选修八 4.6《Unit 4 Pygmalion》学习培训模板课件.ppt

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1、新课标人教版课件系列高中英语选修选修(模块)模块)8-8-4.6 English Song English Class Language Data Bank课时分配课时板块结合范例Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I Period 3Learning about languagePeriod 4Reading IIPeriod 5Listening and SpeakingPeriod 6WritingPeriod 1&2:幻灯片9-29页 Are you interested in Psychology?If yes,have you ever heard

2、of the“Pygmalion Effect”?Warming up(5m)What is it?The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will.If you expect a person to take responsibility,they probably will.If you expect them not to even try,they probably wont.Pygmalion,the play by George Bernard Shaw,is an adaptati

3、on of a Greek story.According to the myth,Pygmalion created a female statue and treated it with such affection that,through Aphrodites intervention,the statue came to life and responded to him.Such is the essence of the self-fulfilling prophecy:what we expect tends to come true.The author-George Ber

4、nard Shaw,who isan Irish dramatist,literary critic,and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.His main works:ImmaturityWidowers Houses PygmalionMan and Superman(1902),John Bulls Other Island(1904),Major Barbara(1905)This play,Pygmalion,wasalso made into a film calledMy Fair Lady.Have you seen

5、the film?If you have,did you like it?Have a discussion and givereasons.Pre-reading-(2m)The play by Shaw has the same theme as theGreek Story.In pairs discuss what this theme might be.Eliza Doolittle(E):a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics

6、,convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society.Colonel Pickering(P):an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task.PygmalionScanning the text and finish the chart.characterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classBehavior:

7、_Language:_HenryHigginsMiddleclassColonel PickeringUpperclass respectful to people of higher class.calls gentleman“sir”or“capin”as a complimentScanning the text and finish the chart.characterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classBehavior:Language:HenryHigginsMiddleclassBehavior:_Lan

8、guage:_Colonel PickeringUpperclassrude to lower class;politeto same or upper class.to Eliza“you silly girl”while to Pickering“my dear man”Scanning the text and finish the chart.characterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classBehavior:Language:HenryHigginsMiddleclassBehavior:Language:

9、Colonel PickeringUpperclassBehavior:_Language:_ generally confident and polite;but ignores ElizaGenerous with praise to Henry Detailed reading I The social position of the characters influences the way they behave to each other.Is this true in Shaws play?Give your evidence in the chart below.Relatio

10、nships between charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins:1.respect his _ work as a _;calls him sir and my dear man1.Attitude to Colonel Pickering(H)2.Attitude to Eliza(L)Is the statement true?2.watches her;_her reactions;talks about her in front of her;calls her _1._ 2._(H)-higher social class;(

11、L)-lower classprofessionalphoneticiannotessilly girlYesYesRelationships between charactersEvidence from the playColonel Pickering1.Appreciates his _;_him;asks his opinion;Happy to be friends1.Attitude to Henry Higgins(H)2.Attitude to Eliza(L)Is the statement true?2._her;does not _Henry when he talks

12、 about Eliza in front of her(which is very rude)1._ 2._(H)-higher social class;(L)-lower classexpertisepraisesYesYesignoresstopRelationships between charactersEvidence from the playEliza 1._;_not to do the wrong thing;_ to improve herself;_and curious about Henrys expertise1.Attitude to Colonel Pick

13、ering(H)2.Attitude to Henry(H)Is the statement true?2._ not being included in the conversation when talked about1._ 2._(H)-higher social class;(L)-lower classresentsYesUnclearanxiouseagerambitiousrespectfulWhat other things show ones status in Society apart from how one speaks?You can show your soci

14、al status by:Clothes you wear Expensive possessions(like cars or jewellery)Attitudes and behavior Education level How many foreign language spoken and countries visitedChoose adjectives to describe each characterin the play.Henry Impatient,rude,confident,superior,self-importantColonel Kind,polite,ge

15、nerous,enthusiastic,eager,confidentElizaAnxious,eager,emotionalambitious,unsureHomework Surf the Internet to find more information about My Fair lady or Pygmalion and you are expected to present it to your peer in the next class.Period 3:幻灯片30-49页 Bernard Shaw was very interested in the way people s

16、poke.He argued that this showed their level of _ and therefore their position in society.He always said that he was never _ about peoples _ after hearing them talk.In fact he _ himself on his ability to decide whether they belong to a lower,middle or upper class after listening to their conversation

17、.educationmistakenstatuscongratulatedChecking answer I(3m)The keys to the ex.1 He never _ in his view that in England the _ of one person to another depended upon their speech.He thought that good grammar and pronunciation were the most important things you needed to be accepted as a(an)_ member of

18、the upper or middle class.So no one should be _ about the message he wrote in this play.hesitatedreactionsauthenticconfusedAnswer key for exercise 2:1.in disguise 2.in delight 3.in amazement 4.in shock 5.in pain 6.in returned 7.in troubleChecking answer II(5m)Grammar-Revise the Past Participle as Ad

19、verbial-ed-ed 分词作状语分词作状语-ed-ed分词短语做状语可表示分词短语做状语可表示时间时间、地点地点、原因原因、条件条件、让步让步、伴随伴随等意义。这种等意义。这种-ed-ed分词状语分词状语相当于一个时间、地点、原因、条件、让步等相当于一个时间、地点、原因、条件、让步等状语从句,若状语从句,若-ed-ed分词作状语,句子的主语与分词作状语,句子的主语与分词所表示的动作构成分词所表示的动作构成动宾关系动宾关系,即是该分词,即是该分词动作的承受者。动作的承受者。-ed-ed分词(短语)作状语时,也可在其前面加上分词(短语)作状语时,也可在其前面加上连词连词when,if,onc

20、e,though,unlesswhen,if,once,though,unless等,等,以便明确作何种状语。以便明确作何种状语。Explanation-(12m)表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去分词前可加连词分词前可加连词when或或while来强调时间概念。来强调时间概念。如:如:从山顶上看,这个城市就像一个大花园。从山顶上看,这个城市就像一个大花园。_,the city looked like a big garden.Seen from the top of the hill入党以后,他决定献身于党的事业。入党以后,他决定献身于党的事业。

21、_,he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party.Accepted by the Party 表原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。如:表原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。如:激动的人们被那个故事深深地感动了,停止了激动的人们被那个故事深深地感动了,停止了争吵。争吵。_,the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle.Encouraged by the speech 表条件,相当于一个条件状语从句,有时过去表条件,相当于一个条件状语从句,有时过去分词前可用分词前可用

22、if等词。如:等词。如:再给他一次机会,他会做得更好。再给他一次机会,他会做得更好。_ Given another chance,he will do better.和你哥哥相比,你应该更加努力学习英语。和你哥哥相比,你应该更加努力学习英语。_,you should make greater efforts to study English.水如果被加热,会变成水蒸气。水如果被加热,会变成水蒸气。_,water can be turned into steam.Compared with your brotherIf heated表让步,相当于一个表让步,相当于一个though/althoug

23、h引导的让引导的让步状语从句。如:步状语从句。如:尽管已经跑得筋疲力尽,他们还是继续追赶着尽管已经跑得筋疲力尽,他们还是继续追赶着那个强盗。那个强盗。_,they went on running after the robber.Exhausted by the running尽管被许多人嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。尽管被许多人嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。_ Laughed at by many people,he continued his study.表方式或伴随情况。如:表方式或伴随情况。如:那个老人在他的妻子的搀扶下走进了房间。那个老人在他的妻子的搀扶下走进了房间。The old man

24、went into the room,_.supported by his wife我和父亲坐在桌子旁边讨论着我的工作问题。我和父亲坐在桌子旁边讨论着我的工作问题。_,my father and I were talking about my job.Seated at the table()1._ more attention,the tree could have grown better.(90全国全国)A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given.()2.The computer center,_ last year,is very popular

25、 among the students in this school(93全国全国)A.open B.opening C.having opened D.openedAD高考链接:高考链接:Practice(20m)()3.The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.(94全国全国)A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written()4._ is thought,he almost r

26、an into the car in front of him.(96全国全国)A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose DC()5._ such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.(01全国夏全国夏)A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered A()6.The researcher is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to chang

27、e it.(02全国全国)A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begunD()7._ in 1636,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.(00上海上海)A.Being founded B.It was founded C.Founded D.FoundingC()8.When _,the museum will be open to the public next year.(02上海春上海春)A.completed B.completing C.bei

28、ng completed D.to be completedA()9.Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices.(02京皖春京皖春)A.are bought B.bought C.been bought D.buyingB()10.Dont use words,expressions,or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge.(02上海上海)A.being known B.having been known C.to be kn

29、own D.knownD()11.Unless _ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.(03上海春上海春)A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invitedA()12.Friendship is like money:easier made than _.(03北京北京)A.kept B.to be kept C.keeping D.having keptA()13.Mr.Smith,_ of the _ speech,started to read a novel.(

30、03北京春北京春)A.tired;boring B.tiring;bored C.tired;bored D.tiring;boring()14._ time,hell make a first-class tennis player.(03北京北京)A.Having given B.To give C.Giving D.Given ADHomework Review the grammar.Finish the exercises in using Words and Expressions.Period 4:幻灯片50-65页Warming up-Brainstorming(2m)Warm

31、ing upReview the Act 1Eliza Doolittle,is a poor,dirty flower seller _ the century England.The Pygmalion in this film is Henry Higgins,a _and _ expert who believes that speech is what really set the classes apart.in the turn oflinguistphoneticAct 1 Reading I-scanning&skimming(5m)Read the passage and

32、tick out the speeches of Eliza and figure out the meanings them.I wanna is a common mispronunciation of I want to.stead shows how Eliza does not say her words correctly.It should be instead.o is the same mistake and should be of.1.“I wanna be lady in a flower shop stead o selling flowers in the stre

33、et.”Correction:I would like to be a lady(working)in a flower shop instead of selling flowers in street.The word less is another of Elizas contractions.It should be unless.2.“But they wont take me less I speak better.”3.Now yer talking.The word yer is a bad pronunciation for you are.When you shorten

34、you are to youre,it can soon become yer.4.I dursnt.It s not natural and it would kill me.dursnt is a shortened form of darent.it is not natural refers to the fact that lower class people at this time did not have bathrooms in their houses.So they rarely,if ever,took baths(as Eliza confesses).It was

35、certainly not a natural practice,so Eliza says it would kill her if she had one over her whole body.Warming upReading II-warming up(2m)Review of Act 2Act 2Henry _ with his friend Colonel Pickering that through a change in dress and speech,hecan turn the lower class Eliza into a lady_.The only thing

36、in the bet for Eliza is that she might be able to openher own flower shop and somewhat _her lower class roots.betthat will fool high societyescapeReading II-scanning&skimming(5m)Read the Act and answer the following questions.1.Why does Eliza collect Henrys slippers forhim although she is not a serv

37、ant?2.Why does she throw the shoes at him?3.Why does Henry think he won the bet?4.Why does Eliza get upset when Henry doesnot congratulate her?5.Why does Henry get upset when he hears Eliza will marry Freddy?1.Why does Eliza collect Henrys slippers forhim although she is not a servant?She collects h

38、is slippers because she wants toShow him she cares about him.2.Why does she throw the shoes at him?She throws them at him because she realizes he doesnt care for her.3.Why does Henry think he won the bet?He thinks his teaching is successful.4.Why does Eliza get upset when Henry doesnot congratulate

39、her?She gets upset because she thinks her efforts have been overlooked.5.Why does Henry get upset when he hears Eliza will marry Freddy?He gets upset because he really does love toEliza.Reading II-detail reading(5m)Fill in the chart.Evidence of Elizas feelings for Henry1._2._3._Evidence of Henrys fe

40、elings for Eliza1._2._3._DiscussionWhat do you think of the end of the play?Do you think Eliza would marry Freddy or Henry Higgins?Discuss with you classmates and give your opinions and reasons.Homework Surf the Internet to find more information about My Fair Lady and Pygmalion.Period 5:幻灯片66-81页Bef

41、ore you listen to the tape,discuss in pairs what you would have to do to change Eliza into a lady.Make a list of the most important things and then think about how you will make each changes.Then complete the table below.Things that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.

42、 that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Elizas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swearing)4.Elizas behaviour1.Buy new ones2.Give her baths3.Have lessons to help her with all three problems:*learn the rules *practise repeating wo

43、rds till correct *learn socially safe topics to discuss4.Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activitiesThings that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Elizas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swearing)4.Elizas behav

44、iour1.Buy new ones2.Give her baths3.Have lessons to help her with all three problems:*learn the rules *practise repeating words till correct *learn socially safe topics to discuss4.Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activitiesThings that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Eli

45、zas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swearing)4.Elizas behaviour1.Buy new ones2.Give her baths3.Have lessons to help her with all three problems:*learn the rules *practise repeating words till correct *learn socially safe topics to disc

46、uss4.Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activitiesThings that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Elizas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swearing)4.Elizas behaviour1.Buy new ones2.Give her baths3.Have lessons to

47、help her with all three problems:*learn the rules *practise repeating words till correct *learn socially safe topics to discuss4.Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activitiesThings that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Elizas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *

48、pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swearing)4.Elizas behaviour1.Buy new ones2.Give her baths3.Have lessons to help her with all three problems:*learn the rules *practise repeating words till correct *learn socially safe topics to discuss4.Learn how to walk and behave in upper class soc

49、ial activitiesThings that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Elizas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swearing)4.Elizas behaviour1.Buy new ones2.Give her baths3.Have lessons to help her with all three problems:*learn the rules *p

50、ractise repeating words till correct *learn socially safe topics to discuss4.Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activitiesThings that need to be changedHow to make the changes1.Elizas clothes2.Elizas hygiene3.Her language:*grammar *pronunciation *use of appropriate language(eg.no swe


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