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1、Unit 7 Underground Works 地下工程地下工程vlearning guidance:v1.Master:学习隧道的基本知识,了解:学习隧道的基本知识,了解隧道的基本组成部分、类型、及其施工与隧道的基本组成部分、类型、及其施工与规划规划 v2.Teaching important point :隧道的结构、类型与施工。隧道的结构、类型与施工。v3.Teaching difficult point:科技英语翻译技巧:句子成分的转换7.1 INTRODUCTIONv一、地下空间开发一、地下空间开发 当今世界,人类正在向地下、海洋和宇宙开发。当今世界,人类正在向地下、海洋和宇宙开发



4、发明黄色炸药,成为开发地下空间的有力武器。色炸药,成为开发地下空间的有力武器。v三、地下工程三、地下工程v (1)交通运输方面:地下铁道、铁路、公路隧道交通运输方面:地下铁道、铁路、公路隧道v (2)民用建筑工程:地下停车场、过街或穿越障碍的各种地)民用建筑工程:地下停车场、过街或穿越障碍的各种地下通道、各种储存库房、商店、人防与市政地下工程,以及文化、下通道、各种储存库房、商店、人防与市政地下工程,以及文化、体育、娱乐与生活等方面的联合建筑体等等。体育、娱乐与生活等方面的联合建筑体等等。v (3)军事方面:野战工事、地下指挥所、通讯枢纽、掩蔽所、)军事方面:野战工事、地下指挥所、通讯枢纽、掩

5、蔽所、军火库等;军火库等;v (4)工业建筑方面:各种地下工厂车间、电站)工业建筑方面:各种地下工厂车间、电站v (5)矿山工程:煤矿、各种金属矿山)矿山工程:煤矿、各种金属矿山v (6)水利工程:地下输水管道。)水利工程:地下输水管道。Cases of underground worksunderground car parkingsubmarine tunnelrailway tunnel road tunnel 世界最长的双洞单向公路隧道世界最长的双洞单向公路隧道终南山公路隧道vunderground street underground storeunderground hotelun

6、derground hotelunderground hydropower station 7.2 Part I How Tunnels Work v一、New Words and Phrases:v1.shaft/:ft /n.竖井;通风井竖井;通风井v2.portal/PO:tl/n.入口,洞口入口,洞口v3.crown/kraun/n.顶点顶点(arch crown 拱圈拱圈)v4.invert/invE:t/v.颠倒,翻转;颠倒,翻转;(arch invert 底板底板)v5.ultrasonic/;VltrEsOnIk/adj.超音速的超音速的v6.statics/stQtIks/n

7、.静力学静力学v7.equilibrium/;i:kwilibrIEm/n.平衡,均衡平衡,均衡v8.tension/tenSEn/n.拉力,张力拉力,张力pression/kEMPReSEn/v.浓缩,压缩,压榨浓缩,压缩,压榨v10.shearing/SIRIN/n.切断,修剪切断,修剪 (shear 剪刀,剪裂面剪刀,剪裂面)v11.torsion/tO:SEn/n.扭转,扭力扭转,扭力v12.masonry/meisEnri/n.砖石砖石v13.muck/mVk/n.黑泥黑泥v14.canal/kEnQl/n.河渠;管道;河渠;管道;运河运河v15.shield/Si:Ld/n.防护罩

8、;防护罩;遮护遮护v16.stave/steiv/n.狭板狭板v17.scaffold/skQfEld/n.脚手架脚手架v18.ore extraction 矿石开采矿石开采v19.shore up 承托承托v20.run through 通过通过v21.stand-up time 直立时间直立时间v22.breasting board 罩板罩板v23.push forward 推进推进v24.TMBs 隧道钻挖机,隧洞掘进机隧道钻挖机,隧洞掘进机 25.disk cutter 圆盘剪切机圆盘剪切机26.cut-and-cover method 锄坑回锄坑回填法;明挖回填法填法;明挖回填法27

9、.continuous arch 连续拱,连续连续拱,连续的弓形结构的弓形结构28.fire-setting n.火力破石火力破石29.dead load/live load 恒负载恒负载/活负活负载载30.Boring equipment 钻机设备钻机设备31.Tunnel construction 隧道施工隧道施工32.Full-face method 全面开挖法全面开挖法33.Breasting board 罩板罩板34.Sprayed concrete 喷射混凝土喷射混凝土35.Shale,chalk,sandstone 页岩,页岩,白垩,砂岩白垩,砂岩36.Hydraulic cyl

10、inder haidr:lik slnd液压缸液压缸37.High-pressure water jet 高压水高压水柱柱n.盾;防护物;保护者 vt.遮蔽;包庇;避开;保卫 vi.防御;起保护作用Static load,dynamic loadvAt its most basic,a tunnel is a tube hollowed through soil or stone.vConstructing a tunnel,however,is one of the most complex challenges in the field of civil engineering.(char

11、acteristic)vMany tunnels are considered technological masterpieces and governments have honored tunnel engineers as heroes.vThats not to say,of course,that some tunnel projects havent encountered major setbacks.二、二、How Tunnels WorkDefinition:Simply,a tunnel is a tube hollowed(挖空)through soil or ston

12、e.1.Introduction to How Tunnels Work vThe Central Artery/Tunnel Project(the“Big Dig”)in Boston,Massachusetts,mstu:sits was plagued by massive cost overruns,allegations lge()n of corruption,and a partial ceiling collapse that resulted in a fatality.vBut these challenges havent stopped engineers from

13、dreaming up(创造、设计)even bigger and bolder ideas,such as building a Transatlantic Tunnel to connect New York with London.二、二、How Tunnels Workv2.The form of tunnels:a.Natural tunnel:erosion and other forces of natureb.Man made tunnel:tunnels created by the process of excavation(挖掘)(manual labor,explosi

14、ves,rapid heating and cooling,tunneling machinery).vA tunnel is a horizontal passageway located underground.While erosionr()n and other forces of nature can form tunnels,in this article well talk about man made tunnels-tunnels created by the process of excavation.vThere are many different ways to ex

15、cavate a tunnel,including manual labor,explosives,rapid heating and cooling,tunneling machinery or a combination of these methods.3 Tunnel BasicsvSome structures may require excavation similar to tunnel excavation,but are not actually tunnels.vShafts,for example,are often hand-dug or dug with boring

16、 equipment.But unlike tunnels,shafts are vertical and shorter.vOften,shafts are built either as part of a tunnel project to analyze the rock or soil,or in tunnel construction to provide headings,or locations,from which a tunnel can be excavated.headings n.标题;上端;平巷;页眉 vThe diagram below shows the rel

17、ationship between these underground structures in a typical mountain tunnel.The opening of the tunnel is a portal.The“roof”of the tunnel,or the top half of the tube,is the crown.The bottom half is the invert.The basic geometry of the tunnel is continuous arch.Because tunnels must withstand tremendou

18、s pressure from all sides,the arch is an ideal shape.In the case of a tunnel,the arch simply goes all the way around.go all the way 完全一致go all the way with 完全同意go all the way through完全一致go all of the way 不遗余力 Well go all the way 我们要一路向前vTunnel engineers,like bridge engineers,must be concerned with a

19、n area of physics known as statics.vStatics describes how the following forces interact to produce equilibrium on structures such as tunnels and bridges:(1).Tension:which expands,or pulls on,material (2).Compression:which shortens,or squeezes material (3).Shearing:which causes parts of a material to

20、 slide past one another in opposite directions (4)Torsion:which twists a materialvThe tunnel must oppose these forces with strong materials,such as masonry,steel,iron and concrete.vIn order to remain static,tunnels must be able to withstand the loads placed on them.Dead load refers to the weight of

21、the structure itself,while live load refers to the weight of the vehicles and people that move through the tunnel.4 Types of TunnelsvThere are three broad categorieskt,gori(category)of tunnels:vmining,public works and transportation.vLets look briefly at each type.v(1)Mine tunnels:used during ore ex

22、traction(矿石开采),enabling laborers or equipment to access mineral and metal deposits(煤炭和金属矿床)deep inside the earth.Fig.7.4 A coal miner standing on the back of a car in a mine tunnel in the early 1900s.Notice that the sides of the tunnel are shored up with timber.v(2)Public works tunnels:carry water,s

23、ewage or gas lines across great distances.Fig.7.4 A Roman aqueduct that runs from the Pools of Solomon to Jerusalem 香港吐露水港污水处理隧道香港吐露水港污水处理隧道 The drainage line built by Germany in Qingdaov(3)Transportation tunnels:used for travel,shipping or irrigationFig.7.6 Traveling through the Holland Tunnel from

24、 Manhattan to New Jersey 红红旗旗渠渠隧隧道道v20世纪60年代,英雄的林县人民以重新安排林县河山的大无畏的英雄气概,坚持和发扬解放思想、实事求是、自力更生、艰苦奋斗、自强不息、开拓创新、团结实干、无私奉献的精神,用自己勤劳的双手,在巍巍太行山上,逢山凿洞,遇沟架桥,一锤一钎,坚持苦干十年,削平了1250座山头,凿通了211个隧洞,架设152座渡槽,建成了盘绕林滤山长达1500公里的引水灌溉工程红旗渠。v红旗渠在河南省安阳以西50多公里的林州林滤山中,地势险峻,工程宏伟。它不仅是造福人民的水利工程,也为林滤山自然风光增添了一大胜景,被中外游人誉为“人工天河”、“当代万里

25、长城”、“世界第八大奇迹”。v20世纪70年代初,红旗渠工程竣工后,周恩来总理自豪地告诉国际友人:新中国有两个奇迹,一个是南京长江大桥,一个是林县红旗渠。v5 Tunnel Construction:v 1.隧道施工的工序包括隧道施工的工序包括开挖、出渣、支护和衬开挖、出渣、支护和衬砌。人们在实际中已创砌。人们在实际中已创造出多种隧道施工方法,造出多种隧道施工方法,概括起来有两大施工方概括起来有两大施工方式,即明挖法和暗挖法。式,即明挖法和暗挖法。2.明挖法主要有:敞口明挖法主要有:敞口放坡明挖、板桩法、地放坡明挖、板桩法、地下连续墙施工法三种。下连续墙施工法三种。3.暗挖法主要有:矿山暗挖法

26、主要有:矿山法、盾构法、沉管法、法、盾构法、沉管法、顶进法等。顶进法等。v5 Tunnel Construction:v(1)soft ground(earth)v(2)hard rock v(3)soft rock v(4)underwater隧道的通风隧道的通风通风方式通风方式自然通风自然通风机械通风机械通风半横向式半横向式纵向式纵向式横向式横向式混合式混合式射流式射流式风道式和风道式和喷嘴式喷嘴式竖井式竖井式 Fig 7.8 Inside a Holland Tunnel ventilation tower v射流式纵向通风射流式纵向通风 v纵向式通风是从一个洞口直接引进新鲜空气,由纵向

27、式通风是从一个洞口直接引进新鲜空气,由另一洞口排出污染空气的方式。射流式纵向通风是将另一洞口排出污染空气的方式。射流式纵向通风是将射流式风机设置于车道的吊顶部,吸入隧道内的部分射流式风机设置于车道的吊顶部,吸入隧道内的部分空气,并以空气,并以30m/s左右的速度喷射吹出,用以升压,左右的速度喷射吹出,用以升压,使空气加速,达到通风的目的。射流式通风经济,设使空气加速,达到通风的目的。射流式通风经济,设备费少,但噪声较大。备费少,但噪声较大。v竖井式纵向通风竖井式纵向通风 v机械通风所需动力与隧道长度的立方成正比,因此机械通风所需动力与隧道长度的立方成正比,因此在长隧道中,常常设置竖井进行分段通


29、分布均匀。该通风方式有利于防止火灾蔓延和处理烟雾。但需设置送风道和排风道,火灾蔓延和处理烟雾。但需设置送风道和排风道,增加建设费用和运营费用。增加建设费用和运营费用。v半横向式通风半横向式通风v半横向式通风的特点是新鲜空气经送风道直接吹向汽半横向式通风的特点是新鲜空气经送风道直接吹向汽车的排气孔高度附近,直接稀释排气,污染空气在隧车的排气孔高度附近,直接稀释排气,污染空气在隧道上部扩散,经过两端洞门排出洞外。半横向式通风,道上部扩散,经过两端洞门排出洞外。半横向式通风,因仅设置送风道,所以较为经济。因仅设置送风道,所以较为经济。v6 Tunnel Planning tunnel enginee

30、rs need to consider following factors:v(1)soil and rock types v(2)weak beds and zones v(3)groundwater v(4)special hazardsv地铁车站v区间隧道v出入口建筑物6.3.4 地下铁道地下铁道vExercise:vI.Read the whole passage and answer the following questions.v1.Give a general introduction to content of the whole passage.v2.Define the

31、tunnel.v3.What ways can be used to excavate a tunnel?Explain it in detail.v4.How can tunnels be categorized?Summarize each type briefly.v5.What are the four primary environments of tunnel excavation?State the procedure of tunnel excavation in hard rocks.v6.How did Peter M.Barlow and James Henry Grea

32、thead improve Brunels design?v7.Why planning is important to a successful tunnel project?v8.Discuss your expectations for future tunnels with your partner(s).vII.Translate the following terms into Chinese or English.vRegistered contractor 土壤稳定工程;加固工程vrelieving arch 后备发电机vsalt water pumping station 温

33、度传感器vshock load 隧道通风风扇vsite investigation 承重剪力墙vamount of compression 深层加固vattitude of stratum 抗震建筑vcased borehole 承压变形vengineering geologic condition 裂隙方向vcompaction by driving 打桩机 vIII.Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English.v1.Thats not to say,of course,that some tunnel projects

34、 havent encountered major setbacks.v2.Mine tunnels are not as safe as tunnels designed for permanent occupation,however.v3.They decided that any bridge safe enough to withstand the severe conditions would be too difficult to build.v4.隧道如何建设很大程度上取决于它必须穿过的地质环境。v5.工人们随之将场中注满水,使各部件上浮,然后将他们放置在运河的底部。v6.水下

35、建隧道是在所有环境中最具有挑战性的,它需要运用一种独特的方法,这种方法在地面上无法施行。vIV.Choose the right word to fill in the blanks.vToday,the New York City subway system is in the middle of a massive renovation.One of the planned additions is a new tunnel all the way from Long Island to Manhattan.A tunnel-boring machine(TBM)will do much

36、of the digging.vA TBM is a machine so large that it usually has to be _ in pieces.It uses discs and scrapers to crush and remove rock and debris,creating a tunnel.A conveyor removes this debris from the tunnel so crews can _of it.Although it moves slowly,a TBM can dig through both hard bedrock and s

37、ofter soil,and it supports the tunnel as it digs.stretchingtransported _ disposevBut machines like this didnt exist during the construction of the worlds first subways.Building crews had to the subway lines in cities like London and Paris by hand.This was slow,difficult,work.For example,digging the

38、New York City subway tunnels required close to 8,000 laborers.Thousands sustained injuries during construction,and more than 60 died.Improved construction methods havent completely subway construction accidents.In January 2007,a _at a subway construction site in Sao Paulo,Brazil buried a minibus and

39、 several dump trucks and created a 260-foot-wide crater.vThrough the years,crews have used a variety of methods to excavate the subway tunnels.Some have blasted rock with dynamite,and have used movable shields to protect _while excavating hollow tubes under streets and buildings.In the 1950s,some cr

40、ews started using the New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM),a collection of for determining how and where to dig.excavatedangerouspreventedcollapse othersdiggersTechniques 7.3 Part II Reading Materials vText A:Tunnel Constructionv(1)Underwaterv(2)The Big Digv(3)The Future of TunnelingQuestions:a.whats

41、 the features and purposes of tunnels?b.Do you know other tunnel projects in home and abroad?2.TBM1.盖板法Text B:The Traditional Building ProcessvRequirements of reading materials:(it is arranged by teachers)v(1)Project Initiationv(2)Designv(3)Biddingv(4)Construction7.4 Part III Translation of EST(6)-句

42、子成分的转换句子成分的转换 翻译知翻译知识:识:a.英语的形合法形合法:一个句子由几个概念联合在一起,表达一个完整的内容。这样,英语句子的结构清楚,易于识别。b.汉语的意合法意合法:汉语句子的结构一般是采用意合法,即需要从意义上来分辨词的不同作用。词在句中总是充当某种成分。因此,在英译汉时往往需要按照汉语的表达习惯改变原文中某些词在句中所担当的成分,这是一种十分常见的翻译技巧。句子成分转换的依据:英汉差异英汉差异!v翻译策略:翻译策略:按照汉语的表达习惯改变英文中某些词在句中所担当的成分 v具体方法:1.主语与宾语之间的转换 英语的被动语态常译为汉语的主动语态,英语中的主语译成汉语中的宾语。v

43、The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of generator.利用发电机可以把机械能再转变成电能2.主语与谓语之间的转换Extreme care must be taken when operating the computer.操作计算机的时候必须特别小心。Water with salt conducts electricity very well.盐水的导电性能很好。3.主语与表语之间的转换Such would be our printer in the future.我们未来的

44、打印机就是这样的。An example is the fine strain of rice we have developed.我们培养的稻种就是一例。4.主语与状语之间的转换The emphasis on efficiency leads to the large,complex operations which are characteristics of engineering.由于强调效率,因此引起工程所特有的工序繁多而复杂的情况。Computers are employed in most banks.大多数银行已经使用了计算机。5.主语与定语之间的转换Mercury weighs

45、 about 14times as much as water.水银的重量大约是水的14倍。Water has a variable efficient of expansion.水的膨胀系数是可变的。6.定语与状语之间的转换For nearly all substances the density gets smaller as the temperature is raised.温度升高时,几乎所有物质的密度都会变小。Electronic mail enables one to establish contact with people half a world away.电子邮件使我们能

46、跟地球另一端的人们建立联系。7.定语转换成谓语There is a large amount of energy wasted owing to friction.由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。Many factors enter into equipment reliability.涉及设备可靠性的因素很多 8.宾语转换成谓语The modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology.当今科学技术正在迅速发展。9.状语转化成补语The attractive force between the molecules is negligibly small.分子之间的吸引力小的可以忽略不计。This problem seems much more difficult than that one.这个题似乎比那个题难得多。单元小结单元小结v隧道的基本词汇、短语和常用知识v科技翻译中句子成分转换的使用v练习


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