1、临床常用生化检验临床常用生化检验(P377-410P377-410)检验系实验诊断学教研室检验系实验诊断学教研室 张鹏张鹏临临床床检检验验诊诊断断学学机体一般状况机体一般状况三大常规三大常规体液电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱的实验诊断学体液电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱的实验诊断学糖代谢紊乱的实验室诊断糖代谢紊乱的实验室诊断脂代谢紊乱的实验室诊断脂代谢紊乱的实验室诊断肝功能肝功能肾功能肾功能心肌损伤以及心功能的实验室诊断心肌损伤以及心功能的实验室诊断胰腺炎的实验室诊断胰腺炎的实验室诊断中枢神经系统疾病的实验室诊断中枢神经系统疾病的实验室诊断血液系统疾病的实验室诊断血液系统疾病的实验室诊断止凝血系统疾病的实验室诊断
2、止凝血系统疾病的实验室诊断激素水平及内分泌系统疾病的实验室诊断激素水平及内分泌系统疾病的实验室诊断感染性疾病的实验室诊断以及药敏分析感染性疾病的实验室诊断以及药敏分析肿瘤的实验室诊断肿瘤的实验室诊断血型的鉴定血型的鉴定临床血液学检验临床血液学检验临床体液检验临床体液检验临床生物化学检验临床生物化学检验临床免疫学检验临床免疫学检验临床微生物学检验临床微生物学检验临床基因诊断临床基因诊断1肝功肝功I(ALT AST TBIL DBIL IDIL TP ALB G A/G ) 2肝功肝功II(LDH ALP GGT TBA AFU CHE PA)3心肌酶谱(心肌酶谱(AST LDH HBDH CK
3、CK-MB)4肾功(肾功(BUN Cr CO2 UA cysC)5血脂血脂 (CHO TG HDL LDL VLDL ApoA1 ApoB A1/B Lp(a)6离子六项(离子六项( K Na Cl Ca P Mg)7 GLU8 胰腺炎两项(胰腺炎两项( AMY LIP)9 脑脊液生化(脑脊液生化(mic-TP Glu Cl)10 浆膜腔积液生化(浆膜腔积液生化(TP Glu LDH ADA)11 体液免疫(体液免疫(IgG IgA IgM C3 C4 CH50)12微量元素三项(微量元素三项(Fe Cu Zn)13铁代谢(铁代谢( Fe UIBC TIBC TS TRF sTfR Ferr)
4、14铜兰蛋白铜兰蛋白15 24h尿微量白蛋白尿微量白蛋白16 24h尿肌酐清除率尿肌酐清除率17 24h尿蛋白定量尿蛋白定量18风湿四项(风湿四项(CRP ASO RF ADNs)19 血清蛋白电泳血清蛋白电泳20 血清免疫固定电泳血清免疫固定电泳21 尿蛋白电泳尿蛋白电泳22 尿本周氏蛋白电泳尿本周氏蛋白电泳21CSF寡克隆电泳寡克隆电泳(同时抽血同时抽血2ml)主要内容主要内容 第一节节:血糖及其代谢产谢产物的检测检测 第二节节:血清清脂质质和脂蛋白检测检测 第三节:血清电解质检测 第四节:血清铁及其代谢产物检测 第五节节:心脏标脏标志物检测检测 第六节:其他血清酶学检测 第七节:内分泌激
5、素检测 第八节:治疗药物监测第一节节:血糖及其代谢产谢产物的检测检测糖代谢常用检验指标:糖代谢常用检验指标:空腹血糖(fasting plasma glucose,FPG) : 3.96.1mmol/L 血糖的生理调节血糖的生理调节肝调节糖代谢,维持血糖的动态平衡。肝调节糖代谢,维持血糖的动态平衡。降低血糖的激素:胰岛素降低血糖的激素:胰岛素升高血糖的激素:胰高血糖素、生长激素、肾上腺素、升高血糖的激素:胰高血糖素、生长激素、肾上腺素、糖皮质激素糖皮质激素血糖升高的临床意义:血糖升高的临床意义:1.1. 糖尿病糖尿病2.2. 内分泌疾病内分泌疾病3.3. 应激性高血糖应激性高血糖4.4. 药物
6、影响药物影响5.5. 饱食、高糖饮食饱食、高糖饮食6.6. 剧烈运动或剧烈运动或精神紧张精神紧张血糖降低的临床意义:血糖降低的临床意义: 1.1. 血中胰岛素升高血中胰岛素升高或降糖药使用过量或降糖药使用过量2.2. 缺乏抗胰岛素的激素缺乏抗胰岛素的激素3.3. 糖原储存缺乏的疾病糖原储存缺乏的疾病4.4. 急性酒精中毒急性酒精中毒5.5. 妊娠期妊娠期6.6. 饥饿饥饿口服葡萄糖耐量实验实验 (oral glucose tolerance test ,OGTT ) OGTT的操作步骤:的操作步骤:1、试验前、试验前8h禁禁烟,酒,咖啡烟,酒,咖啡 ,禁食禁食 2、空腹抽血、空腹抽血3、口服、
7、口服Glucose 75g,计时,计时4、0.5h,1h,1.5h,2h, 3h时抽血,时抽血,马上马上送检送检 OGTT的临床意义与结果解释:的临床意义与结果解释:配合配合FPG,用于诊断,用于诊断1、糖尿病:、糖尿病:diabetes mellitus, DM2、空腹血糖受损:、空腹血糖受损:impaired fasting glucose, IFG3、糖耐量受损:、糖耐量受损:impaired glucose tolerance, IGT1、任意时刻血糖、任意时刻血糖11.1 mmol/L,或,或FPG7.0 mmol/L,或,或OGTT的的2 h血糖血糖11.1 mmol/L,并经第二
8、天重复检测,并经第二天重复检测(以上三个项目中任意之一)证实,(以上三个项目中任意之一)证实,结合临床表现结合临床表现,应考虑糖尿病的诊断。应考虑糖尿病的诊断。 2、FPG在在6.1 mmol/L 7.0 mmol/L之间但之间但OGTT的的2 h血血糖糖7.8 mmol/L为单纯性为单纯性IFG。3、FPG6.1 mmol/L但但OGTT的的2 h血糖在血糖在7.8 mmol/L11.1 mmol/L之间为单纯性之间为单纯性IGT。糖化血红红蛋白检测检测 Hb 链末端氨基酸与葡萄糖进行缩合反应形成链末端氨基酸与葡萄糖进行缩合反应形成HbA1c酮氨化酮氨化合物,反应速度取决于血糖浓度及血糖与合
9、物,反应速度取决于血糖浓度及血糖与Hb的接触时间。的接触时间。 临床意义:临床意义:HbA1c反映抽血前反映抽血前12个月内个月内血糖的平均水平,血糖的平均水平,对鉴别糖尿病性高血糖和应激性高血糖有价值。可作为治疗对鉴别糖尿病性高血糖和应激性高血糖有价值。可作为治疗监测和确定治疗方案的依据。监测和确定治疗方案的依据。 参考范围参考范围46%糖化血清清蛋白检测检测 临床意义同临床意义同HbA1c,但反映抽血前,但反映抽血前1个月内个月内的血糖水平。的血糖水平。 参考范围:参考范围:1.6-2.1mmol/L血清胰岛清胰岛素测测定及其释释放试验试验 释放试验释放试验:指在指在OGTT的各个时间点上
10、同时测胰岛素的各个时间点上同时测胰岛素,观察观察在不同血糖浓度下在不同血糖浓度下,胰岛素的释放情况胰岛素的释放情况.血清清C肽肽的测测定 C肽:胰岛素产生过肽:胰岛素产生过程的一种中间产物程的一种中间产物 测测C肽的优点:不受肽的优点:不受外源性外源性insulin的干扰,的干扰,不受不受insulin抗体的干抗体的干扰扰 临床意义:临床意义:1 1、正常人:胰岛素、正常人:胰岛素, C, C肽释放入血量与血糖平行。肽释放入血量与血糖平行。2 2、DMDM病人病人: :由于要经常使用外源性的胰岛素血清由于要经常使用外源性的胰岛素血清C C肽的水肽的水平往往与血糖不平行。平往往与血糖不平行。谷氨
11、氨酸脱羧脱羧酶抗体(GAD-Ab)胰岛细胰岛细胞抗体(ICA)。ICA阳性可预示阳性可预示必须须牢记记的三组数值组数值 3.9 6.1 7.0 11.1 6.1 7.8Clinical Cases 0h 0.5h 1h 1.5h 2h(1) 8.8 13.8 17.5 16.8 16.7 male, 65yrs, obese(2) 6.2 11.7 15.2 16.4 15.0 female, 62yrs, presented with “burning mouth”(3) 5.2 9.5 10.8 10.1 8.5 male, 41yrs(4) 5.0 8.6 7.7 7.0 10.2 fe
12、male, 45yrs第二节节 血清清脂质质和脂蛋白的检测检测脂蛋白的结构结构脂蛋白的分类类各种种脂蛋白的结构与结构与功能CMVLDLIDLLDLHDLTG0.850.550.240.100.05FC0.蛋白质质0.功能转运转运外源性TG转运内转运内源性TGLDL的前体转运转运CHO至组织细组织细胞转运转运CHO至肝降解 TG: Triglyceride 甘油三脂 TCHO: Total Cholesterol 总总胆固醇 HDL: H
13、igh Density Lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白 LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白 VLDL:Very Low Density Lipoprotein 极极低密度脂蛋白 ApoA1: 载载脂蛋白A1 ApoB: 载载脂蛋白B Lp(a): 脂蛋白a血脂分析的分析前准备备1. 测测TG、脂蛋白、脂蛋白、Apo时要在时要在禁食禁食7-12小时小时后抽血。后抽血。 TCHO测定不一定要空腹血。测定不一定要空腹血。2. 妊娠后期各项血脂都增高,应在产后查血。妊娠后期各项血脂都增高,应在产后查血。3. 停用影响血脂的药物数天或数周。停用影响血脂的药物数天
14、或数周。4. 采血前采血前24小时内不作剧烈运动。小时内不作剧烈运动。5. 坐位采血。坐位采血。6. 止血带使用不可超过止血带使用不可超过1分钟。分钟。血清清TCHO 参考范围:参考范围:6h chest painLow riskOther disease?Test positiveAMITest negativeLow riskOther disease?6h chest paincTn+4hcTn no STserum enzyme markers of cardiac injury aspartate aminotransferase(AST), creatine kinase(CK),
15、 isoenzyme of creatine kinase(CK-MB), lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), -hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH)Evolution of serum enzyme markers after AMI item lag period peak time sustain period multiple of rise CK-MB 38h 1624h 14d 20 CK 410h 2448h 36d 10 AST 410h 2448h 36d 10 LDH 810h 4836h 714d 6 HBDH 12
16、24h 4836h 714d 10serum protein markers of cardiac injury cardiac troponin(cTn) features:high specificity, long half-time period, “golden standard” classifications:cTnI and cTnTRecommendations for the Use of Cardiac Markersin Coronary Artery Diseases -NACB,1998 Recommendation: Cardiac troponin (T or
17、I) is the new standard for diagnosis of myocardial infarction and detection of myocardial cell damage, replacing CK-MB. Strength/consensus of recommendation: Class II. Recommendation: There is no longer a role for lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) and its isoenzymes (HBDH) in the diagnosis of cardiac disea
18、ses. Strength/consensus of recommendation: Class I.serum protein markers of cardiac injury CK-MBmass The detection CK-MBmass by monoclonal antibodies is the recommended assay method for CK-MB. It can avoid the interference of CK-BB and shows a higher sensitivity and specificity comparing with the de
19、tection of CK-MB activity by immunodepression method.巨巨CKBBBMMM巨巨CKdetection of CK-MB activitydetection of CK-MBmass We can use CK-MBmass as the definive marker at the absence of cTn.serum protein markers of cardiac injury myoglobin(Myo) Features: low MW(17000-18000) serum quantification rises early
20、 high sensitivity low specificity Mainly to role out AMI at the ocassion of negative result.Combination of biochemical markers in diagnosing AMIRecommendation: Two biochemical markers should be used for routine AMI diagnosis: an early marker (reliably increased in blood within 6 h after onset of sym
21、ptoms) and a definitive marker (increased in blood after 69 h, but has high sensitivity and specificity for myocardial injury, remaining abnormal for several days after onset).Strength/consensus of recommendation: Class II.Recommendation: For detection of AMI by enzyme or protein markers, in the abs
22、ence of definitive ECGs, the following sampling frequency is recommended:Marker Admission 24 h 69 h 1224 hEarly (6 h) x x x x(x) indicates optional determinations.Strength/consensus of recommendation: Class II.biochemical markers of cardiac function B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) N-terminal pronatr
23、iuretic peptide(NT-proBNP) As for patients presented with dyspnea, the detection of BNP or NT-proBNP can help to differentially diagnose the cardiogenic dyspnea from the others. The detection of BNP or NT-proBNP can not replace echocardiogram(ECHO) or left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) in the
24、evaluation of cadiac function.biochemistry markers of cardiovascular riskBehavioralFactorsGenetic FactorsCardiovascular RiskInfammationl HemostasisHemostasisThrombosisThrombosisLipidsLipidsDiabetesDiabetes TC/HDL blood coagulation factor(Fbg, Factor, PAI1 ) homocysteine(HCY) High sensitivity C react
25、ive protein(hs-CRP)Risk evaluation and precaution of cardiovascular diseaseUnstable angina pectoris Stable angina pectoris Have the risk of artherosclerosis but presented to be healthyHave no risk of artherosclerosis? ? ? Primary precautionSecondary precaution hs-CRP for primary risk evaluation and
26、precaution 1.0 Ratio (cardiac deaths)1.Quart.2.Quart.3.Quart.4.Quart.totalsmokersLH Kuller, Am J Epidemiol 19963.2 mg/L CRP1. RiskmenwomenRidker PM, Circulation 2001Ridker PM, Circulation 2001 Who should take the hs-CRP assay for p
27、rimary risk evaluation and precaution ? everybody undergoing a cardiovascular check-up or a lipid screen for cardiovascular risk assessment is a candidate for hs-CRP testing. what other parameters in combination with hs-CRP? Together with TC:HDL where increased risk starts?low risk 3 mg/L Results an
28、d the meaning?For a reliable result to avoid out-liers due to short term acute phase responses every result 3 mg/L should be confirmed by a second sample (also cholesterol determination is based on two repeated measurements.) CRP results 10 mg/l should be discarded as they are indicative of an acute
29、 disease. hs-CRPfor secondary risk evaluation and precautionOne year event free survival:CRP 3Odds Ratio = 8.6LM Biasucci, Circulation 19991.1234.54201101020304050Negative outcome after 6 months (%)all patientsTnIabnormalTnI normal5 mg/LRJ de Winter, Cadiovasc Res 1999Who should take the hs-CRP assa
30、y for secondary risk evaluation and precaution and when ?Patients with stable ungina-anytime patients with UAP-at the time of chest pain start or overpatients of post MI ( 3 weeks)patients undergoing PTCA pre-proceduralwhat other parameters in combination with hs-CRP? Together with Troponin I or TRe
31、sults and the meaning?CRP 3mg/L predicts increased risk for a combined end point of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, recurrent instability or restenosis after PTCACRP 10mg/L predicts increased risk of death第六节:其他血清酶的检查第六节:其他血清酶的检查ACPT, ACPNPAMYLIPCHE第七节:内分泌激素检测第七节:内分泌激素检测T3, T4, TSH, fT3, fT4PT
32、Hcortisol, aldosterone, 17-OH, 17-KS, ACTHcatecholamines(E,NE,DA), VMA, HMAE2, E3, LH, FSH, PRL, progesterone /testesteronGH, ADH第八节第八节 治疗药物监测治疗药物监测TDM:Theraputic drug monitoring给药方案个体化,提高治疗效果给药方案个体化,提高治疗效果及时诊断和处理药物过量,避免中毒及时诊断和处理药物过量,避免中毒进行临床药代动力学和药效学研究,探讨新的给药方案进行临床药代动力学和药效学研究,探讨新的给药方案节省药物和经费节省药物和经费重点重点