人教版九年级全册英语Unit 12 教案.docx

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1、人教版九年级全册英语Unit 12 教案Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.教学目标与要求话题:难以预料的事情(Unexpected events)功能:能讲述过去发生的事情(Narrate past events) When I woke up, it was already 8:00 a.m. Before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. As I was waiting in line with the other office workers, I heard a loud so

2、und. By the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand had already taken off.语法:1. 了解过去完成时(Past perfect tense)2. 语法复习(Review of key structures) 能正确使用由when, before, as, by the time 引导的时间状语从句表达过去发 生的事情 When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home. By the time I got back

3、 to school, the bell had rung. Before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. As I was waiting in line with the other office workers, I heard a loud sound.词汇和常用表达:1. 能正确使用以下词汇(Curriculum words):backpack, block, worker, airport, cream, bean, market, fool, discovery, lady, officer, oversleep,

4、 ring, burn, cancel, disappear, unexpected, alive, believable, above, till, west2. 能正确使用以下常用表达(Useful expressions):by the time, givea lift, in line with, show up, by the end of, costume party, sell out3. 能认读下列词汇(Non-curriculum words):stare, disbelief, burning, workday, costume, embarrassed, announce

5、, spaghetti, hoax, embarrassing, New Zealand, Italy, Mars学习策略:1. 利用本单元听力图片信息,预测听力内容 2. 根据语篇中的段落首句,激活相关背景知识,预测文章内容文化知识:了解国外愚人节风俗Section A 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 能掌握以下单词及短语:unexpected, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, give a lift.2. 掌握By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. When I got

6、 to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.3. 了解过去完成时时态、结构及用法。4. 能学会合理安排自己的学习和生活,做到守时守信。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:过去完成时的用法。2. 教学难点:用过去完成时叙述过去的事件。三、教学过程. Do you remember any unexpected situation in your daily life?展示几张图片。Ask: What do you think of the people in these pictures?Ss: They look surprised/s

7、cared/bad.T: What happened to the boy?Ss: He was late. Now look at the picture, lets learn something about Tinas bad day. . PredictionLook at the pictures. Did the girl have a good day or a bad day?. Presentation 1. Work on 1a. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in 1a and ask: What happened to the girl?

8、 2. Think and discuss in group: What happened to the girl? Possible answers: She got up late. By the time she got up, someone had already gotten in the bathroom. She rushed out the door. The bus had left before she got to the station. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at

9、 home. . 3. Ask Ss to tell the story about the girl. . Listening Work on 1b. 1. Listen to the tape of 1b. Complete the sentences. 1. By the time I got up, my brother _ already _ in the shower.2. By the time I got outside, the bus _ already _.3. When I got to school, I realized I _ _ my backpack at h

10、ome.讲解过去完成时并做小练习。2. Listen again and find out “had+ pastparticiple”.Boy: Hi, Mary. You look so tired.Mary: I am. I had a bad morning.Boy: Really? What happened?Mary: Well, first of all I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Boy: Oh, what a pain!Mary: So, after

11、 he got out of the shower, I took a quick shower and got dressed. But by the time I went outside, the bus had already left.Boy: Oh, no!Mary: Oh, yes! So I ran all the way to school. But when I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.Boy: No wonder you look stressed.3. Speak upV. Pai

12、r workWork on 1c. Take turns being Mary. Look at the pictures and talk about what happened this morning. A: What happened? B: I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. VI. Listening 1. Listen to the tape for the first time and finish 2a. Look at the pictures and

13、 answer the questions.Where is Mary in the pictures?Is there anything good or bad happening to her?What do you think it is about? Listen to Mary continue her story. Number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order. 2. Listen to the tape for the second time and finish 2b. Fill in the blanks with the corr

14、ect forms of the verbs in brackets. Then listen again and check your answers.1. When I _ (get) home, I realized I _ (leave) my keys in the backpack.2. By the time I _ (get) back to school, the bell _ (ring).3. By the time I _ (walk) into class, the teacher _ (start) teaching already.3. Listen and re

15、ad the conversation.Boy: So then what did you do, Mary?Mary: Well, I ran home to get my backpack. But when I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.Boy: Youre kidding!Mary: So I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack. But by the time I got back to school, the bell had run

16、g.Boy: Oh, no.Mary: And by the time I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already. She asked for our homework, but of course I didnt have it.4. Retell the story.通过听力训练,进一步熟悉练习过去完成时的构成和用法。VII. Practice1. Finish 2c. Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner. The te

17、acher looked at Mary and asked her if she had finished the homework. Mary told her the unexpected things she met with this morning but they sound like excuses to the teacher. Therefore, Mary was asked to finish the homework in the class. What an unforgettable day it is for Mary!2. Ask several studen

18、ts to tell their stories in class. VIII. Reading1. Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Can you guess what the conversation is about? 2. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation in 2d.3. Listen to the tape and complete the conversation with the correct forms of the verb phrases.Matt: Wh

19、y were you late for class today, Kevin?Kevin: My alarm clock didnt _! I kept sleeping, and when I _ it was already 8:00 a.m.!Matt: Oh, no!Kevin: So I just quickly _ some clothes and _ the door.Matt: You didnt _?Kevin: No, I didnt even _ or _! But before I _ the bus stop, the bus had already left.Mat

20、t: Then how did you get here?Matt: Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and _ in his car.Kevin: Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class. 4. Answer the questions: 1) Why was Kevin late for class? 2) How did Kevin get to school? 5. Retellthestoryinthe

21、thirdperson with the help of the key words in the box.IX. ConsolidationFinish a task: 想想自己是否有倒霉的经历,向全班同学讲述自己的经历。I had a bad day last weekend.通过完成一个任务, 让学生运用所学内容,既巩固了所学的语言目标,又拓展了学生的思维,培养学生在实际生活中运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。X. Language points1. Life is full of the unexpected.unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的e.g. It will

22、 not be unexpected if Tom comes late again, because he is always like this.如果汤姆又迟到了,一点也不意外,因为他一向如此。 the unexpected:“the + 形容词”表示一类人或物 e.g. The young should expect the old. She is looking after the wounded.2. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.by the time 在以前,常引导表示过去的时间

23、状语从句,主句常用过去完成时,即had+动词过去分词e.g. By the time I got there, he had already left. 在我到那儿之前,他已经离开了。3. What happened? 1) sth. + happen +时间/地点意为“某时/某地发生了某事”。 2) sth. + happen to +sb.意为 “某人发生了某事”。 3) sb. + happen to do sth.意为“某人碰巧做某事”。 e.g. An accident happened in our neighborhood just now. 刚才我们社区发生了一起事故。 A c

24、ar accident happened to Jim yesterday. 昨天吉姆发生了交通事故。 I happened to hear that interesting story. 我碰巧听说了那个有趣的故事。4. Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.gave a lift 捎一程e.g. Could you give me a lift, please?请问你能否捎我一程? Jim gave me a lift on my way home yesterday.吉姆昨天在我回家的路

25、上捎了我一程。. Summarytake a shower洗淋浴by the time .在以前alarm clock闹钟go off (闹钟)发出响声keep doing sth.一直做某事wake up醒来put on some clothes穿上衣服rush out of the door冲出门外give . a lift捎一程at least至少be five minutes late for class上课迟到5分钟句型:1.By the timeIgot up, my brotherhad already gottenin the shower.2.WhenIgot toschoo

26、l, IrealizedIhad leftmy backpack at home.3. ButbeforeIgot tothe bus stop, the bushad already left. Exercises. 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。1. Carl,你能捎我去公园吗? Could you _ _ _ _ to the park, Carl?2.今天早上你没听到你的闹钟响吗? Didnt you hear your alarm clock _ _ this morning?3.在我爸妈下班回家以前,姐姐和我已经做了晚饭。 _ _ _ my parents came bac

27、k from work, my sister and I _ _ supper.根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A. And guess what? B. You look so tired.C. What happened to you? D. I had forgotten to bring my wallet.E. Have you ever had the same experience as me?F. But on my way to his house, my bike broke down.G. By the time I came back ag

28、ain, the party had been over.A: Hi, Frank. I had a terrible day.B: Why, Andy? (1)_A: The exchange student in my class invited me to his party. (2)_B: What bad luck!A: It got much worse. When I arrived, I realized I had left my gift at home. So I decided to buy another one. (3)_B: Oh, no! What?A: (4)

29、_B: That was too bad.A: (5)_B: You did have a bad day!XIII. Homework1. Write your diary about an unexpected thing happening to you in about 80 words.2. Read the passage on page 91 and search for more information about September 11 attack.Section A 2 (3a-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 学习掌握下列单词和短语:block, in line with,

30、 worker, stare, disbelief, above, burn, burning, alive, airport, till , west2. 能掌握以下句型:Life is full of the unexpected. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first. As I was waiting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound. Before I could join the others outside to see wh

31、at was going on, the first plane had already hit my office building. 3. 进一步熟练掌握过去完成时的用法。4. 通过学习使学生认识到生活中充满着许多出乎预料的事件,培养学生正确看待事物的积极心态。5. 能运用所掌握的语法、句型和词汇进行交流。6. 能比较流利地讲述自己曾经有过的特别的一天。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)掌握本课时中出现的生词block, in line with, worker, stare, disbelief, above, burn, burning, alive, airport, till ,

32、west2) 学会用过去完成时叙述自己曾经有过的特别的一天。2. 教学难点:用过去完成时叙述自己曾经有过的特别的一天。三、教学过程. Revision 1. Could you please make sentences with these words and phrases below?unexpected adj. 出乎意料的by the time 在以前backpack n. 背包oversleep v. 睡过头;睡得太久2. Please make your own sentences.By the time I got home, _.By the time I came in,

33、_.By the time I got to school, _.By the time the bell rang, _.By the time I got up, _.3. Retell the story of Marys bad day according to the pictures in 1a and 2a. . DiscussionTell Ss Life is full of the expected. Did you experience the expected things? Share your story with the class. Reading Warmin

34、g up用图文、视频结合的方式介绍展示“美国9.11事件” Work on 3a. Read the passage and answer the questions: 1) Which two events does the writer mention?2) How did the writer end up missing both events?1. Ask Ss to have a look at the questions before they start. 2. Let Ss complete the work on their own. 3. After a while, a

35、sk some students to report their answers to the classWrite the events on the blackboard as they reportKeys: 1. The writer mentions the September 11 attack in New York and the earthquake in New Zealand. 2. The writer went to get a coffee first and was not in the office when the plane hit the World Tr

36、ade Center. He/she had overslept and missed his/her flight, so he/she was able to avoid the earthquake. 4. After checking the answers, tell students to read the article again more carefullyTell them to find out the words or sentences which they cant understand this timeDo some explanation and make s

37、ure that the students make everything clear about the article5. Ask students to pick out the sentences with the Past Perfect TenseTell them to underline them and come up with the reason to use the tense阅读方法指导:快速阅读全文,注意描述事件的关键词或短语,有助于整篇文章的理解。这些关键词可能是动词或动词短语,可能是介词短语、形容词或连词等。 第一段:found a job, arrived a

38、t, was about to, even though, stared, in disbelief, the burning building alive 第二段:woke up, gone off, had taken off , till, unexpectedly , turned into 1. Read the first paragraph and answer the questions.1) What time did the writer arrive at World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?2) What did the w

39、riter decide to do first? 3) How far away was the coffee place from his office?2. Read the second paragraph and put the sentences in the correct order. A. I woke up at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 2011 and realized that my alarm had never gone off.B. By the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Z

40、ealand had already taken off.C. The next morning, I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand the day before.D. The other planes were full so I had to wait till the next day.E. I jumped out of bed and went straight to the airport.3. Read the passage again and complete the table.Incident Date Place H

41、ow did the writer end up missing both events?1The World Trade Center was hit by a planeHe decided to get a coffee first from a coffee place two blocks away.2In New Zealand.PracticeWork on 3b. 1. Ask Ss to read the passage again and find words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words belo

42、w. 1. lost - 2. west - 3. below - 4. dead - 5. empty -Keys: 1. found 2. east 3. up 4. alive 5. full 2. Let Ss write a sentence with each word on their own. e.g. I found the money on the floor.1. Ask several students to write their sentences on the blackboard. 2. Check their answers together. 3. Fini

43、sh 3c. 4. 1. Work in pairs. Retell one of the events to your partner. 5. 2. Ask some Ss to retell one of the events to the class. Practice their skills. 6. Keys: On September 11, 2001, I arrived at my building in the morning and was about to enter the office building, when suddenly I decided to buy

44、a coffee. The unexpected thing came about when I was waiting in the line that a plane crashed the office building where I work. People were staring at the burning plane in disbelief. What a scary moment it was! 7. Discussion:8. What would you do if a big earthquake hit your city?. Language points 1.

45、 I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first. be about to do sth. 正要 / 马上就要做某事 表达即将发生的事情 be about to do sth. when . 正要 / 马上就要做某事,这时e.g. The plane is about to take off. 飞机即将起飞。 The film was about to start when the light went out. 电影开始播放了,这时灯熄灭了。2. I went to my favorite coffee place even though it was two blocks east from my office. even though 即使, 虽然, 尽管, 用于引导让步状语从句。 e.g. Hes the best teacher, even though he has the least experience. 他虽然经验最少,却是最好的老师。 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1)尽管要下雨了,他们仍然计划去博物馆。 _, they still plan


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