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1、第 1 页 共 12 页2021-20222021-2022 学年度南京市玄武区第一学期期末质量监测卷学年度南京市玄武区第一学期期末质量监测卷九年级英语九年级英语一、单项填空(共 15 题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)1.Our future is in our own hands,_ we must take good care of it.A.althoughB.unlessC.soD.as2.The Ningju intercity railway has made _ easier to travel between the two places.A.thatB.itC.oneD.

2、this3.Some birds which were once _ are now becoming rare.A.ancientB.commonC.lastingD.dangerous4.It was surprising that little Tom kept quiet all _ breakfast.A.byB.forC.withD.through5.Fiona is interested in a lot of different things.All of us think shes a girl with a _ mind.A.liveB.aliveC.livelyD.liv

3、ing6.Its hard to imagine that Messi was _ with the Golden Ball Award for the seventh time.A.provedB.promisedC.praisedD.presented7._ you walk around Lao Mengdong,these old objects full of history always take youback in time.A.WheneverB.WhateverC.WhoeverD.However8.All our dreams can come true as long

4、as we have the _ to fight for them.A.choiceB.moodC.courageD.effort9.It is said that the football match we are looking forward to _ because of the comingheavy rain.A.will cancelB.cancelC.cancellingD.will be cancelled10.It may _ that vitamin E plays an important part in prevention,but can not curedise

5、ases.A.run outB.find outC.turn outD.stay out11.The suspect was seen _ away from the scene of the crime at 9 p.m.last Friday.A.runB.ranC.to runD.running12.Take a notebook so that you can write down the important details during the meeting.Theunderlined part in the sentence is to talk about the _ of d

6、oing something.A.reasonB.resultC.purposeD.condition13.Which of the following sentences has a defining relative clause?A.Mary likes music that is quiet and gentle.B.I dont know who is playing the piano next door.C.Dont miss the programme if you like classical music.D.Lucy is such a lovely girl that e

7、veryone in her class loves her.14.Which of the following may be a newspaper headline?A.Here are some Xian travel tips.B.Acat show was held in Shanghai.C.Driver killed,eight hurt in bus crash.D.Anew artist sweptAmerican Music Awards.第 2 页 共 12 页15.Are you going to take part in the English speech comp

8、etition?_ Its too good a chance to miss.A.No problem.B.Thats for sure.C.Why me?D.What a pity!二、完型填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Every student knows the importance of taking notes in class.But the skill of note-taking isntonly used in school.Adults need to take16in meetings or training sessions for work.

9、Sohere are some tips to help you develop this key skill.Begin with the date and the topic of the class.This may seem clear,but its easy to forget.Itwill help you keep your notes17.Focus on the most important points.Trying to write down everything the speaker says willonly frustrate(使沮丧)you.18,listen

10、 for the key ideas the person wants to communicate.If the speaker uses a PowerPoint you may not need to copy the slides(幻灯).Ask if thePowerPoint will be available afterward.If so,you can pay attention to19the things thespeaker says.Or you can take a picture with a phone.Meanwhile,the PowerPoint or a

11、document(文件)with notes may be available before the class or meeting.If so,print it out so youcan write notes on it.Think about20you want to take notes by hand or with a computer.Writing notes byhand has been shown to help you remember things better.But with a21,notes are easier toorganize.Perhaps it

12、s best to combine the two methods.Write notes by hand first,and then typethem up as part of your review.Think about different note-taking methods.If youre a new learner,22drawing a chartor picture.Another method is to write an outline23facts described as examples.24your notes again after taking them

13、.This will give you the chance to add anyinformation that you didnt write down.Its best to do this as soon as possible so that you dontforget anything.This extra review will also increase your chances of25what you wrote.Note-taking is a practical skill,so its important to practice doing it well.16.A

14、.photosB.stepsC.risksD.notes17.A.organizedB.creativeC.importantD.similar18.A.StillB.EvenC.InsteadD.Otherwise19.A.writingB.readingC.watchingD.checking20.A.whenB.whetherC.howD.where21.A.videoB.televisionC.radioD.computer22.A.stopB.finishC.considerD.miss23.A.forB.withC.inD.beyond24.A.Look throughB.Look

15、 forC.Look afterD.Look around25.A.improvingB.encouragingC.rememberingD.allowing二、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)第 3 页 共 12 页26.From the picture,we can protect our oceans in the following ways except_.A.saving waterB.reducing wasteC.shopping wiselyD.stopping fishing27.As volunteers,what can we do to he

16、lp oceans?A.Stop using cleaning products.B.Following speed limits for boats.C.Take part in protecting our watershed.D.Volunteer for cleanups only at the beach.BMany Westerners have the assumption(假设)that everyone in China knows how to do kungfu.This is,of course,a silly belief.But it is true that ku

17、ng fu is a big part of Chinese culture.Like most people from the West,I was first introduced to kung fu through Hong Kong actionfilms.Stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan made kung fu popular in the Western world.Theflashy(炫酷的)and impressive performances they gave in films like Rumble In The Bronx a

18、ndEnter The Dragon made them household names in the US and elsewhere.However,my own personal interest in kung fu was actually inspired by a hip-hop group.Wu-Tang Clan(“武当派),founded in the early 1990s in New York City,is one of the mostinfluential(有影响力的)hip-hop groups in history.In their songs,they s

19、ometimes mention philosophical concepts(哲学理念)that come fromwudang quanthe style of Chinese martial arts from which they take their nameand the ShaolinMonastery.I was just a teenager when I first started listening to Wu-Tang Clanlittle did I knowthat I would actually end up living in China later in m

20、y life!I myself do not practice kung fu.However,the concepts behind it are quite interesting to me.There is a Bruce Lee quote that I often think of when Im struggling with challenges in life.Beformless.shapeless,like water,”he once said.By this,he meant that you should be ready toadapt(调整)and change

21、 your attitudes or beliefs when you face difficulties.I think this is a goodway to deal with life.28.What makes the writer interested in Kung fu?第 4 页 共 12 页A.Famous Hong Kong action films.B.AChinese friend in New York City.C.Ahip-hop group called Wu-Tang Clan.D.Film stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie

22、Chan.29.What can we learn about Wu-Tang Clan according to the passage?A.It isnt influenced by Chinese culture.B.It was founded in the early 1990s in New York.C.It makes kung fu quite popular in the Western world.D.It is one of the most popular hip-hop groups in China.30.In the writers opinion,which

23、may be a good way to deal with life?A.Practice Kung fu to relax yourselves.B.Be ready to take on new challenges anytime.C.Listen to Wu-Tang Clan when you feel stressed.D.Change your attitudes or beliefs when facing difficultiesCWhen Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre in 1847,she chose a strongwoman ch

24、aracter.At this time in history,women were thought to be veryemotional beings(感情冲动的生物).They were only suitable as wives orteachers.Bronte wanted to show a different side of women.In the novel,Jane is a poor,quiet orphan who has to live with her auntand cousins.They are very strict with her and treat

25、 her awfully.Her cousinJohn in particular hates her.After one serious fight with him,Jane is sent to astrict boarding school.There she discovers her love for learning although shes treated in the cruelway.When she turns 18,she leaves the school.She is asked to go to Thornfield Hall to educate alittl

26、e French girl named Adele.She is the ward(受监护人)of the master of the house named Mr.Rochester.He is a very wealthy and mysterious man.At first Jane does not like Mr.Rochester.Shefinds him moody and unkind.But they start to grow closer and eventually fall in love.Mr.Rochester wants to marry Jane,and s

27、he accepts.Their wedding day is anything but happy.It is said that Rochester is already married.He doesnot love the woman,Bertha,who is mad.But to keep her out of a mental hospital,he keeps her ina room of Thornfield Hall.Jane feels sad about that and runs away from Thornfield.She walksslowly around

28、 for days without food or money.She is finally taken in by two cousins,Diana andMary,and their unfeeling older brother St.John.He finds Jane a job as a teacher in a nearby village.St John decides to go to India as amissionary(传教士)and asks Jane to accompany him as his wife.Jane does not love St.John,

29、soshe refuses.One night she hears Mr.Rochesters voice calling to her.She hurries back toThornfield Hall only to discover it has been burned to the ground.Bertha loses her life during thefire,and Mr.Rochester loses his sight.She seeks him out,and they rebuild their relationship.Theyget married,have a

30、 son and live happily ever after.31.What does the underlined word“orphan”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Achild who has no parents.B.Achild who has no food to eat.C.Achild who has no brothers or sisters.D.Achild who has no school to study in.32.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Rochester loves Bertha so much t

31、hat they get married soon.第 5 页 共 12 页B.Bertha loses her life in order to save Rochester from a big fire.C.Jane lives a happy life at aunts home because everyone likes her.D.Jane falls in love with Rochester when she teaches a girl named Adele.33.Whats the purpose passage?A.To show a good-looking la

32、dy.B.To praise a great writer.C.To introduce a moving hovel.D.To encourage a lasting friendship.DWhen we see babies or pets,we cant help gently touching them to show our love.And theygive us happy feelings back.But a recent study shows that ifs different for plants.A study,published in The Plant Jou

33、rnal,shows that plants dont“like”to be touched.Thatsbecause touching changes their genes(基因)and,even worse,can slow their growth.Professor Jim Whelan of the La Trobe Institute in Australia gave an explanation.“Thelightest touch from a human,animal,insect,or even plants touching each other in the win

34、d,leadsto a huge gene change in the plant,”Science Daily reported.In order to test the theory,the scientists did an experiment on plants.They grew a number ofplants to the age of four weeks.Then they touched them with a paintbrush every 12 hours over a36-hour period.They found that as a response to

35、the touch,the mitochondria(线粒体)in the plants had beenpartly destroyed.The mitochondria,as Science Alert noted,are the“powerhouse of the cell.Themittochondria produce energy for the rest of the cell in both animals and plants.If this“powerhouse”is weakened,the plants will lose a large amount of energ

36、y that shouldhave supported their growth.Whelan further explained to Science Daily,“If the touching is repeated,then plant growth isreduced by up to 30 percent.Although the process does have a strong effect on plants,usually the plants survive.Touchingchanges the plants,but its not necessarily a bad

37、 change.According to Science Alert,frequent touching or moving plants will make them grow shorterthan other ones.The researchers believe this change,in some ways,could be helpful.It may help plants fightthreats to their health such as insects and bad weather.The new research findings have led to a d

38、eeper understanding of the plants response totouching.And the research might“open up new ways to reduce sensitivity(敏 感 性)andoptimize(优化)growth in the future”,Science Alert reported.34.Why dont plants like to be touched?A.Plantsgenes will be changed.B.Plants will grow much taller than others.C.Plant

39、s growth will be reduced by up to 40 percent.D.Plants will lose the ability to fight against bad weather.35.What does the underlined word“weakened”in Paragraph 6 possibly mean?A.Becoming stronger.B.Becoming less strong.C.Becoming less changeable.D.Becoming more changeable.36.What can we get from the

40、 new research?A.Anew way to increase sensitivity in the future.第 6 页 共 12 页B.Atotally bad and strong influence on plantsgrowth.C.Awonderful method to help plants grow better and better.D.Adeeper understanding of the plantsresponse to touching.EMy moms life was a busy one.Raising four kids on her own

41、 was a full time job in itself,butshe also worked outside the home.Surprisingly,she always seemed to find a little bit of extra timefor us despite(不管)her schedule(预定计划).She would take us over to my aunts in the evening when she worked as a waitress in a smalldiner.We would just be finished with scho

42、ol and have to hurry,so my mom would be on time forwork.I thought she would pass us over to our aunt and hurry off as soon as we made it through thefront gate,but that didnt happen.Instead,we would sit on the porch(门廊),my mom in herwaitress uniform,and we would rock in my aunts big wooden swing(秋千)a

43、nd talk about whathappened that day.“I learned how to add numbers up to the hundreds,my sister Sandy would say.“Thats wonderful,”my mom would reply,holding her tight.“I learned how to write my name!”Larry,my younger brother,would shout.My mom would get a piece of paper and a pencil out of her purse

44、and hand it to my brother.“Show me how you do it,”shed ask softly.“Do you have enough time to hear what I did today?”Id ask her.Mom would smile at me and nod.“Im never too busy for something important like that!”She gave us the gift of time again and again throughout the years.Later on in her life,w

45、henshe came to live with us after her retirement(退休),my mom gave the gift of time to my childrentoo.They would run around excitedly,asking their grandma if she would play with them,or readthem a story,or go for a walk with them.By then my mom had health problems,but she wouldalways nod and sit down

46、and read to them or tell them stories about when she was a little girl.Those moments were a wonderful gift that my children still talk about and treasure.In the last few years of her life,I would take her to lunch or sit with her on the porch,and wewould talk about the past,the dream of the future,a

47、nd just enjoy being with each other.My momwould listen as I shared all of my hopes,my fears,and my dreams for my family.I would look ather and ask her if she minded me taking up so much of her free time.“Nonsense,”shed tell me.Then shed give me a wink and say,“Im never too busy to spendtime with you

48、.Its one of the greatest joys of my life.”I will always remember those wonderful words and the loving heart behind them.It is a giftmy mom give to me for which I will forever be grateful.In this busy world of ours,and in a lifefilled with challenges,she always had time to share her joy with me.37.Ac

49、cording to the passage,we know that the writer grew up_.A.in a small dinerB.in a low-paid familyC.only with her auntD.with four sisters and brothers38.What did the children do on the porch of their aunts?A.They shared their daily experiences.B.They told funny stories to their aunt.C.They helped thei

50、r mother do some work.D.They played games together with their aunt.第 7 页 共 12 页39.After retiring,the writers mother_.A.always stayed alone at homeB.looked after the writers childrenC.moved to live with her daughter SandyD.often gave gifts to the writers children40.Whats the best title for the passag

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