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1、Unit 1 Learning objectives In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to globalization trend and WTO.Students will be able to argue either in favor of or against globalization or WTO.Background readingNotes:1.delegate 代表代表2.collapse 失败;垮下失败;垮下(an attempt)collapse fail suddenly or

2、 completely3.riot 暴乱;骚乱暴乱;骚乱 riot wild or violent disturbance by a crowd of people4.tear gas 催泪瓦斯催泪瓦斯5.Seattle 西雅图(美国华盛顿州的城市)西雅图(美国华盛顿州的城市)6.diplomat 外交官外交官 diplomat person in the diplomatic service,e.g.an ambassador7.jubilant 欢欣,欣喜的(尤指由于成功)欢欣,欣喜的(尤指由于成功)jubilant(about/at/over sth)showing great happ

3、iness,esp.because of success,Diplomats were jubilant at successfully completing this session.8.inject sth.into (比喻)向某人引进,注入(新思想,活力,感(比喻)向某人引进,注入(新思想,活力,感情等)情等)inject sth(into sb/sth)introduce(new thoughts,feelings,etc)into sb/sth.Their agreement will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy.9.un

4、ity 和谐和睦,团结一致和谐和睦,团结一致10.concession 妥协,让步妥协,让步 concession thing granted or yielded,esp.after discussion,an argument,etc.11.penalty duties 惩罚性关税惩罚性关税12.subsidy 补贴补贴 agriculture subsidy 农业补贴农业补贴13.scrutinize 仔细或彻底检查仔细或彻底检查 scrutinize look at or examine(sth)carefully or thoroughly14.take into account 考

5、虑考虑 take into account=take into consideration15.Kyoto accord 京都议定书京都议定书16.The Kyoto accord also called Kyoto Protocol aims to curb the air pollution blamed for global warming.The accord requires countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyo

6、to,Japan,on 11 December 1997.17.take precedence 优先的权利;优先权优先的权利;优先权18.take precedence(over sb/sth)have the right to come before sb/sth in time,order,rank,etc.19.The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirements.Answers to comprehension questions:1.It aimed primarily at redu

7、cing tariffs on goods and services as well as opening markets and setting trade rules for rich and poor countries alike.2.The implied meaning of U.S.Trade Representatives saying is that Seattles trade talk is a total failure.It failed to achieve the basic objective of WTOreducing trade barriers.3.Th

8、ey hope their agreement on starting a new round of trade talk will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy and send a message of unity and determination to a world shaken by the Sept.11 attacks.4.Besides the agenda for new talks,the new round will focus on the needs of developing countries and

9、some environmental issues.Part AFirst listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of news item one?It reported the survey result conducted by the Pew Global Attitude Survey.According to this worldwide poll,more economic integration is good for the world.What is the main idea of news item two

10、?China is optimistic that a framework agreement on the new round of WTO negotiations would come out by the end of July according to signals from different consultations and meetings related to WTO.Second listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibi

11、lity to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.Notice expressions related to globalization and how people perceive it.Globalization:economic integration,anti-global

12、ization,market access,improved investment climatePeoples perception:Pros:globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality;significant decrease in the number of the worlds extreme poor since 1980;views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones;dev

13、eloping country people blamed their local governments,not globalization,for their countrys ills.Cons:globalization has been received with great distrust;anti-globalization activists argue that global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations;Notic

14、e how many different kinds of meetings related to WTO.International General Meeting of the Pacific Basin Economic Council:太平洋盆地经济理事会年会,该组织每年5月举行一次国际大会。OECD ministerial meeting:经济与合作发展组织部长级会议 WTO mini-ministerial:世界贸易组织微型部长级会议 APEC trade ministers meeting:亚太经合组织贸易部长会议 WTO G20 ministerial meeting:世界贸易

15、组织20国集团部长会议(DDA)Doha Development Agenda:多哈贸易谈判进程uAsk students to fill in the blanks with missing information in news item one.Compare answers.uAsk students to do True(T)or False(F)questions for news item two.Compare answers.Explain why it is true or false.Third listening:sentences imitation1.Ask stu

16、dents to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember).2.indeed-globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality.3.favors-Global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nati

17、ons.4.more positivethan-views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich pared to-in Sub-Saharan Africa 75%of households thought that multinational corporations had a positive influence on their country,compared to only 54%in rich countries.6.Of the-Of the 38,

18、000 people in 44 nations surveyed,those in the developing world generally blamed their local governments,not globalization,for their countrys ills.7.no ground for-There is,however,no ground for complacency.8.takeattitude-He hoped all WTO members would take a flexible and pragmatic attitude in talks.

19、9.consultations on-It seems the trade ministers have had serious consultations on the DDA(Doha Development Agenda)issues.10.named after-The Doha Development Agenda refers to the WTO talks named after the Qatari capital of Doha.11.make compromises and concessions-So we have to be flexible and pragmat

20、ic,and give necessary consideration to the concerns of other parties,including making compromises and concessions when the situation so warrants.Part B First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of this interview on globalization?The IMF official explained what globalization embodies

21、and the reasons why so many people are worried and even protest against globalization process.He also illustrates in what ways poor countries have not fully benefited from globalization.Finally he offers some advices on how developing countries can quickly catch up in the process of globalization.Se

22、cond listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.Ask students to

23、write out key words in order to answer each of the following interview questions.1.What is“globalization”after all?How do people feel about it?-historical process;the result of human innovation and technological progress;increasing integration;movement of people(labor)and knowledge(technology);-bene

24、ficial;inevitable and irreversible;hostility;fear;increases inequality;threatens employment and living standards;prevents social progress.2.Why are people so worried about globalization?-on the one hand,global markets;greater opportunity;tap into more and larger markets;have access to more capital f

25、lows,technology,cheaper imports,and larger export markets;on the other hand;markets;ensure;benefits of increased efficiency;shared by.3.In what way poor countries have not fully benefited from globalization?-unparalleled economic growth,global per capita GDP;increase five-fold;evenly dispersed;gaps

26、have grown;income inequality;trade;capital movements;movement of people;spread of knowledge.4.How can developing countries catch up more quickly in the process of globalization?What can they do?-create conditions;conducive to;long-run;per capita income growth;macroeconomic stability;outward oriented

27、 policies;structural reform;strong institutions and an effective government;education,training,and research and development;external debt management.Ask students to fill in the blanks in the table in order to make a summary of the interview.Compare answers.Ask students to answer the following questi

28、ons.Compare answers.Third listening:sentence imitationAsk students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember).view it as-Some view it as a process that is beneficiala key to future world economic development.regard it-Othe

29、rs regard it with hostility,even fear.refer to-It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world,particularly through trade and financial flows.tap into-Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world.5.be shared by-Markets

30、 do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all countries.6.neithernor-they can neither enjoy the market efficiency nor benefit from the market opportunities.7.unparalleled-The 20th century saw unparalleled economic growth.8.accompanied by-A period of rapid tra

31、de expansion accompanied by trade,and somewhat later,financial liberalization.9.seeincrease-The richest quarter of the worlds population saw its per capita GDP increase nearly six-fold.10.experienceincrease-The poorest quarter experienced less than a three-fold increase.11.as a whole-Developing coun

32、tries as a whole have increased their share of world trade,while Africa as a whole has fared poorly.12.associatewith-Many people associate globalization with sharply increased private capital flows to developing countries.13.the proportion of-The proportion of labor forces round the world that was f

33、oreign born increased by about one-half.14.marginalize-This makes them even more marginalized.15.not onlybut also-For direct foreign investment brings not only an expansion of the physical capital stock,but also technical innovation.16.hinder-Many factors can help or hinder globalization process.17.

34、what matters-What matters is the whole package of policies,financial and technical assistance,and debt relief if necessary.Part C First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of this news coverage?Leaders of the worlds largest rich and developing countries met on Thursday in London.The

35、G20 agreed to an additional trillion dollars for the IMF and other lenders to strengthen the world economy and trade.Developing economies like China,India and Brazil want greater influence over international financial policy and groups like the IMF.The governor of the Chinese central bank also calle

36、d for a new currency disconnected from individual nationssuch as SDRS.A UN group of experts also urged a new global reserve system.Second listening:listen for specific information1.In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language

37、points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.Notice how these expressions are related to the world economy.Hedge fundsA hedge fund is a private investment fund that participates in a range of assets and a variety of investment

38、strategies intended to protect the funds investors from downturns in the market while maximizing returns on market upswings.Legally,hedge funds are most often set up as private investment partnerships that are open to a limited number of investors and require a very large initial minimum investment.

39、Investments in hedge funds are illiquid as they often require investors keep their money in the fund for at least one year.Executive pay Executive pay is financial compensation received by an officer of a firm,often as a mixture of salary,bonuses,shares of and/or call options on the company stock,et

40、c.Over the past three decades,executive pay has risen dramatically beyond the rising levels of an average workers wage.Executive pay is an important part of corporate governance,and is often determined by a companys board of directors.Tax shelters Tax shelters are any method of reducing taxable inco

41、me resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax collecting entities,including state and federal governments.The methodology can vary depending on local and international tax laws.Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words.Check answers.Ask students to answer the questions in exerci

42、se two.Check answers.Third listening:sentence imitation1.Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember).economic recoveryPresident Obama says the G20 summit will be a“turning point”in seeking global economic recov

43、ery.keep close watch overThe leaders promised to keep closer watch over banks,hedge funds,credit rating agencies and executive pay.supervisory groupAnd they agree to form a supervisory group to warn of problems in the world financial system.representMembers represent about ninety percent of world ec

44、onomic activity and eighty percent of trade.disconnect fromZhou Xiaochuan called for a new currency disconnected from individual nationssuch as using what are called Special Drawing Rightsreserve systemLas week a United Nations group of experts also urged a new global reserve systeman expanded versi

45、on of Special Drawing Rights.Hot Issues in International Trade 国际贸易的热点问题国际贸易的热点问题Unit 2 Learning objectives In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to international trade.Students will be able to talk about the hot issues related to international trade such as trade relations,

46、trade deficit,trade barriers,and trade disputes etc.Background readingNotes:1.outsourcing:work done for a company by people other than the companys full-time employees 外包2.prevalence:the condition of being prevalent,being widespread 普遍;盛行;流行。He was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the f

47、uture.3.Mercantilism:economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th,17th,and 18th century,based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return.重商主义4.paramount:greater than all others in importance or influen

48、ce 最高的;至上的;首要的。The interests of the consumer should be paramount.5.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade provided the framework for most important international tariff negotiations from 1947 until 1994关贸总协定6.World Trade Organization:established in 1995,the international organization which resu

49、lted from the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations.It is intended to promote world trade between member nations,administer global trade agreements and resolve disputes when they arise.世界贸易组织,其前身为关贸总协定7.autarchy:economic independence or self-sufficiency;a country that practices this system 自给自足;实行自给自足政

50、策的国家8.proponent:a person who supports or argues in favor of something;advocate支持者;辩护者;鼓吹者9.lobby:a group of people who unite for or against a planned action in an attempt to persuade those in power to change their minds.游说团体10.the Great Depression:Worldwide economic collapse following the stock mark


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