseeing sight词块:in/out of(ones)sight,lose ones sight,at first sight,at the sight of,catch sight of,come into sight,lose sight of,set ones sights on28.cyclist:cycle+-ist29.overtake:over-(在上
7、;超过)+take(拿;取)30.amazed:amaze+-ed(分词形容词);注意与amazing的区别31.sportsmanship:sportsman(运动员)+-ship32.medal:词块 bronze/gold/silver medal33.response:构词:respond response 词块:in response(to)34.gesture:gest-(carry 携带,运输)+-ure(名词词尾)用手势来运输(传递)信息以达到交流的目的 35.flexibility:flexible+-ity;词根:flex-=to bendstrength&strength
8、en一词多义一词多义awkwardbenefitflow一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义principle搭配义搭配义英语释义英语释义辨析义辨析义sight一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义后缀-ly话题词汇:Sports&Fitness重难点词精讲strength词源词源strength的词源义为“bodily power”,即“力量力量”。strength既可指人的身强力壮(physically strong),比如说你可以做100个俯卧撑,也可指人内心的强大(mentally strong)。构词法:strong strength strengthenstrength n U 体力;力气体力;
9、力气 the quality of being physically strong:The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a living.2011 天津Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build up ones strength,but also develop ones character.2009 浙江人身体的“力量”U 意志力:inner strength/strength of will I hope you have/find the s
10、trength to start all over again.U 实力:Political power depends upon economic strength.人内在的“力量”国家等集体的“力量”C 优点;长处:Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.2009 浙江 C&U 强度;浓度:【重要搭配重要搭配】go from strength to strength 不断壮大:不断壮大:The company has gone from strength to strength since it was established fiv
11、e years ago.人格的“力量”物体或液体的“力量”strength的语义网络图的语义网络图力量力量基本义基本义strength人身体的“力量力量”人内在的“力量力量”体力;力气意志力实力强度;浓度优点;长处国家等集体的“力量力量”人格的“力量力量”物体或液体的“力量力量”由个体到群体由具象到抽象由表及里由人到物基本义词汇拓展词汇拓展strengthen vt&vi 加强;巩固加强;巩固 反反 weaken:The wind was strengthening.I believe that this magazine will surely strengthen our ties.str
12、ength加后缀-en变成动词漫威系列电影中有一位超级英雄美国队长(Captain America)。他原本是个瘦弱的青年,注射超级血清后,成为了一名超级士兵。Captain America他有着超越常人的体能。He has superhuman physical strength.他有着坚定的信念和非凡的意志力。He has a firm belief and owns remarkable strength of will.他有很多的优点:正直、勇敢、坚持和高尚的品德。He has many strengths:honesty,bravery,persistence and great c
13、haracter.一群超级英雄聚集在一起组成了非常有实力的群体复仇者联盟。A group of super heroes join together and make the Avengers,a group with great strength.美国队长的盾牌由“振金”制成,强度(strengths)很高,能抵抗雷神之锤的攻击。awkward adj 令人尴尬的;别扭的 embarrassing:an awkward silence 使用不便的;难以应付的 (difficult):an awkward machine ask an awkward question 不方便的 (inconv
14、enient):Please arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time.紧张的;不舒适的 not relaxed or comfortable:She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watching her.awkwardly adv 尴尬地尴尬地 Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 39 learning experience.I had never considered before how 40 awkward it would be
15、 to use one.As soon as I sat down,my 41 weight made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not 42 locked.Then I wondered where to put my 43 feet.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into 44 place (2013年全国卷I完形填空)awkward的常见释义是“尴尬的”。但是在这道题目中,根据其语境,awkward意为“困难的”,其同义词是difficult。这层释义是我们不太熟
16、悉的释义,表示“困难的”也很少想到用awkward。这个词在高考完形填空中出现的频率相当高。awkward 链接高考链接高考an awkward gesture an awkward peasantan awkward instrument an awkward situationan awkward customer an awkward momentawkward 语境活译大挑战语境活译大挑战 笨拙的姿势 笨手笨脚的乡下人 不好用的仪器棘手的情况不好对付的顾客尴尬的时刻翻译下面的句子。翻译下面的句子。新鲜空气对我们的健康有好处。The fresh air _ our health.is g
17、ood forbenefitis of benefit to benefitsn C&U 利益;益处利益;益处 an advantage,improvement,or help that you get from sth:side benefit 2019 全国There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film.2010 广东He has had the benefit of a first-class education.津贴;救济金津贴;救济金(welfare)benefit【重要搭配重要搭配】be of benefit to 对对
18、有益有益 (be beneficial to):Scientific research is of great benefit to mankind.for sbs benefit/for the benefit of sb 为了某人的利益:为了某人的利益:The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.The books are very useful(=are of great use)to English learners.Friends are very important(=are of great importance)to
19、everyone.The story he told me was very interesting(=was of great interest).be of +抽象名词抽象名词 =be+对应的形容词对应的形容词vt&vi 有益于;受益:有益于;受益:The rain will benefit the crops greatly.Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations.2011 江苏I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.2008 陕西书面表
20、达benefit beneficial adj 正式用语正式用语 有益的;有利的有益的;有利的 having a helpful or useful effect:Exercise is highly beneficial to health.In fact,music education is beneficial and important for all students.2009 北京【词汇拓展词汇拓展】阳光对植物有益。1.Sunshine _ plants.2.Plants _ _ sunshine.3.Sunshine _ _ _ plants.4.Sunshine _ _ _ _ plants.benefitsbenefitfromisbeneficialtoisofbenefittoSunshine is good for plants.翻译下面的句子(每空一词)。翻译下面的句子(每空一词)。谢谢观赏