Unit 5 Lesson 2 The Objectives of Education课件 2- -(2022)新北师大版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、stimulate词源解读:词源解读:stimul(to prick 刺)刺)+-ate(动词后缀)(动词后缀)刺激刺激stimulate的基本义为的基本义为“刺、刺激刺、刺激”。stimulate我真的很感激那些能激发我的创造力,让我更深层次思考的人。stimulate vt 刺激(身体部位等)刺激(身体部位等)to make a plant or part of the body become active or stronger:Light stimulates plant growth.The drugs designed to stimulate the bodys own defe

2、nce system to fight the virus.激发;激励;使兴奋激发;激励;使兴奋 to encourage sb by making them excited about and interested in sth:His interest in reading was stimulated by his parents.Good teachers should ask questions that stimulate students to think.The caffeine will stimulate the patient.刺激;促进刺激;促进 to encourag

3、e or help an activity to begin or develop further:stimulate growth/demand/consumptionThe government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.【温故温故】选必一选必一U1 stimulation n U 刺激;激励;激发:刺激;激励;激发:physical/visual stimulationmental/intellectual stimulation【词汇拓展词汇拓展】选必三选必三U8stimulating adj 趣味盎然的;

4、激励人的;让人兴奋的:趣味盎然的;激励人的;让人兴奋的:a stimulating discussiona stimulating and rewarding careerthe stimulating effects of coffee and teademonstrate v vt 证明;论证:证明;论证:Researchers have demonstrated how effective the fit-for-life model of gym class can be.2010 上海改 vt 示范;演示;显示:示范;演示;显示:demonstrate the use of the

5、machine vt 表达;表现;显露表达;表现;显露(display):In Japan,it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person.人教新选必-4 vi 示威;示威游行:示威;示威游行:demonstrate against sb/sthdemonstrate词源解读:de-(entirely 完全)+monstr(to show 显示)+-ate(动词后缀)使完全显示出来 证明证明demonstrate 语义网络图语义网络图表明、证明表明、证明demonstrate(基本义)(基本义)用证

6、据等用证据等表明、证表明、证明明某事某事证明;论证证明;论证表达;表现;显露表达;表现;显露用行动等用行动等表明、证表明、证明明情感、观点等情感、观点等用示例等用示例等表明、证表明、证明明如何做某事如何做某事示范;演示;显示示范;演示;显示用行动等用行动等表明、证表明、证明明抗议或支持抗议或支持示威;示威游行示威;示威游行本单元的词根词缀本单元的词根词缀说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。1.The researchers suggest that all manner of different clothes probably affect our cogni

7、tion in many different ways.(2017 浙江改)cognition:co-(表示强调)+gn(to know _)+-ition(名词后缀)知道的过程 _2.The old rules have to be revised because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago.(2014 湖北改)circumstance:circum(around _)+st(to stand 站)+-ance(名词后缀)环绕着站的事物

8、周边情形 _知道知道认知认知环绕环绕情况情况3.It is thought that strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter,soft colours will calm the mind and aid concentration.stimulate:stimul(to prick 刺)+-ate(动词后缀)刺(激)某物 _4.Two researchers demonstrated a small robotic wheelchair directed by a persons thoughts.(2011 山东改)dem

9、onstrate:de-(entirely 完全)+monstr(to show _)+-ate(动词后缀)使完全显示出来 _5.Computers have changed our lives and they have the power to educate and pass on knowledge.(2013 湖北改)educate:e-(向外)+duc(to lead _)+-ate(动词后缀)把学生内在的天资引导出来 _激发激发显示显示展示展示引导引导教育教育本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.We all gained a lot from the experience.2.No

10、pain,no gain.3.Lily decided that she would settle in New York and pursue her dream of becoming an actress.人教新必修 54.It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum of money.5.I am repeatedly exposed to the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas.2010 辽宁6.He was a li

11、ttle boy,but he behaved as if he was/were an adult.7.Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.2011 浙江8.Under no circumstances should we do terrible things to other people.9.It is our responsibility/We have a responsibility to protect the environment.10.Taking

12、 responsibility for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.2010 天津随堂检测随堂检测objective一、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。1.She gives an objective report of what has happened._2.Her main objective was international fame as a scientist._3.The guide wanted us to travel on foot,but I

13、objected._4.If you use the word“enjoy”,you have to add an object._5.A bright moving object appeared in the sky at sunset._6.The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity._7.Mother objected that the weather was too wet to play outside._客观的客观的目标目标反对反对宾语宾语物体物体目的目的提出提出作为反对的理由作为反对的理由二、在空白处

14、填入二、在空白处填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.The object _ his novel writing is to amuse the general readers.2.Do you object to _(work)on Sundays?3.He has a strong _(object)to getting up early.4.He tried to take an _(object)view of the situation.5.We hoped you would write _(objective)about the

15、event.ofworking objectionobjectiveobjectivelygain一、用gain把下列汉语译成英语。1.获得信心 _2.获得广泛的支持 _3.我的表快两分钟。_4.最近我胖了。_ 5.一分耕耘,一分收获。_二、将下列各句中的画线部分或句子译成汉语。1.As American fast food gains acceptance in France,more and more French children are overweight.(2014 陕西改)_2.I gained strength every time I said,“Yes,Ill try th

16、at.”(2011 天津)_gain confidenceIve gained weight recently.gain popular supportMy watch gains(by)two minutes.得到认可/被接受获得力量No pain,no gain.三、将下列短语和句子译成汉语。1.gain access to the building _2.Why not give it a go?You have nothing to lose and everything to gain._3.We all gained a lot from the experience._为什么不试

17、试呢?你不会有任何损失,却会收获一切/只赚不赔。(得以)进入大楼我们从这次经历中受益良多。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.She pursued the man who had stolen a womans bag._2.Students should pursue their own interests,as well as do their school work._ 3.She didnt seem to want to pursue the argument so I changed the subject._4.He will pur

18、sue a trade policy that protects workers._pursue追赶追赶追求追求继续这个争论继续这个争论贯彻贯彻二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.She is determined to _(追求自己的目标).2.We will not _(追究这件事)any further.3.She plans to _(从事教育行业).pursue her goals/aims/objectivespursue the matterpursue a career in education一、在空白处填入一、在空白处

19、填入1 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.It will contribute to _(create)a good environment to read books in our class.(2015 广东)2.Speed is a _(contribute)factor in many automobile accidents.3.Before sending a manuscript to the Post,a _(contribute)is advised to find out the range of the articles in

20、the post.(2011 北京)4.She continues to contribute _ a sports magazine.creatingcontributingcontributortocontribute二、将下列句子翻译成英语。二、将下列句子翻译成英语。1.他给那所学校捐了一万美元。_2.他对项目的成功做出了杰出贡献。_He contributed 10,000 dollars to/toward(s)the school./He made a contribution of 10,000 dollars to/toward(s)the school.He made a g

21、reat contribution to the success of the project./He contributed a lot to the success of the project.finance一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.He is a well-known expert in finance._2.Unless we can get more finance,well have to close the store._3.The repairs to the school will be financed by the

22、educational department._二二、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1.This company was in serious _(finance)difficulties.2.He was freed from _(finance)dependence on his parents.3.Now your company will end up _(financial)in the red.金融金融资金资金提供资金提供资金financialfinancialfinancially一、一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线

23、部分的汉语释义。1.1.Ive made a living looking for the best deals and exposing the worst tricks.(2013 全国)_2.Children exposed to multiple(多种的)languages may be better natural communicators._3.In some Middle Eastern countries,exposing your flesh is forbidden,especially if you are a woman.(2014 重庆)_二、将下列句子译成英语。二

24、、将下列句子译成英语。1.她越接触中国文化,就越喜欢。_2.不要将婴儿置于强烈的阳光下。_揭露揭露 使接触使接触 /使体验使体验 使暴露使暴露 /使显露使显露 The more she is exposed to Chinese culture,the more she likes it.Dont expose the baby/babies to strong sunlight.一、一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.We live in a global village,but this doesnt mean that we all behave

25、in the same way.(2012 安徽)_ 2.She always behaves well when her aunts come to visit._ 3.For animals their size,ants have been astonishingly successful,largely due to their wonderful social behavior.(2015 安徽)_ 4.I want you both to be on your best behaviour at Grandads._ behave举止规矩举止规矩表现表现尽量举止得体尽量举止得体社交

26、行为社交行为二、根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。1.He was praised for his _(良好举止).2.We promise to _(守规矩)tomorrow.3.A(n)_(守规矩的孩子)earns a great reward.(2014 福建)4.He _(他表现得好像)nothing out of the ordinary was happening.5.Whenever there was a full moon he would start _(表现奇怪).well-behaved childbehave ourselvesgoo

27、d behaviourbehaved as if/thoughbehaving strangely一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Due to circumstances beyond our control the lecture was cancelled._2.Their family financial circumstances are from bad to worse._ 二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.Dont open the door _(任何情况下).2.She ma

28、de it clear that _(绝不)would she cancel the trip.circumstance情况情况/情形情形经济状况经济状况in/under any circumstancesin/under no circumstances 1.我负责安排了座位。(seating)_2.她的责任感很强。_3.保护环境是每个人的责任。_ 根据所给提示翻译下列句子。根据所给提示翻译下列句子。I took responsibility for/was responsible for the seating arrangements.responsibilityShe has a st

29、rong sense of responsibility.Its everyones responsibility to protect the environment.stimulate根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。根据句意写出画线部分的汉语释义。1.The film was intended to stimulate and amuse._2.By stimulating the economy,were going to put people to work._3.These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells._4.To

30、stimulate life and let life develop freely is the primary task of educators._助兴助兴刺激刺激促进促进激发激发写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true?_ 2.You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer._3.A lot of people demonstrated in the street yesterday._4.The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child._证明证明演示演示游行(示威)游行(示威)表现表现demonstrate


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