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1、中考英语相关场景表达词句汇总一、看电影重点单词和词组in advance /dvns/ 提前choose your seats 选座pick up tickets 取票hilarious /hleris/ 搞笑的romantic comedy 浪漫喜剧片popcorn 爆米花booking code 预订码图片02实用例句How about going to see a movie?去看电影怎么样?Sure, Id love to.当然,我很乐意。Do you know if there is anything good on?有没有什么好看的?What about the new film

2、starring Huang Bo?黄渤主演的新片怎么样?This movie has topped the box office for weeks.这部电影已经连续数周高居票房榜首。I think Id prefer a romantic comedy.我想我更喜欢浪漫喜剧片。Ok, that would be a better date movie.好,应该是一部更好的约会电影。Lets meet at the entrance to the cinema at 7pm.我们晚上 7 点在电影院门口见面。Do we need to buy our tickets in advance?我

3、们需不需要提前买票?Did you buy tickets online?你在网上买票了吗?No, I havent bought tickets yet.没有,我还没买票。Lets buy them at the box office.让我们在售票处买吧。Id like two tickets for Spider Man at 9pm, please.我想要两张晚上 9 点的蜘蛛侠票。Sure, would you like any drinks and snacks?当然,你想喝点饮料和零食吗? Id also like two buckets of popcorn and two Co

4、kes.我还要两桶爆米花和两杯可乐。 Can I get unlimited refills?可乐能不能无限量续杯?Yes you can. That will be 25 dollars.是的你可以。一共25美元。 Please choose your seats on the screen.请在屏幕上选择您的座位。How about row S, seats 7 and 8?S排,7号和8号座位怎么样? I dont think we can see the screen very well from there.从那里可能看不好屏幕。Lets sit in the middle.我们坐在

5、中间吧。What about seats 15 and 16?15号和16号座位怎么样?That looks good.这看起来不错。Please enter the cinema ten minutes before the film starts.请在电影开始十分钟前进入电影院。I hope you enjoy the film!希望你喜欢这部电影!Enjoy the film!Wed better hurry up. The film is about to start.我们最好快点。电影即将开始。It doesnt matter. There are loads of ads and

6、trailers.没关系。有很多广告和预告片。Where can we pick up our tickets?我们在哪里可以取票?I think we can use that machine over there.我想我们可以使用那台机器。Do you have a booking code?你有预订码吗?Let me enter the code.让我输入预定码。Do you want to take your ticket?你要不要拿你的的票?Watch where youre going. Its very dark.注意你脚底下,很黑。Excuse me, can I get th

7、rough?不好意思,借过一下。What did you think of the film?How about the film?你觉得这部电影怎么样?I thought Huang Bo was great.我觉得黄渤很棒。It was hilarious.太搞笑了。I was laughing all the way through. 我一直在笑。Its the most moving film Ive seen this year.这是我今年看过的最感人的电影。To be honest, I found it a bit boring.说实话,我觉得有点无聊。The special e

8、ffects were really stunning.特效真的很惊艳。I dont like horror films, theyre too frightening.我不喜欢恐怖片,太吓人了。二、做家务重点单词和词组housework 家务pigsty 猪圈sweep the floor 扫地bedroom 卧室take turns 轮流做wash 洗Wash the clothes 洗衣服clean 收拾干净 Clean the bathroom 收拾卫生间tidy (up) 整理wipe 擦拭Wipe the surfaces 擦台面wipe the table 擦桌子mop the

9、floor 拖地实用例句This house is filthy.家里非常脏。Why dont you ever help me with the housework?你为什么从来不帮我做家务呢?I know, I was going to tidy up but I just havent got round to it yet.我知道,我本来要整理的,但我就是还没抽出时间。Ill get to it soon.我很快就做。You always say youre going to do it soon.你总是说你很快就做。But this house is like a pigsty.但是

10、这个房子看起来像个猪圈。I cant stand it.我受不了了Its just that Ive been really busy at work recently.只是我最近工作太忙了。Ive been working overtime almost every day, so I havent had time to do any housework.我几乎每天都在加班,我没有时间做家务。I hate doing housework as much as you do, but we cant let it get like this.我和你一样讨厌做家务,但我们不能让它变成这样。Ho

11、w about we split the work and get it done this weekend?我们把家务分一下,这个周末完成如何? Ok I guess so.我觉得可以。Ill put a load of washing into the washing machine first.我先把一批衣服放进洗衣机里。Alright, Ill vacuum the floors in the bedrooms and the study.好的, 我要用吸尘器吸卧室和书房。Why dont you do the washing up?要不你洗碗吧。I always do the was

12、hing up.我总是洗碗。Cant you do it this time?这次你做可以吗?We should take turns.我们应该轮流做。Maybe you can sweep the floor, and take out the bins.你可以扫地和把垃圾倒出去。We still need to wipe the surfaces, scrub the hobs and mop the floor.我们还需要擦台面,刷洗炉盘,拖地。Ill deal with the surfaces and you mop the floor.我来擦台面,你来拖地。Ok. I think

13、the clothes are done now.好的。我想现在衣服已经洗好了。Take them out, and hang them up to dry.把衣服拿出来,挂起来晾干。I think Im probably a better cook than you.我做饭做得比你好。So Im happy to do the cooking.我很乐意做饭。If you dont mind, you can do the dishes.如果你不介意,你可以洗碗。That works for me.对我来说可以。Ok. Lets just spend an hour or two cleaning the house each week.好的。我们每周花一两个小时收拾房子吧。I dont want it to take up all our time.我不希望家务占用我们所有的时间! Can you tidy your room?能不能收拾房间?4


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