1、战略经济学参考教材参考教材战略经济学,Besanko,Dranove,Shanley and Schaefer,中国人民大学出版社本章文献本章文献lTeece,Economic analysis and strategic management,1984,California Management ReviewlMintzberg,1987,THE STRATEGY CONCEPT I:FIVE Ps FOR STRATEGY,California Management Review导言:战略与经济学导言:战略与经济学l本章结构:l一、从战略的定义看与经济学的关系l二、战略管理的发展历程与经济
2、学l三、从现代企业的演进理解经济学的边际原理从一个案例来理解战略的定义从一个案例来理解战略的定义什么是战略什么是战略lstrategy is“the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise,and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out the goalsl钱德勒lThe pattern of objectives,purposes or g
3、oals,and the major policies and plans for achieving these goals,stated in such a way as to define what business the company is in or should be in and the kind of company it is or should be Andrews,1971lCompetitive strategy is about being different.It means deliberately choosing a different set of ac
4、tivities to deliver a unique mix of value.l 波特,1996一个综合的定义:一个综合的定义:5PlPlanlPloylPatternlPositionlPerspectiveplanl战略是有意识的、有企图的行为过程,应对环境的行动指南l事先有意识地确定ployl行动策略l兵者,诡道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近。利而诱之,乱而取之,实而备之,强而避之,怒而扰之,卑而骄之,佚而劳之,亲而离之。攻其无备,出其不意。l发展:敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追。Patternl可以是理性的意图的,也可以是在一系列决策中自然而然产
6、历程与经济学专题/时间1960196519701975198019851990199520002005战略分析企业政策(勒尼德等,1965幻灯片 21)产业结构分析(波特,1980)资源本位企业观(沃纳菲尔特,1984)资源本位企业观(巴尼,1991)动态能力(提斯等,1997)困境与出路(克里斯坦森2004)公司层战略战略与结构(小钱德勒,1962)公司战略(安索夫,1965)多样化战略(鲁梅尔特,1974,战略、结构与经济绩效,相关化)核心竞争力(普拉哈拉德和哈梅尔,1990)业务层战略市场营销战略对利润率的影响(巴泽尔等,1975)基本战略分类法(迈尔斯和斯诺。1978组织战略、结构和过
8、务生态系统学说(摩尔,1996)基业长青(柯林斯和波勒斯,1996)执行(拉里博西迪、拉姆查兰,2002)公司进化论(摩尔,2007)l(1)market opportunity;(2)firm competence and resources;(3)managers personal values and aspirations;and(4)obligations to segments of society other than the stockholdersl Learned et al.,1965lLearned,E.P.,Christensen,C.R.,Andrews,K.R.,
9、&Guth,W.D.1965/1969.Business Policy:Text and Case(rev.ed.).Homewood,IL:Richard D.Irwin.为什么用经济学研究战略为什么用经济学研究战略l追求卓越(彼得斯和沃特曼,1982)l采取行动;接近顾客;自主和创业精神;以人为本;亲身实践、价值驱动;坚持本业;组织单纯、人事精简;宽严并济 八个特征l基业长青(柯林斯,1996)l造钟,不是报时;利润之上的追求;保存核心,刺激进步;胆大包天的目标;教派般的文化;择强汰弱的进化;自家长成的经理人;永远不够好;协调一致 l从优秀到卓越,(柯林斯,2001)l商业分析方法的问题l
10、经济学强调解释规律,并强调适用条件l抽象力的重要性,考虑任何原则的适用条件战略的框架战略的框架l企业边界l市场与竞争分析l战略定位及其动态调整l内部组织三、从现代企业的演进理解经济学的边际三、从现代企业的演进理解经济学的边际原理原理经济学的边际原则经济学的边际原则交易成本的问题交易成本的问题1840,1910 and TodaylThe years 1840,1910 and 2003 represent widely disparate business conditionslA historical analysis of business conditions illustrates t
11、he durability of fundamental economic principles behind business strategyConditions of Business in 1840:life without a Modern infrastructure Infrastructure in 1840lInfrastructure in transportation,communication and finance were poorly developed in 1840lPoor infrastructure was behind the dominance of
12、 small family firms in that period Transportation in 1840lThough railroads had begun to replace horse and wagon for transportation of goods,national railway network had not yet arrivedlWaterways used for long distance transportation was still in initial stages of developmentlWith poor transportation
13、,producers were limited to local marketsCommunication in 1840l缺乏基础的通信手段致使无法设置分支机构。影响铁路的运营时刻,从而阻碍了远距离商品传送lPostal service which was the dominant mode of long distance communication still relied on the horsel邮费昂贵,且邮递的速度取决于天气,以致于重要邮件自己传递lTelegraph was still in an early stage and was very expensive to us
14、eFinance in 1840lMost businesses were partnerships and they found it difficult to obtain long term debtlShares of stock were not easily traded and cost of capital was highlNo institutional mechanism existed for handling business risklFutures trading 第一个期货市场1858年在芝加哥成立Production Technology in 1840lMo
15、st factories used century old methods of productionlUse of standardized parts(prevalent in clocks and guns then)was just beginninglFactories operated on the basis of internal contracts with supervisors leasing space,hiring workers and producing the goodsGovernment in 1840lGovernment was involved in
16、large infrastructure investments such as canals and railroadslGovernment also resolved commercial disputes and set the rules of the game for the businessesl制订标准(例如时间标准)Doing Business in 1840lNumerous intermediaries lFarmers to factors to brokers agents to buyerslSubstantial price risk for participan
17、tsBusiness in 1840lTechnology limited production to traditional levelslWithout transportation infrastructure and access to large markets,mass production technologies would not have been usefulBusiness in 1840lWithout communication infrastructure,information on prices,sellers and buyers were not read
18、ily availablelGiven the tremendous risk,banks were unwilling to finance business expansionlUnder these conditions,businesses were small and informally organizedThe world of 1910Business Conditions in 1910lMass production technologies made possible high volume low cost manufacture of goods(大规模生产过程、流水
19、线、打字机、复写纸、加法机、垂直报告系统等的出现)lRailroads dominated transportation and allowed mass distributors to reach widely scattered customerslTelegraph and telephones greatly improved long distance communicationsFinance in 1910lSecurities markets traded shares of large industrial firmslCredit bureaus made credit i
20、nformation easily accessiblelPublic disclosure of accounting information was in vogueGovernment in 1910lGovernment regulation extended to such areas as corporate law,antitrust and worker safetylIncreased regulation forced managers to collect a lot of data on internal operationslMandatory secondary s
21、chooling provided the labor force needed by large bureaucratic organizationsBusiness in 1910lExpanded infrastructure allowed firms to expand their markets,product lines and production scalelNew technologies allowed high volume standardized productionlGrowth of financial infrastructure made large sca
22、le firms viablel运输、通讯和金融机构占了美国经济的1/3l大型企业占据主导地位l企业采取横向一体化与纵向一体化的方式,大企业出现l批量生产技术的出现渠道的需求(容易收到渠道的影响)纵向一体化l多部门制或者M型企业的出现l职业管理阶层的需要、科学管理、层级体系制度阅读捕鲸业的例子阅读捕鲸业的例子The world todayTransportation Infrastructure TodaylAir,rail and ground transportation have become better coordinated(containers)lCities like Atla
23、nta have grown relying on air transport in spite of poor rail and water connectionsCommunicationslTelecommunication technology made instantaneous transmission of data possible and created global markets for some products and serviceslCoordination of activities has become easier with modern computer
24、and communication technologiesl广播和电视的发展使得企业可以进行广告、商标等宣传FinancelCapital markets and financial institutions have become more active in evaluating firm performancelGlobalization of financial markets made many mergers and acquisitions(such as Daimler-Chrysler,Sony-Columbia)possibleFinancelFinancial acco
25、unting developed to cope with the complexities of multi-divisional firmslGreater transparency in financial reporting(Sarbanes-Oxley)Production TechnologieslModern technologies such as CAD/CAM have made low cost tailor-made production feasiblelUse of new technologies often means reorganizing the firm
26、 around these technologiesGovernmentlIn some areas traditional regulation has been relaxed(deregulation of airlines,trucking,financial services)lRegulation has increased in other areas(health care,workplace safety,discrimination,environmental protection)GovernmentlGovernment support for basic resear
27、ch and commercialization of R&D projectslIntergovernmental treaties and agreements create regional free trade zonesBusiness TodaylStrategies that were effective when competition was essentially domestic do not work well in globally competitive timeslInternal structure of firms have been changing,wit
28、h firms focussing on their core businesses and leaving the rest to specialistslTraditional hierarchies within organizations have been weakeningBusiness TodaylAdvantage of large scale production diminished in some areaslAdvances in computing and communication long with industry standards have enabled
29、 complex coordination over long distanceslThe role of the general manager has changed as the structure of the business organizations has changedInfrastructure in Emerging MarketslThe variation seen among 1840,1910 and 2006 can be seen to exist today when we look at cross section of countrieslUnlike
30、the advanced nations,many developing nations still lack transportation and finance infrastructureslBusinesses are reluctant to invest in countries where corruption,cronyism and conflicts are rampantBusiness Conditions and StrategylVertical integration was not needed in 1840 since scale of production
31、 was smalllVertical integration trend is being reversed today since computer and communication technologies make complex coordination of tasks possiblelIn some instances“virtual corporation”begins to make senseBusiness Conditions and StrategylBusiness conditions change over time and so do the optimal strategieslPrinciples needed to arrive at successful strategies do not changelRecipes change from period to period but principles behind the recipes do not