Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and thinking ppt课件(含素材)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.rar

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  • Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading and thinking ppt课件(含素材)_2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册
    • Answers.ppt--点击预览
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    • Key language points.doc--点击预览
    • Retell.ppt--点击预览


While-reading 答案Check the answers Before the earthquake:1.For three days:1).water in the village wells rose and fell 2).well walls developed deep cracks 3).a smelly gas came out of the cracks 4).mice ran out of the fields 5).fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds.2.At about 3:00 am on July 28,1976:1).bright lights appeared in the sky 2).the sound of planes could be heard although there were no planes 3).some water pipes burst Well Animals Sky Water rose and fellChickens and pigs didnt eatBright lights were seen Deep cracks appeared in the wallDogs refused to go inside buildingsLoud noises were heardSmelly gas came outMice ran out looking for places to hideFish jumped out of the waterDuring the earthquake:1.At 3:42 am on July 28,1976:1).everything began to shake 2).huge cracks appeared in the roads 3).steam burst from holes in the ground 4).rock turned into rivers of dirt 5).75%buildings and 90%of homes were gone 6).more than 400,000 people killed or injured2.Afternoon of July 28,1976:1).a second quake almost as strong as the first one 2).more damage to buildings and rescuers After the quake:1.Events:1.the army arrived to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead 2.doctors and nurses came to provide medical care 3.workers built shelters built for survivors 3.water and food were brought into the city by train,truck and plane 2.Psychologically:They need comforting words because they may lose their family,their houses and kind of these things.Materially:They need food,clothes water and accommodation.Tangshan started to revive itself and get back up on its feet.Indoors Dont be nervous and keep calm.Dont try to run out of the classroom.Protect your head by putting your bag on your head.Sit down under your desk.Leave the classroom after the earthquake.Outdoors:Squatted on bare land蹲在空旷地蹲在空旷地Dont do this:Key language points in the passagePara1:L1 in the countryside 在乡下L2 rose and fell 升降 rise-rose-risen fall-fell-fallen There were deep cracks that(引定做主,修饰引定做主,修饰 cracks)appeared in the well walls.L3 at least 至少smelly gas 臭气 L4 too.to 太.而不能.refuse to do sth.拒绝做 run out of 跑出L5 looking for places to hide 做伴随状语 L8 be asleep 沉睡 as usual 像往常一样Para2:L1 as if 好像 come to an end 结束,完结L2 directly 直接地 L5 cut across 径直穿过L6 dirt 泥土,灰尘 in ruins 严重受损Two thirds(三分之二)of the people who(引定做主语,修饰 people)lived there were dead or injured.L7 thousands of 成千上万的 the number of.的数量 The number of people who(引定做主语,修饰 people)were killed or badly injured in the quake was more than 400,000.Para3:L1 nothing but 只有,除了都没有 L4 blow away 吹走 Most bridges had fallen or were not safe to cross.主语+系动词+表语+to do 结构 表被动L5 railway track 铁轨 tens of thousands hundreds of thousands 成千上万L7 in shock 处于极度震惊 L8 even more 更多的L9 People began to wonder how long(引导宾语从句)the disaster would last.Para4:L1 Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who(引定做主语,修饰 those)were trapped and to bury the dead.挖掘L3 Workers built shelters for survivors whose(引定做定语,修饰 survivors)homes had been destroyed.Medical care 医疗护理L4 hundreds of thousands of 数十万 Para5:L1 Tangshan started to revive itself and get back up on its feet.唐山开始复苏重新站起来了。重新振作L2 tireless 不知疲倦的L4 Tangshan city has proved to China and the rest of the world that in times of(在.的时候)disaster,people must unify and show the wisdom to stay positive(保持积极的心态)and rebuild for a bright future.warning signs before the earthquake 2.animals(the chickens and pigs/dogs/mice/fish)1.the water in the wells./the well walls.smelly gas3.3:00 p.m.on July 1976,bright lights in the sky4.loud noises1 Para 1:Strange things were happeningThe immediate effects of the earthquake Para 2:Everything began to shake.One third of the nationOne of the most deadly earthquakesCaused damage in BeijingA huge crackHard hills of rocksThe city lay in ruinsHouses,roads and waterwaysTwo thirds of people who lived thereThousands of childrenMore than 40000 Para 3:Everywhere survivors looked,there was nothing but ruins.factories,buildings,homes and hospitals bricks most of bridges,railway tracks cows,pigs,chickens even more buildings water,food and electricityThe ruined city after the earth-quakeAnother big quake150000 soldiers More than 10000 doctors and nursesWorkersThe rescue work after the earthquake:Para 4:Bur hope was not lost.Water,food,and electricityTrain,truck,and planeThe city began to breathe again.Hundreds of thousands of peopleThe Tangshan Earthquakebefore the earthquakeduring the earthquakeafter the earthquakethe signsthe damagethe rescuethe water the well walls the chickens the pigs mice fish bright lights the sound of planes the water pipes hospitals,factories,buildings and homes,bricks,dams,bridges,railway tracks,cows,pigs,chickens,rescue workers,doctors,water,food and electricitythe army sent The army organized teams to dig out Miners were rescued Workers built shelters Fresh water was taken to
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