2020年湖南中考英语复习课件专题六 形容词和副词.pptx

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1、A组 20152019年湖南中考题组,1.(2019长沙,28)Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished one. A.the most difficult B.the least difficult C.the less difficult,答案 C 句意:在这两个物理题中,玛莎刚刚完成了难度较小的那一个。本题考查形容词的比较等级。 most最多(用于最高级);least最少(用于最高级);less较少(用于比较级)。根据Of the two physics problems可 知,两者间进行比较应使用比较级。故答案为C。,知识拓展

2、表示“两者之间比较的一个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较级”的结构。,2.(2019郴州,26)This T-shirt is a bit expensive for me. But this is one in our shop,sir. A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheapest,答案 C 句意:这件T恤对我来说有点贵。但是,先生,这是我们店里最便宜的了。本题考查形容 词最高级。根据语境可知此处应使用形容词最高级。故答案为C。,3.(2019益阳,26)Lin Tao,a student of Grade 9,is boy in our school.

3、 A.tall B.taller C.the tallest,答案 C 句意:林涛,一个九年级的学生,是我们学校最高的男孩。本题考查形容词最高级。三者或三者 以上的人或物进行比较时,应使用最高级。故答案为C。,4.(2019岳阳, 25)Tina is as as her sister,Tara. A.outgoing B.more outgoing C.the most outgoing,答案 A 句意:蒂娜和她的姐姐塔瑞一样外向。本题考查形容词。asas 和一样,中间用形容词原 级。故答案为A。,5.(2019株洲,28)“Actions speak than words,”as the

4、saying goes. A.loud B.louder C.loudest,答案 B 句意:正如谚语所言,“行胜于言。”本题考查副词的比较级。题干中的“than”是比较级的标 志词。loud的比较级是louder,故答案为B。,6.(2019湘西土家族苗族自治州,37)Do you know that China is one of countries in the world? Yes,I do. Its much than the US. A.the oldest;older B.old;older C.older;older,答案 A 句意:你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗?是的,

5、我知道。它比美国古老得多。 本题考查形容词的最高级和比较级。“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”意为“最之一”。故第 一空使用形容词最高级。much修饰形容词比较级。故答案为A。,7.(2018长沙,23)Do the twins look the same? No, Jane is taller than Claire. A.little B.more C.a little,答案 C 句意:这对双胞胎看上去一样吗?不,简比克莱尔高一点。a little可修饰形容词比较级。 故答案为C。,8.(2018郴州,25)Look at the girl in the square! Oh

6、. Im surprised that a girl can dance so well! A.three-years-old B.three-year-old C.three years old,答案 B 句意:看广场上的那个女孩!哦。我很惊讶,一个三岁的女孩能跳舞跳得这么好!本题考 查形容词。根据句意可知设空处是一个形容词。故答案为B。,9.(2018怀化,25)Whos basketball player in China now?Is it Yao Ming? No. Its Sun Mingming. A.tall B.taller C.the tallest,答案 C 句意:谁是中

7、国最高的篮球运动员?是姚明吗?不,是孙明明。本题考查形容词最高级。 根据句意可知答案选C。,10.(2018岳阳,25)Everyone knows that China is getting . A.strong and strong B.strongest and strongest C.stronger and stronger,答案 C 句意:每一个人都知道中国正变得越来越强。本题考查形容词比较级。根据句意可知答案 为C。,11.(2018郴州,29)May I be allowed to choose a summer course? Its up to you. Youre to

8、make your own decision. A.too old B.enough old C.old enough,答案 C 句意:我能够被允许选择一个夏日课程吗?这取决于你。你已经足够大了,能够自己做 决定了。enough修饰形容词时,放在形容词的后面,故答案为C。,12.(2018邵阳,26)Guangzhou is one of cities in China. A.the biggest B.big C.bigger,答案 A 句意:广州是中国最大的城市之一。本题考查形容词最高级。one of.意为“之一”,后加 形容词最高级,冠词the不能省略。故答案为A。,13.(2017常德

9、,23)Mountain climbing is one of sports in the world. A.dangerous B.more dangerous C.the most dangerous,答案 C 句意:爬山是世界上最危险的运动之一。本题考查形容词最高级。“one of the+形容词最高级+ 名词复数”意为“最之一”。dangerous 危险的,为多音节词,最高级为most dangerous,故选C。,14.(2017邵阳,25)Mr. Smith said his son was as as his daughter. A.hard-working B.more har

10、d-working C.the most hard-working,答案 A 句意:史密斯先生说他的儿子和女儿一样努力。本题考查形容词。“as+形容词原级+as.”意 为“和一样”。故设空处需用形容词原级。所以答案为A。,15.(2017益阳,27)If more people give up driving cars, the air will get much in a few days. A.clean B.cleaner C.the cleanest,答案 B 句意:如果更多的人放弃开车,几天以后空气会变得干净得多。本题考查形容词比较级。much 可用来修饰形容词比较级,不能修饰原级和

11、最高级,故选B。,16.(2017郴州,24)The harder we study, the result we will get. A.good B.better C.best,答案 B 句意:我们学习越努力,我们得到的结果就会越好。本题考查形容词。“the+比较级,the+比较 级” 表示“越就越”。根据句意可知答案为B。,17.(2017怀化,26)You are driving too fast. Safety is the first. Sorry, Ill drive . A.more slowly B.much slowly C.most slowly,答案 A 句意:你开车太

12、快了。安全第一。对不起,我会开慢点。本题考查副词比较级。由句意 可知应使用比较级。答案选A。,18.(2016长沙,24)What do you think of the movie Zootopia? Hmm. I think it is movie that I have ever seen these years. A.a good B.a better C.the best,答案 C 句意:你认为电影疯狂动物城怎么样? 嗯我想它是这些年我看过的最好的电 影了。本题考查形容词最高级。形容词最高级前需加定冠词the。 故答案为C。,19.(2016株洲,28)As our children

13、 get bigger, our house seems to get . A.the smaller B.smaller C.smallest,答案 B 句意:当我们的孩子们越来越大时,我们的房子似乎越来越小。本题考查形容词比较级。结合语 境可知,设空处应用比较级。故选B。,知识拓展 系动词后接形容词。常见的系动词有:sound, smell, taste, feel, look, turn, get, become, be。,20.(2016郴州,30)Though Betty and Lily are twins,Betty isnt so as Lily. A.more outgoin

14、g B.most outgoing C.outgoing,答案 C 句意:虽然Betty和Lily是双胞胎,但是Betty不像Lily那样外向。本题考查形容词。be not so+形容 词原级+as.=be not as+形容词原级+as.,因此选择C项。,21.(2016常德,33)Li Huas shoes are as as Zhang Huis. A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheapest,答案 A 句意:李华的鞋子和张辉的一样便宜。本题考查形容词。as.as 和一样,中间用形容词 原级。故答案为A。,22.(2016益阳,25)The safety of foo

15、d has become one of the problems in our daily life. A.important B.more important C.most important,答案 C 句意:食品安全已经成为我们日常生活中最重要的问题之一。本题考查形容词的最高级的用 法。one of the.后面常接“形容词的最高级+名词的复数形式”,表示“最的之一”。,23.(2016怀化,25)Which city is beautiful, Hangzhou, Beijing or Shanghai? Hangzhou, I think. A.the most B.the bette

16、r C.more,答案 A 句意:哪一个城市最漂亮?杭州、北京还是上海?我想是杭州。本题考查形容词最高 级。三者及三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。故选A。,24.(2016张家界,21)No mountain in the world is as as Qomolangma. A.high B.higher C.highest,答案 A 句意:世界上没有一座山和珠穆朗玛峰一样高。本题考查形容词。“as+形容词/副词原级+as” 表示“和一样”,故选A。,25.(2016永州,21)Which subject do you like , English or math? Of course

17、, English. A.well B.better C.best,答案 B 句意:英语和数学你更喜欢哪一科?当然是英语。两者的比较用比较级,故选B。,26.(2015益阳,25)Li Na is one of tennis players in the world. A.most famous B.the most famous C.more famous,答案 B 句意:李娜是世界上最著名的网球运动员之一。本题考查形容词。“one of the+形容词最高级+ 名词复数”为固定句型,表示“最的之一”。故选B。,27.(2015娄底,25)Have some ice cream, pleas

18、e. Mm, it tastes . A.good B.better C.well,答案 A 句意:请吃些冰激凌吧。嗯,尝起来不错。本题考查形容词。taste为连系动词,后接形容 词作表语,排除C;句中没有比较,排除B。故选A。,28.(2015衡阳,28)Look!This house is as as that one. A.the most beautiful B.more beautiful C.beautiful,答案 C 句意:看!这座房子和那座一样漂亮。as+形容词/副词原级+as为固定结构,表示“和一 样”。故选C。,29.(2015长沙,29)There will be ca

19、rs in the city because people will prefer the subway. A.fewer B.less C.more,答案 A 句意:因为人们将更喜欢乘地铁,所以城市里将有更少的小汽车。由语境可知人们将更喜欢乘坐 地铁,所以应该有“更少的”小汽车,排除C;car为可数名词,要用few的比较级修饰。故选A。,30.(2015永州,18)I get up than he every day. A.early B.earlier C.earliest,答案 B 句意:我每天起床比他早。本题考查副词。由句中than可知应用副词的比较级。故选B。,1.(2019浙江温州

20、,3)The living room becomes as the sunlight comes in through the windows. A.bigger B.cleaner C.quieter D.brighter,答案 D 句意:阳光透过窗户照射进来,客厅变得更明亮了。本题考查形容词词义辨析。A选项意为“更 大的”;B选项意为“更干净的”;C选项意为“更安静的”;D选项意为“更明亮的”。由句意可知本题选 择D。,2.(2018内蒙古包头,25)He is a person, but he is good at telling funny stories. A.serious B.p

21、atient C.kind D.humorous,答案 A 句意:他是一个严肃的人,但是他善于讲好笑的故事。本题考查形容词词义辨析。serious 严肃 的,符合句意,故选A项。patient有耐心的;kind友善的;humorous幽默的。,易错警示 本题容易错选D。如果只看到funny而忽视了but,本空的意思可能理解为“幽默的”,误选D 项。,B组 20152019年全国中考题组,考点一 形容词的词义辨析,3.(2017天津,27)Helping others makes us very . A.lonely B.proud C.lazy D.harmful,答案 B 句意:帮助别人使我

22、们很自豪。本题考查形容词词义辨析。A项意为“孤独的”,B项意为“自 豪的”,C项意为“懒惰的”,D项意为“有害的”。根据句意应选B项。,4.(2016山西,17)Confucius(孔子)is also very famous in many Western countries because he taught people to be to others first. A.similar B.kind C.important,答案 B 句意:孔子在许多西方国家也是非常著名的,因为他教导人们首先要对别人友善。本题考查形容 词辨析。similar相似的;kind友善的;important重要的

23、。根据句意可知答案为B项。,5.(2015江苏连云港,8)Why are you looking in class all day? Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night. A.awake B.asleep C.sleeping D.sleepy,答案 D 句意:为什么你整天在课上看起来昏昏欲睡?因为我每天晚上直到十一点才能做完作 业。本题考查形容词词义辨析。awake醒着的;asleep睡着的;sleeping正在睡觉的;sleepy昏昏欲睡的。根据 题意选D项。,6.(2015浙江温州,3)A person w

24、ho is does not tell lies or cheat people. A.careless B.stupid C.honest D.humorous,答案 C 句意:诚实的人既不说谎也不骗人。本题考查形容词辨析。根据does not tell lies or cheat people 可知是诚实的人,故选C项。careless粗心的;stupid笨的;humorous幽默的。,1.(2019重庆,25)Youd better leave , or trouble will come to you. A.lively B.friendly C.heavily D.quickly,考

25、点二 副词的词义辨析,答案 D 句意:你最好快速离开,否则麻烦将发生在你的身上。 本题考查副词。A:生动的;B:友好的;C:猛 烈地;D:快速地。由句意可知选D。,2.(2019江苏南京,5)Seeing the new changes in her hometown, Nanjing, Sandy could believe her eyes. A.properly B.highly C.nearly D.hardly,答案 D 句意:看到故乡南京的新变化,Sandy几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。本题考查副词词义辨析。prop- erly适当地;highly高度地;nearly几乎,将近;hard

26、ly几乎不。根据Seeing the new changes可知,Sandy看到了故 乡新的变化,这些变化让她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,故选D项。,知识拓展 分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语应为句子主语,如其与句子主语是主动关系且同时发生,用doing 形式;如与主语是主动关系且先于句子谓语发生,用having done形式;如与主语是被动关系,用done形式。,3.(2018天津,28)Can you open a gift after you receive it in England? Yes. We dont have to wait. A.mainly B.immediately C.ne

27、arly D.loudly,答案 B 句意:在英国,你收到礼物后可以立即打开它吗?可以,我们没有必要等。此题考查副 词。mainly主要地,immediately立即、马上,nearly几乎,loudly大声地。根据题干语境,尤其是答语中的“We dont have to wait.”可知不需要等待就代表着可以立即打开礼物,再辨析副词词义,从而选择B。,4.(2017天津,31)We had a football match yesterday. Our fans cheered us on and we felt more confident. A.slowly B.loudly C.nea

28、rly D.carelessly,答案 B 句意:我们昨天进行了一场足球比赛。我们的粉丝为我们大声加油,我们感到更自信了。本题考 查副词词义辨析。A项意为“慢慢地”,B项意为“大声地”,C项意为“几乎,将近”,D项意为“马虎 地”。根据句意应选B项。,5.(2017河南,25)Jimmy, where are my glasses?I have looked everywhere. Oh, Granny. They are on your nose. A.even B.well C.right D.ever,答案 C 句意:吉米,我的眼镜在哪里?我到处都找过了。哦,奶奶。它们就在您的鼻子上。本

29、题 考查副词词义辨析。even甚至;well满意地;right恰好,正好;ever曾经。根据语境“它们就在您的鼻子上”可 知应该选择C项。,6.(2017重庆,28)Well have to say goodbye, my dear friends!But I will forget the days we spent together. A.always B.often C.never D.usually,答案 C 句意:亲爱的朋友们,我们必须说再见了!但是我绝不会忘记我们一起度过的日子。本题考查副 词词义辨析。根据句意可知应选never“绝不”。,7.(2016重庆,31)It was l

30、ate. She opened the door because she didnt want to wake up her grandma. A.angrily B.quietly C.loudly D.heavily,答案 B 句意:很晚了。她轻轻地打开门,因为她不想吵醒她的奶奶。本题考查副词辨析。根据句意“不 想吵醒”和语境可知选B。,8.(2016安徽,43) , Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by enjoying the full moon and eat- ing mooncakes. A.Quickly B.S

31、uddenly C.Secretly D.Traditionally,答案 D 句意:按照传统,中国人通过赏月和吃月饼庆祝中秋节。本题考查副词。quickly 快地;suddenly 突然地;secretly秘密地;traditionally传统地。根据句意可知答案为D项。,9.(2016宁夏,22)Have you ever been to Beijing? No, . A.never B.ever C.always D.sometimes,答案 A 句意:你曾经去过北京吗?不,从来没有。本题考查频度副词。never从未;ever曾经;al- ways总是;sometimes有时。根据答语中

32、的No可知此题选A。,知识拓展 have been to 意为“去过某地”(已经回来);have gone to意为“去某地”(还没有回来);have been in 待在某地。,10.(2015河北,33)The movie covers all of Chinese history. It is worth seeing again. A.mainly B.really C.possibly D.hardly,答案 B 句意:这部电影涵盖了所有的中国历史。它真的值得再看一遍。本题考查副词的辨析。mainly 主要地;really确实;possibly可能;hardly几乎不。根据句意可知答

33、案为B项。,1.(2019广东,34)Fishing is one of activities among the middle-aged people. A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular,考点三 形容词和副词的基本用法,答案 D 句意:钓鱼是中年人最喜爱的活动之一。本题考查形容词的比较等级。根据固定结构“one of+ the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”, 可知本题选D。,2.(2019重庆,28)Nobody worked the math problem out. It was one of all.

34、A.easier B.the easiest C.more difficult D.the most difficult,答案 D 句意:没有人把这道数学题解答出来。它是所有题目当中最难的一道。本题考查形容词的比较 等级。由前一句可知这道题很难,由题干中表范围的短语of all可知应用形容词的最高级,故选D。,3.(2019北京,6)Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is than her brother. A.patient B.more patient C.most patient D.the most patient,答案 B 句意

35、:Julie把家里的狗照顾得很好。她比她弟弟更有耐心。此题考查形容词比较级的用法。根 据空后的than可知设空处需用比较级,因此选B。,4.(2019江西,34)What do you think of the bands performance? It could be . I think theyre feeling very nervous. A.good B.better C.bad D.worse,答案 B 句意:你觉得乐队的表演怎么样?它还可以更好。我觉得他们很紧张。本题考查形容 词的比较级。could be better 可以更好。根据语境可知,如果不紧张的话,乐队还可以发挥得更

36、好。故选择 B。,试题评析 这是一种暗含的比较级,通过语境和句意才能够判断出来。如:She was the winner of the singing competition last week. No one sang better. 她是上周歌唱比赛的冠军。没有人比她唱得更好。,5.(2019内蒙古呼和浩特,11)He is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane. What? I have never heard of idea before. A.a crazier B.the crazier C.a craziest D.the

37、 craziest,答案 A 句意:他打算在飞行中的飞机的机翼上行走。什么?我从没听过比这个更疯狂的想 法。本题考查形容词比较级。此处是用比较级句型表示最高级的含义,又因为本空后名词idea为可数名词 单数,结合句意可知在crazier前应用不定冠词a,故选A项。,6.(2018上海,32)The bridge between the two islands is one in Shanghai. A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest,答案 D 句意:这两个岛之间的桥是全上海最长的桥。本题考查形容词。根据句意,此处应选形容词的最 高级,最高级前应有定冠

38、词the。,7.(2018新疆乌鲁木齐,27)Cathy checked her paper so that she could get good grades this time. A.careful enough B.enough careful C.enough carefully D.carefully enough,答案 D 句意:Cathy足够认真地检查了试卷以便她这次能取得好成绩。本题考查副词用法。设空处修 饰谓语动词checked,故应选用副词作状语,故排除A、B选项,又因为enough应在adj./adv.后面,故选D。,8.(2018江西,30)Could I speak

39、to Paul?I phoned . Sorry, he is still in his meeting. A.late B.earlier C.earliest D.later,答案 B 句意:请找保罗接电话好吗?我早些时候打过电话了。对不起,他还在开会。late迟,晚; earliest最早;later更迟,后来。本题考查副词的比较级用法。earlier表示比现在更早,意思为:以前,早些时 候。,易错警示 本题易错选C。earliest表示“最先,最早”。此处没有of all,in the three等表示三者或以上范围 的短语。,9.(2018四川成都,38)Mary, do you p

40、refer weekdays or weekends? Of course weekdays. Because Im on weekends. A.busy B.much busier C.the busiest,答案 B 句意:玛丽,你更喜欢工作日还是周末?当然是工作日了。因为我在周末要忙得多。 本 题考查形容词的比较级。句中工作日和周末为对比关系,所以用形容词的比较级。much可以修饰比较级 busier。故本题选B。,知识拓展 常见的修饰形容词比较级的程度副词:“两多加两少,even、any、far”。即much, a lot, a bit, a little, even,any, fa

41、r。,10.(2018山东青岛,11)Mount Lao is one of mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it everyyear. A.famous B.the more famous C.most famous D.the most famous,答案 D 句意:崂山是青岛最著名的山之一。每年许多游客喜欢来爬崂山。本题考查形容词最高级。 “one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”表示“最的之一”,故选D。,11.(2018河南,29)Why dont you get yourself a job? Thats

42、 said than done. A.easy B.easier C.the easier D.the easiest,答案 B 句意:你为什么不给自己找一份工作呢?那谈何容易呀。本题考查比较级。本句话中 有提示词than,由此可知应该使用比较级,比较级前不用加the。,12.(2018福建,24)Tony is the best student in the class because he works than the others. A.hard B.harder C.hardest,答案 B 句意:Tony是班级里最好的学生,因为他学习比其他人更努力。题干中出现“than”,它是比较级

43、 的标志词。hard的比较级为harder,故选B。,审题技巧 本题含有一个because引导的原因状语从句。本题根据从句部分的提示词“than”即可确定答 案。,13.(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔,10)Miss Brown tells us to remember that careful we are, mistakes we will make. A.the more, the fewer B.the fewer, the more C.the more, the less,答案 A 句意:Brown老师让我们记住,我们越小心犯的错误就越少。此题考查“the+比较级,the+比较 级”句型

44、。根据句意可排除B项。应用fewer修饰可数名词复数mistakes,所以选A。,14.(2017河南,24)Miho is student because she was born later than anyone else in her class. A.young B.younger C.the younger D.the youngest,答案 D 句意:Miho是班里年龄最小的学生,因为她出生比班里其他任何一个人都晚。本题考查形容词 的比较等级。根据句意可知此处应用形容词的最高级,故选D项。,15.(2017安徽,35)What do you think of the movie?

45、 Great! I have never seen a one. A.good B.bad C.better D.worse,答案 C 句意:你认为这部电影怎么样?太棒啦!我从来没有看过比这更好的电影。本题考查形 容词的比较级的用法。good好的;bad坏的;better更好的;worse更坏的。I have never seen a better one.=This is the best one that I have ever seen. 与答语中的Great!一致。故选C项。,16.(2017辽宁沈阳,8)Its hard to hold back the tears. This is

46、 thing Ive ever heard. A.sad B.sadder C.saddest D.the saddest,答案 D 句意:忍住眼泪很难。这是我听过的最悲伤的事情。本题考查形容词最高级的用法。由空后的 定语从句Ive ever heard可知此处应用最高级。,17.(2017四川成都,38)Jim studies better than Tom, but Tom is and he has more friends. A.friendly B.more friendly C.the most friendly,答案 B 句意:吉姆比汤姆学习好,但汤姆更友好并且他有更多的朋友。本

47、题主要考查形容词的比较级。 根据“and he has more friends”可知本空应填比较级,friendly的比较级为more friendly,故本题选择B。,18.(2017湖北黄冈,31)Which country has the population in the world? China. Its a little than that of India. A.most;most B.biggest;bigger C.more;most D.bigger;biggest,答案 B 句意:世界上哪个国家人口最多?中国。它比印度人口多一点。本题考查形容词的比 较级和最高级。pop

48、ulation应该用形容词big或large来修饰,故排除选项A和C。第一句话有表范围的短语in the world, 应用最高级。第二个空后有than,应用比较级,故本题选择B。,19.(2017云南,31)There are sharing bikes in many cities. So there will be pollution. A.less and less;more and more B.less and less;fewer and fewer C.more and more;less and less D.fewer and fewer;less and less,答案 C 句意:在许多城市有了越来越多的共享单车。所以污染会越来越少。本题考查形容词比较级的 用法。形容词的比较级+and+形容词的比较级,表示“越来越”。sharing bikes可以用more and more “越来越多的”修饰;po


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