pep人教版四年级英语下册Unit 3单元课件全套Weather(三年级起点).pptx

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1、Unit 3,Weather,pep人教版(三年级起点)四年级英语下册单元优质课件,Unit 3 Weather,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Lets talk Lets play,Lets talk 视频, Lets talk, Lets play,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,Thunder There is thunder. There is thunder. Its roaring.Its roaring. Pitter,patter,rain drops. Pitter,patter,rain drops. Im all wet.Im all

2、 wet.,【巧记】 out(外面) + side(方面;旁边) = outside(在户外),Presentation,/atsaId/,【例句】 Its raining outside. 外面正在下雨。,【反义词】,inside在里面,【巧记】 c + old(年老的;年迈的) = cold(寒冷的;冷的),/kld/,【例句】 Its very cold in winter in Beijing. 北京的冬天很冷。,【用法】be careful 单独使用时,用来提醒他人小心一点。,【例句】 Be careful!The pan is hot! 小心!锅很烫!,/kefl/,【同义词组】

3、watch out,【例句】 The soup is vey hot. 汤很热。,/ht/,【反义词】 cold寒冷的;冷的,游戏时间,Whats missing?,hot,be careful,breakfast,outside,cold,dinner,PE class,lunch,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Its 11:00.,Mum,what time is it?,Have some lunch,Mike.,Lets talk,Can I go outside now?,Yes, you can.,No,you cant.Its cold

4、outside.,Be careful!Its very hot.,OK.Can I have some soup?, Can I go outside now? 现在我能出去吗? No, you cant.不,不行。,重点句型,【句型结构】,Can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?,【肯定回答】,Yes,主语 + can.,【否定回答】,No,主语 + cant.,Can I go swimming now?,Yes, you can./No, you cant.,现在我能去游泳吗?,是的,可以。/不,不行。,No, you cant. Its cold outside.,Can I go

5、 outside?,Lets play,Practice,Ask and answer,Can I have some soup?,Yes, you can.Be careful! Its very hot.,Ask and answer,Can I go outside?,Yes, you can.,一、给下列句子选择恰当的汉语意思。,Test,A.小心! B.外面很冷。 C.喝些牛奶吧。 D.几点了? E.今天天气非常热。 F.我能喝些汤吗?,( )1. What time is it? ( )2. Can I have some soup? ( )3. Have some milk. (

6、 )4. Its very hot today. ( )5. Its cold outside. ( )6 .Be careful!,A,B,E,C,F,D,二、将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。,( )Its 11:40. ( )Whats the time? ( )Yes,you can. ( )Can I go outside now? ( )Well,can I have some lunch? ( )No,you cant.Its very cold.,4,5,3,6,1,2,重点词汇,outside 在户外,be careful 小心,cold 寒冷的,hot 今天,Sum-up,重点句

7、型,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 3 Weather,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Lets learn Lets chant,Lets learn 视频,Lets chant 视频, Lets learn, Lets chant,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,Thunder There is thunder. There is thunder. Its roaring. Its roaring. Pitter,patter, rain drops. Pitter,patter, rain drops. Im all wet. Im

8、all wet.,weather,天气,Presentation,/we(r)/,【例句】,Today the weather is fine. 今天天气很好。,【短语】,weather report 天气预报,warm,温暖的;暖和的,/wm/,【例句】,Its warm in Zhengzhou. 郑州天气暖和。,【巧记】,w + arm(胳膊) = warm(温暖的;暖和的),【反义词】,cool凉的;凉爽的,cool,凉的;凉爽的,/kul/,【例句】,Its cool in autumn. 秋天天气凉爽。,【反义词】,warm 温暖的;暖和的,游戏时间,Bomb Game,outsi

9、de,PE class,hot,be careful,cool,music class,lunch,warm,cold,cool,cool,cool,Lets learn,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets learn,Good morning.This is the weather report.Its warm in Beijing today.,Its warm in Beijing today. 北京今天暖和。,重点句型,【句型结构】,It is + (描述天气状况的)形容词 + 其他.,It is rainy today. 今天有雨。,【例句】,it的用法

10、,(1)指代事物。作为代词, it可以指代一切事物或动物。,拓展,(2)指代人。主要用于指不明性别的婴儿或未知的人。,The baby is cute. I like it.这个婴儿真可爱。我很喜欢他/她。, Whats this/that? 这/那是什么? Its an orange.这/那是一个橙子。,(3)代替某些代词。代词 it 还可用于代替指示代词this、that 以及复合不定代词 something、anything等。,I cant find my bag. Where is it? 我找不到我的包了。它在哪里?,Practice,Its warm in Beijing.,It

11、s cool in Lhasa.,Its cold in Harbin.,Its hot in Hong Kong.,Lets chant,Brrr,its cold. Its cold outside. Put on a hat. cold,bye-bye! Mmm! Its warm. Its warm inside. Take off your shoes. It feels so nice.,Lets chant,啵,天气冷。 外面冷。 戴上帽子。 寒冷,再见! 呣!天气暖和。 屋里暖和。 脱下你的鞋。 感觉真好。,put on,穿上,Presentation,【例句】,Put on

12、your T-shirt! 穿上你的T恤!,【反义词组】,take off 脱掉,take off,脱下,Presentation,【例句】,Take off your jacket! 脱下你的夹克衫!,【拓展】,take off还可以表示“(飞机)起飞”“(事业)腾飞”。,It feels so nice. 感觉真好。,重点句型,The flower smells good. 花闻起来很香。,【例句】,Test,一、看图写单词。,cool,hot,warm,cold,二、情景交际。,( )1.你想告诉对方外边很冷,你可以说:_ A. Its warm outside. B. Its cold

13、 outside. ( )2.你想告诉对方这是天气预报,你可以说:_ A.This is the weather report. B.Whats the weather like? ( )3.你想提醒别人小心些,你可以说:_ A.Its OK. B.Be careful. ( )4.你想告诉别人北京今天很冷,你可以说:_ A.Its warm in Beijing today. B.Its cold in Beijing today.,B,B,A,B,重点词汇,weather 天气,warm 温暖的,cool 凉爽的,Sum-up,重点句型,将新学的单词制成单词卡片, 并出示给朋友看。,Hom

14、ework,Thank you!,Unit 3 Weather,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Lets spell,Lets spell 视频, Lets spell,Warm-up/Revision,Brrr,its cold. Its cold outside. Put on a hat. cold,bye-bye! Mmm! Its warm. Its warm inside. Take off your shoes. It feels so nice.,Lets chant,arm (英) /m/,arm 胳膊,Presentation,car (英) /k (r)/,

15、car 小汽车,card (英) /k d/,card 卡片,ball (英) /b l/,ball 球,tall (英) /t l/,tall 高的,wall (英) /w l/,wall 墙,发音要领:,字母组合“ar”发/音。,发音时,张大嘴巴,舌身后缩,舌尖远离下齿,是长元音,发音时要稍长一些。,小结,发音要领:,字母组合“al”发/音。,发音时舌后部抬起,双唇收圆,并向前突出,是长元音,发音稍长些。,小结,Practice,Draw a ball in a card. Draw a small, small ball. Now draw a car on the card. Draw

16、 a car near a wall.,Read loudly,Lets spell,点击“Lets spell”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Practice,Read, listen and number.,6,2,8,7,4,5,1,3,Look, listen and write.,a_on the tall_,dogs_in_,a_with a_,ball,wall,are,arm,car,card,word relay,arm,card,car,far,farm,ball,tall,wall,word relay,all,fall,call,Test,一、选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同

17、的一项。,( )1. A. nurse B. car C. art ( )2. A. big B. bike C. like ( )3. A. arm B. far C. cat ( )4. A. ball B. nurse C. wall ( )5. A. far B. girl C. card,B,B,C,A,A,二、选择最佳答案。,( )1.Whats the weather like in Hainan? A. Its cold. B. Its hot. ( )2.Is it cold today? A.Yes,it is. B. Yes,its warm. ( )3.Can I we

18、ar my new dress today? A.Yes, I can. B. Yes ,you can. ( )4.What time is it? A.Its a clock. B. Its 11:00. ( )5._some lunch, Mike. A.have B. Have,B,B,B,A,B,发音要领:,字母组合“ar”发/音。,发音时,张大嘴巴,舌身后缩,舌尖远离下齿,是长元音,发音时要稍长一些。,Sum-up,发音要领:,字母组合“al”发/音。,发音时舌后部抬起,双唇收圆,并向前突出,是长元音,发音稍长些。,试着将下列单词读给你的家人听: arm, car, card, f

19、arm, all, ball, tall, wall,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 3 Weather,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part B Lets talk Lets play,Lets talk 视频, Lets talk, Lets play,Warm-up/Revision,Brrr,its cold. Its cold outside. Put on a hat. cold,bye-bye! Mmm! Its warm. Its warm inside. Take of your shoes. It feels so nice.,Lets chant,【

20、例句】 Its rainy.是下雨天。,Presentation,/reIni/,【巧记】rain(雨) + y = rainy(阴雨的; 多雨的),【例句】Today the temperature is 26 degrees. 今天气温是26摄氏度。,/dgri/,【复数】 degrees,游戏时间,Whats missing?,hot,degree,warm,outside,cold,cool,PE class,rainy,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Hi,Mark!Whats the weather like in New York?,Hi,

21、 Chen Jie! This is Mark.,No, it isnt.Its 26 degrees.,Lets talk,Its rainy.How about Beijing?Is it cold?,26 degrees?Thats cold.,Huh?No, its not.Its warm!,Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark. 嗨,陈杰!我是马克。,重点句型一,Hello. This is Amy.,Hi. This is Sarah.,在电话用语中,一般用this来指代自己,而用that来指代对方。,拓展,Whats the weather like in Ne

22、w York? 纽约天气怎么样?,【句型结构】 Whats the weather like + in + 城市名/国名?,重点句型二,【回答】 Its + (描述天气的)形容词.,Whats the weather like in Shenyang?,Its rainy., Is it cold?天气冷吗? No,it isnt.不,不冷。,重点句型三,【句型结构】,【肯定回答】,【否定回答】,Is it + 表示天气的形容词?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,Is it sunny?,Yes, it is.,Lets play,New York 20,London 5,S

23、ydney 30,Toronto 7,Beijing 15,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its cool and rainy.,Lets talk,Practice,Whats the weather like in Sydney?,Its hot and rainy.,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its cold and snowy.,Whats the weather like in New York?,Its cool and windy.,一、写出下列单词的正确形式。,Test,1.warm (反义词)

24、_ 2.cold (反义词)_ 3.lets (完整形式)_ 4.sun (同音词)_ 5.isnt (完整形式)_ 6.its (完整形式)_,cool,hot,let us,son,is not,it is,二、单项选择。,( )1._it cold? No,it isnt. A.Is B. Am C.Are ( )2.This is the_report.Its cold today. A.PE B. weather ( )3. _ about New York? A.Whats B. How C.Where ( )4.Whats the weather _ in Bei

25、jing? A.look B. in ( )5.Its 26 _. A.degrees B. degree,A,B,B,C,A,重点词汇,rainy 阴雨的;多雨的,degree 度;度数,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 3 Weather,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part B Lets learn Lets play,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Lets play,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,Thunder There is thunder. There is th

26、under. Its roaring.Its roaring. Pitter,patter,rain drops. Pitter,patter,rain drops. Im all wet.Im all wet.,world,世界,Presentation,/wld/,【短语】 in the world 在世界上,【例句】 There are a lot of people in the world. 世界上有很多人。,阳光充足的,sunny,/sni/,【巧记】 sun(太阳) + ny = sunny(阳光充足的),【短语】 a sunny day阳光明媚的一天,绿色圃中小学教育网,Let

27、s go out in such a sunny day.多么阳光明媚的一天,我们出去吧。,多风的; 风大的,windy,/wIndi/,【巧记】 wind(风) + y = windy(多风的;风大的),We can fly kites on a windy day. 有风的天气我们可以放风筝。,cloudy,阴天的; 多云的,/kladi/,【巧记】 cloud(云,云朵) + y = cloudy(阴天的;多云的),绿色圃中小学教育网,Its cloudy today. 今天多云。,snowy,下雪(多)的,/sni/,【巧记】 snow(雪) + y = snowy下雪(多)的,绿色圃

28、中小学教育网,Its snowy outside.外面在下雪。,游戏时间,Bomb Game,snowy,rainy,hot,windy,hot,sunny,cloudy,world,cold,cool,hot,cool,hot,Lets learn,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets learn,Its cool and rainy. 天气凉爽且有雨。,重点句型,【句型结构】,Its + (描述天气的)形容词 + 其他.,【例句】,Its rainy in Beijing. 北京是下雨天。,Its cold and snowy in Kunming.,No,its

29、 warm in Kunming now.,Ask and answer,Practice,Its hot and sunny in Qingdao.,No,its cloudy in Qingdao.,Ask and answer,Its rainy in Shanghai.,Yes,it is.,Ask and answer,Its cloudy in Guiyang.,No,its rainy in Guiyang.,一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。,Test,( )1. A. great B. nice C. fly ( )2. A. English B. PE C. wet ( )3

30、. A. short B. shirt C. skirt ( )4. A. cat B. hot C. warm ( )5. A. rainy B. wind C. snowy,B,A,A,C,C,二、连词成句。,1. like, Whats, weather, today, the(?) _ 2. sunny, its, and, warm(.) _ 3.26, its, degrees (.) _ 4.London, its, in, rainy (.) _ 5. water, the, warm, is (.) _,Whats the weather like today?,Its su

31、nny and warm.,Its 26 degrees.,Its rainy in London.,The water is warm.,重点词汇,sunny 阳光充足的,windy 多风的; 风大的,snowy 下雪的,cloudy 阴天的;多云的,Sum-up,world 世界,重点句型,将新学的天气类单词制做一张天气预报手抄报。,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 3 Weather,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part B Read and write Lets check Lets sing, Lets sing, Lets check, Read and wri

32、te,Lets sing 视频,Lets check 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Brrr,its cold. Its cold outside. Put on a hat. cold,bye-bye! Mmm! Its warm. Its warm inside. Take of your shoes. It feels so nice.,Lets chant,Presentation,Read and write,嗨,约翰! 你好吗?我现在在悉尼。太棒了!这里炎热晴朗。水很暖和。我可以在户外游泳。北京天气凉爽多风吗?你能放风筝吗? 爱你的, 爸爸 1.悉尼天气怎么样? 2.悉尼

33、的水凉吗? 3.约翰的爸爸可以在户外游泳吗?,Read and write,1.Its hot and sunny. 2.No, it isnt. 3.Yes, he can.,Look and write.,Is it sunny? Yes,it is.No,it isnt.,Is it windy?,Look outside!,Lets check,点击“Lets check”,跟我一起做练习吧!,视 频,cold,cool,hot,warm,sunny,rainy,windy,cloudy,snowy,Look and match.,Lets sing,Thunder There is

34、thunder. There is thunder. Its roaring.Its roaring. Pitter,patter,rain drops. Pitter,patter,rain drops. Im all wet.Im all wet.,Lets sing,雷 打雷了。打雷了。 在轰鸣。在轰鸣。 噼,啪,雨落下来了。 噼,啪,雨落下来了。 我全身都湿了。我全身都湿了。,great,非常好的,【巧记】,gr + eat(吃) = great(非常好的),【例句】,The weather here is great. 这里的天气非常好。,fly,放(风筝等),/flaI/,【例句】

35、,Can you fly a kite? 你会放风筝吗?,【短语】,fly a kite = fly kites放风筝,wet,湿的,【例句】,Her face was wet with tears.她满脸泪水。,【短语】,wet clothes 湿衣服,There is thunder. 打雷了。,重点句型,There is a bird in the tree.树上有一只鸟。,【例句】,【句型结构】There + be动词(is/are) + 主语 + 其他.,there be 结构的句型转换,【否定句句型结构】 There + be动词(is/are) + not(+ any) + 其他

36、.,拓展,There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。,【例句】,【肯定句句型结构】There + be动词(is/are) + 主语 + 其他.,【一般疑问句句型结构】 Be动词(Is/Are) + there + 其他?,拓展, Are there two cats in the tree? 树上有两只猫吗? Yes, there are./No, there arent. 是的, 有。/不, 没有。,【例句】,【肯定回答】 Yes, there + be动词(is/are). 【否定回答】 No, there + be动词(is/are) + not.,Let

37、s sing,点击“Lets sing”,跟我一起唱吧!,视 频,Test,一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。,( )1. A. Sydney B.Beijing ( )2. A. sunny B.rainy C.kite ( )3. A. today B.cloudy C.windy ( )4. A. hot C.warm ( )5. A. swim C.and,C,B,A,C,C,二、选择正确的答案。,( )1. _time is it? Its nine oclock. A. How B. Where C. What ( )2. _is t

38、he lunch room? Its_ the second floor. A. How; in B. Where; on C.What; at ( )3. Whats the weather like_Beijing? A. in B. at C. on ( )4. There_two cats in the room. A. is B. am C. are ( )5. What _? They are jeans. A. are they B. they are C. is it,A,C,A,B,C,重点词汇,great 非常好的,fly 放(风筝等),wet 湿的,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,1.复习本单元重点单词和句型。 2.把今天学习的歌曲唱给家长听。,Thank you!,


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