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1、家家长长会会六年级一班六年级一班It is a long established fact that a reader will be0101It is a long established fact that a reader will be0202It is a long established fact that a reader will be0303It is a long established fact that a reader will be0404目目录录第第一一部部分分Contrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply

2、 random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsIt is a long established fact that a reade

3、r will bedistracted by the readable content of apage when looking at its layout0101It is a long established fact that a reader will bedistracted by the readable content of apage when looking at its layout0202It is a long established fact that a reader will bedistracted by the readable content of apa

4、ge when looking at its layout0303Contrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin lite

5、rature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 years第第二二部部分分Contrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of cl

6、assical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsThere are many variations of passages of LoremIpsum available,but the majority have sufferedalteration in some form,by injected humour,orEffective systemThere are many variations of passages of LoremIpsum available,but the majority have su

7、fferedalteration in some form,by injected humour,orIntuitive controls第第三三部部分分It is a long established fact that a reader will bedistracted by the readable content of apage when looking at its layout0101It is a long established fact that a reader will bedistracted by the readable content of apage whe

8、n looking at its layout0202It is a long established fact that a reader will bedistracted by the readable content of apage when looking at its layout0303Contrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000

9、 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it

10、over 2000 yearsold.McClintock,a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia第第四四部部分分Contrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsold.McClintock,a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney Co

11、llege in VirginiaThere are many variations of passages of LoremIpsum available,but the majority have sufferedalteration in some form,by injected humour,orEffective systemThere are many variations of passages of LoremIpsum available,but the majority have sufferedalteration in some form,by injected hu

12、mour,orIntuitive controlsThere are many variations of passages of LoremIpsum available,but the majority have sufferedalteration in some form,by injected humour,orEffective systemContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature fro

13、m 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsold.McClintock,a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in VirginiaContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is n

14、ot simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ip

15、sum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 yearsContrary to popular belief,Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.It has rootsin a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,making it over 2000 years下下课课啦啦六年级一班六年级一班 第第2课课 古古代代

16、两两河河流流域域地理位置:亚洲西部两条河流:幼幼发发拉拉底底河河和和底底格格里里斯斯河河 气候特点:干旱少雨一、古代两河流域文明一、古代两河流域文明文文明明历历程程文文明明的的奠奠基基者:者:苏苏美美尔尔人人国国家家的的建建立:立:公公元元前前3500年年出出现现很很多多小小国。国。公公元元前前2400年年两两河河流流域域初初步步统统一一在在后后来来的的1800多多年年里,里,两两河河流流域域几几度度统统一,一,也也屡屡遭遭外外族族入入侵侵和和内内部部战战乱。乱。公公元元前前1595年,年,古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国国被被外外族族所所灭。灭。强强盛盛时时期:期:公公元元前前18世世纪纪汉汉谟谟拉拉

17、比比统统一,一,建建立立了了强强大大的的奴奴隶隶制制国国家。家。定定都都巴巴比比伦伦城城 二二、古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国国:1、时时间间:公公元元前前18世世纪纪 2、人人物物:汉汉谟谟拉拉比比 3、建建立立的的国国家家:古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国国4、汉汉谟谟拉拉比比实实行行君君主主专专制制制制度度,加加强强中中央央集集权权,还还制制定定了了一一部部较较为为系系统统和和完完善善的的法法典典。使使古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国国达达到到鼎鼎盛盛时时期期。三、三、汉汉谟谟拉拉比比法法典:典:法法典典内内容:容:汉汉谟谟拉拉比比法法典典原原文文刻刻在在一一段段高高2.25米,米,上上周周长长1.65米,米,底底



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