新人教版(2019新版)《高中英语》必修第一册Welcome unit Reading and Thinkingppt课件.pptx

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1、WELCOME UNITReading and ThinkingLead inHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school?(use as many adjectives as possible)I felt very excited,but also anxious on my first day of senior high school.It was the beginning of a new part of my life and everything seemed so new and interesting.On

2、 the other hand,I was worried that I would not be able to make friends and that the schoolwork would be too hard.Are you familiar with these emojis(表情符号)表情符号)?happydelightedjoyfulcheerfulgladworriednervousanxiousexcitedthrilledangrymadannoyedfrightenedafraidfearfulscaredFast reading1 Read the passag

3、e carefully to understand the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1:I am worried about my new school day.Paragraph 2My experience of having my first maths class Paragraph 3:My experience of having my first chemistry class Paragraph 4My feelings about my first senior school dayFast reading2 Read th

4、e text to see which order does Han Jing follow to talk about her first day.“7:00 am”“12:30 pm”“5:32 pm”“10:29 pm”Careful readingActivity 1 Read the text carefully and discuss the questions.1Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school?Shes not outgoing.2How was her first maths class?It was difficult.

5、3What happened in the chemistry class?What would you do if this happened to you?The guy next to Han Jing tried to talk to her the whole time.If this happened to me,I would ignore him.4What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high school?She learned that she would make new friends and the

6、re was a lot to explore at senior high school.Careful readingActivity 2 Fill in the table with the words and phrases from the text,and tell apartner about Han Jings day.Then talk about your own first day of senior high school.TimeWhat was Han Jing texting about?7:00 a.m.senior high school,a little a

7、nxious12:30 p.m.5:32 p.m.10:29 p.m.maths class,difficult,kind and friendly,laughedchemistry class,the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time,couldnt concentrate on the experimentdidnt feel awkward or frightened,will make new friends,a lot to explore,more confidentCareful readingActivity 3

8、 Talk bout your own first day of senior high school.My first day of schoolOn my first day of senior high school,I wasnt that anxious because nearly all of my old classmates were there,too.However,I was a little stressed because the lessons were more difficult than before and I had to try my best to

9、keep up with the other students.My favourite class was chemistry,because the teacher made it really interesting and we did many experiments.I was happy because our teachers treated us like adults and all the classes,though more difficult,were more interesting.Word StudyComplete the passage with the

10、correct forms of the words and phrases below.exploreimpressionfeel confidentseniorexperiment concentrate onTian Hua is a new student at a school in America.She is studying at an American high school for one year.In China,Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at_ high school,but in America,she is in Grade 10!She d

11、id not _ at all when she arrived.Her first _was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly,but soon she found that if she _ the ideas,not the single words,she could understand!She also made friends and began to _ the city with them.Her new friends were happy to explain things to her aft

12、er class.Her favourite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool _!Tian Hua is not sure How well she will do at school this year,but she is not nervous any more.She is excited!seniorfeel confidentimpressionconcentrated onexploreexperiments.1.Can you use one sentence to retell

13、her impressions?The teachers are very _.The students are very _.The classes are _.Her high school is _.2.What about your first day?The teachers are very _.The students are very _.The classes are _.My high school is _.kind and friendlyfriendly and helpfulinteresting and greatgreatThinking3.What kind

14、of girl is Han Jing?What about you?Do you think you can make good friends with a girl like Han Jing?(1)She was not outgoing but hardworking.She is careful while having lessons.She is kind and friendly.(2)I am.(3)I think because.Thinking4.Do you think Han Jing can get used to the new senior school da

15、y quickly and why do you think so?One possible answer:Yes.At the end of her first day,she was confident that tomorrow would be a great day.And she believed that she would make new friends.No.ThinkingLanguage points核心词汇教材原句教材原句 p.4 annoyed 生气生气的的1annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 be/get annoyed with sb.at/about st

16、h.因某事生某人的气搭配搭配 be annoyed that.对恼怒 be annoyed to find/discover/hear.恼火地发现/听说She used to be annoyed with me because I would challenge everything she said.她曾经对我很恼火,因为我会质疑她说的所有的事情。I am annoyed that she just expects us to help her.她只是眼巴巴地盼着我们去帮她,我对此很生气。【词语积累词语积累】annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰 annoying adj.讨厌的;令人气恼的I l

17、ike her even though she can be annoying at times.尽管她有时可能很恼人,但我还是喜欢她。【学法点拨学法点拨】情绪类动词可以加-ed 或-ing 构成形容词。(1)-ed 形式的形容词往往表示“感到的”,常用来修饰人或人的表情、声音等。She felt disappointed at the news.她对这个消息感到失望。a disappointed look 失望的神色 moved tears 感动的泪水(2)-ing 形式的形容词往往表示“令人的”,常用来修饰物。This is amazing news.这是一条令人惊讶的消息。(消息令人惊讶

18、)单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He was beginning to get (annoy)with me about my poor design.(2)I am really annoyed when I have some spare time and want to be alone,they say I am selfish and distant.(3)He was annoyed (find)his lecture was called off(取消).(4)Bacteria(细 菌)are an (annoy)problem for astronauts.完成句子完成句子(5

19、)Tina really (把我气坏了)in the meeting this morning.(6)My mum will surely (对我的粗心生气).(7)(他那失望的神色)suggested that he didnt pass the driving test.annoyed that to find annoying annoyed me His disappointed look/expression be annoyed at my carelessness教材原句教材原句 p.4 So this is it senior high school at last!这就是了这

20、就是了终于到了高中学校了!终于到了高中学校了!2 senior (1)adj.级别(或地位)高的搭配搭配:be senior to sb.比某人年龄大;比某人职位高He is senior to me,so I have to do what he tells me.他是我的上级,所以我得按他的命令行事。a senior officer/manager/lecturer 一位高级军官/经理/讲师a senior post/position 一个高级职务/职位senior high school(美国)高中(2)n.较年长的人He is my senior by two years.他比我大两岁

21、。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be senior to sb.()be older than sb.()比某人年龄大单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Although I am senior the designer,I admire him very much.一句多译一句多译他比我大 5 岁。(2)_(senior)(3)_(senior)(4)_(older)toHe is five years senior to me.He is senior to me by five years.He is five years older than me.教材原句教材原句p.4 I m not outgoi

22、ng so I m a little anxious right now.我我性格并不外向,所以现在感觉有点儿焦虑。性格并不外向,所以现在感觉有点儿焦虑。3anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的,急切的 about/for sth.为某事担心,渴望某事物for sb.担心某人搭配搭配:be anxiousto do sth.渴望做某事that.渴望;担心for sb.to do sth.渴望某人做某事He is anxious about the meeting.他对这次会议忧心忡忡。I am anxious to get home to open my presents.我恨不得马上

23、到家去打开礼物。Im anxious that we get there on time because I dont think there will be many seats left.我真希望我们能准时赶到那儿,因为我觉得到时候就没有太多空座了。【词语积累词语积累】anxiously adv.焦虑地;急切地 anxiety n.焦虑;渴望;急切单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Mrs Johnson has been anxious her son since he went abroad.(2)The company is anxious (improve)its fame.(3)(an

24、xious),she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only to find it was not suitable for the party.(4)Children normally feel a lot of (anxious)about their first day at school.完成句子完成句子(5)I(担 心)the children when they didnt come back home from school on time.for to improve Anxiously anxiety wa

25、s anxious for教材原句教材原句 p.4 I want to make a good first impression.我我想给别人留下良好的第一印象。想给别人留下良好的第一印象。4 impression n.印象;感想搭配搭配make an impression 留下好印象leave a(n).impression on sb.给某人留下印象 first impression 第一印象 a good/bad impression 一个好/坏印象His good manners left a deep impression on his schoolmates.他的良好举止给他的校友

26、留下了深刻印象。【词语积累词语积累】(1)impress vt.使钦佩;给留下深刻的好印象 vi.留下印象;引人注目 impress sb.with sth.某事物给某人留下深刻印象 be impressed with/by 对印象深刻 impress sth.on sb.使某人了解某事物的重要性He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.他想以自己在葡萄酒方面的渊博知识让我对他刮目相看。The teacher was clearly not impressed by our behaviour in the lab.

27、这位老师对我们在实验室的行为显然没有深刻印象。(2)impressive adj.给人印象深刻的;感人的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)My first (impress)of her was that she was an outgoing woman.(2)The beautiful campus left a deep impression those who visited it.(3)Why does it matter that people are more impressed the most recent changes?(4)There are some very (impr

28、ess)buildings in our town.完成句子完成句子(5)The first time I saw him,his sense of humour_ (给我留下深刻的印象).impressiononby/withimpressive left/made a deep impression on me教材原句教材原句 p.4 I couldnt concentrate on the experiment.我我没法专心做实验。没法专心做实验。5 concentrate vi.&vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神concentrate on/upon.集中精力于concentrate o

29、nes attention/efforts on 把某人的注意力/精力集中在I cant concentrate on my work when Im tired.我累了就无法集中精力工作。归纳拓展归纳拓展【词语积累词语积累】concentration n.集中;专心搭配搭配集中注意力fix/focus/concentrateones attention onpay attention to be devoted to put ones heart intobe absorbed/buried in单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Im concentrating my efforts prepa

30、ring for tomorrows exam.(2)I decided to concentrate my efforts on (find)a good job.(3)Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of (concentrate).完成句子完成句子(4)All these worries made it impossible for her to (集中 精力于)her experiment.(5)There is too much noise.I cant _ (专心工作).onfindingconcentrationconcen

31、trate/focus on/uponconcentrate/focus/fix my attention on the work6 experiment n.实验;试验 v.做试验;进行实验 do/perform/carry out an experiment 做实验experiment in sth.在某方面的尝试experiment on sth.在某物上做实验experiment with sth.用某物做实验Finally,we do an experiment using this method and get a good result.最后我们用此方法进行了实验,取得了较好的结

32、果。Many people do not like the idea of experimenting on animals.许多人不赞成在动物身上做试验这一想法。【学法点拨学法点拨】一般来说,表示“对做实验”,其后接介词 on;表示“做方面的实验”,其后接介词 in;表示“用做实验”,其后接介词 with。搭配搭配单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Some people feel that (experiment)on animals is wrong.完成句子完成句子(2)They (进行了许多实验)to test the theory.(3)Observe carefully if any

33、change occurs when (做实验)in the lab.experimentingcarried out a lot of experimentsdoing experiments教材原句教材原句p.4 I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!我我真想对他说:请安静点,别打扰我!真想对他说:请安静点,别打扰我!7 leave.alone 不打扰;不惊动Dont talk to her.Leave her alone.不要跟她讲话,让她一个人待着静静。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】leave.out

34、省去;遗漏;忽略 leave.behind 忘带;落后;把抛在后面leave.aside 不考虑,把搁置一边 let alone 更不用说 He hadnt been invited to the party and was feeling left out.他未被邀请参加聚会,感到受了冷落。Id love to have a holiday and I cant wait to leave this place behind.我想去度假,迫不及待地想要离开这个地方。Leave the matter aside for a moment.暂时不要考虑这件事。There isnt enough

35、room for us,let alone the guests.连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人了。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The teacher stressed again that the students should not leave any important details while retelling the story.(2)He set off for Washington,leaving the children with their mother.完成句子完成句子(3)You(落 后)and your results are below average

36、this time.(4)You had better (别管他),for he is annoyed now.out behindget left behind leave him alone教材原句教材原句 p.4 I didnt feel awkward or frightened at all.我我一点儿也不觉得尴尬和害怕。一点儿也不觉得尴尬和害怕。8 frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的be frightened of(doing)sth.害怕(做)某事be frightened to do sth.不敢做某事 Im frightened of walking home al

37、one in the dark.我害怕在黑夜独自走路回家。In fact,he is frightened to go out alone at midnight.事实上,他半夜不敢一个人出去。【词语积累词语积累】fright n.惊骇;惊恐+-en frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓+-ing frightening adj.令人害怕的【归纳拓展归纳拓展】frighten sb.into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事frighten sb.out of doing sth.吓得某人不敢做某事frighten away/off 吓走,吓跑frighten sb.to death 把某人

38、吓得要死【一言助记一言助记】The news was frightening and they were all frightened.In fact,it frightened all of them to death.那个消息是令人恐惧的,他们都吓坏了。事实上,他们都吓得要死。搭配搭配单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)It was a very (frighten)journey in the desert and they were very brave.(2)He was almost frightened death by the eagle in the circus.(3)The b

39、oss frightened her selling the diamond to him at a very low price.(4)On seeing the (frighten)scene,the little girl was so (frighten)that she burst out crying.完成句子完成句子(5)The little girl(不敢说话)in public.(6)We (把鸟吓走)by waving our hands.(7)The strange noise _ (吓得他放弃了他的计划)of exploring the abandoned(废弃的)ho

40、use.frightening to intofrightening frightened is frightened to speak frightened the birds awayfrightened him out of his plan/frightened him into giving up his plan教材原句教材原句 p.4 I miss my friends from junior high school.我我想念我初中的小伙伴们想念我初中的小伙伴们9 junior (1)adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的搭配搭配:be junior to sb.比某人级别低/资历浅

41、/年纪小The president was junior to some of his employees.这位总裁的年龄比他的一些雇员还小。(2)n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年,青少年运动员office juniors 办公室的低级职员leading juniors 名列前茅的青少年运动员junior high school(美国)初级中学【学法点拨学法点拨】“A 比 B 小两岁”可表达为:A is junior to B by two years.=A is two years junior to B.完成句子完成句子(1)Jack (比资历浅)the others in the d

42、epartment,but he has a greater goal.(2)My brother (比我小好几岁).(3)Of the two clerks,he is(职位较低者).is junior tois junior to me by several yearsthe junior教材原句教材原句 p.4 .there s a lot to explore at senior high.高中会有很多事物等待着我去探索。高中会有很多事物等待着我去探索。10 explore vt.&vi.探索;勘探;仔细研究,探究explore the unknown world 探索未知世界expl

43、ore space 探索太空The best way to explore the village is on foot.探索这个村庄,步行是最好的方法。Lets explore this idea more fully.让我们进一步探讨一下这个想法。【词语词语积累积累】explorer n.探索者,开拓者 exploration n.探索,探险单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The expert had a chance (explore)the South Pole.(2)We are curious about the voyage of (explore)with an open min

44、d.(3)The (explore)wrote what he had experienced in the heavy storm.to exploreexplorationexplorer教材原句教材原句p.4 I feel much more confident than I felt thismorning.我我感觉现在比早上有信心多了。感觉现在比早上有信心多了。11 confident adj.自信的;有把握的be confident of/about+n./pron./v.-ing 确信be confident that.确信Im confident of his skills a

45、s a manager.我对他当经理的能力很有信心。They dont sound confident about the future of the industry.他们听起来对该产业的未来信心不足。Are you confident that enough students will attend the lecture?你确信会有足够的学生参加这次讲座吗?【学法点拨学法点拨】confident adj.confidence n.信心;信任different adj.不同的 difference n.不同点,不同之处absent adj.缺席的,不在的 absence n.缺席,不在【归

46、纳拓展】be confident of/about 对有信心have/lose confidence in 对有/丧失信心搭配搭配单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)She is confident winning her partners support.(2)He is confident he will make great progress if he concentrates on his study.(3)The coach has confidence his athletes.(4)The expert said (confident)that he would find a sol

47、ution to the disease.完成句子完成句子(5)He (对很确信)he can finish the experiment.(6)I(对有信心)her.Shell be perfect for the job.of/about that inconfidentlyis quite confident thathave confidence in 重点重点句式句式教材原句教材原句 p.4 What if no one talks to me?要是要是没人跟我说话怎么办呢?没人跟我说话怎么办呢?1 What if.?要是会怎么样呢?What if I fail to make an

48、 impression?要是我没留下好印象怎么办?【学法点拨学法点拨】“What if+主语+谓语?”用于提出假设,其后的句子可用真实语气,也可用虚拟语气。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】常见类似固定句式:What for?为了什么?What/How about.?怎么样?So what?那又怎么样?How come?怎么会呢?We need a bigger car.What for?我们需要一辆更大的汽车。为了什么?What/How about going hiking with us?和我们一起去远足怎么样?完成句子完成句子(1)(要 是 会怎么样)they talked a long time a

49、bout a painting you werent interested in?(2)I have no time to see them today.(明天怎么样)?(3)Michael was late for Mr.Smiths chemistry class this morning.(怎么会呢)?As far as I know,he never came late to class.(4)Linda didnt invite us to the party.(那又怎么样)?I dont care.What ifWhat/How about tomorrow How comeSo

50、what教材原句教材原句 p.4 I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.我我觉得我的大多数同学和老师觉得我的大多数同学和老师都很都很友好,并且乐于助人。友好,并且乐于助人。2 find+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语“find+宾语+宾补”的具体表示形式为:(1)find sb./sth.+adj./adv.发现某人/某物 We all find the experiment interesting.我们都觉得这个实验很有趣。(2)find sb./sth.(+to be)+n.发现某人/某物(是)In


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