Unit 5 The value of money 单元词汇(动词)ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版(新教材)必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 5 The value of money 单元词汇(动词)ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版(新教材)必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 5 The value of money 单元词汇(动词)ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版(新教材)必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 5 The value of money 单元词汇(动词)ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版(新教材)必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 5 The value of money 单元词汇(动词)ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版(新教材)必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、人教必修三 Unit5 The Value of Money单元词汇(动词)整体学习东明一中 贾卫宽1.apologise vi.道歉;谢罪 apologise to sb.for sth.助记:apology n.道歉 make an apology to sb.翻译:她道歉了。但我觉得自己被欺骗了。那天汤姆为他的粗鲁向玛丽道歉。突然,我鼓起勇气(pluck/gather up ones courage)向老师道歉。She apologised.But I felt cheated on.Tom apologised to Mary the other day for his rudenes

2、s.All of a sudden,I plucked up my courage and made an apology to my teacher.2.ignore vt.忽视;对不予理会同义表达:forget,neglect,overlook,take no notice of,pass over,turn a blind eye to,laugh off,make light of,pay no attention to 等。翻译:我一路道歉,告诉他我是多么抱歉,他只是不理我。那人没有理会她的话,迅速走开了。I apologized all the way,telling him ho

3、w sorryI was,but he simply ignored me.Ignoring her words,the man walked away quickly.3.judge vt&vi评价;评判;判断;n.法官;审判员;裁判员助记:judging by/from 根据判断 从他脸上的表情来看,他一定有非常令人激动的消息要告诉我们。Judging from the look on his face,he must have news of great excitement to tell us.他似乎有点不礼貌,但我们不能以貌取人。He seems a bit impolite,bu

4、t we cant judge a book by its cover.4.bet n.打赌;堵住vi&vt.下赌注;用打赌 vt.敢说助记:get v.得到 jet n.喷气式飞机 let v.让 net n.网 met v.遇到 pet v.宠物 set v.设置,放 vet n.兽医 wet adj.湿的I made a bet with the vet I met yesterday on the jet that whoever got the pet into the net could be let set a date of meeting.我和昨天在飞机上遇到的兽医打了个赌,

5、谁把宠物放进网子里,谁就可以确定见面的日期。Were you frightened by that bull?Frightened?You bet I was;I was scared out of skin!那头公牛把你吓坏了吧?吓坏了?的确的确是吓坏了;我被吓得魂不附体了!Its settled,then?“那么,就这么定了?”You bet.“定了。You bet,as long as I have enough money.没问题,只要我有足够的钱.He had not allowed any grass to grow under his feet,you bet!您放心,他正在“马

6、不停蹄”地拼命干呢.Will you tell her?You bet(I will).你会告诉她吗?当然会。You bet she could cook,She was just on it.她当然会烧菜,她正好学会了这种手艺.5.sail vi&vt.(船)航行;(人)乘船航行助记:bail n.保证金,fail v.失败,未能做到 hail n.冰雹,欢呼 v.下冰雹,欢呼 jail n.监狱 v.监禁 mail n.邮件 nail n.钉子,指甲 rail n.铁轨栏杆,snail n.蜗牛,tail n.尾巴读故事,记单词:Jack was jailed for mailing so

7、me tails of snails by rail while Bob failed in shipping a ton of nails to China because when he was sailing it hailed with a sudden.杰克因为用铁路邮寄一些蜗牛尾巴而被监禁,而鲍勃没能把一吨钉子运到中国,因为当他在航行时,突然下了冰雹。背口诀,记单词一个snail(蜗牛),带着bail(保释金),远洋sail(航行),去发mail(邮件),想寄tail(尾巴),翻过rail(栏杆),绊到nail(钉子),碰巧hail(下冰雹),最后fail(失败),送进jail(监

8、狱)6.spot vt.看见;注意到;发现n.地点;处所;斑点;污迹助记:pot n.壶,罐 hot pot 火锅 sport v.体育,运动 on the spot:当场,在现场With desperate tears,she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.带着绝望的泪水,突然,她看到一条船,上面有一个走动的人影。翻译:让她非常高兴的是,这一次,直升机(helicopter)发现了她。To her great joy,this time,the helicopter spotted her.7.dare vi&moda

9、l v.胆敢;敢于助记:are v.是 bare adj.赤裸的,光秃的,care n.&v.关心,护理 hare n.野兔 mare n.母马,母驴 rare adj.罕见的,珍稀的ware n.陶器,器皿背口诀,记单词背口诀,记单词一个hare(野免)非常rare(稀少)脑袋bare(秃的)极其dare(胆敢)去偷ware(陶器)碰到mare(母马)假装care(关心)却被scare(吓唬),猛然glare(瞪眼),跑到square(广场),与人share(分享)8.indicate v.表明,显示,象征,暗示助记:(同义)show,reveal,demonstate,mean,imply

10、,representThe picture indicates that when working in a team,its important for everyone to try their best,or the team wont achieve their joint goal.这幅图表明,当在一个团队中工作时,每个人都尽自己最大的努力是很重要的,否则团队将无法实现他们的共同目标。As is indicated in the graph,the box-office income of Chinese films increased constantly from 2012 to

11、 2015,如图所示,从2012年到2015年,中国电影票房收入不断增长。9.postpone vt.延迟,延期,延缓助记:=put off,delay下午两点左右接到通知说会议将延期。The notice came around two in the afternoon that the meeting _.他在最后时刻推迟了行程。would be postponedHe postponed his trip at the last minute.10.hug v.拥抱,抱紧助记:bug n.虫子,后门 她热泪盈眶,把录音机和照片抱在怀里。我紧紧地抱着她,想着我会尽我最大的努力去帮助那些需要

12、帮助的人。_,thinking that I would try my best to help people who were in need.His mom gave him a hug,even though he was soaking wet.With tears in her eyes,she hugged the recorder and picture into her arms.I hugged her tightly他妈妈给了他一个拥抱,尽管他全身湿透了。11.pursue v.追求,致力于助记:purse n.钱包 sue v.控告,提起诉讼 issue n.议题,期刊,

13、发布 tissue n.纸巾,(生)组织不管有多难,我都会追求我的梦想。(续写佳句)I am eager for getting an opportunity that I can pursue further education.每个人都有权追求自己的梦想。No matter how hard it is,I will pursue my dream.我渴望得到一个继续深造的机会。Every individual has the right to pursue their dreams.12.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑,顾虑助记:hesitation n.犹豫 with hesita

14、tion 毫不犹豫地翻译:乞丐犹豫了一会儿,然后他决定打开它。(续写佳句)Emily didnt want to be rejected again,so she hesitated a little about it.我们毫不犹豫地冲进雨中,开始一起干活。艾米丽不想再被拒绝,所以她犹豫了一下。The beggar hesitated for a moment,then he decided to open it.Without hesitation,we rushed into the rain and started working together.13.sequence vt.按顺序排

15、列 n.顺序,一系列助记:in sequence=in order 按顺序a sequence of=a series of 一系列的 Please sequence the names in alphabetical order.请按字母顺序排列好名单。She made a sequence of dance movements.她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。14.tailor vt.定做,专门制作 n.裁缝助记:tail n.尾巴 sailor n.水手 tailored adj.定做的at the tailors 在裁缝店 Mr.Smith asked the tailor to make

16、some new clothes to his own measure.史密斯先生让裁缝按他的尺寸做一些新衣服。He wears a beautifully tailored suit.他穿了一套定做的漂亮西装。15.frown n.&vi 皱眉助记:brown n.棕色,褐色,crown n.王冠 drown v.淹死 grown v.成长,种植Seeing what I did,my mother frowned as if to ask me to stand up quickly.妈妈看到我这样做,皱起了眉头,好像要我赶快站起来。“Are you sure?”asked the man

17、,with a slight frown on his face.“你确定吗?那人微微皱着眉头问。Absorbed in reading,the man sat still on the subway,frowning.那人在地铁里坐着不动,皱着眉头,沉浸在阅读中。16.maintain vt.维持,保持,维修,保养助记:同义“keep,mend/repair”maintenance n.养护,保养attain v.获得;contain v.包含,fountain n.喷泉retain v.保持,保存,sustain v.维持,保持My hobbies help me maintain a m

18、ental and physical balance and make my life colorful!I could not help but be moved by his hard railway maintenance staff.我的爱好帮助我保持精神和身体的平衡,使我的生活丰富多彩!我不禁被他辛勤的铁路维修人员所感动17.permit vt.允许,准许,使有可能助记:permission n.许可 同义:allowWeather permitting/=Permitted by the weather,we will go skating this afternoon.如果天气允许我们去踢球。His father wouldnt permit him to drive there even if he had got his driving permit.Without his fathers permission,he had no choice but to go there by bus or on a bike.即使他拿到了驾驶执照,他父亲也不允许他开车到那里去。没有父亲的允许,他别无选择,只能乘公共汽车或骑自行车去那里。


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