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1、Reading Strategy for words meanings Context cluesMeaning:the setting of a wordvThe sentence the word is invThe sentence before and after the sentence that the word is invThe paragraph that the word is in vThe passage that the word is inEg:vHis income has reached five figures.vHe is a prominent publi

2、c figure.vI saw a figure approaching in the darkness.definition:means.is/are.,which/.,where.is/are called.is/are known as/.can be defined as explanation/restatement:or,that is,such as,that is to say,in another word,in other words,to put it another way examples:such as/especially/for instance/for exa

3、mple Context clues 1 definition,explanation/restatement,examplesv1.The science of meteorology is concerned with the study of the structure,state and behavior of the atmosphere.v2.He had a wan look.He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.气象学气象学 Context clues 1 v definition,explanation/rest

4、atement,exampleslooking ill,sad,tired,anxiousv3.You can borrow these periodicals from the library:Nature,New Society,News Week,or the Listener.v4.Monkeys are well-known for their grooming habits;they spend hours carefully cleaning bits of dirt and straw from their coats.期刊或杂志期刊或杂志v爱清洁的爱清洁的 Context c

5、lues 1v definition,explanation/restatement and examplesv5.In some countries where there is very little rain,the farmers have to irrigate,or water,their fields.v6.It will be very hard but also very brittlethat is,it will break easily.ComparisonEg:1.There is no reason to insult and defame the man simp

6、ly because you do not agree with him.defame“诋毁诋毁”,“中伤中伤”或或“诽谤诽谤”lContext clues 2Comparison and contrast2.Father is an expert in piano,and mother is a virtuoso in violin.Eg:Contrastv1.Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time.v 2.Most of us agreed;however,Bill dissented.

7、Silent have a different opinion from,refuse to assent to disagreevContrast signal words:Whereas,but,yet,while,although,despite,in spite of,however,not,even though,instead,rather than,on the contrary,on the other hand,nevertheless,in contrastv A synonym is a word that means the same as or nearly the

8、same as another word.vAn antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.Context clues 3 Synonym and Antonym(1)Using synonym Context Clues1.The football player was penalized for unnecessary roughness and the punishment was a good lesson for him.2.He replied quickly,but after he considered

9、the problem more carefully,he regretted having made such a hasty decision.Rapid;quickpunishContext clues 3 Synonym and Antonym(2)Using Antonym Context Clues1.Unlike his brother,who is a truly handsome man,John is quite homely.2.He had been getting better but during the night his condition deteriorat

10、ed.Plain;not attractive or good-lookingget worseContext clues 4 Common sensev1.Robben is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.v2.Ann was so obtuse that she could not follow the teachers reasoning and asked foolish questions.3.In old

11、 days,when girls from rich families were married to their husbands,they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry.独断专行的独断专行的迟钝的、愚笨的迟钝的、愚笨的嫁妆嫁妆lGrammatical and rhetoric devices:appositive,attributive clause,simile,metaphor,lPunctuation:comma,dash,colon,parentheses/brackets,Context c

12、lues 5 Grammatical and rhetoric devices,and punctuation v1).One of the major features of English vocabulary is polysemymany meanings.v 2).The major fault in your composition is redundancy,using more words than necessary to express your idea.一词多义的一词多义的不简练的不简练的v3.The cats eyes glowed in the dark as if

13、 they were little lights.v4.Etymology,a branch of language study dealing with word origins,ought to be viewed as one way to help children expand their vocabularies.With the help of conjunctions like:because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore.etc.1.All his attempts to unlock the doo

14、r was futile;because she was using the wrong key.2.The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken.Sometimes the weakness was permanent.So the player could never play the sport again.in vain Context clues 6 cause and effectfor evervSometimes you can make an intelligent guess of the meaning of some

15、 new words or expressions if you put together related information from the surrounding text.e.g.vTimken was now angry.Once again he flew into a rage.v“She went to school for 12 years and she cant write a sentence?”Timken said.“They made an illiterate out of my daughter.”Context clues 7related inform

16、ation 1.Mark Twain was not the authors real name;it was a pseudonym.a pen name.Exercises 12.Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken.哑剧哑剧3.The upper part of the leg is known as the thigh.4.Though I like steak rare,I dont like it raw;I cant eat it uncooked.(大腿大腿)(生的生的)v5.Jim just

17、 hummed the tune of the song;he didnt sing the words.v哼曲子哼曲子v6.Eileen is one of those who sing in church;she is part of the choir.v(在教堂里唱诗的)合唱团(在教堂里唱诗的)合唱团Exercise 2vWhile I love spinach,my husband loathes it.vAlthough Marsha is fastidious,her twin Marilyn is very sloppy(careless in doing things).vY

18、ou should review your lecture notes immediately after class to correct any errors or fill in missing information.Many students,however,procrastinate and,as a result,their notes are not as useful.vThere was disagreement instead of consensus about the committees report.vWe decided to persevere rather

19、than give up.vThe drunk driver looked for someone sober to drive.vMary is very modern and liberal,but John is rather orthodox in his behavior.agreementnot give up,insist on,go onnot drunk,clear-headednot modern,traditional,conventionalvSome instructors do not feel strongly about class attendance;on

20、the other hand,others are adamant that you must attend all classes.vRather than take the course for credit,Mary decided to audit it to see if she was interested in the subject.vAlthough the patient is usually morose,she seems happy today.vHe is usually a laggard,but when it comes to asking for money

21、,he is very quick,active and energetic.feel strongly,firm,insistattend the course not for creditunhappy,bad-tempered and silenta person who is not quick,active and energetic/who lags behindExercise 31.The game Americans call soccer is known around the world as football.2.Tribes roamed all over,searc

22、hing for food.This wandering life went on until some people discovered that they could plant seeds and raise crops.American football wander(1)Using synonym Context Clues3.In spite of the fact that the beautiful egret is in danger of dying out completely,many clothing manufactures still offer handsom

23、e prices for their long,elegant tail feathers,which are used as decorations on ladies hats.A kind of birdyet,but,unlike,however,while,notbut,instead,on the contrary,in contrast,rather than 1.We watched as the cat came quietly through the grass toward the bird.When it was just feet from the victim,it

24、 gathered its legs under itself,and pounced.To attack suddenlyTo spring with intent to seize(2)Using Antonym Context Clues2.An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England,but a souwester usually bring rain.The wind from south west,here it refers to the wind from the Atlantic3.Most wom

25、en in Ghana-the educated and illiterate,the urban and rural,the young and old-work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.Having little or no formal education.4.The man thought that the children were defenseless,so he walked boldly up to the oldest and dem

26、anded money.Imagine his surprise when they began to pelt him with rocks.To strike repeatedlyTo cast,hurl,or throw5.Unlike her gregarious sister,Jane is a shy,unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or make new friends.sociable.6.After a day of hunting,Harold is ravenous,Yesterday,for ex

27、ample,he ate two bowls of soup,salad,a large chicken,and a piece of chocolate cake before he was finally satisfiedExtremely hungry;Greedy7.After the accident,the ship went down so fast that we werent able to salvage any of our personal belongings.to rescue or savevShe was very fortunate that she was

28、 able to blachet flames before they spread to the rest of the house.vIt is niblock that your registration forms be complete;otherwise you will not get credit for the class.vI really proster snakes;I dont even like to see a picture of one.vTo save money for college I had to menate the number of movie

29、s I go to each month.vI was going to serve steak at my dinner party,but the price made me cride my plans.vMarsha absolutely will not take another math course.Dont try to change her mind because she is frind.put out,extinguishnecessary,importantdislike,hatecut down,reducecancel,changenot easy to be p

30、ersuaded,determined,stubborn,unyieldingExercises 4Exercises 5vThe student should be familiar with the curriculum set of courses of his or her certificate or degree program.vNest building in birds is an example of an instinct,a pattern of behavior that doesnt have to be learned.vSome courses have pre

31、requisites:requirements that must be met before the course can be taken.My dad was boiling mad.This implies that my dad was very,very angry The homework was a breeze.This implies that the homework was very easy to do.If I were you,I would steer clear of that topic.This implies that you should stay a

32、way from that topic With the help of conjunctions like:because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore.etc.Exercises 61.“But,”said Kim,“I feel that since you are my superior,it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do.”A.Full of respect B.too confident and rudeC.Lacking in exp

33、erience D.too shy and quiet 2.People react differently to visiting different cultures.People who are very important,like the leaders of a country,will be treated very carefully.Because they are pampered and petted,they may not become uncomfortable.Others may feel very uncomfortable and spend their t

34、ime grousing to whomever will listen how unfriendly the natives are.Pampered and petted:_ Grouse:_well treatedcomplain3.The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60-90 centimeters high.Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots,or young leaves.It is from these sho

35、ots that the best tea is got.A.Regular cutting of the plantsB.Frequent wateringC.Regular use of chemicalsD.Growing the plants high in the mountain4.Usually if restaurant food is poorly prepared,I dont criticize the waiter.Instead,I reprimand the manager.To scold severely,especially in a formal or of

36、ficial way.Exercises 7vEtymology,a branch of language study dealing with word origins,ought to be viewed as one way to help children expand their vocabularies.vExtroverted persons,who enjoy parties and meeting new people,are less likely to be victims of depression.vThere are some things in the world

37、 that seem inexplicable and just have to be accepted without knowing why they happened.vThe police found the suspects story credible,so they released him.vJohn has a homogenous collection of books,all on the Civil War.vWe asked for better law enforcement,but the legislature ignored our pleas.Outgoin

38、g,friendlyUnexplainable,mysterious,strangeBelievable,trueSingle,the same kindRequest,demand,askingPracticeExercise 1-To tick off the correct choice from A,B,and C.1.Charles asked the bank for a small loanloan so that he could repair his house.A.sum of money B.load C.tool 2.One who is destitutedestit

39、ute has a great need for food and clothing.A.very tall B.very poor C.very rich 3.The flowers in the vase withered because they had no water.A.became sweeter B.became red C.became dry4.Just for fun,they decided to try a very circuitous country road instead of the more direct highway.A.direct B.indire

40、ct C.straight5.That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.A.small B.large C.dull vQuick!Go get some water to quench the flames!vI think your arm is broken.Try to keep it stationary until we get to the hospital.vSitting in front of a fire on a snowy day is

41、 quite cozy.vI wish I was ambidextrous.Then I could use both hands equally well.Put out,extinguishStill,not moving,staticComfortable,warmCould use both hands equally wellExercise 2It was imprudent for Lisa to skate on the ice of the lake without checking to see how thick it was.That toy is a lethal

42、weapon;the kid almost kill me with it!When I am served bad food,I assume a very serious manner and say to the manager gravely that I will not pay for the objectionable meal.Not prudent,unwise,rash,foolish,discreetFatal,deadly,able to cause death unpleasant;terrible;awfulWilliam decided to market him

43、self as a computer specialist.I knew he was just joking because I could see a smile sprouting from the edges of his lips.This implies that a smile was forming and growing.The suspect clammed up when the police began to ask him questions about where he had been the night of the crime.This implies tha

44、t the suspect shut his mouth and said nothing.This implies that William decided to present himself as a computer specialist when looking for a job vAndrea was a very impertinent young lady.She was so rude that she talked while her teacher was explaining a lesson.She showed no respect for other stude

45、nts.Her manners were very poor.Even her parents thought that Andrea was impolite.vJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy,our 35th president,improved human rights and equal rights for all people.He was a very charismatic president.People were attracted to his charm and enthusiasm.His personality was described as ma

46、gnetic vThe people of the town were warned not to eat the tainted fish.The local newspaper published a bulletin in which readers were clearly told that eating fish that had a disease could be very dangerous.This was especially true for fish caught in Lake Jean.Some people believe cigarette smoking i

47、s dangerous.They want governments to create antismoking programs.People differ as to how strong these antismoking campaigns should be.Some of strongest campaigns would try to completely eliminate cigarette smoking.Others would try only to restrict the number of places where people could smoke.Such restrictions would not try to eliminate public smoking completely,but only to curb smoking by reducing cigarette consumption.


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