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1、河南省高考对口升学语文试卷及参考答案河南省高考对口升学语文试卷及参考答案 河南省 2021 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校 毕业生考试 语文、英语试题卷考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上, 答在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(语文 1-10;英语:词汇判断 11-20;选择填 空 21-30;补充对话 31-40;阅读理解 41-50;完型填空 51-60。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂 在答题卡上) 语文 1-10(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是( B ) A忖度(du)濒临(pn)迁谪(zh) B踽踽(j)殽函(xio)够呛(qin)

2、 C沙砾(l)娇嗔(zhn)凝噎(y) D睿智(ru)醴酪(l)訇然(yn) 2.下列句子没有错别字的一项是 ( C ) A对峙的双方情绪激动,箭拔弩张,幸亏民警及时赶到, 才避免了一起暴力事件的发生。 B钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国的故有领土,这在历史上和 法理上都是清楚的。 C毋庸讳言,得过且过、敷衍塞责的教师确实存在,但爱 生如子、恪尽职守的人,才是教师队伍中的主流。 D全校师生齐心协力重建校园,使校园发生了翻天复地的 变化。 3下列句子加点的成语使用正确的一项是( A ) A这部话剧公演后,深受业内好评,演员表演丝丝入扣, 生动传神。 B课余当家教,搞创收,靠劳动自己养活自己,冠冕堂皇,

3、无可非议。 C这类复习资料题型陈旧,毫无新意, 这种残羹冷炙,是很难保证复习质量的。 D你对我态度恶劣,却指望我对你友好,这怎么可能?礼 尚往来,人之常情。 4下列句子没有语病的一项是 ( B) A随着科学技术和文化教育事业的发展,使得人类社会的 一切行为和一切领域都将卷入空前的知识大革命。 B不同题材、不同形式、不同风格的诗歌创作是否百花齐 放,是判断一个时代诗歌盛衰的重要标志。 C洛阳桥经历近千年的风流考验,至今仍安然无恙,造福 于人民的伟大业绩。 D同学们以敬佩的目光注视着和倾听着这位德高望重的老 教师的报告。 5下列作家、作品对应错误的一项是 ( D ) A戴望舒雨巷B李乐薇我的空中楼

4、阁 C鲁迅祝福D汪曾祺离太阳最近的树 6下列古诗词默写错误的一项是( C) A人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。 B故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。 C低眉信手徐徐弹,说尽心中无限事。 D今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月。 7下列对文学知识的表述,错误的一项是 ( D) A莫言,原名管谟业,生于山东高密; 寻根文学作家, 2012 年荣获诺 贝尔文学奖。 代表作品有中篇小说 红高粱 、 长篇小说 蛙 等。 B舒婷,当代女诗人, 朦胧诗派的代表人物之一。着有 诗集会唱歌 的鸢尾花 、散文集心烟等。 C在关汉卿创作的元杂剧窦娥冤中,负屈衔冤的弱女 子窦娥在押赴刑场 时,发下了血溅白连 、 六月飞雪 、

5、 亢旱三年三 桩誓愿。 D战国末期的荀子在劝学中,劝说我们必须努力学习, 并提出了君子 博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣的中心论点。 8下列各句修辞手法表述错误的一项是 ( B) A往返于幸福和快乐之间,哪还有不好走的路呢?(反问) B指导员讲课真来劲儿,张嘎子竖起耳朵听。 (夸张) C我们这个时代需要千千万万个雷锋。 (借代) D金红的火焰中,每一块红柳根,都弥久地维持着盘根错 节的形状,好像一 颗傲然不屈的英魂。 (比喻) 9下列句子中标点符号使用错误的一项是 ( A ) A有一天那个孩子长大了,会想起童年的事,会想起那些 晃动的树影儿,但 他不会知道那棵树是谁种的?是怎么种的? B亚马

6、逊河、尼罗河、密西西比河和长江是世界四大河流。 C荔枝的肉大多数白色半透明,说它莹白如冰雪 ,完 全正确。 D我们看见一只雌鹿当时我们是这样认为正在涉 过这条急流,它 的胸部淹没在白色的水花中。 10下列句子中加点词语解释错误的一项是 ( D ) A舍瑟而作 (站起来)B吾与点也(赞同) C弟子不必 不如师(不一定) D今之众人 (许多人) 词汇判断 11-20(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 11跟随;跟 得上 Cfell Dfollowing Afollow Bfall 12喜爱;欣赏;享受的乐趣 Aenjoy Blove Clike Dfavorite 13网,网络 Cnet Dnest

7、 Ameet Bmet 14分享,均分,共有 Ashow Bshare Csharp Dshape 15收集,搜集 Ccollege Dcorrect Acollect Bselect 16考虑 Cconfirm Dcontrol Aconnect Bconsider 17欢呼 Acheer Bcheck Cchat Dchair 18普通的,常见的 Acustom Bfamily Ccome Dcommon 19时尚 Afake Bfeat Cfashion Dfield 20现代的 Amood Bmodule Cmodern Dmoment 选择填空 21-30 (每小题 2 分,共 20

8、 分) 21_ the classroom is! AHow large BWhat a large CWhat large DHow a large 22Our teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun. A moved B is moving C moves D moving 23 Don t worry. There is _ wrong with you. A something B anything C none D nothing 24 Our teacher _ us because none of us had finish

9、ed the assignment. Agot angry with Bget angry with Cgot angry for Dgot angry in 25Can you tell me _ she is waiting for? Awhich Bwhose Cwhom Dthat 26We have worked all day long. Do you mind us _? Astopping to have a break Bstop having a break Cto stop have a break Dto stop having a break 27The house,

10、 _ I bought last year, has a lovely garden. Cwhere Din which Athat Bwhich 28_ from the hill, the city is beautiful. A See B Seeing C Saw D Seen 29 Canada is _ country by total area in the world. Athe two largest Bthe second largest Cthe two larger Dthe second larger 30Only in this way _ improve our

11、English. Cdo we Dwe will Acan we Bwe can 补充对话 31- 40(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 31- How is the young man? - _. AHe is much better BHe is twenty CHe is a doctor DHe is David 32- Was the English test difficult? - _. In fact, we found it very easy to do. AYes, it was BVery hard DNot at all CNothing 33- _ - Yes, b

12、ut a bit cold. AHot weather, isnt it? BCold weather, isnt it? CNice day, isnt it? DBad weather, dont you think? 34- Well done! - _. CThanks DI dont care AGreat BGood idea 35- Whats wrong with you? - _. AMuch better BIll take some medicine CIve got a new watch DIve got flu 36- Can I look at the menu

13、for a few minutes before I decide? - _, sir. AMake yourself at home BEnjoy yourself COf course DIt doesnt matter 37- Can you show me Mr. Gaffers office, please? - _. But I dont know if he is in at the moment. AThanks BSure CGo on DYou are welcome 38- Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight

14、. - - _. AIts my duty BIts all right CIts my pleasure DIts nice to say so 39- A table for three, please. - OK. _. Here is your table. Please take seats. AThis way, please BCome on DCome here CIts over there 40- What are you doing now? - We are leaving for a dinner party. - _. AQuickly BWhere CWho in

15、vited you DHave a good time at the party 阅 读理解 41-50(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) Passage 1 In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience four seasons in one day. In the morning, the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later, black clouds come and then it rains hard. The we

16、ather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon, the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day. In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter, they can swim sometimes, and in summer, sometimes they should t

17、ake warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you dont take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will reg ret(后悔) later in the day. 41 Why do people in England ofte

18、n talk about the weather? ABecause they may have four seasons in one day. BBecause they often have very good weather. CBecause the weather is warm just like in spring. DBecause the sky is sunny all day. 42From the story, we know that when _ come, there is a heavy rain. Asunshine and snow Bblack clou

19、ds Csummer and winter Dspring and autumn 43 People can also have summer in winter. means it is sometimes too _ in winter. A warm B cool C cold D rainy 44 In the sunny morning, some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because _. Atheir friends ask them to do so Bit often r

20、ains in England Cthey are going to sell them Dthey are their favorite things 45The best title(标题)for this passage is _. ABad Seasons BSummer or Winter CThe Weather in England DStrange English People Passage 2 How do I like to travel? Many people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an

21、 airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You cant open the window. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train.

22、 I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your

23、 journey when you want to, and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road. 46Why do many people like to travel by plane? ABecause it is fast. BBecause it is safe. CBecause you can walk a

24、round in the plane. DBecause you can choose many kinds of food in the plane. 47Which is not the good thing about the train? AIt is safe. BIt takes a little more time. CYou can open the windows. DYou can walk around in the train. 48If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go

25、out? AA bus BA car CA train DA taxi 49What is the bad thing about the car? AYou neednt go to a station. BYou can start your journey when you want to. CThere are too many cars on the road. DYou can carry many things. 50Which one of the following is correct according to the passage? AHe thinks it take

26、s a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport. BHe likes to take a train because it takes a little more time. CHe likes to take a car because he has a car. DHe likes to take a plane because it is safe. 完型填空 51-60(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those who

27、are very 51 . Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel 52 and those who have cars want to 53 on country roads in their free time. In fact, happiness is always 54 you. When you are 55 , your friends will help you? when you study hard at your lessons, your 56 are always taking good care o

28、f your life and your 57 . All these are your happiness. When you are 58 , you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that 59 cant buy. When you meet with 60 , say loudly that you are happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. Take every chance you get, and

29、you can be a happy and lucky person. 51Apoor Brich Cnice Dbad 52Aserious Bunknown Cstrange Dlonely 53Awalk Bwork Cknock Dtalk 54Afor Bto Caround Dabout 55Ain public Bin trouble Cat home Dat break 56Aexperts Bjournalists Cparents Dinspectors 57Ahealthy Bhealth Cbeauty Dbeautiful 58Apoor Btall Cshort

30、Dangry 59Aperformance Bconfidence Cword Dmoney 60Athieves Banimals Cproblems Dsigns 语文(80 分) 二、文言文阅读(16 分) 阅读下面的文字,完成 6163 题。 于是张良至军中见樊哙。樊哙曰: 今日之事何如?良曰: 甚急!今者项庄拔剑舞,其意常在沛公也。 哙曰: 此迫 矣!臣请入,与之同命! 哙即带剑拥盾入军门。交戟之卫 士欲止不内。樊哙侧其盾以撞,卫士仆地。哙遂入,披帷西 向立,瞋目视项王,头发上指,目眦尽裂。项王按剑而跽曰: 客何为者?张良曰: 沛公之参乘 樊哙者也。 项王曰:壮士! 赐之卮酒。 则与

31、斗卮酒。哙拜谢,起,立而饮之。项王曰: 赐之彘 肩! 则与一生彘肩。樊哙覆其盾于地,加彘肩上,拔剑切 而啖之。项王曰: 壮士!能复饮乎?樊哙曰: 臣死且不 避,卮酒安足辞!夫秦王有虎狼之心,杀人如不能举,刑人 如恐不胜,天下皆叛之。怀王与诸将约曰: 先破秦入咸阳 者王之。 今沛公先破秦入咸阳,毫毛不敢有所近,封闭宫 室,还军霸上,以待大王来。故遣将守关者,备他盗出入与 非常也。劳苦而功高如此,未有封侯之赏,而听细说,欲诛 有功之人。此亡秦之续耳,窃为大王不取也! 项王未有以 应,曰: 坐。 樊哙从良坐。 坐须臾,沛公起如厕,因招樊哙出。 61给文中加点的字注音。 (每空 1 分,共 3 分)

32、哙( kuai )乘(sheng )卮( zhi ) 62把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (每句 3 分,共 9 分) 杀人如不能举,刑人如恐不胜,天下皆叛之。 杀人惟恐不能杀尽,惩罚人惟恐不 能用尽酷刑,所以天下人都背叛他 故遣将守关者,备他盗出入与非 常也。之所以派遣将领把守函谷关的原因,是为了防备其他 盗贼进来和意外的变故此亡秦之续耳,窃为大王不取也!这 只是灭亡了的秦国的继续罢了,我私下里 认为大王您这样做是不可取的 63以上文段中流传至今的一个八字成语是:项庄舞剑,意 在沛公,它的引申义是比喻说话和行动的真实意图别有所指。 (每空 2 分,共 4 分) 三、 现代文阅读 (24

33、分) 阅读下面的文字, 完成 6469 题。 母亲去世后,我们搬了家。我很少再到母亲住过的那个小院 儿去。小院儿在一个大院儿的尽里头,我偶尔摇车到大院儿 去坐坐,但不愿意去那个小院儿,推说手摇车进去不方便。 院儿里的老太太们还都把我当儿孙看,尤其想到我又没了母 亲, 但都不说, 光扯些闲话, 怪我不常去。 我坐在院子当中, 喝东家的茶,吃西家的瓜。有一年,人们终于 又提到母 亲: 到小院儿去看看吧, 你妈种的那棵合欢树今年开花了! 我心里一阵抖,还是 推说手摇车进出太不易。大伙就不 再说,忙扯些别的,说起我们原来住的房子里现在住了小两 口,女的刚生了个儿子,孩子不哭不 闹,光是瞪着眼睛看窗户上

34、的树影儿。我没料到那棵树还活 着。那年,母亲到劳动局去给我找工作,回来时在路边挖了 一棵刚出土的含羞草 ,以为是含羞草,种在花盆里长, 竟是一棵合欢树。母亲从来喜欢那些东西,但当时心思全 在别处。第二年合欢树没有发芽,母亲叹息了一回,还不舍 得扔掉,依然让它长在瓦盆里。第三年,合欢树却又长出叶 子,而且茂盛了。母亲高兴了很多天,以为那是个好兆头, 常去侍弄它,不敢再大意。又过一年,她把合欢树移出盆, 栽在窗前的地上,有时念叨,不知道这种树几年才开花。再 过一年,我们搬了家,悲痛弄得我们都把那棵小树忘记了。 64以上文段节选自合欢树一文,作者是史铁生。按结 构方式分,这篇文章 的体裁是怀人散文。

35、 (每空 1 分,共 3 分) 65第一段中加点的词语终于 、 还是在文中的作用 分别是什么?(6 分) 终于是邻居们担心我伤感,表现了对我的关心和爱 护. 还是表现了我对母亲那巨大的思念之情一直在心里抑 制着,克制了几次的冲动, 也是为了不让大家陪着自己伤感. 66从选文中邻居对我的态度,你得到了哪些信息?(4 分) 对母亲的怀念,对我的关心爱护 67第二段提到我没料到合欢树还活着,为什么会没 料到呢?(3 分).母亲去世后,合欢树无人照料,没想到 它生命力那么顽强. 68第二段中加点字竟在这里起什么作用?(4 分) 出乎意料,同时也表现了欣喜之情。 69第二段中叹息 、 高兴表达了母亲对合

36、欢树一种 怎样的寄托?(4 分).母亲把合欢树看作是儿子病情好转的一种预兆,树枯母 叹,树荣母乐,它寄托了母 亲对儿子深深的感情和对未来的希望. 70四、作文(40 分) 70阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 戈壁滩上有两粒种子。 天啊! 一粒种子惊呼道, 太阳这 么毒,天气这么热,没有一点水,我们可怎么活呀! 最后 它在抱怨中死了。另一粒种子默默地把根向地下扎去,用尽 力气汲取着每一点水分,它自言自语: 我应该是一棵树, 我的责 任就是为大地添一份绿色。 最后它长成了一棵胡杨,身躯 也越来越粗壮,越来越经得住风沙。几百年后,这里出现了 一片胡杨林。 要求:请根据以上材料,写一篇不少于 600 字的文章。题 目自拟,立意自定,文体自选;不要套作,不得抄袭。 题目:参考立意:这篇材料他用种子 来表现一个道理:一个人在困难的环 境下,唯有任劳任怨,不抱怨,才能成功, 也可以写一些在城市的角落里默默无 闻的小人物,比如看门人,清洁工等,亦 可以写一些勇敢与困难抗争的人。 英语(20 分) 五、汉译英(每个句子 4 分,共 20 分) 71她既会唱歌,也会跳舞。 72中国在国际事务中发挥着重要作用。 73这不是我的书,是她的。 74这是我们上周住过的宾馆。 75我不会参加那个宴会,除非我被邀请。


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