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1、 1 理解网络社会的崛起:社会网络分析的理论与实践学术中国学术中国注:该研习营演示幻灯片中使用图片均来自网络Note:The pictures in the slides are from the Internet 2 Contents目录03 社群与社会网络01 何为社会网络分析02 社会资本与社会网络04 扩散与社会网络05 社会网络的未来 3 第一讲复习 4 在其论著中率先介绍了Diffusion(扩散)概念的是a.Ferdinand Tnniesb.mile Durkheimc.Gabriel Tarded.Georg Simmel 5 6 Mark Granovetter 的代表作是

2、a.Diffusion of innovationsb.Two-step flow modelc.The strength of weak tiesd.Small-world network 7 图中的网络关系更像是a.微信朋友圈b.微博关注与被关注c.支付宝中的支付网络d.线下的朋友网 8 图中网络的密度(density)是a.1/12b.3/8c.7/15d.1 9 图中哪些点分别具有最高的a.Degree centralityb.Betweenness centralityc.Closeness centrality 10 Google PageRank应用了a.Betweenness

3、Centralityb.Closeness Centralityc.Degree Centralityd.Eigenvector Centrality 11 a-1b-2c=a+d指出下面R script的问题 12 第二讲 社会资本与社会网络学术中国学术中国 13 概念辨析(一):“社会资本”主义与社会资本主义“社会资本”主义是一种用“社会资本”(social capital)的相关理论来审视问题的视角。该视角和意识形态以及社会制度没有直接关联,因此需要和“社会资本主义”等易混淆概念相区分。熊培云,2010 14 概念辨析(二):社会资本、人力资本、文化资本 Social Capital v

4、s Human Capital vs Cultural Capital 社会资本从本源上讲一个社会学概念;人力资本是一个经济学概念;文化资本更多被用在政治经济学、文化研究和批判理论中(如Bourdieu,1986)人力资本一般指的是人的经验、知识、习惯和制度对社会财富创造的决定力。文化资本一般指的是知识、技能、教育等个人属性,用以区别这些无形的属性让人们在社会竞争中处于有利地位。15 Lin(1999),Building a Network Theory of Social Capital,p.24 16 Nan Lin(林南)Professor of Sociology,Duke Unive

5、rsity 17 一、理论篇:社会资本“理论”学术中国学术中国 18 Is social capital a theory?Theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking.Theory vs.Meta-theory Various definitions in a wide array of disciplines The conceptualization and operationalization issues 19 What is social capital?Social

6、 capital is the connections among individuals-social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them(Putnam,2001).Social capital is gained when we invest in social relations with expected returns in the marketplace(Lin,2001).Social capital is rooted in the structural e

7、mbeddedness of individuals in their social networks(Burt,2000).20 Social Capital as a Social Norm The relationship between social capital and neo-liberalism(Coleman,1990;Putnam,1993)Social capital and civil society Social capital and social trust 21 Robert Putnam 22 Social Capital as a Social Resour

8、ceSocial capital and rational choice theory(Coleman,1988)Social Capital and social support(e.g.Like button)Social capital and“Guanxi”(Bian,2001;2015)23 Yanjie Bian边燕杰 24 Social Capital and Network Embeddedness Structuration:structure and agency(Gidden,1977)Actors do not behave or decide as atoms out

9、side a social context,nor do they adhere slavishly to a script written for them by the particular intersection of social categories that they happen to occupy.Their attempts at purposive action are instead embedded in concrete,ongoing systems of social relations(Granovetter,1985).25 Social Capital a

10、nd Social NetworksAccording to Williams and Durrance(2008),social capital“theories”can help Explain group behavior Maintain the fabric of civil society Obtain resources 26 Social Capital and Social MediaOnline and offline(Williams,2006)Bridging,bonding,and maintained social capital(Ellison et al.,20

11、07)27 28 Bridging Social CapitalBridging social capital is the“weak ties”widespread and weaker relationships.Some have many“friends”,others dont;some get many“likes”,others dont.29 Bonding Social Capital Bonding social capital is the strong ties and natural connections.Families,cliques,churches,etc

12、30 A,B,C and D are families The internal links are natural ties,the“bonds”.The edges that connect them are“bridges”.The“bridges”enable bridging social capital.Overtime,bridging social capital can become bonding social capital.31 Maintained Social Capital Social networks change over time Maintained s

13、ocial capital and life changes(Ellison et al.,2007)Reciprocity 32 33 34 二、概念篇:Structural Holes and Structural Equivalence 35 Structural Holes(Burt,1992)学术中国学术中国Ronald Burt 36 Burt(1992)claims that an individual who acts as a bridge between two unrelated contacts in a social network occupies a struct

14、ural hole.37 Structural Holes and Redundancy Burt(1992)states that a structural hole separates two non-redundant contacts.Thus,the two contacts provide network benefits that are more additive than overlapping.Question:Node A and Node B,which one is more likely to get novel information?38 Ego Network

15、 Ego is an individual focal node.A network has as many egos as it has nodes.Egos can be persons,groups,organizations,or whole societies.Neighborhood is the collection of ego and all nodes to whom ego has a connection at some path length.39 Structural holes and weak ties According to weak ties argume

16、nt,the stronger the tie between two people is,the more likely their contacts will overlap so that they will have common ties with the same third parties.This implies that bridging ties are a potential source of novel ideas.Therefore,Granovetter argues that strong ties are unlikely to transfer any no

17、vel information.While Granovetter claims that whether a contact would serve as a bridge depends on a ties strength,Burt considers the opposite direction of causality.40 41 Structural Equivalence Structural equivalence refers to the extent to which two nodes are connected or not connected to the same others(Lorrain&White,1971).Harrison White 42 43 Structural Equivalence and RedundencyBurt(1992),p.18 44 三、实践篇:使用igraph计算centrality和density 45 46 47


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