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1、Reading and Thinking P28-29 Unit 3 Diverse CulturesWatch and answer:What information can you get from the video?Learnabouta citythathasdiverseculturesFind San Francisco on the map and discuss this question in groups:What do you know and want to know about the city?Scan Li Lans travel journal and fin

2、d out the places that she has been to or plans to visit.Has been to:RedwoodForest,NapaValley,MissionDistrict,alocalmuseum,ChinatownPlans to visit:RichmondDistrictRead the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lans trip.campedintheRedwoodForest;visitedNapaValleyBefore coming to San Fra

3、ncisco morning afternoon eveningtomorrowClassify and organise informationWecanbetterunderstandapassagebyclassifyingororganisingtheinformationinit.Classifyingmeansdecidingthekindofinformation,e.g.dates,numbers,opinions.Organisingmeansputtingthingsinorder,e.g.accordingtohowold,howmuch,whatkind.Sometim


5、ct Answer the questions using information from the travel journal.What impressed the writer first about San Francisco?The beautiful old buildings,many sitting on top of big hills.What is so special about the Mission District?The Mission District is a vibrant,historical area full of culture and life.

6、Why did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco?To seek their fortune in the gold rush.What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal?The Mission District which is full of people from Mexico or Central America;Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck;Chinatown.Text analysis日记日记是记录生活的一

7、种方式。日记的首行是日期,位置一般居左或居右。正文为主体部分,常以第一人称记录当天生活中所见所闻、所做或所想的事情。由于记载的内容通常已经发生,作者多用一般过去时,但也可以根据情况使用其他时态。旅行日记的格式与此大致相同,主要记述作者在旅行地参观的景点、参与的活动和旅行的感受。Try to answer the following questions:Did Li Lan enjoy her trip in San Francisco?Can you find some evidence to support your idea?And then fill in the table.Parts

8、Feelings ExamplesPara 1:city of SanFranciscoPara 2:MissionDistrictPara 3:localmuseumPara 4:ChinatownPara 5:RichmondDistrictamazed,impressedinterestedtouchedhappyeager to knowAnd what a city.rebuild itself after the earthquake.so many beautiful old buildings.on top of big hills.I walked around lookin

9、g at the street art for a few hours quite modern and lively real mix of cultures here!The museum did a really good job.immigrants left their own country.built a new home here.so many good cafes and restaurants.beautiful chinaplates.What good food!Cant waitLanguage points P28-29 Unit 3 Diverse Cultur

10、es课文回顾根据课文完成短文。根据课文完成短文。Today,I arrived back in San Francisco,and it feels good _(be)back in the city again.The city succeeded in _(rebuild)itself after the earthquake that _(occur)in 1906,and I stayed in the Mission District,enjoying some delicious noodles mixed with cultures.In the afternoon,I hea

11、ded to a local museum _ showed the historical changes in California.During the gold rush,many Chinese arrived,and some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown to earn a _(live).Many others worked on _(farm),joined the gold rush,or went to build the railway that connected California to the east.

12、The museum showed us _America was built by immigrants from_(difference)countries and cultures.In the evening,I went to Chinatown,and ate in a Cantonese restaurant that served food on _(beauty)china plates.Tomorrow evening,Im going to _ jazz bar in the Richmond District.to be rebuildingoccurred athat

13、 living farms how different beautiful Ihavetoadmitthatitdefinitelyfeelsgoodtobebackinthecityagain.句意句意:我得承认,再次回到城里的感觉实在是太:我得承认,再次回到城里的感觉实在是太 棒了。棒了。admit v.(1)承认(事实,过错)等 admit doing sth.承认做了某事 admit(to sb)that (向某人)承认 (2)准许进入/加入 admit to/into 准许进入/加入例1:Onlyticket-holderswillbeadmitted intothetheatre.

14、例2:Hewashonestenoughtoadmithismistake.例3:Danaadmitted feeling hurtbywhatIhadsaid.例4:Itssaidthatshehasbeenadmitted intoakeyuniversity.例5:Headmits that hewasamazedattheembarrassingsituationatthattime.只有持票者才可以入场。他够诚实,承认了自己的错误。达娜承认我说的话伤了她的感情。据说她被一所重点大学录取了。他承认他对当时的尴尬局面感到惊讶。definitely adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定清楚地

15、,当然;明确地,肯定definite adj.明确的,确切的明确的,确切的definition n.定义定义完成下列句子 To give a _ of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难得多。She made no _plans for her future.她对自己的未来没有明确的计划。Im _ going to get in touch with these people.我一定要联系上这些人。definitiondefinitedefinitely句意:句

16、意:多么神奇的一座城市啊多么神奇的一座城市啊一座一座1906年大年大 地震后重建的城市。地震后重建的城市。Andwhatacity-acity,thatwasabletorebuilditselfaftertheearthquakethatoccurredin1906.不同点不同点相同点相同点occur是较正式的用语,可用于具体或抽象的事物,通常指按计划或规律在较为确定的时间“发生”的事。三者都可表示“发生”之意,都是不及物动词或短语,不能用于被动语态。happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”完成下列句


18、去是城里的一个贫困区域,而现在是艺术、音乐和美食中心。used to do sth.过去常常做某事,曾经做某事否定形式:used not to do sth.did not use to do sth.辨析:used to do sth.,be used to (doing)sth.与be used to do sth.的区别易混词组易混词组 辨析辨析 例句例句used to so sth.“过去常常做某事”,强调现在不这样了There used to be a stone tower here.这儿曾经有座石塔。be used to(doing sth.)“习惯于(做某事)”,to 是介词,

19、后接名词、代词、或动名词I am used to getting up early now.我现在习惯于早起了。be used to do sth.被动语态,“被用来做某事”Wood can be used to make paper.木材可以用来造纸。完成下列句子。完成下列句子。I used _(go)to work on foot,but now I drive there.Wood is often used _(make)desks and chairs.She _(习惯于)living in the countryside now.“Every time you eat a swee

20、t,drink green tea.”This is what my mother _ (过去常常告诉我的).to goto makeis used to used to tell me 一一言言辨辨义义The old man used to watchTV after supper,but nowhe is used to taking a walk in the park and his stick is used to help him walk.这位老人过去常在晚饭后看电这位老人过去常在晚饭后看电视,但现在他习惯在公园散步,视,但现在他习惯在公园散步,他的手杖也用来帮他走路。他的手杖也

21、用来帮他走路。Afterwards,IatesomedeliciousMexican-Chinesenoodlesfromafoodtruck.句意句意:随后,我吃了一份快餐车售卖的美味的 墨西哥式中国面。例1:Illtellyouwhathappenedafterwards.我会告诉你后来发生的事的。例2:Shortlyafterwards,wewilldiscusswhateachcachedoesandhowyoucantuneit.不久以后,我们将讨论每个缓存的功能 和如何优化每个缓存。afterwards adv.后来,随后shortly afterwards 不久以后;没过多久句意

22、句意:为了谋生,有些人在唐人街开商店,开餐:为了谋生,有些人在唐人街开商店,开餐 馆。馆。Toearnaliving,someopenedupshopsandrestaurantsinChinatown.earn a living=make a living=earn ones living 谋生,本句中to earn a living 为动词不定式做目的状语,可位于句首,也可位于句末。Unless you have some overwhelming passion that also happens to allow you to earn a living doing it,always

23、 remember that work should be a means to an end:living an enjoyable life.除非你有无法抵挡的激情,恰巧也能让你从中得以谋生,否则请永远记住,工作只是一种手段,而不是目的,我们的最终目的是享受生活。1 Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that _ after it.More than 80%of the city was destroyed,including much of

24、the_area.One area that was hit the hardest was the Mission _.2 Yunnan Province is_ one of the most diverse provinces that I have ever been to.Apart from being the kingdom of flowers,it is home to many ethnic minority groups.After visiting the southern part of Yunnan,I have to _ that it is the best _

25、 of China to escape the cold winter.After ReadingComplete the following sentences using words from the travel journal.Be sure to use the correct forms.occurreddowntownDistrictdefinitelyadmitregionDiscuss the questions below.1 Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture?What do you think

26、 brought about the cultural diversity?2 What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity?1 One culturally diverse place that I have been to is Harbin,the capital city of Heilongjiang Province.I went there last year with my family to see the Ice and Snow Festival,and I was amazed at how the

27、 culture was different to most other Chinese cities.There is a big Russian influence there,with beautiful Russian architecture and lots of interesting restaurants.I learnt that Harbin is called“the Oriental Moscow”and that many Russian the settled there to help build railway over 100 years ago.2 The benefits:People are able to experience a wide variety of cultures,making their lives more interesting.The challenges:People may have trouble communicating or understanding each other.Thank you!


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