Unit 4 Lesson 1 What's So Funny- 课件 --(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、单单词词课课堂堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness.Vygotsky版本:版本:新北师新北师单元:选择性必修单元:选择性必修二二 Unit 4(LESSON 1)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.doorwaydoor(门)+way(道路)2.casuallycasual(adj 偶然的)+-ly3.innocently innocent(adj 无罪的、纯真的)+-ly词族:innocent,innocence,innocently4.appetiteap-(to 去)+petit(to seek 追求)+-e 对食物的追求 食欲/胃口词块

2、:lose ones appetite/have no appetite隐喻:对食物的“胃口”对事物的“胃口”欲望5.faithfulfaith(n 信心)+-ful派生词:faithfully6.astronomyastro-(star 星)+nom(学科)+-y(名词后缀)研究星辰的学科 天文学派生词:astronomer7.potentiallypotential(adj 潜在的)+-ly8.scientific science scientific 9.measurement measure(v 测量)+-ment10.atmosphere词源:是 17 世纪一位科学家根据希腊语 at

3、mos(蒸气)加 sphaira(球面、天体)所造的词,用以指“大气层”或“大气”,后引申为“气氛”。词块:create an atmosphere of11.forecastfore-(before 在之前)+cast(throw 投)预先投放 预料、预测近义词:predict;词块:a weather forecast 12.middle-agedmiddle+aged13.surgery surg-(外科)+-ery 词块:plastic surgery 14.bleed派生词:bleeding15.scream词块:let out/give a scream16.consultatio

4、n con-(together 一起)+sult(to gather 聚集)+-ation(名词后缀)聚到一起进行的讨论 商量/商讨词族:consult,consultant,consultation17.crisis词块:crisis of confidence,energy crisis,an economic/a financial crisis18.examine词族:examine,examination,exam,examinee,examiner 19.announcean-(to 去)+nounce(to report 汇报、报告)去汇报、报告 宣布/宣告派生词:announc

5、er,announcement词块:announce=make an announcement20.afterwards(AmE=afterward)after+ward(toward 向)+-s 21.circuscircus 词源义是“圆形场地”,与 circle(圆形)同源。词源故事:现代马戏起源于英国。1768 年,英国退役军人 Philip Astley 在伦敦开办了一家骑术学校,上午传授骑术,下午表演各种惊人的马上技巧。表演场地就是学校里的一块圆形竞技场,叫作 circus。后来,表演骑术的杂技人员都借鉴了 Philip Astley 的做法,在特别设计的圆形场地中表演骑术。慢慢地

6、,circus 的含义从“供马术表演的场地”变成了“马术表演”和“马戏团”。22.deservede-(completely 彻底地)+serv(to serve 服务)+-e(动词后缀)服务得很彻底,故应该得到奖赏 值得/应得词块:deserve sth,deserve to do sth,deserve to be done/deserve doing sth 派生词:deserved,deserving重重难难点点词词精精讲讲measure&measurement一词多义一词多义deserve英语释义英语释义搭配义搭配义announce一词多义一词多义词根词缀词根词缀中国古代中国古代西方

7、西方重量单位两;斤两;斤磅(pound);克(gram);千克(kilogram)1磅=0.454千克 容积和体积单位升;斗;石升;斗;石1石=10斗=100升品脱(pint)(568毫升);加仑(gallon)(4.55升)长度单位尺;寸尺;寸1尺=10寸=0.33米英尺(foot);英寸(inch);英里(mile);码(yard);米(meter);千米(kilometer)1英尺=12英寸=0.3048米;1英里=1.609千米1码=0.9米中西方关于度量衡(weights and measures)的常见表达都有哪些呢?measure以人名命名的物理单位:力的单位:牛顿(N);功的单

8、位:焦耳(J);频率的单位:赫兹(Hz);电流的单位:安培(A)等等 measuren C&U 度量单位;计量标准:weights and measures C 正式用语(判断的)标准;衡量a way of testing or judging sth:Speed is a good measure of work performance in this setting.measure的词源义为“测量”,是 meter(米)的同源词【温故】必修二U5 C 用单数(一定的)量;程度(degree):No matter how unpredictable the future is,theres

9、almost always some measure of joy to be got from the moment.2015 浙江改 C 常用复数 措施;办法 an official action(step):safety measures It is high time that we should take some measures to protect endangered animals.vt&vi 量;测量:用作系动词 不用于进行时(尺寸、数量等)量度为:The room measures 10 meters across.vt 估量;衡量 (assess):measure v

10、measuring instruments The doctor weighed the baby and measured its height.Scientists havent measured the positive effects of laughter on children.measurement n U 测量;衡量;C 常用复数 尺寸;长度;数量:take sbs measurements【知新】“测量”物体的重要性、价值测量尺寸;长度;数量衡量measure&measurement语义网络图measure测量基本义量;测量估量;衡量 (尺寸、数量等)量度为measureme

11、ntmeasure“测量”后得到的结果“测量”尺寸、数量等 宣告;宣布:Please remain seated;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.2008 辽宁Mr White announced that he would go to China in February.2008 全国(尤指在机场或火车站)广播通知:The pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight delay before setting down.2010 四川 宣布的到来/出席:Woul

12、d you announce the guests as they come in?词源解读:an-(to 去)+nounce(to report 汇报/报告)去汇报、报告 宣布/宣告 announce vt 【词汇拓展】announcer n C(电视台/电台的)播音员;(机场或车站的)广播员announcement n C 通告;布告 U 宣布;宣告:make an announcement I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested

13、in it.2012 全国书面表达deserveYou deserve it!这是你应得的!这是你应得的!vt 不用于进行时不用于进行时 应受;值得应受;值得 to earn sth,either good or bad,because of sth that you have done:You deserve a rest after all that hard work.What comes first is to keep an open mind,because everyones ideas deserve consideration.2008 江苏改deserve deserve

14、to do sth:She deserves to succeed.deserve doing/deserve to be done:Hes a responsible writer,and he deserves respecting/to be respected.doing在此是主动形式表示被动意义在此是主动形式表示被动意义词源解读:de-(completely 彻底地)+serv(to serve 服务)+-e(动词后缀)服务得很彻底,故应该得到奖赏 值得/应得本单元的词根词缀本单元的词根词缀说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。1.Red can cau

15、se a persons blood pressure to rise and increase peoples appetites.(2012 安徽)appetite:ap-(to 去)+petit(to seek 追求)+-e(名词后缀)对食物的_ _ 2.If you like astronomy,you may be interested in collecting stamps describing the stars,planets,etc.(2012 江西)astronomy:astro-(star 星)+nom(学科)+-y(名词后缀)研究星辰的学科 _ 3.The decis

16、ion was reached after consultation with parents and teachers.consultation:con-(together 一起)+sult(to gather 聚集)+-ation(名词后缀)聚到一起进行的讨论 _追求追求食欲食欲 /胃口胃口天文学天文学商量商量 /商讨商讨4.Several companies have announced their intention to compete for the project.(2011 陕西改)announce:an-(to 去)+nounce(to report _)去汇报、报告 _ 5

17、.We are more willing to help people we like and people we think deserve assistance.(2012 上海改)deserve:de-(completely 彻底地)+serv(to serve _)+-e(动词后缀)服务得很彻底,故应该得到奖赏 _ 汇报汇报/报告报告宣布宣布 /宣告宣告服务服务值得值得 /应得应得本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.It is high time that we should take some measures to protect endangered animals.2.Please

18、 remain seated;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.2008 辽宁3.You deserve a rest after all that hard work.4.Hes a responsible writer,and he deserves respecting/to be respected.随堂检测随堂检测measure完成句子。1.The room _(宽10米).2.The assistant _(给我量尺寸)and showed me what was available in my size.3.Person

19、ally,Im against _(付钱让学生学习的办法).(2010 广东书面表达)4.They call on people and the government to _(采取措施减少污染).(2013 天津改)the measure of paying students to learnmeasures 10 metres acrosstake measures to reduce pollutiontook my measurementsannounce一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.In January,Starbucks announced that customers

20、 could start using their phones to buy coffee in 6,800 of its stores.(2011 湖北)_2.But then a week before the trip,she suddenly announced that they wouldnt take the holiday.(2010 四川)_二、空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式填空。1.After graduating from university in 1932,Reagan got a job as a radio sports _(announce).(2010 广东)

21、2.The _(announce)was greeted enthusiastically.三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。1.Silence,please.Mr Whte is about to _(宣布通知).2.He said the lucky woman _(将在网上公布)and the trip will be shared online.(2017 全国)宣布宣布宣布宣布 /宣称宣称 /郑重其事地说郑重其事地说announcerannouncementmake an announcementwill be announced on the website 二、根据所给提示,用适当的

22、词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.Whoever you are,you _(应当得到平等的对待).(2013 湖南)2.What has he done to _(应该得到这样的惩罚)?3.He did a good job,and he _(理应得到称赞).一、用括号内单词的正确形式填空。一、用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1.They broke the rule and didnt deserve _(win)that game.2.Elderly people deserve _(respect).3.Thats an issue _(deserve)careful attention.deservingrespecting/to be respected to windeservedeserved praising/to be praiseddeserve equal treatment deserve this punishment谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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