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1、专题十六动词和动词短语中考英语中考英语(广西专用)题组一填空型补全对话一、(2018梧州)根据对话内容,在空白处填上适当的词,使对话完楚、正确。每空一词。A:Hi,John!You were not here yesterday afternoon.What was wrong?B:I had a bad cold.A:Im sorry to 1 that.Are you better now?B:Much better.The fever is gone.But I still cough and I feel weak.A:Have you seen the 2?B:Yes,I have.

2、He 3 me some medicine and asked me to rest for a few days.A:Why dont you stay 4 home today?B:Because Im afraid Ill miss more lessons and Ill be left behind.五年中考A组20142018年广西中考题组五年中考A:Dont worry.Take 5 of yourself.I can help you with your lessons.B:Thank you.A:Youre welcome.答案1.hear“Im sorr

3、y to hear that.”意为“听到这个消息我很难过。”,为习惯性用法。在听到对方说患了重感冒之后表示遗憾,故填hear。2.doctor根据上下文可知,患感冒的人是去看医生,只有医生才能开药并提出合理建议,故填doctor。3.gave句意:他给我开了一些药,并且让我休息几天。give sb.sth.意为“给某人某物”,这是一个双宾语的结构;又因and连接前后两个并列的动词词组,时态要一致,根据后文中的asked可知,设空处也要使用过去时,故填gave。4.at词组“stay at home”意为“待在家里”,故填at。5.care词组“take care of oneself”意为“

4、照顾某人自己”,故填care。二、(2017河池)根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话的意思完整与正确。每空一词。A:Hi,Mark.How are you?B:Fine,1 .Nelly.Will you go to the party?A:Yes.What about you?B:Me,2 .And I think Ill go to the party with Anna and Alice.A:Thats good.If you do,youll 3 a great time.B:4 will you go with?A:I dont know.B:You can come

5、 with 5 if you want.A:OK,thanks.But how can we get there?B:We can take a taxi together.I will call you then.See you!A:See you!答案1.thanks由“How are you?”的口语回答“Fine,thanks.”可知,此处应填thanks。2.too从后一句“And I think Ill go to the party with Anna and Alice.”可知此处填too。3.havehave a great time意为“玩得愉快”,为固定搭配,故填have

6、。4.Who由上下文语境可知此处是询问对方和谁一起去,故填Who。5.uscome with sb.意为“和某人一起去”,为固定搭配,故填us。三、(2017梧州,六)根据对话内容,在空白处填上适当的词,使对话完整,正确。每空一词。Rose:Hi,Alex.World Book Day is on April 23rd every year,right?Alex:Yes,Rose.Look,Im reading this book again.Rose:How many 1 have you read it?Alex:Twice.Each time I read it,I can always

7、 learn 2 new.Rose:Really?3 wrote it?Alex:Han Han,I think he is a famous 4 .Rose:I think 5 .Please let 6 have a look at it.Alex:OK,Here you are.Rose:I havent read such a good book 7 a long time.Where did you get it?Alex:In Xinhua Bookshop.Rose:But I dont 8 the way.Is it 9?Alex:10 .Only 5 minutes ride

8、 from here by bike.Its next to the post office.Rose:Oh,I see.Im going to get one.Thank you.答案1.times根据答语中的“Twice.”可知问句是就读了多少遍进行提问的,故填times。2.something句意:每次我读它,我总是会学到一些新的东西。something new意为“一些新的东西”,故填something。3.Who根据答语中的“Han Han”可知问句是对谁写了这本书进行提问的,故填Who。4.writer根据前面提到韩寒写了这本书,可知他是一位著名的作家,故填writer。5.so根

9、据情景可知,说话人赞同对方的观点,I think so意为“我也这样认为”,为习惯用法,故填so。6.melet me have a look意为“让我看一下”,为习惯用法,故填me。7.for此处时态为现在完成时,且时间状语为一段时间,应填for。8.know句意:但是我不知道路。根据语境可知填know。9.far根据下文中“Only 5 minutes ride from here by bike.”可推知此处是询问路程是否遥远,故填far。10.No由后一句中“Only 5 minutes ride from here by bike.”可知路程并不遥远,故使用No来回答上文的一般疑问句

10、。四、(2016河池)根据对话内容,在空白处填上适当的词,使对话完整、正确。每空一词。A:Hello,Jenny!I heard one boy in your class hurt himself in P.E.class.1 happened to him?B:He was running 2 the hot sun and he felt sick and fell down.A:Yes,the 3 is very hot today.B:He cut his knee,so I washed the cut and put 4 medicine on it.Then I put a b

11、andage on it.A:Was the cut serious?B:Not really,but I also 5 his temperature.Luckily he didnt have a fever.I told him he should rest.A:I hope hes OK now.B:I hope so,too.答案1.What句意:他怎么了?What happened(to sb.)?“(某人)怎么了?”是固定句型。故填What。2.in句意:他顶着烈日跑步,觉得想吐,晕倒了。in the sun在太阳下,故填介词in。3.weather句意:是的,今天天气很热。根据

12、句意和常识可知,句子的意思是指今天的天气很热,故填weather。4.some句意:,因此我清洗了伤口,在伤口上涂了一些药。结合句意可知应该是涂了一些药,在肯定句中修饰不可数名词并表达“一些”的含义,用some。5.took句意:,但是我也量了他的体温。take ones temperature给某人量体温,是固定短语,根据上下文可知,此处用一般过去时态。故填take的过去式took。五、(2016梧州)根据对话内容,在空白处填上适当的词,使对话完整、正确。每空一词。A:Hello,this is Frank.Can I speak to Ben?B:Hi,Frank.This is Ben.

13、A:Ben,have you made a plan for this weekend?B:Not yet.Im 1 busy to think about it.Whats your idea?A:What about visiting the 2 this Sunday?B:That sounds great.When will we meet?A:Lets meet 3 7:00 in the morning.B:Oh,I think its too 4 .Lets meet a little late.How about 7:30?A:Sure,no 5 .B:And where ar

14、e we 6 to meet?A:At the bus stop near our school.B:How 7 does it take to get to the museum by bus?A:About half an hour.B:Why 8 go there by subway?The traffic may be heavy then.A:Yeah!Thats a good idea.And the radio says the 9 will be rainy that day,so I think we should 10 umbrellas with us.B:OK.I ho

15、pe well have fun together.See you.答案1.too根据“Not yet”可知还没有制订计划,是因为太忙而没时间考虑。too.to.“太而不能”,为固定搭配。故填too。2.museum根据下文“How does it take to get to the museum by bus?”可知提出的建议是周日去参观博物馆。故填museum。3.at7:00为具体时间,在具体的时间点前用介词at。故填at。4.early根据下一句“Lets meet a little late.”可知此处是觉得时间有点早。故填early。5.problem对别人的建议表示同意,可用s

16、ure/certainly/of course/no problem,空前已经有提示词no。故填problem。6.going“will/be going to+动词原形”为一般将来时的构成,根据句中提示可知填going。7.long根据答语“About half an hour.”可知此处是对时间的长短进行提问,用How long。故填long。8.not“Why not+动词原形.?”意为“为什么不?”,表示建议。故填not。9.weather根据空后“will be rainy”可知在说天气,故填weather。10.take根据天气预报可知那天可能下雨,应该是建议带伞,should后面

17、用动词原形。故填take。六、(2014北海)根据下面对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的单词,使对话的意思连贯、完整。Waiter:Good evening.May I take your order?Kelly:Yes,I would1 some noodles,please.Waiter:What2 of noodles would you like?Kelly:Id like chicken noodles.Are there any vegetables in chicken noodles?Waiter:Yes.There3 some tomatoes.Kelly:OK.Id li

18、ke a bowl of chicken noodles.Waiter:Sure.What4 would you like?Kelly:Medium,please.Waiter:OK.One medium bowl of chicken noodles.Kelly:Yes,thats right.Thanks a5 .Waiter:Youre welcome.答案1.like句意:我想要一些面条。would like意为“想要”,是固定搭配。故填like。2.kind根据答语“Id like chicken noodles.”可知此处询问要哪种面条。故填kind。3.are句意:是的,有一些西

19、红柿。there be句型中be的形式由后面的名词决定,some tomatoes是复数,所以用are。4.size根据答语“Medium,please.”可知填size。5.lot根据答语“Youre welcome.”可知此处表达感谢,应用Thanks a lot。故填lot。题组二选择型补全对话一、(2018北部湾经济区)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。A:Hey,Alex.The Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing in 2022.1 B:Yes,I really like watching the Winter Olymp

20、ics.A:Me too.And I like the Olympic torch(火炬).B:2 A:Im looking forward to it.B:3 A:I love to watch team events.B:I enjoy watching both mens and womens skating.The skaters are so amazing.A:4 B:I know.And they look so beautiful and cool on the ice.A:5 B:OK.See you in Beijing.A.What are your favorite e

21、vents?B.You can see it at the opening ceremony.C.Are you going to watch some games?D.I cant wait to see them.E.They train hard for the Olympics.答案1.C由答语为“Yes”可知,此处应填一般疑问句,根据备选项,可知选C。2.B由前句“我喜欢奥运火炬”,及后一句“我期待着它”可知,此处应使用“你能够在开幕式上看到它”进行衔接,故选B。3.A由答语“我喜欢看团体项目比赛”可知,此处应询问你喜欢看什么项目的比赛,故选A。4.E由前句“滑冰

22、运动员表现很精彩”及后一句“我知道”可知,此处应使用“他们为了奥林匹克运动会而刻苦训练”进行衔接,故选E。5.D由前句“他们在冰上看起来漂亮又潇洒”可知,此处可填“我迫不及待地想要见到他们”,且与后句的“北京见”相呼应,故选D。二、(2018百色)根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出5个最佳选项补全对话。其中有一项为多余选项。A.The hotel is on your left.B.Is there a hotel around here?C.how can I get there?D.Thanks so much.E.This way,please.F.How far is it from h

23、ere?A:Excuse me,sir.B:Yes,how can I help you?A:Well,Im new in the city.1 B:Yes,there is.Its across from the police station on New Street.A:2 B:Its about one kilometer.A:Oh,3 B:You can walk there,I think.Go along King Street and then turn right at the second crossing.Go straight along New Street.4 A:

24、5 B:Youre welcome.答案1.B根据答语“Yes,there is.”可知问句为一般疑问句,且为There be结构,故选B。2.F根据答语“Its about one kilometer.”可知前一句询问的是距离有多远,故选F。3.C根据答语中“You can walk there”可知前一句询问的是去到目的地的方式,故选C。4.A根据前两句的内容可以看出这是在告诉对方如何一步一步去到目的地,因此设空处应最后指明宾馆的具体位置,故选A。5.D根据答语“Youre welcome.”可知前一句是因对方帮忙指路而表达自己的感谢,故选D。三、(2018贺州)根据对

25、话内容,从方框中选出5个最佳选项补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。A.I would like you to go there with us.B.Where are you going?C.Yes.Doing sports can make us healthy.D.Because the teacher is too strict with us.E.Shall we go together?F.In her classes we have many interesting activities.A:Hello,Ben.1 B:Oh,hello,Tom.I am going to watch

26、a volleyball game between Chinese team and American team.A:Oh,thats such an important game.I dont want to miss it.2 B:Of course.Lets go.A:It seems that you like volleyball very much.Do you like P.E.?B:No,l dont like it.A:Why not?B:3 .What about you?A:I like P.E.lessons very much.Our teacher is very

27、friendly.4 B:You are lucky.A:Do you like doing sports?B:5 A:I agree with you.答案1.B根据答语“I am going to watch.”可知此处是询问打算去哪里,故选B。2.E根据答语“Of course.Lets go.”可知问句应为一般疑问句,且是提出了一个建议,由备选项得出应选E,意为“我们一起去怎么样?”。3.D根据上一句的问题“Why not?”可知此处应用because引导表示原因的句子,由备选项可知应选D。4.F根据前两句可知这是在介绍自己的体育老师,故此处应选F,承接上一句对体育

28、老师的课程进行进一步说明。5.C根据上一句的问题“Do you like doing sports?”为一般疑问句,可知此处应使用“Yes.”或者“No.”先回答,由备选项可知应选C。四、(2018玉林)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全下面对话。(其中有两项是多余的选项)A.Did you read the news on the Internet?B.The safety,travel,culture around the world.C.Anything important?D.What kind of TV shows do you like?E.Were you still busy wit

29、h your homework?F.If so,you dont know what is going on in the world.G.I have little time to care about it.W:Good morning,Jack!You look so sleepy today!Whats wrong?M:Em.I stayed up late last night.W:Why?It was Friday.1 M:No,I werent.I just watched the news on CCTV.And I was too excited to fall asleep

30、.W:Oh?2 M:Of course,the SCO Summit(上合峰会)will begin in Qing Dao in June,2018.W:What is it about?M:3 W:So its the main event of 2018.M:I think so.W:Do you often watch CCTV news?M:Yeah,I watch it almost every weekend.What about you?W:Seldom.4 M:Thats not good.5 W:Youre right,and maybe I should spend so

31、me time on it.M:I think you should at least have a try.W:All right!答案 1.E根据答语“No,I werent.”可知问句是一个以were 开头的一般疑问句,故选E。易错警示此处学生容易错选D为答案。在完成补全对话类题目时,学生应牢记一般疑问句“由什么来提问就由什么来回答”的原则,这样才能更准确地选出答案。2.C根据“Of course”可推断出问句为一般疑问句;又根据上下文,上文是说看了电视上的新闻激动得睡不着,后文则是说2018上合峰会将于六月在青岛举行,可知此处应是询问有什么重要的事情,设空处为衔接,

32、故选C。3.B根据问句“What is it about?”可知此处应回答峰会的主题,由备选项可知应选B,意为“安全,旅游和世界文化”。4.G由“Seldom.”可知说话人几乎不看新闻,此处应是对此进行解释,由备选项可知应选G,意为“我几乎没有时间关注它”。5.F由前一句“Thats not good.”可知此处应是就“不看新闻不好”这一观点进行说明,由备选项可知应选F,意为“如果这样的话,你就不能知道世界上在发生着什么”。五、(2017北部湾经济区四市同城,五)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。A:Helen,where did you go last night?B:I w

33、ent to Wanda Cinema.A:1 B:Quite good.It has the best service.2 A:Yes,Ive been there several times.Did you see the film Doctor Strange last night?B:No,I didnt.3 A:Yes,I think so.You should watch it.B:4 A:Sorry,I have watched it twice.Why not ask Jane?She hasnt watched it.B:5 A.Is it fantastic?B.Thats

34、 a good idea.C.What do you think of it?D.Have you ever been there?E.Would you like to watch it with me?答案1.C根据答语“Quite good.”可推知问句是询问对某事物的看法的,故选C。2.D由答句“Yes,Ive been there several times.”可知前面的问句为一般疑问句且时态为现在完成时,故选D。3.A由答句“Yes,I think so.”推知前面的问句为一般疑问句且是一个评价性的问句,故选A。4.E由答句“Sorry,I have watched it twic

35、e.”可知这是在委婉地表达不愿意再去看这部电影,故可推知问句应为“你愿意和我去看这部电影吗”,故选E。5.B由上文“Why not ask Jane?”可知选B。六、(2017百色)根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出5个最佳选项补全对话。其中有一项为多余选项。A.You can keep your secrets.B.But your parents are just worried about you.C.Thats a good idea.D.Now I feel very sad.E.What should I do now?F.Whats the trouble?A:You look u

36、nhappy today.1 B:Yesterday when I got home,I found my parents reading my diary.I got very angry.Could I keep my secrets?A:Of course.2 B:I shouted at them.They just kept silent.3 A:In fact,your parents shouldnt read your diary.They should respect your privacy(隐私).4 They just want to understand your l

37、ife and study better in this way.Maybe you hurt your parents.B:I agree.5 A:Say sorry to them.Try talking to them more.B:OK.I will do as you told me.答案1.F由答语可知F项符合语境,故选F。2.A由前面的“Of course.”可知此处对“保有自己的秘密”这件事情持赞同态度,故应选A。3.D由前面的“我对他们大喊。他们只是保持沉默”,可推知说话人现在应是心情低沉,故应选D。4.B设空处前后存在转折关系,再由语境可推知应选B。5.E由后面给出的两个建

38、议可以推知,此处是询问应该怎么做,故选E。七、(2017河池,)根据上下文意思,从方框中选择5个句子补全对话,使其意思完整。A:I need help,sir!B:Whats the matter,madam?A:1 Ive looked for her everywhere,but I cant find her.What shall I do?B:Dont worry.But you have to answer a few questions.2 A:Shes seven years old.B:3 A:Shes thin and tall with big eyes.B:4 A:She

39、s wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.B:OK.5 A:Thank you,sir.B:Youre welcome.A.We will call you as soon as we find her.B.We drove a car here.C.My daughter Jessica got lost when we were in the shopping center.D.First,how old is she?E.What does she do?F.Whats she wearing?G.What does she look like?答

40、案1.C由后面提到的“我找不到她”可推知此处是说有人迷路了,故选C。2.D由答语“Shes seven years old.”可知,此处应是询问年龄,故选D。3.G由答语“Shes thin and tall with big eyes.”可知,此处应是询问外貌,故选G。4.F由答语“Shes wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.”可知,此处应是询问穿着,故选F。5.A根据对话情境可以推断,警察问完问题,将会在找到人之后第一时间联系这位母亲,故应选A。八、(2017贺州,五)根据对话内容,从方框中选出5个最佳选项补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。A:Hi,

41、excuse me.B:Yes,1?A:Well,Im new in town;2?B:Yes,there is.Its on Center Street.3 .A:Oh,wheres the bank?B:Just go along the street.Turn right at the first crossing;then you are on Center Street;4 .The hotel is across from the bank.A:Oh,thats great!5 .B:No problem.Goodbye.A:Bye-bye!A.is there a hotel a

42、round hereB.Thanks so muchC.how can I help youD.the bank is on your rightE.Its across from the bankF.This way,please答案1.C根据前面的“excuse me”可知应选C。2.A由答语中的“Yes,there is.”可知问句应为there be句型的一般疑问句,故选A。3.E由下文的“wheres the bank?”说明此处应提到了bank,并且与所要询问的hotel的位置有关,故选E。4.D根据上文及常识可知,D项符合语境,故选D。5.B当询问完毕,应对别人给予的帮助表示感谢

43、,故选B。九、(2016来宾)根据对话内容,从方框6个选项中选出5个最佳选项补全对话(其中有一项是多余的)。W:Excuse me,sir.1 M:Certainly.Go along this street.Turn left into Xingfu Street,the museum is on your right.W:2 M:Its about thirty minutes.W:I see.3 M:Yes.A No.1 bus will take you there.W:4 M:Over there.Look!The bus is coming.W:Thank you very muc

44、h.M:5 A.I will go to the History Museum.B.Youre welcome.C.Can I take a bus there?D.How long will it take me to walk there?E.Where is the bus stop?F.Could you tell me the way to the History Museum?答案1.F根据答语“Certainly.Go along this street.Turn left into Xingfu Street,the museum is on your ri

45、ght.”可知问句是询问去历史博物馆的路。故选F。2.D根据下文答语“Its about thirty minutes.”可知是问需要花多长时间。故选D。3.C根据下文答语“Yes.A No.1 bus will take you there.”可知问句为一般疑问句且与公交车有关。故选C。4.E根据下文答语“Over there.Look!The bus is coming.”可知问句是提问公交车站的位置。故选E。5.B根据上句“Thank you very much.”可知对应的答语应用“Youre welcome.”。故选B。十、(2016南宁)请根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出五个适当的句

46、子补全对话。其中有两项为多余选项。A:Hello.This is John Brown.1 B:Hello.This is Julie Stone.The window of my living room got broken this morning.2 A:No problem.I will come tomorrow morning.3 B:Could you come immediately?A:Well,I will get to your house as soon as possible.B:Thats nice.It costs about 60 dollars,right?A

47、:Yes,as long as its a small window.Mrs.Stone,didnt I repair a window for you a few weeks ago?B:Yes,you did.A:4 Were they playing ball in the house?B:No.I told them not to do that again.5 I was practising volleyball.A.Is that OK?B.This time I broke it.C.How can we do that?D.Can you come and repair it

48、?E.Oh,my God.You broke it again.F.Your sons have broken the window again?G.Can I help you?答案1.G根据下文可知,接电话的人是一家维修店的店主。接电话时,先说“Can I help you?”。2.D根据上文可知客户需要店主帮忙维修窗户。3.A根据上下文可知,店主询问明天早上去可不可以。4.F 通过上下文可知店主曾经来维修过,询问是不是又一次被损坏。5.B根据后文可知是打电话的人自己弄坏的。十一、(2016钦州)根据对话内容,从方框中选出5个最佳选项补全对话(其中有一项是多余的)。M:

49、Welcome to Guangxi Radio.W:Hello,Im Nancy.1 M:I hear you have been to Africa as a volunteer.Where did you work in Africa?W:2 I think it was the most wonderful time in my life.M:3 W:Because people there are so friendly.M:What did you do there?W:I was a doctor.4 M:Will you go back to help them in the

50、future?W:5 M:Thank you for joining us,Nancy.Its nice to talk to you.W:Its my pleasure.A.Im glad to be here.B.I educated people about how to protect their health.C.I worked in Kenya.D.Thank you very much.E.Yes,I will.F.Why do you say so?答案1.A根据前文“Welcome to Guangxi Radio.”和前面一句“Hello,Im Nan


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