
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3359123 上传时间:2022-08-23 格式:PPT 页数:94 大小:9.39MB
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1、Lets go traveling!How many scenic spots景点 have you been to?Do you know the following places andhave you ever been there?What attracts you most in our country?最吸引你的中国景点是哪里?The Great WallThe Forbidden CityMogao CavesMausoleum of the First Qin EmperorThe Potala Palace in LhasaThe Ancient Town of Pingya

2、oThe Ancient Town of LijiangThe Summer Palace in BeijingChengde Mountain ResortClassical Garden of SuzhouHe who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.The Great WallJapan(Fujiyama富士山)英mantn美mantnUnited States(New York&San Francisco)Triumphbogen凯旋门France(Paris)Italy(Venice威尼斯)Roman Colosseum

3、古罗马圆形竞技场英rmn klsim美romn klsimThe Tower of Pisa Harvard University Vancouver,温哥华Canadathe Yellow River(黄河)Chinathe Thames(泰晤士河)Britainthe Amazon(亚马逊河)Brazilthe Mississippi(密西西比河)Americathe MekongIndia Sri Lanka英srilk美srilkBeach海滩海滩,Sri lankabeach,Sri lankaThe MoonThe EarthWhy do many people like to t

4、ravel?为什么会有那么多人喜欢旅游?The only thing people do while travelling is taking photos.Oh,no views but crowds in their photos Do you like traveling?And why?To show off their power and wealth.Enjoy beautiful scenery.Increase our knowledgeMake friends Be good to healthtravelingIncrease our knowledgeBe good to

5、 healthMake friendsRelax ourselvesHow will you prepare for traveling?travel cost/budget(费用)(费用)destination目的地目的地timeWhat to domeans of transportation交通方式交通方式things to takeObjective conditions for travelers旅游者必须具备的客观条件 闲暇时间 time 可自由支配的收入 moneyTimesummer(winter)vacationMay Day National Daythe Spring F

6、estivalweekend我们学过的月份单词June 六月July 七月August 八月in 在乘坐什么交通工具去?by搭乘 train 火车ship 轮船plane 飞机bike 自行车bus 公共汽车car 汽车on footby bikeby carby plane/by airby busby boat/by ship/by seaby spaceshipBy plane:Check in办理登机手续Boarding Pass登机牌Security check安检The Gate登机口Baggage Claim取行李Types of travel geographically 按地

7、理标准:travel abroad 国际旅游travel at home 国内旅游format 按组织形式:tour groups 团队旅游fragment(individual)travelers 散客旅游(自由行)我是中国人,我来旅游,导游的电话是请联系他。Im Chinese.Im here for touring.The number of my guide is.Please call him.打扰了!我迷路了。我的酒店是这个地方,能不能带我回酒店?Excuse me!Im lost.I live in the XXX hotel.Could you take me to the h

8、otel?请问附近有洗手间吗?Is there a washroom nearby?洗澡的热水怎么开?How can I have the warm shower water?你们有早晨叫醒服务吗?Can I have a wake-up call,please?Foundations of tourism 旅行社(travel agency)住宿业(hotel)交通运输业(transportation)Factors of travel旅游所包含的要素:交通(transportation)食宿(accommodation)观光(sightseeing)购物(shopping)娱乐(enter

9、tainment)Terms常见术语 旅行社:travel agency;tourist agency;travel serviceCYTS(China Youth Travel Service)中国青年旅行社 CITS(China International Travel Service)中国国际旅行社 part time guide local guide 地方陪同导游人员:(地陪)指受接待旅行社委派,代表接待社实施接待计划,为旅游提供当地旅游活动安排、讲解、翻译等服务的工作人员。I d would like to take a one-day sightseeing tour aroun

10、d Beijing!我想参加北京一日观光游!How to do that?It sounds great.Ill call this travel agency!tourist 游客agent 代理phonebook a package tour(一切由旅行社代办而费用固定的假日旅游)Doreen is a _.She is very interested in the _ _to Beijing.She is phoning a _ _about the package tour.The_ is checking information on the computer.touristpack

11、agetourtravelagencyagentChina Travel,Can I help you?Yes,please.I am calling about the package tour to Beijing.Tourist:Could you tell me the departure date?Travel Agency:On the 12th of March.Tourist:How long does the trip last?Travel Agency:Its a four-day trip.Four-day package tour to BeijingDate:Fro

12、m March 12 to March 15Means of transport:By plane to BeijingBy sightseeing bus in BeijingCost:RMB 5,000:travel,meals and four-star hotel:discount tickets打折的票打折的票Tourist:How shall we travel?Travel Agency:We will take a plane to Beijing,and we will travel by sightseeing bus in the city.Four-day packag

13、e tour to BeijingDate:From March 12 to March 15Means of transport:By plane to BeijingBy sightseeing bus in BeijingCost:RMB 5,000:travel,meals and four-star hotel:discount tickets打折的票打折的票Tourist:How much does it cost?Travel Agency:RMB 5,000.Tourist:What does it include?Travel Agency:It includes trave

14、l,meals and four-star hotel,but it doesnt include discount tickets.Four-day package tour to BeijingDate:From March 12 to March 15Means of transport:By plane to BeijingBy sightseeing bus in BeijingCost:RMB 5,000:travel,meals and four-star hotel:discount tickets打折的票打折的票You must buy something!tour guid

15、etourist分享几句国外旅行突发情况的救急用语了,闲话不多说,直接干货奉上:1.在机场:I missed my connection.我没赶上转机的飞机。connection表示转机;完整形式为connection flight,2.在路边:Excuse me.Wheres the nearest.?不好意思,请问最近的.在哪?比如:Wheres the nearest shopping mall?最近的购物中心在哪?如果你是找具体某个地方,你可以这样说:Excuse me.Do you happen to know where.is?不好意思,你知道.在哪吗?比如:Excuse me.D

16、o you happen to know where Hyde Park is?不好意思,你知道海德公园在哪吗?3.在餐厅:We made a reservation under the name of.我们以.的名字预定了一个桌子;也可以具体We booked a table under the name of.;比如:We booked a table under the name of John Smith.我们以John Smith的名字预定了个桌子。这时工作人员都会说One moment please 请稍等,然后查询你的信息。在酒店:We booked a room under t

17、he name of.我们以.的名字订了一个房间,跟餐厅吃饭差不多;或者I booked a room on the internet.我在网上订了一间房。这时工作人员会说 Can I have your passport please?能把你的护照给我吗?意思就是拿你的护照信息去查预定信息。入住后:Theres something wrong with the.某某东西有问题。房间有问题都可以用这句话:Theres something wrong with the shower.淋浴有问题啊。Could you send someone to take a look?能不能派个人来看看啊!7

18、.恶劣事件:Run!快跑啊!Get down!快趴下啊!Call 911 打电话报警啊(在美国);不是每个国家都是911报警,所以在其他国家你可以说Call the police.报警啊。登机口boarding gate,登机牌boarding pass 1.请问1号登机口在哪?Excuse me,where is _ _ one?2.请问航班CZ623(航班号)在哪换登机牌?Hi,where can I get the _ _for flight CZ623?登机篇登机篇 1.请问1号登机口在哪?Excuse me,where is boarding gate one?2.请问航班CZ623

19、(航班号)在哪换登机牌?Hi,where can I get the boarding pass for flight CZ623?行李baggage/luggage 3.我在何处可取得行李?Where can I get my _?是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的饭店?Is there a hotel that costs under 50 dollars a night?3.我在何处可取得行李?Where can I get my baggage/luggage?是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的饭店?Is there a hotel that costs under 50 dollars a

20、night?1.我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒。I would like to have a morning call at 8:00 in the morning.2.我要食物送到房间的服务。Id like to order room service,please.3.我要单人房。Id like a _ room.Im single./Im a single dog.单身狗 4.我要两张床的房间(双人间)。Id like a _ room.3.我要单人房。Id like a single room.4.我要两张床的房间。Id like a double room.退房check-out,订房b

21、ook a room 6.退房的适合时间?What is the time for _?7.我想订房。I would like to _ a room.8.我要订一间双人房从(日期)到(日期)Id like to book a double room for 3 nights from.(日期).to(日期).退房check-out,订房book/reserve a room 6.退房的适合时间?What is the time for check-out?7.我想订房。I would like to book a room.8.我要订一间双人房从(日期)到(日期)Id like to boo

22、k a double room for 3 nights from.(日期).to(日期).9.双人间一晚多少钱呢?How much is a _ room for one night?10.你的房间已经预定成功。Your booking is confirmed.我要退房。Id like to _ _.9.双人床一晚多少呢?How much is a double room for one night?10.你的房间已经预定成功。Your booking is confirmed.我要退房。Id like to check out.A _ to Melbourne,please.一张去墨尔本

23、的票 _ way or a _ trip ticket?单程还是双程票?Second class one way,please 二等单程 Can I have a _ ticket to Melbourne,please?一张2等票去墨尔本 A ticket to Melbourne,please.一张去墨尔本的票 One way or a round trip ticket?单程还是环程票 Second class one way,please 二等单程 Can I have a second-class ticket to Melbourne,please?一张2等票去墨尔本 Are th

24、ere any _ tickets for me?我买票有折扣吗?Id like to change my _ 我想改变我的预订 Do I need a _?我需要预订吗?Id like to _ a seat on this train 我想要订个座位 Are there any discount tickets for me?我买票有折扣吗?Id like to change my reservation 我想改变我的预订 Do I need a reservation?我需要预订吗?Id like to reserve a seat on this train 我想要订个座位 guide

25、导游 Do you have any special _?你们有特价吗?我想要一个导游。Id like a _.Do you have any _ bus tours?(你们有什么旅游车的旅行团吗?)Where is the _room?洗手间在哪里?Do you have any special rates?你们有特价吗?我想要一个导游。Id like a guide.Do you have any sightseeing bus tours?(你们有什么旅游车的旅行团吗?)Where is the rest room?洗手间在哪里?What to do?景点名称 去做什么Mount Tai

26、shan see the sunrise泰山 看日出Shaolin temple learn Kungfu少林寺 学功夫Hainan swim in the sea海南 在海里游泳暑假将要去哪里?(寒假)Where are you going this summer vacation?看到“where”要用表示地点的词语来回答。例如:Im going to Mount taishan.怎样去某一个地方?How are you going to there?回答方式:Im going to there by+交通工具。我将要搭乘某种交通工具去哪儿。例如:How are you going to

27、the Shaolin Temple?Im going to there by train.同位之间互相联系。去某个地方做什么?What are you going to do there?看到“what”和“do”在一起,要用表示“做了什么事情”来回答。例如:Im going to learn kung fu.你学会了吗?Where 去哪里?Where are you going there?How 怎么去How are you going to there?What 去了干什么What are you going to do there?1、Where are you going to t

28、here?Im going to+地点。2、How are you going to there?Im going to there by+交通工具。3、What are you going to do there?Im going to+做的事情。Can you guess what they are called in China?Is there any question about what we have learnt this class?Lets give a summary of this class.1.Try to retell the passage by yourself and then write it down on your notebook.2.Prepare for the next class.94Thank you for your attention!


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