Unit 3 Reading for writing (ppt课件) (4)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、 3 Sports and FitnessPeriod 4 Reading for writing To read and talk about the story of Kayla.To study the organisation and language features of the passage.To learn to write a paragraph by using comparision and contrast.用反意疑问句补全句子。用反意疑问句补全句子。1.No one wants to leave,_?2.You must read more books next t

2、erm,_?3.Lets talk about your son now,_?4.I dont think youve heard of this concept before,_?5.People should make the best of what theyve learnt,_?6.T h e r e h a v e b e e n s o m e t e r r i b l e s c e n e s o n television,_?do theymustnt youshall wehave youPart1:Review 复习复习shouldnt theyhavent ther

3、e1.1.看起来像看起来像2.2.即使,虽然即使,虽然3.3.有作用或影响有作用或影响4.4.而不是而不是5.5.俯卧撑俯卧撑6.6.停止做停止做/剪下剪下7.7.有时,偶尔有时,偶尔8.8.把把.与与.作比较作比较9.9.列一个列一个.清单清单Part2:Preview 预习1.look like2.even though3.make a difference4.rather than5.push-up6.cut out7.now and pare.with/to9.make a list ofPart 3:Lead in 导入Write a page for your class well

4、ness book.Having a healthy dietworking outbeing positiverelieving stressHealth and fitness How do you keep fit?List different ways of getting fit.Reading for WritingA wellness book is a book in which a group of people exchange ideas about health and fitness.You are encouraged to write an article sha

5、ring your ideas involving how to keep healthy physically and mentally.Whenever you have any question on wellness,you can ask for help by setting down your question in the book.What do you want to share in your class wellness book?Reading for Writing1.She was worried about her weight.2.It means she n

6、early went crazy because she was so worried,and tired various methods.3.An article that said instead of asking“Am I fat?”people should be asking“AmI fit?”Part 4:New lessonA sample article in a wellness bookPart 1:The starterGOING POSITTVE 积极乐观积极乐观I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV eve

7、n though l knew that it was impossible.I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online.I tried no-fat,low-fat,5:2,only bananas,no bananas I almost went bananas,too.In the starter,you should state your topic and situation.我一直想长得像在电视上的苗条女孩,尽管我知道这是我一直想长得像在电视上的苗条女孩,尽管我知道这是不可能的。我担心

8、我的体重,尝试了我在网上读到的每不可能的。我担心我的体重,尝试了我在网上读到的每一种新的饮食。我试过无脂肪、低脂肪、一种新的饮食。我试过无脂肪、低脂肪、5 5:2 2饮食法、饮食法、只吃香蕉、不吃香蕉只吃香蕉、不吃香蕉(最后)我几近疯狂。(最后)我几近疯狂。Then I read an article that said instead of askingAm l fat?I should be askingAm I fit?I had no idea a letter could make such a difference!Once I started thinking about fin

9、ess rather than weight,things began to change.Instead of saying I want to lose three kilos,I would say I want to run two kilometres in eight minutes or“I want to be able to do 30 push-ups”.Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to my meals.I could still have a burger now a

10、nd then,but I would add a salad or an apple.A sample article in a wellness bookPart 2:The reason&changes What made you change and how you changed.后来我读到一篇文章,上面写道:不是问后来我读到一篇文章,上面写道:不是问“我胖吗?我胖吗?”我应该问我应该问“我健康吗?我健康吗?”“”“我不知道一封信能有这么大的影响!我不知道一封信能有这么大的影响!”一旦我一旦我开始思考健康而不是体重,情况就开始发生变化。我不说开始思考健康而不是体重,情况就开始发生变化

11、。我不说“我想减我想减掉掉3 3公斤公斤”,而是说,而是说“我要在八分钟内跑两公里我要在八分钟内跑两公里”或者或者“我希望能我希望能做做3030个俯卧撑个俯卧撑”。我并没有完全不吃我很喜欢的食物,而是在食物。我并没有完全不吃我很喜欢的食物,而是在食物中增加了健康食品。我仍然偶尔会吃一个汉堡,但我会添加一个沙中增加了健康食品。我仍然偶尔会吃一个汉堡,但我会添加一个沙拉或者一个苹果。拉或者一个苹果。A sample article in a wellness bookPart 2:The reason&changes What made you change and how you changed

12、.Reading for WritingA sample article in a wellness bookPart 3:The resultsFinally I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.Instead,I made a list of the things I liked about myself.By being positve about myself and my body,I becam

13、e both happier and healthier.How the changes have improved your life最后,我不再拿自己与女演员和模特比较,不再寻找我的脸最后,我不再拿自己与女演员和模特比较,不再寻找我的脸上或身体上的缺陷。相反,我列了一张我喜欢自己的清单。上或身体上的缺陷。相反,我列了一张我喜欢自己的清单。通过对我自己和我的身体持有积极乐观的态度,我变得更快通过对我自己和我的身体持有积极乐观的态度,我变得更快乐、更健康。乐、更健康。Part 5:Practise1.If you want to lose weight,Its high time that y

14、ou should go _a diet.2.-Wow!Jane,youre slim again.-Yes.I have been _a special diet these days.3.Facing up to your problems rather than _(run)away from them is the best approach to working things out.4.I prefer to stay at home all night rather than _(watch)TV programs.ononrunningwatch5.与其他运动员相比,她很幸运被

15、选入国家队。_ other players,she was lucky enough to be chosen to the national team.6.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。Shakwspeare _ a stage.Compared with/tocompared the world toReading for WritingA page in a wellness book includes:开头:陈述你的话题,过去的情况就用过去式主体:改变的原因以及具体的变化结尾:改变后的结果给你带来了什么或将会给你带来什么Reading for WritingThe language feat

16、ures语言特色2.有关“相似”的表达:like,similarly,similar to,the same as,have sth in common with sb,both.and.有关“改变,不同”的短语:other than,rather than,instead of,different from,however,though/even though,instead3.当你描述某个事物或人,可运用定语从句等高级句型。1.时态:过去的情况现在的改变带来的结果Reading for WritingChoose one of the following questions and wri

17、te a page for your class wellness book.3124Reading for WritingExercise What can you do to make exercise like jogging more enjoyable?Having an exercise partner makes jogging more enjoyableI know how hugely important exercise is to our general wellness.So I used to do some jogging every day.However,I

18、found such exercise became boring gradually and even a chore.I was not as enthusiastic as before.I once wanted to give up.Then I felt it necessary to find a way to make exercise more enjoyable again.我知道锻炼对我们的健康有多重要。所以我过去每天都我知道锻炼对我们的健康有多重要。所以我过去每天都慢跑慢跑。然而然而,我发我发现这样的锻炼渐渐变得无聊,甚至成为一件苦差事。现这样的锻炼渐渐变得无聊,甚至成

19、为一件苦差事。我不像以前那样热情我不像以前那样热情了。我曾经想放弃。然后我觉得有必要找到一种方法让锻炼变得更加愉快。了。我曾经想放弃。然后我觉得有必要找到一种方法让锻炼变得更加愉快。Topicthe past tensePart 1:The starterTo give up halfway is never what I want.I turned to one of my best friends and he recommended that I find an exercise partner.I followed his suggestion and managed to have

20、my classmate Jim as my exercise partner because he wanted to lose weight.Instead of running alone,I began to do the jogging with Jim.We encouraged each other rather than felt lonely.We sometimes competed with each other,which made the workout more fun.半途而废从来不是我想要的。我求助于我最好的朋友之一,半途而废从来不是我想要的。我求助于我最好的朋

21、友之一,他建议我找一他建议我找一个锻炼伙伴个锻炼伙伴。我听从了他的建议,设法让我的同学吉姆成为我的锻炼伙伴,我听从了他的建议,设法让我的同学吉姆成为我的锻炼伙伴,因为他想减肥。因为他想减肥。我不再独自跑步,而是开始和吉姆一起慢跑。我们互相鼓我不再独自跑步,而是开始和吉姆一起慢跑。我们互相鼓励,而不是感到孤独。励,而不是感到孤独。我们有时互相竞争,这使锻炼更加有趣。我们有时互相竞争,这使锻炼更加有趣。Part 2:The reason&changes the past tenseReading for WritingHaving an exercise partner makes a huge

22、difference to the overall experience,so it is completely worthwhile.The most obvious benefit is that it makes the whole experience more fun.Exercising with Jim made the workout that I almost gave up more enjoyable.We both enjoyed a little competition,which helped to make it more fun too.有一个锻炼伙伴对整体体验

23、有很大的影响,所以这是完全值得的。有一个锻炼伙伴对整体体验有很大的影响,所以这是完全值得的。最最明显的好处是它让整个体验更加有趣。明显的好处是它让整个体验更加有趣。和吉姆一起锻炼使我几乎放弃和吉姆一起锻炼使我几乎放弃的锻炼变得更加愉快。的锻炼变得更加愉快。我们都喜欢一点点竞争,这也让锻炼变得更有我们都喜欢一点点竞争,这也让锻炼变得更有趣。趣。Part 3:The resultsthe past tensepractice请以“My Favorite Sport”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:1.介绍你最喜欢的运动;2.说明你喜欢这项运动的原因;注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文

24、连贯。作文素材描述自己最喜欢的运动:描述自己最喜欢的运动:There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy,such as.However,my favorite sport is.描述喜欢的原因:描述喜欢的原因:The key reason I prefer it is that.词汇:词汇:not only.but also.I dont think so at the same time同时同时pick up捡起捡起,拾起拾起 show interest in/be interested inbuild up our bodies强身健体强身健体 c

25、ooperate with each other互相合作互相合作高级句:高级句:定语从句定语从句,宾语从句宾语从句范文范文:My Favorite SportWhen it comes to my favorite sport,what Id like to say is that I like swimming best.I was often taken to a pool to practice swimming by my mother when I was young.Whenever I saw my mother dive into潜潜入入 the swimming pool,I couldnt help following her bravely.Gradually,I became interested in swimming.Swimming serves as可用作可用作 a good way to relax myself.Whats more,I become stronger and stronger because of the frequent频繁的频繁的 swimmingI find so much fun from swimming and it greatly enriches丰富丰富 my life.


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