
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3321143 上传时间:2022-08-19 格式:PPT 页数:71 大小:8.88MB
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1、Review monastery pass rashly enclosure monk privacy skier Easter Have you ever kept any pets?What do you know about cats?Free Talk A gloved cat catches no mice.Cats hide their claws.Rain cats and dogs A cat-and-dog life 不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业 猫总是藏起自己的爪子-知人知面不知心 倾盆大雨 争争吵吵的日子 New wordsfascinatefsineit v.使入迷attr

2、act or interest(sb)greatly fascin(魅力 charm)+ate(v.suffix)eg.The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop.He has fascinated with computer games.同根词:fascination(n.魔力,入迷,魅力)fascinating(adj.令人着迷的)fascinated(adj.感到着迷的)常用搭配be fascinated with迷上了=be crazy/mad about.eg.He is fascinated with chess.aff

3、ectionate fknit a.充满深情的having or displaying warmth or affection affect +tion +ate v.影响,感动 n.suffix a.suffixeg.The lady is looking that man affectionately.那个女人深情款款地望着那个男人。He is very affectionate to/towards his children.他很爱他的孩子.同根词 affect(v.影响,感动)affection(n.影响,喜爱,感情)affectionately mysterious mistiris

4、 a.神秘的 mystery+ous(a.)a mysterious event 神秘的事件He is very mysterious.他神秘莫测同根词:mystery mysteriouslysubmissive sbmsv a.顺从的 willing to submit to orders or wishes of others eg.Dogs and horses are,but cats are never to us.同根词 submit(v.服从 顺从;提交)submission(n.顺从,服从;提交)submissively(ad.顺从地,服从地)近义词:obedient 常用搭

5、配:submit to sb/sth 服从,顺从某人/某事物 Submit oneself to sb./sth.屈服于 be submissive to sb/sth independence,indipendnsn.独立 in +depend +ent +ce否定前缀 依靠 a.suffix n.suffix eg.Young people always want independence from their parents independence celebrations 独立庆典 同根词:depend(v.依靠)dependent(a.依靠的)independent(a.独立的)i

6、ndependently(ad.独立地)常用搭配 Depend on/upon=be dependent on/upon 依靠,取决于be independent of 独立于eg.We need to be dependent on ourselves that means to be independent of our parents.high-rise hairaiza.高层的windowsillwndsln.窗台 paratrooper pr,trup n.伞兵 para(n.suffix降落伞)+troop(军队)+er Parachute 降落伞 Parachute jump s

7、quirrel skwirl n.松鼠air-resistance er-rzstns n.空气阻力textT or F1、Cats are always submissive to human beings.2、Every cat remains suspicious of humans all their lives.3、A cats ability to survive falls is based on belief.4、New York is full of tall buildings.5、The higher cats fall,the more they are likely

8、to injure themselvCats never fail to fascinate human beings.never fail to 必定,一定会If you can try your best to do something,I believe youll never fail to succeed one day.If you receive requests like this,youll never fail to accept.常用的双重否定结构(加强语气)1 never fail to,cant fail to,dont fail to,否定词+fail to(语气较

9、强烈)2 否定的形容词之前加以否定 unreasonable-not unreasonableEg:What he said is not unreasonable.It is quite common(not uncommon)for us to make mistakes.3 not+without Eg:You cant obtain English without working hard.They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans,but they lead mysterious lives of their own as

10、 well.live/lead+adj+life 过着样的日子 live a simple life 简单的 lead a hard life 艰难的 Of ones own 自己的 On ones own依靠自己的 They never become submissive like dogs and horses.As a result,humans have learned to respect feline independence.as a result-adv.结果-The accident resulted from his carelessness.事故事故源于源于他的粗心。他的

11、粗心。-Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事不先考虑总会做事不先考虑总会导致导致失败。失败。-The accident resulted in the death of two people.这场意外事故这场意外事故造成造成两人死亡。两人死亡。Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives.be suspicious of对表示怀疑,存有戒心-The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers.当地人对陌生人往往有戒心.suspi

12、cion 怀疑 suspect sb.of(doing)sth.survive(v)幸存 survive the accident 从事故中幸存 survive the plane crash survival(n)生存 幸存者 survival of the fittest适者生存 survivor(n)生还者Apparently,there is a good deal of truth in this idea.A cats ability to survive falls is based on fact.be based on 在基础之上 base sth on 把某事建立在基础之上

13、 We base the theory on the fact.=The theory is based on fact.All these cats had one experience in common:they had fallen off high buildings,yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries.have sth.in common (with sb.)有共同之处 He has a lot in common with my friend.die of+illness,disease,die from+shoc

14、k,injures,wound die of”因.而死”(死因存在于人体之上或之内,主要指情感、冻饿、疾病、衰老等自身的原因),后常加这样的名词如:die of illness(heart trouble,cancer,a fever,hunger,cold,poison,oldage,boredom,thirst,sorrow)die from”由于.而死”(死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,主要指事故等方面的外部原因),后常加这样的名词如:die from an earthquake(a traffic accident,a lightning,wound,lack of fo

15、od,over work,carelessness,drinking,some unknown cause etc)死于地震(交通事故,雷击,受伤,缺少食物,工作过量,粗心,过度饮酒,不明原因等)Of course,New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study,because there is no shortage of tall buildings.ideal 理想的;完美的 -an ideal place for a holiday 过假日的理想场所 -ideal happiness 理想中的幸福 shortage 不

16、足,缺乏 =lack(n.缺乏,短缺),两个词都和of搭配There was a shortage/lack of oxygen at the top of the mountain.缺钱导致了这个实验的失败。(翻译)=be short of sth.=lack sth.-Were short of cash.There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from!high-rise windows高层窗户 a high-rise apartment building.高层公寓楼 skyscraper(n)摩天大楼 mansion(n)大厦

17、 官邸 (dreams of red mansion 红楼梦)One cat,Sabrina,fell 32 storeys,yet only suffered from a broken tooth.suffer from 遭受什么痛苦 Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.-suffer from cold and hunger 饥寒交迫-suffer from floods 遭受水灾 It seems that the further cats fall,the less they are li

18、kely to injure themselves.the more.the more.越.越.作文里就可以应用 (用定冠词the+形容词或副词的比较级)be likely to do sth.They are likely to become angry with him.他们可能会对他发怒 In a long drop,they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more.At high speeds,falling cats have time to relax.They stretch out their legs like flying squ

19、irrels.stretch out 伸展,延伸-stretch out a helping hand 伸出一只援助的手 He stretched out his arm and try to reach the apple.This increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact when they hit the ground.air-resistance空气阻力 resistance 反抗,抵抗,抵抗力,阻力 resist 抵抗,抵制;-resist aggression 抵抗侵略 常用于否定句忍住-I was

20、 unable to resist laughing.impact-n.碰撞,冲击,冲突,影响,效果-a speech that lacked impact.毫无影响力的演说review What _(吸引)me is what you do but not what you say.As a brave boy,he is never _(屈服于)any kinds of difficulties.She always works hard,_(因此),she _(必定)pass the exam.After his dream to be a successful businessman

21、became true,he _(过着幸福的生活)fascinatessubmissive toas a resultnever fail tolived a happy lifePart ii when she was young,she was abandoned by her parents,which made her _(怀疑)everyones kindness to her.People say turtles can _(比活的久)other animals by many years.What you say to the public should _(以为基础)the t

22、ruth.We are best friends for we _.(有很多相似之处)suspicioussurvivebe based onhave much in commonPart iii People cant live in the desert if there is _.(缺水)_(伸开双臂),and feel the fresh air around you.Its time for class,he _(很有可能迟到)again.no shortage of waterStretch out your armsis likely to be late Further dev

23、elopment Part V:Further developmentListening Drill Cats never fail to _ human beings.They can be friendly and _towards humans,but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well.they never become submissive like dogs and horses._,humans have learned to respect feline independence.Most cats remain _

24、of humans all their lives.One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives._,there is a good deal of truth in this idea.A cats ability to survive falls is based on fact.fascinateaffectionate As a resultsuspiciousApparently Recently the New York Ani

25、mal medical Centre made a study of 132 cots over_ five months.All these cats had one experience in common:_,yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries.Of course,New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study,because_ tall buildings.There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall

26、,from!One cat,Sabrina,fell 32 storeys,yet only _a broken tooth.Cats behave like well-trained paratroopers,a doctor said.It seems that the further cats fall,the less they are likely to injure themselves.In a long drop,they _ and more.At high speeds,falling cats have time to relax.They_ their legs lik

27、e flying squirrels.This increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact when they hid the ground.a period ofthey had fallen off high buildingsthere is no shortage of suffered from reach speeds of 60 miles an hour stretch outwriting drill 高分作文不是梦,一切皆有法!阅卷老师的五大敏感点:1、卷面 2、分段 3、句子(单词、语法)4

28、、过渡 5、内容 评分标准 keep to the point accuracy(spelling and grammar)bright points(words,phrases and sentence)natural内容要点:三大高分秘诀:1、cover all the points given;2、get some details;3、as easy as possible;(其实这一点才是写作文过程中最难的难点!)社会性、话题性议论文框架范例第一段:导入 第二段:第一种观点+解释;第三段:However,第二种观点+解释;第四段:Personally,我的观点+解释+建议+展望 第五段

29、:总结 大部分文章离不开这三个部分,导入(第一部分),观点陈述(第二三四部分,根据实际文章),总结(总-分-总)的结构本节训练重点:关于段落如何书写 一、段落内容安排 二、过渡词与拓展句 三、灵活多变的句式应用一、段落框架(一个独立段落的写法)【英文段落基本结构】T 主题句 Topic SentenceD 拓展句 Developing SentenceC 总结句 Concluding Sentence.【英文段落的基本规则】1、段落中的所有句子都要围绕主题句思想来写,每一个句子的内容都应与主题句相关,不许写与主题句无关的句子;2、段落句子的内容是对主题句思想的发展,而非简单重复。二、过渡词与拓

30、展句 阅卷老师观点:只有“优秀的学生”才会利用过渡词对主题句进行拓展 学会使用过渡词。如:1)递进:furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition,then etc.2)转折:however,but,nevertheless,after all etc.3)总结:finally,at last,in brief,to conclude 4)强调:really,indeed,certainly,surely,above all etc.5)对比:in the same way,just as,on the other hand,etc.拓展成两个层次:(主题句)

31、.For one thing,(拓展句1)For another,(拓展句2)On(the)one hand,.On the other hand,.三个层次:(主题句)Firstly,(拓展句1).Secondly,(拓展句2).Thirdly,(拓展句3).(主题句)First and foremost,.Additionally,.Last but(certainly)not least,.Firstly,.Besides,.Whats more,.四个层次:(主题句)To begin with,(拓展句1).Moreover,(拓展句2).Whats more,(拓展句3).Final

32、ly,(拓展句4).三、灵活多变的句式应用 高分要点:1、单词:避免重复,偶尔高级!2、句式语法:复杂、高级、善用不同句型!3、运用固定词组、习语、谚语来代替一些词表达意思,以增加文采!复合句:名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句 强调句式、倒装句、独立主格结构 被动语态、无灵主语 钻石句型(重在平时积累)一、名词性从句 1.The reason why he came is unknown.(主语从句)2.The story told us that people should be honest to friends.(宾语从句)3.The problem is what well do nex

33、t.(表语从句)4.We have no idea that he has come back.(同位语从句)定语从句 Mr Smith was a famous person in American history.Mr Smith,who died on July 17th at 84,was a famous person in American history.限定性的怎么改?Mr Smith who lives in London now was a famous person in American history.强调句还是it做主语的形式主语从句 It was not unti

34、l his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries.要判断是否是强调句将It was that 去掉,看这个句子是否完整。He did not finally beat Humphries until his third match in 1790.红色部分为强调的部分 如何去强调每个句子的每个部分?强调句型:it be.that 句型 Jack watched the movie happily in the cinema yesterday.It was Jack that/who watched the movie happi

35、ly in the cinema yesterday.It was the movie that Jack watched happily in the cinema yesterday.It was in the cinema that Jack watched the movie happily yesterday.It was yesterday that Jack watched the movie happily in th cinema yesterday.强调句子中的主语、宾语、非副词形式的状语。It is for(new experience、career preparatio

36、n、increased knowledge)that people attend college or university.(可以用于强调原因reason)如何对谓语动词进行强调,可以使用do does did 等词进行强调。He does own a mine.强调副词可以使用:what+频率副词+happens is that.A great number of things always choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment.What always happens is that a great number of things

37、 choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment.如何写开头的一些钻石句型 清:It is clear that.明:It is obvious that.疑:There is no doubt that.否:No one can deny(that).不用:Needless to say,.It goes without saying that.无灵主语+同位语从句+定语从句 The good idea flashed into my mind(如何进行扩展)The good idea flashed into my mind that I s

38、hould hire/employ some part-timer who is good at/professional in IT to make my system efficient.实战运用:日常生活中,每到节假日,许多同学往往结伴外出旅行,或长途或短途,乐享生活,作为同龄人,你也许有自己独到的旅游方式,试推荐一、二种出行方式并概述其利弊(120字,不包含给出的第一句)Nowadays most students enjoy holiday travelling in daily life.There is an old saying that the people who trav

39、els far knows much.As a method to relax,there are quite a few(=many)ways that we can get there/the destination will be listed as follows.It is hiking that is a sort of popular style to travel around nowadays.For one thing,hiking,which originally stemed from Europe,has come into fashion in China.For

40、another,it is clear/obvious that the hiking is good for our health.But its dangerous when youre alone.Those above are the reasons why I recommend hiking.(最后一句要否看自己)Furthermore,there is no doubt that cycling is another unique way to have a short distance trip.On(the)one hand,it will spend more less t

41、han any other ways.On the other hand,not only could we appreciate the scenery,but also keep fit.However,its not quite suitable for long distance trip.Certainly,each coin has two sides.Even so,I believe that travel helps us to enrich our lives.It increases our knowledge and widens our perspective.文章前

42、后呼应,以谚语开始,以谚语结束,在段落的衔接处用上一些过渡词,在拓展句中用到些高级句型,相信,你也能做到!home work 一、背诵课文 二、月考作文预测:(任选一个进行写作)拍张照片QQ发给我或者写在QQ上传给我。1、奥运会的运动项目有许多,其中一定不乏你所喜爱的项目,请以My Favourite Sport 为题,写一篇关于你最喜欢的体育运动的短文。字数120左右。2、现在社会金钱至上,但是不乏具有公德心的热心人士,请以捡到文物是否上交写一篇文章。字数120字。4 Cats have an unfailing fascination _ most people.a.with b.to c

43、.for d.at 4.C for对于人们来讲with对于人们来讲,强调对比概念 5 Cats never become submissive _.(l.3)a.as dogs and horses b.in the way that dogs and horses do c.as far as dogs and borses d.as for dogs and horses 5.B in the way that以方式 asas象一样 I love you in the way that you love me.6 _ popularly believed that cats have ni

44、ne lives.(l.7)a.there is b.Is c.This is d.It is6.DIt is said that 据说It is announced that 据宣布It is reported that据报道7 New Youk is ideal for this study because _ high-rise buildings.a.there is plenty of b.of the number of c.it has plenty d.the number7 B应该是 there are plenty of8 Over a period of five mon

45、ths,there was _ of 132 cats in New Youk.(l.9)a.a study b.studied c.some studies d.studing8.A9 Most cats are suspicious of human beings _ their lives.(l.5)a.during b.throughout c.through d.white9.Bduring 在期间during our holiday;during the weekthrough 侧重强调从空间穿过through the crowd 穿过人群;through the doorthro

46、ughout their lives 贯穿始终10 _ there is a good deal of truth in this idea.(l.7)a.As a matter of fact b.In the event c.It would seem d.Surprisingly enough10 Cit would seem(that)=apparently11 That cats can survive falls from great heights is _ by the facts.(ll.7-8)a.explained b.tested c.supported d.borne

47、11.Cexplain 解释;test 检测;borne 容忍,忍耐The theory is supported by the fact.The theory is based on the fact.12 One cat fell 32 stroeys._ she only suffered a broken tooth.a.Even so b.Although c.Moreover d.In spite of12.A even so 虽然如此,即使如此although 让步;虽然,但是in spite of 只用来连接名词、动名词或代词moreover 而且,此外 表示递近关系He is very tired,even so he keeps studying English hard.作品欣赏谢谢观看!


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