1、英汉翻译理论与实践A Translation Course:English-Chinese主讲人:张鹏主讲人:张鹏汉英翻译基本原理和技巧汉英翻译基本原理和技巧汉英语言对比1.汉英语体对比2.汉英词义对比3.汉英句法对比4.汉英篇章对比 汉语句子多采用“意合法”英语句子多采用“形合法”秘书今天没来,她生病了。The secretary is absent from work today because she is ill.她们正打架,不巧被我撞见了。I happened to be present when they were having a fight.好不容易才说服她照我的想法办。Wit
2、h some difficulty I brought her to my way of thinking.酒不醉人人自醉。It is not that the wine intoxicates(使喝醉)the drinker but that the drinker gets himself drunk.汉语:表达上趋向于动态英语:则更具有静态特征 我倒了一杯茶给他喝。I offered him a cup of tea.他拿着枪,绕着屋子巡走。He walked around the house with a gun.游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行进。The people paraded
3、 in the street,flowers and banners in their hands.解决问题的最好办法是进行调查研究。The best way to solve the problem is investigation.英语:表达更具有客观特征汉语:表达上趋向于个人化What has happened to you?你出了什么事儿啦?An idea suddenly struck me 我突然想到一个主意。A strange peace came over her when she was alone 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。Not a sound reached our
4、ears 我们没有听到任何声音。A great elation overcame them 他们欣喜若狂。The truth finally dawned on her 她最终明白了真相。英语:表达更具有被动特征汉语:表达上趋向于主动特征 A few years ago it was thought unusual that programs could ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their TV screens at home 几年前人们还以为,观众居然能够打电话要求在自己家里的电视屏幕上播出节目是一种稀罕的事情。英语:表
5、达更具有间接特征汉语:表达更具有直接特征 I couldnt feel better 我感觉好极了。I couldnt agree with you more 我太赞成你的看法了。He cant wait to see 他很想尽快和你见面。If you have a car,you are independent of trains and buses 如果你有小汽车,就不用去坐火车或挤公共汽车。词是具备形、音、义,可以独立运用的最小语言单位,也是最小的语法单位。词具有指称意义和蕴涵意义,因而难译。英汉词汇意义的对应程度,大致有以下三种情况:1)词义相符学生(student)环境保护(envi
6、ronmental protection)在寻找语义相符的对应语时,易犯逐词翻译的毛病,找到假对应词,如:学习知识 learn knowledge(acquire knowledge);盐水 salt water(salt solution)2.汉英词义对比2)词义相异词义相异有两种情况:第一种是指称意义相符,蕴涵意义相异。松、梅、竹(岁寒三友,蕴含傲然风雪的品德)然而英语中pine trees,plum blossoms,bamboo没有上述蕴含意义。“羊”在古汉语中就是吉祥的意思,如“三羊开泰”(Three Rams Bring Bliss)。Ram 在英语中除表示“公羊”外,还表示“撞击
7、装置”。第二种情况是指称意义和蕴涵意义相异。a white lie 无恶意的谎言white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡white wedding 圣洁的婚礼3)词义空缺 词语意义的空缺是文化现象空缺的结果。翻译是需要用音译,意译或其他方式表示其义。糖葫芦 Tanghulu,a sugar-coated fruit on the stick which is a kind of childrens favorite food in winter特困生 the most needy students乌纱帽 an official post 站票 standing-room-only tickets
8、钱先生周岁时“抓周”抓了一本书,因此得名“钟书”。When Qian was just one year old,he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others,he picked up a book of all things.Therefore his father very gladly gave him the name:Zhongshu(=book lover).词的选择词的选择1、确定词义他的英语水平比我的高。He knows more English than I.各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。Go
9、vernors at all levels should improve their art of leadership.要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平。We must work hard to raise the military and political quality of our army to a new height.2、表达得体(1)注意词的广义与狭义英语中有不少同义词的词义有广、狭之区别,运用范围也就各不相同。例如:农业是国民经济的基础。Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.农林牧副渔结合的
10、方针the principle of combining farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-occupations and fishery.他从不喝酒。He never touches alcohol.原文“酒”是指一切酒类,但如果表示葡萄酒应译作 wine,表示烈性酒又需译作spirit。(2)注意词的语体色彩同义词之间的差别,不仅表现在词义方面,而且也表现在语体色彩方面,例如:别了,司徒雷登Farewell,Leighton Stuart!译文选用了farewell一词。若用goodbye,则不能表现出原文所具有的特殊语气和轻蔑口吻。禁止赌博。G
11、ambling is prohibited.原文“禁止”的语体色彩较为正式,故译作prohibit.(对比ban,forbid)这小伙子干活真带劲。This young fellow does his work with vim.这里的“带劲”是口语体,译者注意了这一点,相应地也用了口语词vim表达。(对比vigor)(3)注意词的政治含义“农民”:peasant 和farmer都可以和汉语的“农民”或“农夫”相对应。但是这个词的含义却有差别。Farmer本指农场的经营者或所有者。现在也可指以耕种为目的而租入土地的人。Peasant指住在农村中的小农和以耕种土地为生的劳动者。英美国家常用far
12、mer指一般农民,而我们常用peasant指一般农民,并与landlord相对而言。“侵略”:invasion 和aggression都是汉语“侵略”的对应词。Invasion指军事入侵,而aggression的含义范围较广,可指政治、军事、经济、文化各方面。打得赢就打,打不赢就走。Fight when you can win,move away when you cannot.比较:Fight when you can win,run away when you cannot.(4)注意词的搭配汉英两种语言在长期使用过程中形成了各自的固定词组和搭配用法,翻译时必须注意两者的不同,不能把汉语词
13、的搭配用法生搬硬套到英语译文中。例如:战火扩大:the flames of war expand(应为spread)实现自给自足:achieve self-sufficiency(应为reach)严密控制:close control(应为strict/rigid)强硬政策:strong policy(应为tough)1.我们找个安静点的地方好好聊聊。Lets find a quiet place where we can have a good talk.Lets find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk.2.箱子里已经没有地方了。Ther
14、e is no more space in the chest.There is no room left in the chest.3.你希望留在部队还是到地方上去?Do you wish to stay in the army or to transfer to a civilian unit?Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit?4.我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。Its one of our basic national policies to develop enterprises i
15、n villages and towns.It is an integral(必须的)part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and village enterprises.5.我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。We must make adjustment in our policy in response to development in the situation.We have to adjust our policy to the changing situation.6.请大家积极参与单位的体制改革
16、。Everyone is called on to take an active part in the systematic reform of ones work unit.You are all encouraged to play an active role in the systematic reform of our unit.7.请别客气.Please dont be so polite.Please make yourself at home.8.他客气而冷淡地接待了我们.He received us politely but coldly.He received us wi
17、th cold politeness.9.对他这种人就是不能客气.You must not be too soft when dealing with someone like him.You must be tough with people like him.10.他说自己才疏学浅,这只不过是中国人的客气罢了.When he says he has little learning or talent,he is only being modest in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness.By describing himself
18、 as lacking in talent and learning,he is only being modest like a typical Chinese.1.他热衷于个人名利。2.她热衷于花样滑冰。1.He always searches personal fame and gains.2.She is fond of figure skating.3.我看出了他的心事。4.我看出了她的破绽。3.I could read his mind.4.I spotted her weak points.5.此物生南国。6.国将不国,何以为家。5.It grows in the south.6
19、.When our fatherland is in great danger,there is no use to talk about sweet home.7.诗人应具有丰富的想象力。8.真遗憾,你的想象力太丰富了。7.A poet should have rich imagination.8.What a pity!Youve got into wild flights of fancy.(异想天开)9.张将军真是足智多谋啊!10.那个敌参谋长可是诡计多端的呀!9.General Zhang is really wise and resourceful.10.The enemy chi
20、ef of staff has a whole bag of tricks.1.结构差异连接方式:汉语隐形,即连接词很少出现或不出现 英语显性,即连接词出现3.汉英句法对比1.结构差异组句方式:汉语:动词多,短句多,常按时间顺序或前因后果等逻辑关系排列,呈链状;英语:常按句内主次从属关系排列,在句子主体上添加修饰语以及限定语,形成严谨的树状结构。结构差异带来的启示1.正确判断句子之间的关系,补充连接手段,实现显性连接。e.g.e.g.在这一年半中,她抄写英语单词的纸,在这一年半中,她抄写英语单词的纸,累起来可达桌子高。累起来可达桌子高。思路:SVO=纸+达到+桌子高。问题:“累起来”怎么处理?
21、结构差异带来的启示在这一年半中,她抄写英语单词的纸,累起来可达桌子高。In that year and a half,the paper on which she had copied English words,if stacked up,could reach the table from the floor.2.掌握内在联系正确断句我们的班主任姓王,五十开外,方脸,一脸的胡子。Mr.Wang,the head teacher responsible for our class,was over fifty.He had a square-shaped face with a full b
22、eard.3.正确安排句子基本框架,主次清楚,符合原意。原文:大家都记得1979年秋天,当这个总共只念过八年书、连英文字母也认不全,而且已有三个孩子的女工,竟然考上电大英语班时,招来了多少惊讶的目光。大家都记得1979年秋天,当这个总共只念过八年书、连英文字母也认不全,而且已有三个孩子的女工,竟然考上当地电大英语班时,招来了多少惊讶的目光。They remember how many astonished looks were cast at(投向)her in the autumn of 1979,when this woman worker with only 8 years school
23、ing,little acquaintance with the English alphabet and three children to look after,actually enrolled in the English class offered by the local TV university.2.信息焦点:找准主语 英语主谓宾的基本结构 英语主语的构成:名词;动名词;不定式;形式主语主语选定例一:看到这惨状,大家立即陷入了恐慌。1.On seeing this miserable scene,people got panic very soon.2.At the sight
24、 of this miserable scene,people were seized with panic/overwhelmed by panic/thrown in panic.3.The sight of this miserable scene threw people in panic.看到这惨状,大家立即陷入了恐慌,有人甚至有了撤退的心思。原文思路:1.改写为欧化中文:大家如此惊慌以致于(sothat&such that)2.理清逻辑:整体与部分(大家有人)译文一看到这惨状,大家立即陷入了恐慌,有人甚至有了打退堂鼓的心思。The sight of the miserable sc
25、ene threw people into such a panic that some of them even had the idea of making a retreat.The sight of the miserable scene made people so panic that some of them even had the idea of making a retreat.译文二看到这惨状,大家立即陷入了恐慌,有人甚至有了打退堂鼓的心思。The sight of the miserable scene terrified the people,some of whom
26、 even hatched(孵化)the intention of making a retreat.3.汉语中常用句型及其翻译汉语的常用的句型:1)主谓简单句2)无主句3)流水句4)主题句5)连动句6)兼语句主谓简单句1)鲁迅,绍兴人。(主语+名词谓语)Lu Xun was from Shaoxing.SVC2)这个姑娘很漂亮。(主语+形容词谓语)That girl is very pretty.SVC3)老舍是北京人。(主语+判断谓语)Lao She was from Beijing.SVC4)这花儿是白的。主语+判断谓语The flower is white.SVC5)水库是1958年修
27、建的。主语+判断谓语The reservoir was built in 1958.SV(passive)6)他打破了杯子。主语+谓语+宾语He broke the glass.SVO7)李先生教我们地理。主语+谓语+宾语+宾语Mr.Li teaches us geography.SVOO8)广州近几年发生了巨大变化。There have been great changes in Guangzhou in recent years.Great changes have taken place in Guangzhou in recent years.9)这个地区多雨。It rains a l
28、ot in this area.There is much rain in this area.10)他说不出来。He is unable to express it.He is unable to express himself.二、无主句只盼着早些回家,洗去一身的疲劳,泡上一杯清茶,点上一柱檀香,打开半卷的书卷,一任轻柔的旋律把我带进一个美丽的境界。To be home means to drops a days fatigue and enjoy myself in a world of my own.With a nice cup of tea and a burning sandal
29、-wood stick by my side,I can either resume my reading,or listen leisurely to a soft melody and let myself be carried away to a fairyland of beauty.(陈文伯译)三、流水句各种房屋,以自然村排列,错落有致,一条小河穿村而过,岸边停泊着旧式小渔舟,水面上一群群小鸭、白鹅自由地浮游着,深巷草屋,绿树丛中,时而传来鸡鸣狗吠之声The different houses were properly distributed to form natural vill
30、ages;through the village flowed a stream,with small old-style fishing boats moored at its banks and flocks of ducks and geese floating peacefully on its water;from deep alleys and thatched(茅草)cottages and among green trees came the crowing of roosters and the barking of dogs(蒋坚松 译)四、主题句过去向我们学习的人,现在反
31、而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一个鞭策。The fact that those who had learned from us now excelled us really serves as an impetus(动力)to us.It really serves as an impetus to us that those who had learned from us now excelled us.五、连动句吴老太爷接过来恭恭敬敬地摆在膝头,就闭了眼,干瘪的嘴唇上浮出了一丝放心的微笑。Old Mr.Wu took it and laid it reverently(虔诚的)on his
32、lap.He closed his eyes again,with a faint(微弱的)smile of peace on his shriveled lips.我下楼在门口买了几个大红橘子,塞在手提袋里,顺着歪斜不平的石板路,走到那小屋的门口。I went downstairs,bought some oranges on the street,stuffed them in my bag,and headed along the narrow and winding path(曲径)to the shack(简陋的小屋).六、兼语句我们请王先生下周日同我们一起去登山。We invite
33、d Mr.Wang to go mountain-climbing with us next Sunday.桌上有一本书写得很好。There was one book on the desk which was well written.这篇文章启发我改变了主意。It was this article that illuminated me and made me change my mind.我请他明天晚上到我这来。I asked him to come over to me tomorrow evening.老师表扬她乐于助人。Our teacher praises her because she is always ready to help others.这部电影使我们颇感兴趣。The movie interested us very much.The movie made us interested in it very much.Thanks