Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Speaking ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesPeriod 1 Listening and Speaking 新人教版(2019)Review根据中文含义填空根据中文含义填空1.I was _(高兴高兴)to hear you arrived home safely.2.Everyone_(鼓掌鼓掌)us when we went up to get our prize.3.I have the greatest _(尊敬尊敬)for your brother.4.The device was primed to _(爆炸爆炸)during the rush hour.5.I sold e

2、verything I owned _(除了除了.以外以外)my car and my books.6._(坦白地说坦白地说),I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.pleasedclappedrespectgo off except forTo be frankKey wordsmoral mrladj.&n.积累积累moral dilemma moral values moral responsibilityfaint fentvi.dilemma dlemn.virtue vtu n.1.Starting today

3、,we have to facing the ocean,the warmth of spring to be a _(有道有道德的德的)person.2.The child was faced with the moral _(困境困境)of whether to return the money he found.3.She suddenly fell forward on to the table and _(晕晕倒了倒了).moraldilemmafainted根据中文含义填空根据中文含义填空PracticeThe best portion of a good mans life is

4、 his little,nameless.unremembered acts of kindness and of love.William WordsworthLead inIn this unit,you will1 read about a compassionate doctor,Lin Qiaozhi.2 listen to discussions about moral dilemmas and the power of kindness and talk about the virtues that we cherish.3 write a review of a moral f

5、able.4 explore the importance of moral values and virtues.Lead inLead in1 What do you think the teenagers are doing?2 Can you List some virtues that are admired in every culture?Look and discussDiscussionLook at the pictures below and discuss with your classmates.What would you do in the following t

6、wo situations?Pre-listeningLook at the picture and think about what moral dilemma you would have faced if you had been there.For example,when you see a thief stealing other peoples things in the street,will you be brave enough to help others?If you act bravely,you may suffer losses and your life wil

7、l be in danger.If you dont act bravely,you will have a moral conscience.Talk about moral dilemmas1 Before you listen,look at the definition and the picture below.Then discuss the questions with your group.A moral dilemma is a situation in which you have two or more difficult choices to make.I you ch

8、oose one.you might get in trouble for not choosing the others.1 What moral dilemma is the boy in the picture facing?2 Have you ever faced a moral dilemma or heard of someone who did?Describe it.Pre-listening1 What moral dilemma is the boy in the cartoon facing?2 Have you ever faced a moral dilemma o

9、r heard of someone who did?Describe it.3 What did Jane say about the girls life?The boy sees an old woman who has fallen down on the street.She needs help getting up,but if he stops to help her,he might be late for school and get scolded by his teacher.I once saw my friend cheat on a test.I knew tha

10、t I should report him,but if I did,he would no longer be my friend.Pre-listeningHer life was full of hard choices,but she didnt let them stop her from taking care of people who were in need.She always cared for others more than for herself.Listen for attitudesWhen you Listen,you should pay attention

11、 not only to the words but also to HOW the speaker is talking f people strongly disagree with something.they might exaggerate their intonation.If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly they may be excited or angry.If they speak slowly or stop often,they may be confused or not sure about wha

12、t they are saying.Pre-listeningListeningListen for details2 Listen to the conversation and complete the table to describe the moral dilemma that Jane is talking about.SituationThe girl is taking the entrance examination for _ in Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her fainted.The girls choic

13、esshe can_ orshe can_Possibleresults_but_but_a medical universityfinish the exam.stop and help the student.She may enter the medical university.She puts the needs of the other person first,the fainted girl cant get her help in the first place.she gives up the chance to enter the medical university.J

14、ane:She stopped to help the student,thinking that it was better to put the needs of the other person first.1.Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luke.T F 2.Luke doubts that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.T F 3.Jane admires what the girl in the story did.T F Listen for att

15、itude 3 Listen and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).Jane:Im reading a very interesting magazine article.Luke:Oh,situations like that dont happen very often,do they?ListeningListen for attitude 4.Luke doesnt believe anybody would do what the girl in the story did.T F 5.Jane wonder

16、s how the girl became a doctor later.T F 3 Listen and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).Luke:I cant believe she would give up her chance.Who would do such a thing?Jane:She later DID get into medical university and then became a great doctor.ListeningListening1 What did the girl do

17、 to help the student?2 What was the girls name?What was she famous for?3 What did Jane say about the girls life?Listening and Speakingcarried the student to a safe placewent to the hospital with hercalled her sisterLin Qiaozhi.Caring for(tens of thousands of)women and their babies.Her life was full

18、of hard choices.She didnt let them stop her.cared for others more than for herself.4 Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the questions.ListeningJane is _ an article about moral dilemmas with her friend Luke.This article mentions a girl _ the entrance exam for a famous medical university

19、in Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her _.The girl stopped to help the student,_ that it was better to _the needs of the other person first.Although the girl_ the exam that day,she became a great doctor.Her name was Lin Qiaozhi,who was famous for _ for tens of thousands of women and their

20、 babies in China.Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.sharingtakingfaintedthinking put leftcaringEXAMPLEA:If I were ever in a situation like the girl faced,I think I would choose to.B:Why?Are you sure?A:Because I think that.is most important.What about you?B:I think I would.5 Think about

21、 what you would do if you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl.Then share your thoughts with your group,and explain the reasons for your choice.ListeningTo my mind.As far as Im concerned.To be honest/frank.If you ask me.In my opinion/view.Generally speaking.Personally,I dont have the

22、faintest idea about.Id just like to say.Useful expressionsLets learnLead in语调语调(intonation),语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。同样的句子,语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。同样的句子,语语调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。请看下例请看下例:1)A:Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?B:Sorry?()Jean用升调说用升调说“Sorry”,其意思是其意思是“I didnt hear you.Cou

23、ld you say that again,please?”我们再看下句我们再看下句:2)A:Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?B:Sorry.()在对话在对话(2)中中,Jean用降调说用降调说“Sorry”,显然其意思是拒绝帮助或无能为力。显然其意思是拒绝帮助或无能为力。GrammarFalling tone refers to the speakers positive attitude,complete meaning and independent grammatical structure.Rising tone means that the

24、speakers attitude is uncertain,the meaning is incomplete,and the grammatical structure is not independent.Words that generally need to be stressed are notional words(实词实词)/keywords.Intonation stressverbs,nouns,adjectives,adverbs,numerals,interrogative sentences(疑问句疑问句)and exclamatory sentences.(感叹句感

25、叹句)function word,modal verbs(情态动词情态动词),articles,prepositions,conjunctions,property prons(物主代词物主代词),relative pronoun and adverbs(关系代词关系代词),etc.Words that need to be emphasized in general(function words(虚词虚词)/non-keywords).Listening1.A:You know Angela?B:Yes.2.A:You volunteer at the local shelter,dont

26、you?B:Yes.Its a great experience.3.A:Did you hear that James helped an old woman who fell down while crossing the street?B:Yes.It was a bit dangerous,but he got all the cars to stop.()()()BCA1 Listen to the conversations and match each rising intonation with its meaning.PronunciationA Having more to

27、 say.B Hoping the other person will continue to talk.C Asking for confirmation.ListeningPeter:Its a nice day,isnt it?Nick:Yes,but it looks gloomy to me.Peter:Why?What happened?Nick:You know Tony?Peter:Yes.Nick:He asked me to write an essay for him.But I dont think its the right thing to do.Do you?Pe

28、ter:No,its not.Nick:But Im afraid to lose him as a friend.Peter:Well,good friends should help each other.But it doesnt mean you should help him cheat!Why not help him with his schoolwork?Nick:Good idea!2 Read the conversation and mark in the correct places.Then listen to the recording to check.Notic

29、e the meaning of each rising intonation.重点单词及短语重点单词及短语Summarize1.moral adj.道德的道德的;道德上的道德上的;有道德的有道德的 n.品行品行,道德道德;寓意寓意2.dilemma n.困境困境;进退两难的境地进退两难的境地 3.moral dilemma 道德困境道德困境4.faint vi.昏倒昏倒;昏厥昏厥Language point1.A moral dilemma is a situation in which you have two or more difficult choices to make.道德困境是

30、指你有两个或两个以上的困道德困境是指你有两个或两个以上的困难选择的境地。难选择的境地。moral adj.道德的道德的;道德上的道德上的;有道德的有道德的 n.品行品行,道德道德;寓意寓意积累积累moral dilemma道德困境道德困境 moral sense道德感道德感moral values道德价值道德价值 moral responsibility道义上的责任道义上的责任moral behaviour有道德的行为有道德的行为 moral character道德品质道德品质例句例句:The issue raises a moral dilemma.这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。这个问

31、题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。例句例句:He is a true and moral man.他是一个真诚而有道德的人。他是一个真诚而有道德的人。根据中文含义填空根据中文含义填空The decadence of _(道德道德)is bad for a nation.George Washington is known to be a _(品行品行)and just man.moralsmoral2.listen to discussions about moral dilemmas and the power of kindness and talk about the virtues tha

32、t we cherish.倾听并讨论关于道德困境和倾听并讨论关于道德困境和善良的力量,谈论我们所珍视的美德。善良的力量,谈论我们所珍视的美德。Language pointvirtue n.美德美德;德行德行;高尚的道德高尚的道德;优秀品质优秀品质;良好习惯良好习惯;优点优点;长处长处同义词辨析同义词辨析virtue n.美德美德,优秀品质优秀品质;指某人性格中的好品质指某人性格中的好品质,为可数名词。为可数名词。例证例证:Among his many virtues are courtesy,courage and loyalty.在他的许多美德中有谦虚、勇敢和忠诚。在他的许多美德中有谦虚、勇

33、敢和忠诚。merit n.正式正式优秀品质优秀品质;指使某人或某物受赞扬或赞美的好品质,为不可数名词。指使某人或某物受赞扬或赞美的好品质,为不可数名词。例证例证:In his opinion,this proposal has some merit.在他看来,这个提议有可取之处。在他看来,这个提议有可取之处。根据中文含意填空根据中文含意填空In fact,truthfulness is not one of her _(美德美德).Some make a_(德行德行)out of giving in the sense of a sacrifice.virtues virtuedilemma

34、n.困境困境;进退两难的境地进退两难的境地 积累积累a moral dilemma道德上的左右为难道德上的左右为难;道德两难处境道德两难处境to face a dilemma面临左右为难的困境面临左右为难的困境to be in a dilemma处于进退两难的境地处于进退两难的境地例句例句:They try to find a way out of their dilemma.他们试图摆脱困境。他们试图摆脱困境。例句例句:We now face an embarrassing dilemma:should we stay or go?我们现在面临着一个进退两难的窘境:我们该留下来还是离开呢?我

35、们现在面临着一个进退两难的窘境:我们该留下来还是离开呢?3.Have you ever faced a moral dilemma or heard of someone who did?Describe it.你曾经面临过道德困境或听说过这样做的人吗你曾经面临过道德困境或听说过这样做的人吗?描述它。描述它。Language pointLanguage pointdilemma n.困境困境;指进退两难、难以抉择的境地。指进退两难、难以抉择的境地。例证例证:He was in a dilemma about the party invitation.对于是否应邀参加聚会他左右为难。对于是否应邀

36、参加聚会他左右为难。difficulty n.困境困境;指遇到困难的情况。指遇到困难的情况。例证例证:The government has decided to provide help to companies with financial difficulties.政府决定给经济上遇到困难的公司提供帮助。政府决定给经济上遇到困难的公司提供帮助。trouble n.困境;险境困境;险境;指可能招致批评或惩罚的困难或危险处境。指可能招致批评或惩罚的困难或危险处境。例证例证:She helped him out of trouble.她帮助他摆脱了困境。她帮助他摆脱了困境。同义词辨析同义词辨析根

37、据中文含义填空根据中文含义填空I was faced with a real _(困境困境).He was faced with the _(进退两难的境地进退两难的境地)of whether or not to return to his country.dilemmadilemmaLanguage point4.During the exam,the student next to her fainted.考试时,她旁边考试时,她旁边的学生晕倒了。的学生晕倒了。faint fent vi.昏倒昏倒;昏厥昏厥例句例句:I have been known to faint at the sig

38、ht of blood.大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。同义词辨析同义词辨析dizzy adj.头晕目眩的头晕目眩的;指因从高处向下看或生病等而感觉天旋地转、站立不稳的。指因从高处向下看或生病等而感觉天旋地转、站立不稳的。例证例证:I felt quite dizzy after riding the roller coaster.玩完过山车之后我觉得头很晕。玩完过山车之后我觉得头很晕。faint adj.昏眩的昏眩的,快要昏厥的快要昏厥的;指因生病、疲倦、饥饿等原因而感到虚弱无力、快要失去知觉的。指因生病、疲倦、饥饿等原因而感到虚弱无力、快要失去知觉的。例证例证:

39、He was faint from hunger.他饿得头昏眼花。他饿得头昏眼花。根据中文含义填空根据中文含义填空She_(昏倒昏倒)when she heard the news but they finally brought to her.His mother _(昏厥昏厥)upon hearing the good news.fainted faintedLanguage point句中句中while为连词为连词,引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句,句中省略了句中省略了she was,其完整形式为其完整形式为while she was crossing the street,表示的动作与

40、主句谓语动词的动作同时发生。表示的动作与主句谓语动词的动作同时发生。5.Did you hear that James helped an old woman who fell down while crossing the street?你听说詹姆斯帮助一个过街时跌倒的老太太了吗你听说詹姆斯帮助一个过街时跌倒的老太太了吗?状语从句的省略状语从句的省略:当连词当连词while,when,until,if,unless,though引导时间、条件、让步等状语从句的主语为引导时间、条件、让步等状语从句的主语为it,或者与主句的主语一致或者与主句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语含有并且从句的谓语含有be(

41、连系动词连系动词be,进行时态的进行时态的be和被动语态的和被动语态的be)时时,从句的主语和从句的主语和be经常一起省略。经常一起省略。”语法填空语法填空(1)When(she was)_ in the street,she heard of something about her friend.(2)If(you are)_ to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.walkingaskedHomeworkHomework1.Review the expressions about attitudes and emotions in listening texts and use them to express your own views.2.Find more quotes about moral and virtue and write down your understanding about them.


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