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1、 第十二章介词第十二章介词 1.介词的分类介词的分类2.介词短语的构成及其句法功能介词短语的构成及其句法功能3.若干介词的意义和用法若干介词的意义和用法4.介词与其他词类的搭配介词与其他词类的搭配5.介词的省略介词的省略6.介词的其他问题介词的其他问题1 介词的分类介词的分类o 英语介词就其形式而言,一般可以分为四类:o(1)简单介词:指由一个单词构成的介词。例如:about,above,after,along,among,as,at,before,behind,below,besideo(2)复合介词:指由两个介词组成的介词。例如:inside,into,onto,out of,outsid

2、e,throughout,upon,within,withouto(3)短语介词:指由短语构成的介词。例如:according to,ahead of,apart from,as for,as to,because of,by means of,but for,due to,except for,for the sake ofo(4)双重介词:指由两个介词搭配而成的介词,但没有复合介词那样固定。例如:from under,from above,from behind,until after,except in,from amongo【注】有 些 语 法 书 把 c o n c e r n i

3、n g(关 于),considering(考虑到),including(包括),excluding(不包括),regarding(关于),saving(除外),touching(关于),given(考虑到),granted(假设)等归为分词介词。2 介词短语的构成及其句法功能介词短语的构成及其句法功能2.1 介词短语的构成介词短语的构成o 介词短语由介词加宾语构成。介词宾语可以是名词、名词短语、代词、动名词、名词性从句、某些短语中的形容词或副词、介词短语、疑问词不等式结构等。例如:My nephew works in a company.【名词短语】我侄子在一家公司工作。I find a tr

4、ue friend in him.【代词】我发现他是个真正的朋友。Im looking forward to knowing more about American culture.【动名词短语】我期待着对美国文化有更多了解。They had failed in what they set out to do.【名词性从句】他们没能做到原来要做的事。The matter is going from bad to worse.【形容词】这件事情变得越来越糟。She lives far from here.【副词】她住的地方离这儿很远。I rarely talk with him except o

5、n business occasions.【介词短语】除了办公事以外,我很少和他交谈。He is particularly interested in what to do next.【疑问词不定式】他对下一步该做什么特别感兴趣。2.2 介词短语的句法功能介词短语的句法功能o 介词短语在句子中可作状语、定语、表语、宾语(或主语)补足语等成分。o(1)充当状语。介词短语作状语最为多见。例如:In accordance with the rule,they have to pay an additional tax.按规定,他们得交纳一笔附加税。In terms of money,he is qu

6、ite rich,but not in terms of happiness.就钱而言,他很富有,但是说到幸福就不是这样了。Unlike most actors,Harris is a rather shy man.与大部分演员不同,哈里斯是个相当害羞的人。o(2)充当定语。介词短语作定语通常为后置定语。例如:He is a man of wealth.他是个富有的人。The building at the end of the street is a hotel.在这条街道尽头的那座大楼是一家旅店。The government of the people,by the people,and

7、for the people shall not perish from the earth.民有、民治、民享政府永远不会从地球上消失。o(3)充当表语。例如:This question is under discussion.这个问题正在讨论中。He was out of breath when he reached the station.他到达车站时已是上气不接下气了。o(4)充当宾语(或主语)的补足语。例如:We found him in great trouble.【宾补】我们发现他的麻烦很大。He was often seen at his office at midnight.【

8、主补】人们常常看见深夜他还在办公。3 介词的意义和用法介词的意义和用法3.1 表示时间的介词表示时间的介词o常用的此类介词有:about,after,at,before,between,by,during,over,for,from,in,on,through,throughout,till/until,since等。例如:oat dawn拂晓at the age of twenty20岁时oat the end of the year在年底during the summer vacation暑假期间oHe studies through the night to pass the exam.

9、他为了考试而通宵学习。oThroughout the meeting,she remained silent.整个会议上,她一言不发。oOver a period of ten years he stole a million pounds from the company.o他在10年间从公司盗走了100万英镑。3.2 表示地点的介词表示地点的介词o 常用的此类介词有:above,across,along,amid(st),among,at,behind,before,beneath,beside,between,beyond,by,down,from,in,inside,on,opposi

10、te,outside,over,past,through,to,toward(s),under,up,in front of,on top of,up to等。例如:Our university is at 122 Ninghai Road.我们大学在宁海路122号。help the blind man across the street 帮助盲人过街The sun sunk below the horizon.太阳落到地平线以下了。3.3 表示原因、理由、动机的介词表示原因、理由、动机的介词o 常用的此类介词有:at,for,from,of,because of,by reason of,a

11、s a result of,by/in virtue of,due to,on account of,owing to,over,out of,thanks to,with等。例如:We all marveled at the extent of your knowledge.我们都对您知识的渊博感到惊异。for lack of sleep 由于睡眠不足 out of curiosity 出于好奇die of hunger 饿死 die from overwork 劳累而死be wild with joy 欣喜若狂 quarrel over sth.由于某事争吵3.4 表示目的的介词表示目的的

12、介词o 常用的此类介词有:for,to,for the purpose of,for the sake of,on/in behalf of,in honour of,in memory of,with a view to等。例如:He made a beautiful doll for his daughter.他为女儿做了个漂亮的布娃娃。for the sake of safety 为了安全起见with a view to fostering team spirit 为了培养团队精神work to a common end 为了共同的目标而工作3.5 表示方式、方法的介词表示方式、方法的介

13、词o 常用的此类介词有:as,according to,by,in,like,by means of,on,through,over,with,without,via等。例如:talk with sb.in French 用法语和某人交谈hear the news on/over the radio 通过收音机收听新闻。Never judge by appearance.谚不要以外貌取人。A life without books is like a life without sunlight.生活中若没有书籍就如同没有阳光。3.6 表示表示“除外除外”、“附加附加”的介词的介词o 常用的此类介

14、词有:except,except for,with the exception of,excepting,other than,save,saving,besides,beyond,but,apart from,aside from,in addition to等。例如:All of the students went to the party except Julia.除了朱莉娅外,所有学生都参加了聚会。None but children have believed the story.只有小孩子才相信这个故事。Apart from her prettiness,she was honest

15、 and kind.她除了人长得很美,还很诚实,心地善良。3.7 表示让步的介词表示让步的介词o 常用的此类介词有:despite,in spite of,notwithstanding,regardless of,for(all),with(all),after(all)等。例如:In spite of some difficulties,this project proceeded smoothly.虽然有一些困难,但这项计划进展顺利。With all his achievements,he remains modest and prudent.他虽然有很多成就,但仍然谦虚谨慎。After

16、 all the efforts,he lost the competition.他虽然努力了,但仍然在竞争中失败了。3.8 表示表示“依据依据”、“关于关于”、“至于至于”的介词的介词o 常用的此类介词有:according to,by,from,in,about,on,of,over,as for,as to,as regards,with reference to,with regard to,with relation to,with respect to,concerning,regarding,respecting,touching等。例如:In my opinion,the pr

17、ice is too high.依我的看法,价格太高了。When reading a passage,we should judge its meaning with reference to the context.在阅读文章的时候,我们应该根据上下文来判断其意思。3.9 表示结果的介词表示结果的介词o 表示结果的介词较少,主要是:in,into,out of等。例如:The battle ended in a victory.战斗最终胜利了。All her efforts culminated in failure.她所有的努力都以失败告终。The saplings have grown

18、into big trees.幼苗已经长成了大树。She soon flattered the old man out of anger.她很快就把老人奉承得消了气。3.10 表示表示“价格价格”、“比率比率”、“标准标准”、“速速度度”的介词的介词o 常用的此类介词有:at,by和for三个。例如:Technological innovations are being made at faster and faster rate.技术革新的速度越来越快。You bought the bag at a high price.你买的这个包太贵了。They rent the car by the

19、hour.他们按小时出租车子。Eggs are sold by the dozen.鸡蛋按打出售。a cheque for US500一张500美元的支票3.11 表示表示“在进行中在进行中”的介词的介词o 常用的此类介词有:at,in,on,under等。例如:at work在工作 at table在用餐 in bloom在开花 in tears在哭泣 on display在展示 on sale在销售on the phone在接电话 on the air在播送on the increase在增长 on the decline在下降under discussion在讨论中 under cons

20、truction在建设中 under repair在修建中3.12 带有比喻性用法的介词带有比喻性用法的介词o 常用的此类介词有:after,above,at,beyond,beneath,in,out of,past,under等。例如:be after a criminal 在追捕罪犯 be after a girl 追求一位女孩子beneath contempt 不屑一顾 beneath consideration 不值得考虑in fashion 在流行 in rehearsal 在彩排中out of fashion 不流行 out of reach 达不到You must try to

21、 live within your income.你应该量入为出地过日子。This computer is beyond repair.这台电脑已无法修理。4 介词与其他词类的搭配介词与其他词类的搭配4.1 介词与动词的搭配介词与动词的搭配o(1)同一动词与不同介词(或副词)搭配可表示不同意思。例如:look after 照顾,照看look at 看着,看待,研究look away 移开视线look back 回首(往事),回忆look down on/upon 看不起,轻视look for 寻找,寻求look forward to 盼望,期待look in 看望,拜访look into 调查

22、,研究look on 旁观,观望look to 依赖,指望look up 向上看,(情况)改善agree with 同意(观点或意见)(后接人或事物的名词)agree to 赞同,答应(后接事物名词)agree on 商定,在意见一致(后接事物名词)compare with 将与比较compareto 将比作consist of 由组成consist in 在于deal in 经营,买卖deal with 处理,对付,论及see about 办理,料理,安排see through 看穿,识破stand by 支持stand for 代表think about 考虑think of 想起resu

23、lt in 导致result from 由引起wait for 等候wait on 服侍4.2 介词与形容词的搭配介词与形容词的搭配o(1)特定的形容词之后要求用特定的介词。例如:absent from 缺席astonished at 对感到惊讶adjacent to 与相连 keen on 热衷于aware of 意识到 deliberate in 在方面谨慎agreeable to 同意 content with 满足于guilty of 有罪 consistent with 与一致ashamed of 感到惭愧 stupid about 对一窍不通superior to 优越于 infe

24、rior to 比差o(2)有些形容词后可跟不同介词,但意义不同。例如:angry with 对(某人)生气 angry at/about 因(某事)生气familiar with 对熟悉 familiar to 为所熟悉good at 善于 good for 对有益known for 由于而闻名 known to 为所知concerned about 关心 concerned with 和有关4.3 介词与名词的搭配介词与名词的搭配o(1)介词与后面的名词搭配,即名词之前该用什么介词。例如:on ones guard 警惕in all probability 很有可能with care 小心

25、地in excitement 激动地across the country 全国at sb.s request 应某人的要求o(2)介词与前面的名词搭配,即名词之后该用什么介词。例如:His loyalty to his company is unquestionable.他对公司的忠诚毋庸置疑。The essay is a proof of his capability of using the right word at the right place.这篇文章说明他能够把词语用得恰到好处。常用的此类搭配有:obetween:difference,distinction,gapofrom:a



28、所接介词与相应的动词所带介词通常一致。例如:indulge in indulgence in 沉迷于depend on dependence on对依赖devote to devotion to致力于compareto comparison to把比作comparewith comparison with把和比较object to objection to反对operate on operation on给动手术participate in participation in参加5 介词的省略介词的省略o(1)在一些句型和固定搭配中有些介词可以省略。例如:It is no good/use(in

29、)doing sth.It is a waste of time(in)doing sth.It is worthwhile(in)doing sth.There is no point(in)doing sth.There is no use/good(in)doing sth.spend/waste time/money/energy(in)doing sth.have trouble/hard time/difficulty(in)doing sth.be employed/engaged/occupied(in)doing sth.o(2)当连接代词(what,whose)、连接副词(

30、how,when)以及whether引导从句或后跟不定式短语时,其前面的of,about,as to 等介词常可省略。例如:I am not aware(of)how he made the mistake.我不知道他怎样犯的这个错误。She had no idea(as to)what to do next.她不知道下一步该做什么。He hesitated(about)whether to study abroad or not.他对于是否留学有点犹豫。o(3)在表示一段时间或方式的短语中的for,in,at等介词常常省略。但在否定句中或引导介词短语位于句首时,for一般不可省略。例如:Th

31、e foggy day lasted(for)two weeks.雾天已经持续了两周。They havent seen each other for many years.他们已经多年没有见面了。Dont treat my friend(in)that way.不要那样对待我的朋友。The train came(at)full speed after it left the train station.火车离开车站后就全速前进。o(4)在特定的日期前面,介词on往往可以省略。例如:Ill see you(on)Christmas Day.圣诞节我来看你。Abraham Lincoln was

32、born(on)February 12th,1809.亚伯拉罕林肯出生于1809年2月12日。I will be touring the Greek islands for two weeks commencing(on)July 3.从7月3日起我将开始对希腊诸岛作为期两周的游览。o(5)介词of在与age,colour,height,length,size,shape,weight,thickness等名词搭配时,常可省略。例如:They are(of)the same age.他们同龄。What else do I want with a house(of)that size?有了这么大

33、的一栋房子,我还有何所求呢?The snake is(of)the thickness of a bowl.那条蛇有碗口那么粗。6 介词的其他问题介词的其他问题o(1)平行结构中有时需要搭配两个不同的介词。例如:She demonstrated an interest in and a talent for writing.她表现了在写作方面的兴趣和才能。Public opinion is still largely unaware of or indifferent to the need to preserve rare species.在很大程度上,公众舆论对保护稀有物种没有意识或漠然置

34、之。Macaos separation from and reunion with the motherland epitomizes the modern history of the Chinese nation.澳门遭到分割又重新回归祖国,这是中华民族近代历史的写照。o(2)含有介词to(而不是动词不定式符号)的短语后应跟名词或动名词。常见的含介词to的搭配有:admit to(承认,供认)resort to(诉诸)contribute to(促成,有助于)object to(反对)look forward to(盼望)live up to(达到的标准)be used to(习惯于)be

35、 accustomed to(习惯于)devoteto(致力于)dedicate oneself to(献身于)be reduced to(被迫)be committed to(致力于)Eventually Charlotte was reduced to begging on the streets.最后夏洛特被迫沦落到沿街乞讨。I look forward to hearing from you.我期待着收到你的来信。o(3)有些介词短语在句中可用从句替换,意思基本不变。例如:Did anyone inform you of the change of the plans?Did anyo

36、ne inform you that the plans had been changed?有人通知你计划变更了吗?She was late because of the heavy snow.She was late because it was snowing heavily.因为下大雪,她来晚了。On closer examination,the egg is discovered to be hollow.When it was closely examined,the egg is discovered to be hollow.仔细查看发现蛋是空的。练习答案与解析练习答案与解析o1

37、.B be rich in 富含,含有丰富的。整句话的意思是,水果含有丰富的维生素。带有rich的其他短语有 be rich with 富有,带有,be rich of丰富。o2.B perfect for 表示对是完美的,应用范围。o3.C suspicious of 怀疑o4.A put up with忍受o5.C make up for弥补o6.D in the mood for doing sth.有情绪或兴致干某事o7.B at the cost of 以为代价 o8.A on purpose 故意o9.D 增加了多少用by,增加到多少用to。o10.B 本句语义表示转折,despi

38、te表示尽管,故而选B。o11.A different from 与不同o12.B 在机场,用at the Airport o13.C owing to 由于o14.B by chance偶然o15.A to a great extent在很大程度上o16.D get shelter from从取得保护o17.C 在路多少号(指门牌号),用ato18.A be superior to 优于o19.A by nature 天性o20.D in case of 万一;regardless of 不顾,不管;on account of 由于,因为;in spite of 尽管。o21.B be de

39、prived of 被剥夺o22.C at one time 曾经,一度o23.D with表伴随状态o24.B be independent of 固定搭配,表示独立,不依赖o25.D which he made是修饰speech的定语从句,concerning the project做后置定语。o26.C under discussion 在讨论中的o27.B under threat 处于威胁下,受到威胁o28.C to表示提高到,而by表示提高了。根据题意应该选择by。在1974到1997年之间,海外游客人数增长了27%。o29.B 固定搭配,是的典型o30.A preface to 的前言o31.C regardless of 不管,不顾o32.A come up with 想到 o33.C beyond repair 无法修复o34.C in size 为插入语,本句主要考察be nearest to,表示最接近。o35.B in honour of 为了纪念 o36.A beyond comparison 无法比较o37.A 固定搭配,为观察者工作的一名记者。o38.B 根据句意,选 in brief,简短地,简要地o39.C from behind 从后面o40.D from under 从下面


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