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1、Unit 8 Civil War Stories Your Teacher Never Told YouGetting Ready Text BUnit 8HText A Unit 8 Activity 1Activity 2Getting ReadyHUnit 8 Activity 1:HPlease say a few things that you about the American Civil War.Unit 1 Activity 2:HLook at the pictures of Civil War events and guess what they are.Unit 8 T

2、ext AText BH Related Information Vocabulary Study In Text Exercises Vocabulary Study In Text Exercises GrammarUnit 8 Related Information H Frederick Douglass(February 1818 February 20,1895)was an American social reformer,orator,writer and statesman.After escaping from slavery,he became a leader of t

3、he abolitionist movement,gaining note for his dazzling oratory and incisive antislavery writing.Text A Jefferson Finis Davis(June 3,1808 D e c e m b e r 6,1 8 8 9)w a s an American statesman and leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War,serving as President of the Confederate States of

4、 America for its entire history,from 1861 to 1865.Vocabulary(I)bizarreadj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)triviav.琐事fiascoadj.惨败presidencyadj.总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配committeen.委员会proposen.建议;打算,计划;求婚voluntaryn.自愿的,志愿的,自发的;故意的志愿者;自愿行动HText A Vocabulary()emigrationv.移民;移民出境,移居外国spectacularlyn.壮观地,引人注目地smallpoxv

5、.(内科)天花hingev.铰链;枢纽;关键给安装铰链依而转移notionn.概念,见解,打算unifiedv.统一的,一致标准的统一,使一致(unify的过去分词)Civiliann.民用的,百姓的,平民的平民,百姓scarcityv.不足,缺乏HText A Vocabulary()currencyn.货币,通货fluctuationv.起伏,波动militian.民兵组织,自卫队,义勇军,国民军respectivev.分别的,各自的monetaryv.货币的,财政的correspondencev.通信;一致;相当chroniclev.编年史,年代记;记录记录,把载入编年史enlistn.

6、支持;从军;应募;赞助使入伍;征募;谋取的赞助或帮助HText A Vocabulary(V)Proper Names(专有名词专有名词)Liberia利比里亚(西非国家)Haiti海地Haitian海地的;海地人的海地人;海地语Dixieland 美国南部诸州CSAConfederate States of America(美国南北战争时南部十一州的)南部邦联HText A CHIPara.1 The Civil War,in addition to being among the defining moments of U.S.history,is also the source of s

7、ome bizarre and surprisingly cool trivia.Perhaps your history teachers failed to alert you to these Civil War facts.Beautiful Music for MotherHText A Para.2 1.Lincolns first solution to slavery was a fiasco Early in his presidency,Abe was convinced that white Americans would never accept black Ameri

8、cans.You and we are different races,the president told a committee of colored leaders in August 1862.But for your race among us there could not be war.It is better for us both,therefore,to be separated.CHIHText A Para.3 Lincoln proposed voluntary emigration to Central America,seeing it as a more con

9、venient destination than Liberia.This idea didnt sit well with leaders like Frederick Douglass,who considered colonization to be a safety valve.for white racism.HCHIText A CHIPara.4&5 Luckily for Douglass(and the country),colonization failed spectacularly.One of the first attempts was on le Vache,a.

10、k.a.Cow Island,a small isle off the coast of Haiti.The island was owned by land developer Bernard Kock,who claimed he had approved a black American colony with the Haitian government.HText A Para.6 Following a smallpox outbreak on the boat ride down,hundreds of black colonizers were abandoned on the

11、 island with no housing prepared for them,as Kock had promised.CHIHText A CHIPara.7&8 2.Hungry ladies effectively mugged Jefferson Davis The Confederacys image hinged on the notion showed that the rebellious states made up a unified,stable nation.However,the hard times of war exposed just how much d

12、isunity there was in Dixieland.HText A CHIPara.9 Civilians in both the North and South had to cope with scarcity and increased food prices,but the food situation was especially bad in the South because outcomes on the battlefield were directly linked to the CSAs currency-rising food prices were hard

13、 enough to deal with without wild fluctuations in what the money in your pocket could buy.HText A CHIPara.10 Invading northern troops,of course,poured salt on the wounds of scarcity,burning crops and killing livestock.But in Richmond,Virginia,those who couldnt afford the increasingly pricey food bla

14、med the Confederate government.Hungry protesters,most of whom were women,led a march to see the governor in April 1863 that quickly turned violent.HText A CHIPara.11&12 They overturned carts,smashed windows,and drew out Governor John Letcher and President Jefferson Davis.Davis threw money at the pro

15、testers,trying to get them to clear out,but the violence continued.So,he threatened to order the militia to open fire,which settled things down pretty quickly.HText A CHIPara.13&14 3.The armies werent all-maleHundreds of women on both sides pulled a Mulan,assuming male identities and appearances so

16、that they might fight for their respective nations.Some of them did it for adventure,but many did it for monetary reasons:the pay for a male soldier was about$13 month,which was close to double what a woman could make in any profession at the time.HText A CHIPara.15 Their presence in soldiers ranks

17、wasnt the best-kept secret.Some servicewomen kept up correspondence with the home front after they changed their identities,and for decades after the war newspapers ran article after article chronicling the stories of woman soldiers,and speculating on why they might break from the accepted gender no

18、rms.HText A CHIPara.16 Perhaps not surprisingly,in 1909 the U.S.Army denied that any woman was ever enlisted in the military service of the United States as a member of any organization of the Regular or Volunteer Army at any time during the period of the civil war.HText A EPara.1 1 美国内战,除了是美国历史上的决定

19、性美国内战,除了是美国历史上的决定性时刻外,其间也发生了一些奇怪和令人惊奇的时刻外,其间也发生了一些奇怪和令人惊奇的小事。也许你的历史老师未让你留心这些内战小事。也许你的历史老师未让你留心这些内战事实。事实。历史老师未讲述的内战故事历史老师未讲述的内战故事TText A EPara.2 1.1.林肯对奴隶制的第一项措施遭到彻林肯对奴隶制的第一项措施遭到彻底失败底失败 在执政初期,亚伯拉罕坚信白人永远不可在执政初期,亚伯拉罕坚信白人永远不可能接受黑人。能接受黑人。“你们和我们属于不同的种族,你们和我们属于不同的种族,”1862”1862年年8 8月他对委员会的一位黑人领导这样月他对委员会的一位黑

20、人领导这样说。说。“.“.要不是你们生活在我们当中,就不会要不是你们生活在我们当中,就不会有战争,有战争,.所以我们相互隔离开是很好的。所以我们相互隔离开是很好的。”TText A EPara.3 林肯提议黑人自愿移居中美洲,他认为相比利林肯提议黑人自愿移居中美洲,他认为相比利比亚,中美洲是个更合适的目的地。提议遭到了比亚,中美洲是个更合适的目的地。提议遭到了以弗雷德里克以弗雷德里克 道格拉斯为代表的领导人的反道格拉斯为代表的领导人的反对,道格拉斯认为殖民地化是对,道格拉斯认为殖民地化是“白人种族主义的白人种族主义的.安全阀。安全阀。”TText A EPara.4&5 对道格拉斯(和整个国家

21、)来说幸运的是对道格拉斯(和整个国家)来说幸运的是,殖民地化很壮观地失败了。最初的尝试是到,殖民地化很壮观地失败了。最初的尝试是到瓦什岛,又叫牛岛,位于海地周边海域的一个瓦什岛,又叫牛岛,位于海地周边海域的一个小岛。小岛。这个小岛属于土地开发者伯恩这个小岛属于土地开发者伯恩 库库克,他声称得到了克,他声称得到了海地海地政府的同意,可以在这政府的同意,可以在这儿对黑人进行殖民统治。儿对黑人进行殖民统治。TText A EPara.6 去小岛的船上爆发天花,成百上千的黑人移去小岛的船上爆发天花,成百上千的黑人移民被抛弃在岛上,而不是库克承诺的那样,有民被抛弃在岛上,而不是库克承诺的那样,有准备好的

22、房子。准备好的房子。TText A EPara.7&8 2.2.饥饿的妇女们对杰佛逊饥饿的妇女们对杰佛逊 戴维戴维斯实施了抢劫斯实施了抢劫 反抗联邦的南方各州组成一个统一、稳定反抗联邦的南方各州组成一个统一、稳定的国家,美国南部联邦就是在这一理念上建立的国家,美国南部联邦就是在这一理念上建立起来的。起来的。然而,战争的艰难时期暴露了南方联盟中然而,战争的艰难时期暴露了南方联盟中的各州是多么的不团结。的各州是多么的不团结。TText A EPara.9 无论在南方还是北方,人民都要面对物资短无论在南方还是北方,人民都要面对物资短缺和上涨的食物价格,但是在南方,食物短缺缺和上涨的食物价格,但是在南

23、方,食物短缺的现象更为严重,因为战场上的结果直接关系的现象更为严重,因为战场上的结果直接关系着南方联盟的货币着南方联盟的货币 就算口袋里的钱没有发就算口袋里的钱没有发生严重的通货膨胀,人们也很难应付上涨的食生严重的通货膨胀,人们也很难应付上涨的食物价格。物价格。TText A EPara.10当然,北方军队侵袭,烧毁庄家,宰杀牲畜,当然,北方军队侵袭,烧毁庄家,宰杀牲畜,让南方的物资缺乏加剧。在弗吉尼亚州的里士让南方的物资缺乏加剧。在弗吉尼亚州的里士满,人们因为负担不起价格飞涨的食物,开始满,人们因为负担不起价格飞涨的食物,开始指责联盟政府。指责联盟政府。18631863年年4 4月,那些饥饿

24、的市民举月,那些饥饿的市民举行抗议,其中大多数都是妇女。他们要求行抗议,其中大多数都是妇女。他们要求“见见州 长州 长”,抗 议 很 快 就 演 变 成 一 场 暴 乱。,抗 议 很 快 就 演 变 成 一 场 暴 乱。TText A EPara.11&12他们推翻马车,打碎玻璃,从车中揪出了州长他们推翻马车,打碎玻璃,从车中揪出了州长约翰约翰 莱彻和总统杰佛逊莱彻和总统杰佛逊 戴维斯。戴维斯。戴维斯向抗议者抛洒钞票,想驱散人群,戴维斯向抗议者抛洒钞票,想驱散人群,但是没有成功。最后,他扬言要士兵开火,才但是没有成功。最后,他扬言要士兵开火,才使暴乱很快平息下来。使暴乱很快平息下来。TText

25、 A EP a r a.1 3&1 4 3.3.战 士 不 都 是 男 性战 士 不 都 是 男 性 双方的部队里都有上千名妇女效仿木兰,双方的部队里都有上千名妇女效仿木兰,装 扮 成 男 性,为 各 自 的 祖 国 而 战。装 扮 成 男 性,为 各 自 的 祖 国 而 战。有些人这样做是因为喜欢冒险,但是很多有些人这样做是因为喜欢冒险,但是很多人是因为金钱:每名男性士兵每月可以得到人是因为金钱:每名男性士兵每月可以得到1313美元,这在当时几乎是妇女做各种工作所得工美元,这在当时几乎是妇女做各种工作所得工资的两倍。资的两倍。TText A EPara.15 在下层士兵中,她们不是无人知道的

26、秘密,有在下层士兵中,她们不是无人知道的秘密,有些妇女甚至在改变身份后与后方保持信件联系些妇女甚至在改变身份后与后方保持信件联系,在战后的好多年里,报纸还会按时间顺序连,在战后的好多年里,报纸还会按时间顺序连载那些妇女的文章,推测他们为什么会突破已载那些妇女的文章,推测他们为什么会突破已有的性别规范。有的性别规范。TText A EPara.16 19091909年,美国军方否认在内战期间美国任何的年,美国军方否认在内战期间美国任何的常规组织或是自愿军有任何妇女参加,也许这常规组织或是自愿军有任何妇女参加,也许这并不让人感到奇怪。并不让人感到奇怪。TText A in addition to除

27、之外lIn addition to making art,he sold it,not only dealing his own work but that of other artists.In addition to being used formally by testers,other groups may use it as well depending on what is appropriate in your environment.除了制造艺术,他也自己销售 他不仅经营自己的绘画,而且卖其他艺术家的作品。TText A 除了由测试人员正式使用之外,其他的组也可以使用它,这取决

28、于在您的环境中什么是合适的。sit well with相处的来相处的来l你必须提前计划,准备好所需要的正餐和零食,所有食品都是自己以前吃过适合自己的。You should plan ahead and prepare meals and snacks that you have tried beforehand know will sit well with you.l I know these steps will not sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of

29、doing business,and I know they are gearing up for a fight as we speak.l我知道这些步骤不迎合特殊利益集团和游说集团的利益,他们想要按老办法办事。我知道他们就在我们现在讲话时还在准备战斗。TText A cope with所以我们必须学会处理它。So we must learn to cope with it.Maybe they need to be delegated,or you need better equipment in order to cope with them.也许他们需要委托给别人,或 者你需要更好的装

30、备自己使你能够应付他们。T处理,应付处理,应付Text A clear out l Make Space-Clear out some space in your housel He would clear out immediately,cross Nallappas Grove,and reach the other side of the river.他很快又会拥有纯净的人生了,他要穿过那拉帕树林,到达河的对岸。T制造空间 在你的房子里清出一些空间。走开;把清出Text A settle downl安稳下来,多点照看他们的女儿。Settle down,see more of their

31、daughter.Her argument is that it is these early years where we are biologically most prepared to mate,but we dont do this because socially we want to wait longer to settle down.l她的逻辑是这样的,当我们年轻气盛的时候,是身体上最适合求偶的,但我们并不会这么做,因为从社会的角度,我们想等一等再安定下来。T定居;安定下来;专心于定居;安定下来;专心于Text A H Reading Comprehension Vocabu

32、lary Practice Translation Grammar Practice Writing PracticeText A Reading Comprehension Vocabulary PracticeText BExercises 1.What was Abes attitude towards slavery early in his presidency?Early in his presidency,Abe was convinced that white Americans would never accept black Americans.2.What did the

33、 civilians have to cope with at the hard times of war?Civilians in both the North and South had to cope with scarcity and increased food prices.EI.Answer the following questions according to the text.Reading Comprehension 3.What did the hungry protesters do?They overturned carts,smashed windows,and

34、drew out Governor John Letcher and President Jefferson Davis.4.Why did the women go to the war?Some of them did it for adventure,but many did it for monetary reasons.EReading Comprehension 5.How did people know about the womens presence in the army?Some servicewomen kept up correspondence with the h

35、ome front.EReading ComprehensionII.Decide whether the following statements are T(True)or F(False)according to the text.1.Lincolns first solution to slavery was a success.2.Bernard Kock,who claimed he had disapproved a black American colony with the Haitian government.F FEReading Comprehension4.Davis

36、 threw money at the protesters,trying to get them to clear out,but the violence kept on.T5.The pay for a male soldier was about$13 month,which was close to triple what a woman could make in any profession at the time.FE3.The food situation was especially bad in the South because the effect of the ba

37、ttlefield were directly linked to the CSAs currency.FReading ComprehensionE6.The womens presence in soldiers ranks was the best-kept secret.FReading ComprehensionVocabulary EIII.Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word from the text.The first letter has been given.2.Early in his ,Abe

38、 was convinced that white Americans would never accept black Americans.3.Luckily for Douglass(and the country),colonization failed 4.in both the North and South had to cope with scarcity and increased food prices.presidency spectacularly.Civilians1.The Civil War,in addition to being among the defini

39、ng moments of U.S.history,is also the source of some and surprisingly cool trivia.bizarreVocabulary E5.Hundreds of women on both sides pulled a Mulan,assuming male identities and appearances so that they might fight for their _ nations.correspondence respective6.Some servicewomen kept up _ with the

40、home front after they changed their identities.IV.Match the words with their definitions.EVocabulary 1.trivia4.fluctuation5.chronicle D 2.proposeE3.hingeBCA V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Following a smallpox outbreak on the boat ride down,hundreds of black colonizers were abando

41、ned on the island with no housing prepared for them,as Kock had promised.ETranslation 去小岛的船上爆发天花,成百上千的黑人去小岛的船上爆发天花,成百上千的黑人移民被抛弃在岛上,而不是库克承诺的那移民被抛弃在岛上,而不是库克承诺的那样,有准备好的房子。样,有准备好的房子。2.当然,北方军队侵袭,烧毁庄家,宰杀牲畜,让南方的当然,北方军队侵袭,烧毁庄家,宰杀牲畜,让南方的物资缺乏加剧。物资缺乏加剧。ETranslation Invading northern troops,of course,poured sal

42、t on the wounds of scarcity,burning crops and killing livestock.3.Davis threw money at the protesters,trying to get them to clear out,but the violence continued.So,he threatened to order the militia to open fire,which settled things down pretty quickly.戴维斯向抗议者抛洒钞票,想驱散人群,但是没有戴维斯向抗议者抛洒钞票,想驱散人群,但是没有成功。

43、最后,他扬言要士兵开火,才使暴乱很快平成功。最后,他扬言要士兵开火,才使暴乱很快平息下来。息下来。ETranslation 4.Some of them did it for adventure,but many did it for monetary reasons.有些人这样做是因为喜欢冒险,但是很多人是因有些人这样做是因为喜欢冒险,但是很多人是因为金钱。为金钱。ETranslation 5.Their presence in soldiers ranks wasnt the best-kept secret.在下层士兵中,她们不是无人知道的秘密。在下层士兵中,她们不是无人知道的秘密。ET

44、ranslation VI.Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.listen to the music as well.ETranslation 1.This TV program is quite boring.We might _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.(不 妨 听 听 音 乐)2.He left his office in a hurry,with _.(灯亮着,门开着灯亮着,门开着)the lights on and the door open.ETranslat

45、ion 3.The famous novel is said to _.(已已被译成多种语言被译成多种语言)have been translated into several languages.ETranslation 4.The publishing house has to _.(考考虑这本小说的受欢迎程度虑这本小说的受欢迎程度)consider the popularity of the novelETranslation 5.Its wrong to_.(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福)define happiness only by money.ETranslation 1.Our comp

46、anys visitors decided to stay in our city for _ two days as they wanted to have a look around.A.other B.the other C.another D.othersVII.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.2.According to the timetable,the train for Beijing _ at 9:10 p.m.from Monday to Friday.A.was leav

47、ing B.is leaving C.leaves D.has left CCEGrammar 3.The new drug will not be put on the market _ it has proved safe on humans.A.if B.until C.since D.when 4.Students are expected to pay the loan back _ they are earning enough.A.so far as B.now that B.C.even if D.as soon as BDEGrammar 5.Immigrants have

48、to adapt themselves culturally and physically to the new surroundings _ they have move A.on which B.by which C.into which D.from which 6.The proposal _ at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.A.being discussed B.to be discussing B.C.having discussed D.discussingCAEGrammar 7.It wa

49、s because of his good performance at the interview _ he got the job with the big company.A.so B.what C.that D.while 8.It is reasonable for people to pursue a career in fields related _ their favorite hobbies.A.on B.for C.at D.toCDEGrammar 9.There is no evidence _ he was on the site of the murder.A.w

50、here B.that C.which D.how 10.There is no evidence _ he was on the site of the murder.A.where B.that C.which D.how BBEGrammar 11.We investigated other companies in the market to discover _ they handled complaints from their customers.A.that B how.C.what D.where 12.The human Resources Department,as we


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